Read Sucker Punched Online

Authors: Martin,Kelley R.

Tags: #contemporary romance, #new release, #Romantic Comedy, #tattoo romance, #New Adult & College, #steamy romance, #alpha male romance, #angsty romance, #New Adult

Sucker Punched (17 page)

BOOK: Sucker Punched
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My mouth flops open as I sit here, soapy and naked. All I can come up with is a measly, “That was different,” as my already pink skin turns a deeper shade of red.

The side of his mouth tilts up into a wickedly sexy and incredibly cocky grin. “I’ve seen your asshole, sweetheart. It’s a little late for modesty.”

I’m blushing so hard my skin is practically maroon as I groan and squeeze my eyes shut, like that can make this moment disappear. “God,
do you have to bring that up?”

“Because I love the way it makes you blush.”

I glare at him as he prepares to take a drink, the corners of his mouth curving behind the bottle. I hate him, and I especially hate how yummy he looks right now, all dirty and sweaty. It’s very confusing. My head is telling me to kill him, but my vagina is telling me to tackle him to the floor and sit on his face so he can’t talk anymore. 

Either way, they’re in agreement—Blake needs to shut the hell up.

He swallows, growing sincere. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, you know. You have a beautiful asshole.”

My lips purse as I try to keep from smiling, but I just can’t do it. “I’m
at a beautiful asshole.”

He places his hand over his heart, like I’ve mortally offended him, but he’s grinning.

It distracts me for way longer than it should, until I remember that I’m still naked and he’s still in here. “Seriously, get out. This is all kinds of inappropriate.”

“Says who?” Blake frowns as he takes another swig.

would say that. You don’t watch your roommate take a bath, Blake. It’s roommate one-oh-one.”

His eyebrow cocks suggestively. “I’ve watched you do a lot more than just take a bath, Duchess.”

“Again, thanks for the reminder. It’s not at all creepy while I’m sitting here naked and exposed.”

“Do you want me to get naked too? Will it make you feel better if I expose myself?”

A laugh splutters out of me as he sets his beer on the countertop and starts to lift up the hem of his shirt. “You can’t be serious.”

But he is. His shirt lands on the floor next to my pile of clothes.

Oh, God, not the abs. His abs are my kryptonite. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting in the tub with you.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “It levels the playing field.”

” I practically shriek the word.

“Because now you’re gonna be watching
take a bath.”

I roll my eyes at his smug grin and stupid logic. But really, as Blake’s so eloquently pointed out, he’s already seen literally every square inch of my most embarrassing body parts. Taking a bath with him seems small in comparison, especially since all my naughty bits are obscured.

My eyes are glued to him as he unbuttons his jeans and pushes everything down his hips. His clothes hit the floor the same time as my jaw. 

Holy shit, he really did it. He’s naked.

I take him in, my mouth growing dry at the sight of all those hard muscles and taut skin. And that
. . .

Fuck me sideways, I was
sure I was remembering it with rose-colored glasses, but no. It’s just as magnificent as I remember, and way more impressive than any of my silicone boyfriends. 

Good God, this man could make a
if he allowed some dildo company to make a mold of his cock.

“Who’s watching who now, Duchess?”

Blake’s smug tone makes my skin heat and I immediately look away, but not because he caught me ogling. 

I looked away because he’s growing hard.

My heart’s thudding in my ears as I swallow, steadfastly looking at the steam rising off the mountains of bubbles before me. I feel myself growing wet, and it has nothing to do with the tubful of water I’m sitting in.

I should tell him to stop. This crosses literally every kind of friend/roommate line imaginable. And yet the only thing I say as he steps into the tub is “You should drain some water first or it’ll spill.”

He ignores my warning and plops down into the water with me. It sends a tidal wave over the ledge and onto the floor, soaking the bathmat and our clothes. 

His mouth turns down as he surveys the damage, like he honestly didn’t see that coming. “See?” he says from his cramped end of the tub. “Perfect fit.”

I laugh as he starts rearranging his long legs. “Blake, what the hell are you doing?
are you in here?”

He shrugs. “I was bored. Wanted to hang out before you went to work.”

“You could’ve waited until I got out.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” He leans to the side so the faucet’s not poking him in the back.

Smiling, I watch him struggle to find a comfortable position. “This is so fucked up. I shouldn’t be entertaining your little antics, I should be kicking your ass out of my bathroom.”

He ignores me again, his eyes zeroing in on my chest. “Are you gonna hold your tits the whole time?”


“Then how are you gonna bathe yourself? Or do you want me to do that for you?” He grins lasciviously. 


Blake huffs out a frustrated breath. “Then you leave me no choice. I’ll have to hold your tits while you bathe yourself. Give ’em here.” He extends his hands, chuckling as I kick water at him. “What?
the one who said they had to be held the whole time. I’m just trying to play by the rules, Duchess.”

My mouth mashes into a hard line as I try to stop the smile tugging on my lips. I really shouldn’t encourage him. “Bullshit.” He couldn’t play by the rules if his life depended on it. “Now get out. I have to shave my legs.”

He grabs my razor from the bathtub ledge. “Give it to me.”

“You’re going to shave my legs,” I say, dubious.

He frowns. “Yeah, why not?”

“Because it’s weird?”

Rolling his eyes, he grabs my foot and places it on his chest. “Do you see anybody else in here judging us right now? We’re adults, Macy. We can do whatever the fuck we want. So quit worrying about what others would think and hand me your fucking shaving cream.”

“God, you’re bossy.” I rearrange the way I’m shielding my boobs so I can hand him the can of peach-scented Skintimate without flashing him. 

Taking it from me, he shakes the can and then squirts a liberal amount onto my leg, massaging it into my skin. “You know you like it.”

