Submissive Beauty (29 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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Their rough breaths panted in sync as they grappled to recover. If he were a smart man, he’d get up and go into the bathroom, give them the time they needed to put some distance around what happened, but apparently, he wasn’t feeling too smart. Instead, he focused on her racing pulse and the sticky heat surrounding them. He’d always loved the aftermath of sex, that sense of satisfaction not only in pleasure but in the woman’s acceptance of his domination and her gift of submission.

This was that and so much more. Words he’d thought he’d never voice again sat on the tip of his tongue that. Not until he got all the way inside her could he allow himself to pull out and examine the true depth of feelings for the soft, feminine body underneath him.

He looked into her eyes and caught a glimpse of similar turmoil before he kissed it away with a soft press of lips to her eyes, nose, chin and, finally, her lips.

“Thank you, Thomas.” The hoarse whisper of her words caressed his cooling skin.

He grabbed the leg she had wrapped around his hip and rolled them to their sides while staying joined with her. He couldn’t bear to not be inside her yet. He wanted her as close as possible so she could feel his ownership and need. She tucked her head into his shoulder when his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close.

“Rest, my beauty. You’re going to need it.” He smiled into her hair and waited the long minutes it took until her breathing evened into the deep rhythm of sleep.

Yes, tomorrow, we will know one way or another where this is going.





Chapter Nineteen



Gabby woke to the scent of a warm male body wrapped around her from both sides. Not only was Thomas still holding her tight in his arms, David had joined them some time during the night and now sandwiched her tightly between them. A smile flitted across her face at the image they must present like this. She wished she could have a picture of this for her desk. What a perfect reminder at any given moment of what she had to be thankful for the most.

But as much as she liked this position, the call of nature had woken her from a deep sleep, and she needed to move. She shifted her leg from under Thomas as slowly as possible, hoping not to disturb him.

“I take it you’re awake,” David whispered at her ear.

She nodded without uttering a word, keeping her eyes on Thomas and his sleeping form. He looked so relaxed lying there, so carefree. Very unlike the man he was when awake. He always carried the look of a man who wore the weight of the world on his shoulders—another reason she’d not wanted to drag them into her personal mess.

A fresh pang of guilt swept through her at the memory of the ruined night when her secrets had been revealed. It had seemed like no big deal to not mention it, but hindsight being 20/20, she could see that this path she had chosen to journey with them carried a different set of rules and an entirely new outlook on her role.

Thomas and David’s intentions to be aware of and care for her wellbeing at all times filled her with a sense of awe and appreciation far more than she’d expected. She pressed her nose closer to Thomas’s chest until the fine sprinkling of hair tickled her face. She could certainly get used to waking up like this.

Last night with him had been the most tender bout of lovemaking she’d ever experienced, and it had taken every ounce of her restraint not to tell him how she felt. That she wanted him. His insistence in caring for her even when she knew he’d still felt the sting of disappointment carried more weight with her than all the words he could have said in a week.

“I need to pee,” she whispered over her shoulder.

A soft rumbling laugh vibrated through her back until she too giggled. Thomas stretched and rolled enough to allow her passage.

“Hurry up and come back,” he murmured.

A warm hand squeezed her ass cheek, and David moved to give her room as well. She scrambled from the bed and rushed into the bathroom to take care of business.

She hurried in the bathroom, anxious to get back to her men as quickly as she could. Without being snuggled between them, the cool air chilled her skin. Standing at the edge of her bed contemplating which way to jump, her stomach rumbled loudly.

“I take it you’re hungry.” David laughed.

“Just a little.”

Thomas rolled onto his back and scrubbed his face. Gabby nearly swallowed her tongue at the sight. Tanned skin pulled taut over well-defined muscles that flexed as he moved his arms. A flat stomach with that telltale trail of hair that led to a small thatch of dark brown curls surrounding his impressive cock. And what a cock it was this morning. Long, thick and hard as a rock.

Thoughts of breakfast gave way to darker, sexier images of what she could do with his erection. Or more along the lines of what he could do with it. Her sex squeezed with a sudden anticipation. She could feel moisture readying her for anything they wanted from her this morning.

“Ah, darling, you better quit looking at him like you want to eat him, or we’ll end up in this bed all day long.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

Thomas looked sharply in her direction, heat and something else in his eyes. “No, baby, that is never a bad thing. But first things first, right David?”

David looked a little disappointed, but he acquiesced. “Yeah, the least we could do is feed you to pump up your energy before we ravish you.”

They both moved from the bed at the same time, and she was torn between looking at them. Both were perfect male specimens in their own right despite their many differences. Just looking at them reminded her it was time to renew her gym membership.

“You’re doing it again.”

She blinked a few times to get her bearings back.

“Doing what?” she asked innocently.

“That look of longing in your eyes is doing nothing to make this go down.” David pointed at his erection, which he aimed in her direction.

“I would be happy to take care of that for you.”

David hopefully looked in Thomas’s direction.

“Let’s go into the kitchen, and she can take care of you while we talk and cook. I’m anxious to hear how things went last night. I assume since you made it to bed at some point, you’ve got things under control.”

“I do.” David and Thomas reached for their pants and put them on in unison.

Gabby looked wistfully at her robe lying on the floor, but Thomas moved in and cupped her chin, turning her head to face him. He kissed her on the mouth, a combination good morning and “I’d like to devour you” kind of touch.

“You won’t be needing that robe anytime soon. In fact, the same rules apply here as at my house as long as we are staying here, okay?”


