SuddenHeat (3 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: SuddenHeat
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“I sometimes wish I could shrug off my protective shell and
just deal with things head-on,” she said, willing to admit more.

“Don’t beat yourself up. We all have quirks. It’s just that
a lot of people spend as much time trying to cover them up as they do dealing.”

“Do you deal with things?”

“I’m working on it.” His voice sounded graver, filled with
an ache. “But being in a mall with a shooter has a tendency to make personal
hang-ups seem a hell of a lot less of a big deal.”

The silence this time held a weight and profound
significance that overlaid everything.

His phone buzzed. “It’s Rick.” His voice held relief. “He
saw Lena near the engraver’s moments before the shooting started. He’s going to
get her now.”

“He’s out in the open with a shooter running around?”

“Don’t worry. He knows what he’s doing. He’s been in a
situation or two himself. The Coast Guard isn’t for sissies.”

She could believe it. Big Rick. That’s what people called
him, because Rick stood six feet five and was all muscle. He lived in Alaska
and there were more than enough challenges living in that state with thousands
of miles of wilderness.

They subsided into quiet for some time before he said, “I
didn’t come to Constitution to get in a firefight.”

“Constitution isn’t the big city. This sort of stuff doesn’t
happen here.”

“This sort of stuff happens everywhere.”

She sighed. “Yeah. You’re right.” She switched thoughts.
“You’ve got that metal pole. What can that do against a gun?”

“You’d be surprised.”

She smiled. “How could I forget? You’re a marine.”

“Damn right.”

He didn’t sound arrogant—only self-assured in a good way.

She rubbed her arms again. Half from nerves and half from
cold. “How long have we been here?”

“Too damned long. About a half hour.”

“Is that all?”

“Battle can either make things seem a hell of a lot faster
or a lot slower.”

Battle. No denying the experience.

Another text came through on his phone a short time later.
“Rick has Lena. They’re safe and slipped out a back door. They’re in the
parking lot. The shooter is still rampaging. SWAT is here.”

Relief slipped around the anxiety humming in her veins.
“Thank God they’re safe.”

“She’s injured her ankle. She was pushed down by another man
trying to get out of the mall. He wants to take her to the hospital but she’s
insisting on staying here because of you and Kathleen.”

“Damn. Well, she’s stubborn enough. If he thinks he can
convince her to leave he’s got his work cut out for him.”

“He’s pretty stubborn too. They’re a good match.”

He switched off the flashlight again. Darkness gave the
illusion of intimacy and it cloaked her in a little comfort. Absence of light
wouldn’t keep the man terrorizing the mall at bay but it gave the illusion that
for a bit longer they’d be safe.

His voice rumbled in the darkness. “You all right?”

“I’m great.”


“No. I’m queasy, cold and worried as hell.”

She heard shuffling. “Take my jacket.”

“What? No, I can’t.”

He slipped the heavy jacket around her shoulders. “Here, put
this on.”

Her fingers came in contact with leather. “I can’t take

“Sure you can. It’s a loan. I want it back.”

The humor in his voice eased her conscience. “Aren’t you
going to be cold?”

“Nah. I’m a big, bad marine. Remember?”

She laughed softly and eased her arms into the jacket. It
was huge on her but his warmth enveloped. It felt good. Too good. And man, his
scent tweaked every hormone in her body. Sandalwood? It was insane to feel
sexually stimulated when they were in danger of having their asses shot off,
wasn’t it?

She drew in a deep breath of appreciation. “Thank you. I
would have worn my coat but this sweater is usually very warm and I didn’t
think I was going to be in the mall that long. I feel so shaky.”

He shifted and then his arm came around her shoulders. He
drew her into his body and the heat instantly helped. “Could be adrenaline.
When you come down from it you can feel shaky and sick.”

“What about you?”

“I’m used to coming down from adrenaline surges.” His arm
tightened, his palm rubbing over her shoulder. “But I’ve barfed my guts up a
couple of times.”

She smiled, amused by his candor. “Are you trying to make me
feel better or flirting?”


She laughed and they went silent again for a short while.
Finally she spoke up. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For making me feel better.”

“And flirting?”

“Hmmm. Well, that depends. Do you flirt with all the girls?”

“Only when I’m stuck with them in unisex bathrooms.”

She stifled a laugh. “I can’t believe I can laugh at
right now.”

“Works for me. Keeps me from doing what I really want to

“Which is?”

“Getting out there and trying to take down the asshole
shooting up the place. If it was up to me and my brothers…” He shrugged.

She could imagine Matt along with Jake and Rick kicking
mall-shooter ass, but that stuff only happened in action movies. “But you’re
not going to try it, right? It’s up to the police.”