I do, apparently. I didn’t know that about myself until Blake came along.

He skims the razor along my leg with careful strokes. His fingers graze my skin after each pass, scrutinizing his work. He’s taking this so seriously, his eyes intent on every movement. He’s not trying to make this sexual, but it is, at least for me. 

I can’t put my finger on
, though. It’s just. . .erotic. Intimate. This is something you’d do for a lover, not a friend.

A few minutes later, he’s done with both legs. His thumb brushes my shin as he checks for any stray hairs he might’ve missed. It’s a light touch, barely any pressure at all, but it sends a shiver dancing across my skin. My nipples tighten under my hands as tendrils of desire clench low in my belly.

I don’t know if Blake senses the change in the atmosphere, or if he just notices the goosebumps covering my skin, but when his eyes meet mine, the jig is up. There’s no hiding how turned on I am, no downplaying it.

Removing his hand from my leg, he clears his throat. “All done.”


He lets out a long, slow breath. “Anytime, Duchess.” 

I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs.

Don’t molest him. Don’t molest him. Don’t—

A smug grin curls his lips, as if he can hear the chanting in my mind. “Anything else you want me to shave?”

His gaze dips down my body and my face flushes at his insinuation. “Uh, no. Not even if both my arms were broken.”

Blake shrugs. “Fine with me. I don’t mind grass on the field.” He winks at me as he stands. Water drips from him as he steps out of the tub, bubbles clinging to his legs and hips and his. . .erection.

Oh, dear Lord.

His back is almost as enticing as his front. Rapt, I watch him leave, his glutes clenching with each step.

Cocky bastard didn’t even bother with a towel.

“All right, I’m off.”

I glance away from the Celtics game at the sound of Macy’s voice, then do a double take when I see what she’s wearing. Or better yet, what she’s not.

Setting my beer on the coffee table, I stand. “Where’s the rest of that dress, Duchess?” I try to keep my voice light and friendly, but I have no idea if that’s how it comes out. 

I can’t hear myself talk over the white noise that’s suddenly filling my head.

Didn’t I used to think her work uniform was hot? The dress is short, hugs every curve, and shows an obscene amount of cleavage. Christ Almighty, the thing is so low-cut I can practically see her belly button.

What’s not to love, right?

Well I sure as fuck don’t love the way it looks on Macy. It’s too sexy. Under no circumstances should she be showing this much skin to the general public outside of a beach.

And don’t even get me started on how much makeup she’s wearing. Macy doesn’t look like herself with all that crap on her face.

It’s bad enough she’s ditching me to go to work on the first Friday night she’s here, but she’s going to look like
while she does it? What kind of cruel joke is that?

She chuckles as she grabs her coat from the tiny closet next to the stairs. “My eyes are up here, Blake.”

I clear my throat, scowling when I see the back is even lower-cut than the front. “Sorry. I’m just not used to seeing this much of you.”

She gives me a deceptively sweet smile as she slips on her jacket. “Says the guy who’s seen my asshole.”

Fuck me, now I’m getting hard. I’ve never been this turned-on while angry. My dick’s getting confused.

I want to cover her up and rip her clothes off at the same time. 

Her heels click on the tile in the foyer before she disappears out the door and I’m left standing here, fully erect and irritated. I huff out a sharp breath, tug on my hair in frustration, and pace around for a minute. I finally plop down on my couch and try to get back into the game, but my cock’s throbbing incessantly.

Demanding fucker’s not gonna let this go.

I start to unbuckle my belt when an idea occurs to me—one so shameful and wrong that I shouldn’t even consider it. But my dick pulses in response, growing impossibly hard. Bastard’s cutting off all the blood to my brain, and the longer I sit here, the less it seems like such a horrible idea.

What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. . .

I stand up and head for the stairs, taking them two at a time. My cock throbs with each step until I’m standing in Macy’s doorway.

I shouldn’t be in here. This is wrong. So very wrong. It’s a huge violation of her privacy.

I hesitate for half a second before walking over to her dresser and opening the top drawer. My eyes skim the rainbow-colored rows of folded cotton, lace, and silk, greedily drinking in the sight. 

That liar. There’s not a single granny panty in here.

I’m like a kid in a candy store, touching every single pair. I can’t decide which one to use until a flash of purple catches my eye.

I pick it up and unfold it. It’s a lace thong. And I think it matches the bra I still have in my room.

I hold the scrap of fabric up to my nose and inhale, but it doesn’t smell like Macy. It smells like laundry detergent. 


Deflated, I look around her room for something else that could smell like her when my gaze lands on her unmade bed.

I shouldn’t. That’d
be crossing a line.

My feet start moving toward it before I even finish the thought. I climb into her bed face-first, burying my nose in her pillow. Breathing deep, I damn near come in my pants from the smell. It’s saturated with the scent of Macy’s shampoo.

I groan, bringing my hands up under the pillow to press it into my face even harder, when my fingers hit something hard underneath. Frowning, I pull it out.

Why does she have her iPad shoved underneath her pillow?

The back of it’s still warm, like she was just using it. Curious, I press the home button and slide right across the screen, unlocking it. Seems like she was watching a—

My eyes bulge as I recognize the background in the video. 

That dirty girl. She was up here watching our sex tape.

Just imagining her lying here, touching herself while she watches it is enough to make pre-cum leak from the tip of my cock. I don’t even think twice as I flip onto my back and yank my jeans down far enough to free myself. With my dick in my hand, I press play, groaning when I watch myself lick up her pussy.

My mouth waters just remembering what she tasted like.

I stroke myself slowly, trying to last until the end of the video, but it’s going to be tough. Just
to her moans as I eat her cunt is putting me closer to the edge faster than any flesh and blood girl ever could.

BOOK: Sucker Punched
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