“No, no buts. We won’t allow any action to harm you or embarrass you. In fact this morning, I want your head thinking long and hard about that trust issue we have.”

“I trust—”

“No, you don’t. Not fully. But you will soon or this won’t work.” He released her chin and strode from the room.

Tears threatened, and Gabby’s stomach flip-flopped at the hidden meaning in his words. Would he be leaving her if she couldn’t prove that trust?
Well, duh, Gabby, of course he will.

“Don’t look so worried, beautiful. Trust means everything to Thomas, and he wants yours, as do I. So what happens next in this relationship is completely up to you.”

She opened her mouth to respond, to plead, and he covered her mouth with his. Warm lips nibbled against hers until his tongue probed at the seam willing her to allow him in. It was her turn to give in, to stop talking and feel. His tongue brushed hers, tangled and twirled around her mouth until she moaned with the pleasure of it. Hands reached for her hips and pulled her the hard length of him, straining against his jeans.

When he pulled free from her mouth, regret was written all over his face. She couldn’t wait to take that look away, to see him writhing in pleasure when she begged for his cum. And she was prepared to beg if that’s what it took.

“Let’s go before Thomas comes back in here looking for us.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him giving her a chance to admire the lean lines of his back. There was a long, jagged looking scar at his side, and she wondered how he’d gotten it. She’d have to remember to ask him about that later.

“About time.” Thomas sounded gruff, but the smile in his eyes erased any ill feelings.

He’d already found his way around her kitchen and had eggs, bacon and bread lying on the counter. Two of her pans were heating on the gas-powered stove.

“I hope eggs and bacon are okay.”

“Are you kidding? That sounds delicious.”

Thomas turned back to the stove and added a dollop of butter to the hot pan, making it sizzle and burn. It reminded her of how they made her feel every time they put their hands on her. Completely pleasurable but so intense she thought she might die from the inside out.

David took a seat on one of the stools and pulled her into his lap so that she sat with her back to his chest and they could both watch Thomas cook for them.

His hands immediately cupped her breasts and rolled her puckered nipples between his fingers. So that was how it was going to be. He’d tease and torture her until they were good and ready for her.

“Update me on last night.” Thomas cracked the first egg with one hand and deftly dropped it into the prepared pan.

“As soon as I took up a post in the corner of the garden, I got on the phone and contacted two of my guys. One who would compile a complete dossier on one Scott Graham and the other to locate the target and report on his whereabouts.”

David didn’t pause for a second in his exploration of her body while he spoke. Gabby fought against the distraction to pay attention to what he said.

“Neither took very long. Not only are my guys the best at what they do, but your Scott is a pretty easy mark.”

“He’s not my Scott.” Immediately, she regretted the sarcasm.

“No, he’s not, and I’m glad to hear you say that,” David said roughly. He stood from the stool and picked her up with him, depositing her on her feet in front of him. He grabbed her arms and turned her to face him.

“You belong to me and to Thomas. Is that still what you want?” Gone were the easy smiles and the happy eyes, replaced with an intensity she’d not seen from David but on the rarest of occasions. “I know, Gabrielle. But I’m afraid you’ve hit my trigger, as well. Which has nothing to do with Scott and everything to do with your faith. I need your faith, baby.”

She nodded, holding herself completely still.

“On your knees, Gabrielle,” David commanded.

This time, there was no hesitation. In fact, there was nowhere she’d rather be. She’d do anything to show these men how much she cared for them and loved serving them.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard bacon sizzling in the pan behind her, and Thomas cooking their breakfast.

“Take out my dick, and suck me. Ease me.”

Her pussy clenched at the tone of his voice giving her orders and tinged with a clear need. He needed
. She lifted her hands and fumbled with the button and zipper of his jeans until she had them open. Eagerly, she pushed her hands inside and around his hips to his ass. His hands went to her shoulders where he grasped her tightly. She gave one tight squeeze to his cheeks before pushing the denim down below his thighs. That glorious cock of his sprang forward and bounced against her lips.

“I like seeing you like this. Eager and willing. But no teasing,” he warned. “I’m too far beyond that this time.”

With one hand, she cupped his sac, and the other wrapped around the base of his shaft. He pulsed in her hand, a groan close behind.

“You know, I’m glad that our beauty is taking care of you, David, but I still want to hear the rest of the details about last night.” Thomas spoke behind her, and she nearly burst out laughing. “Gabrielle, no one told you to stop. So keep going while David finishes filling me in.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured against David’s weeping tip.

Both hands increased their pressure as she opened her mouth wide and engulfed the head. Her tongue lapped at the slit, licking up every drop of his salty pre-cum. God, she loved the taste of him.

With slow precision she moved her mouth down the shaft one inch at a time until the swollen tip pressed at the back of her throat, threatening her gag reflex. Her tongue bathed every inch it could reach, paying particular attention to the sensitive veins along the underside.

The hand resting on her shoulder tightened, pressing into her skin. She loved that she had this kind of an effect on him. She liked the idea of making him crazy, of his dick swelling to the point he couldn’t hold back no matter what he did and him releasing into her mouth. She needed that. Needed to know that she still gave him the satisfaction he craved.

On her knees giving him pleasure created a sexuality for her so deep, so dark, it made her want so much more. She craved the scene she’d missed out on last night. Regretted that she’d not considered the consequences of her actions. She should have warned herself that being in a training situation with two Doms, learning how to become the submissive they needed, would be addictive. But it was too late for that now.

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