“Yeah, this isn’t war and other than this pole thing I don’t
have a weapon.” He squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do
anything stupid. That’s why we’re staying in here until the coast is clear.”

“How will we know when the coast is clear?”

“My brothers will let us know. Or we’ll hear the police
clearing the building.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder absorbed the security of
his embrace. Matt kept impressing her against her will. She didn’t want to feel
this attraction. It meant disrupting her carefully arranged ideas about men who
took charge, who were tough and macho. This man was breaking all of it apart.
Yet she needed the talk to keep her mind off their situation.

The door rattled and they both jolted.

Oh shit.

Matt stood up, his movement so swift it took her off guard.

In a frozen moment, she wondered if they’d ever get the
chance to have that meal together, or if she’d ever get that kiss.

Chapter Three


Matt’s entire body went on alert as he jumped to his feet
with the metal pole clutched in his right hand. His breath seemed to stop in
his lungs, his heart racing then slowing to a deep thud, thud, thud in his

Everything within him demanded he protect Melanie. He
wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

The thud happened again. Then a whimper.

Caution made him move forward slowly. Darkness made it damn
hard to see but he’d been in the position of creeping up on the enemy before.

A few seconds later the whimper became a female cry.


Concerned about a trap, he unlocked the door and threw it
open. He heard Melanie gasp behind him. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Emergency
lighting spilled over a crumpled female lying on her left side on the floor.
She couldn’t be more than five feet tall. A tight black dress fit over her thin
form. Her equally black hair covered her face in a messy tangle.

Behind him Melanie said, “It’s one of the clerks. Tia.”

Blood stained the floor under the woman’s left arm. “She’s
hurt.” He glanced around the store and saw no sign of a shooter. He hefted the
woman into his arms and brought her into the bathroom. “Grab some clothes off a
rack and bring them in here.”

Melanie rushed into the store, yanked some fleece robes and
cotton pajamas off a rack and returned with a flurry. She tossed the items on
the bathroom floor just as Matt turned on his mini flashlight. She locked the
door again.

Matt’s first-aid experience kicked in. He checked the
woman’s vitals. “She’s got a good pulse and respiration and this wound in her
biceps isn’t bleeding too badly.” He ripped the sleeve down on her dress. He
rummaged in his pockets. “Got any change?”

Melanie frowned at him as if he’d lost his brain somewhere.
“Yes. Why?”

“Get some tampons and maxi pads from that machine. Highly
absorbent. We’ll put one on the wound and bind this up with as much toilet
paper as we can.”

An amazed smile passed over her expressive features. “Never
would have thought of that.” Grabbing the change he gave her, she ran to her
purse and got more. She managed to grab six tampons and the toilet paper roll.
“How did you learn bathroom-style first aid?”

“It’s amazing the things you learn on the battlefield.”

With efficient movements he’d learned in situations where hesitation
could mean life or death, he used the tampons to pack the woman’s wound.
Instead of toilet paper he used a set of cotton pajamas to act as a bandage.
When blood didn’t seep all the way through, he felt better. They were going to
be in a world of fuckin’ hurt if this woman went into shock. With efficiency,
Melanie helped him lift the woman and put a robe under her to keep cold at bay.
They piled two more robes on top of Tia.

A grim realization came to him. “Now that she’s here, it
makes it even more urgent we get out of here.”

He pulled out his cell phone, called 9-1-1 and relayed their
current situation and location so SWAT would know where to look for them.

Matt finished the call. “They know where we are.” He checked
the woman’s pulse. “I wonder where she was when we first got here.”

“Hiding in a dressing room? There are only four stalls,”
Melanie said.

“Maybe. She works in here?”

“Her and another much younger woman. A blonde.” Her face
screwed up. “Susie.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I wonder if the shooter has Susie.”

He didn’t know, and knew any reassurance would sound like
total bullshit. Still he found himself saying, “Don’t worry. SWAT will get us
out of this soon.”

“How could we get ourselves out of this? She’s too hurt to
run around trying to escape with us and we can’t leave her here alone.”

Matt knew his face had to be grim because he sure as hell
didn’t like what he had to say next. “No, we can’t leave her alone. Contrary to
action movies, marines aren’t bulletproof, and I won’t leave you and this woman

Her smile was small but genuine and her voice soft. “Thank
you, Matt.”

Matt’s heart flipped over. Something raw and possessive
stirred in his heart and mind when he looked at Melanie. Since the moment he’d
met her last weekend he’d wanted to spend time with her. He only hoped now that
he’d get the chance. Sure it was partially physical. She was fuckin’ pretty.
His body wanted her in no uncertain terms. In just the few moments they’d stood
outside the shop, he’d wanted to take her somewhere and taste her. Learn her
body with a primitive possession he’d never considered so quickly with any
other woman. It freaked him out, frankly. He could blame part of it on their
situation and the desire to affirm life. But usually he needed to get to know a
woman to feel comfortable, to tell them more intimate details of his life. His
body stirred with energy, ready to fight and engage in battle. But he couldn’t
expect her to participate in combat. She wasn’t trained for this. It was up to
him to protect her and the other woman.

When she stood, he wrapped his arms around her. “We’re going
to be all right.”

He kissed her forehead and her arms linked around his neck.
She buried her head in his shoulder and sighed. His body reflected his needs
and he knew it. He felt spring-loaded and ready for bear.


Admiration welled up inside Melanie. Matt might be strong,
and look every inch the tough-as-hell marine, but he wasn’t a cowboy. He
wouldn’t put her and Tia at risk or do anything stupid. Inside the solid
strength of his arms, she could imagine nothing and no one could harm her. She
knew, realistically, this wasn’t true. But she also knew this man would take a
bullet for her.

It stirred the most primitive reaction she’d ever had in her
life. She lifted her gaze to his and
was there. A glowing, shimmering
connection that pulsed from somewhere deep within her sex. She wanted him. Once
they got out of this mess—and they
survive it—she would show him
how much. In the meantime, she’d give him a small preview of what she longed to
have happen later. His eyes smoldered, his lips parted.
Screw waiting to
kiss him later

She cupped the back of his head with both hands and drew him
down. As her eyes closed, his mouth touched hers and tasted so gently it was a
butterfly’s wings brushing over sensitive skin. That tiny acknowledgment sent a
wildfire straight down between her legs. It startled her and she almost drew
back. He wouldn’t have it. His hand tunneled into the hair at the back of her
neck. Their lips melded and his tongue sank deep. An involuntary moan of
pleasure left her throat as his tongue caressed hers with one stroke, then two.

He drew back quickly with a gasp and cupped her face in his
hands. “Damn. You’re potent stuff, Melanie.”

She smiled, in a daze and flushed from that single quick
meeting of lips and tongues. Her head felt light, as if she might float away.

If that’s what a quick, carnal taste could do to her, she
wondered what a full-fledged lip-lock that lasted longer would cause. “I’m
sorry. I—

“Don’t be sorry. I’m not.”

Gently she disengaged from his arms. “I can’t believe we’re
doing this while she’s lying there injured.”

He frowned and squatted down next to the clerk. He checked
her vitals again, and this time he looked worried.

Tia groaned. The young woman’s eyes popped open and she
grimaced. Fury mixed with pain. “What’s going on?”

The woman’s croaky voice sounded accusatory.

“It’s all right.” Melanie touched the woman’s uninjured
right arm. “We’re safe in here.”

Matt moved around to the opposite side of Tia. “You’ve been
shot. Do you remember what happened?”

Panic flared in Tia’s brown eyes. “I’ve got to get out of

“You can’t leave. It’s too dangerous,” Melanie said.

Tia’s eyes widened. “He’ll find me.”

Was she delirious? Melanie hastened to reassure her. “The
shooter doesn’t know where we are.”

“You don’t understand,” Tia said.

Matt’s eyes narrowed with curiosity. “What don’t we

Tia’s gaze darted between them. “He shot me because…”

Melanie waited, hanging on pins and needles. Her glance
flicked to Matt. Patience seemed his middle name—he showed no signs of
exasperation at Tia’s stalling.

“His name is Teddy. Teddy Xavier. He’s my boyfriend.” Tia
swallowed hard, those almond-shaped eyes wide in her pale skin. She shivered. “
my boyfriend.”

Matt lifted the woman’s wrist. “Pulse is good. Skin is warm.
Do you feel sick?”

Tia glared. “What do you think? That bastard shot me. It
hurts like hell.”

Matt retrieved his phone and placed a call while still
talking to the injured woman. “Teddy Xavier shot you?”

“Yeah. He didn’t want me to leave him. But he’s a crazy
bastard. He was screwing Susie and I told him I wouldn’t stand for it.”

Melanie frowned. “The other clerk?”

“Yeah. She…I think she’s in on this shooting thing.”

Matt was talking in the background, relaying the information
to another 9-1-1 operator. His voice stayed modulated and calm, as if his
conversation concerned the weather. Melanie’s heart banged in her ears. She
licked her dry lips. Her stomach felt hollowed out from fear.

Steady. It isn’t like I’ve been here that long.
she wouldn’t give to be home, enjoying hot coffee or chocolate and reading a
romantic suspense novel. Better yet, what she wouldn’t give to be home with
Matt Frasier, spending time with him in a peaceful environment. No guns. No
gunshot wounds.

“You think she’s helping him,” Matt said to Tia, with the
cell still to his ear. “That’s why she isn’t in here with you. Is that why the
back door is locked and we couldn’t get out?”

Tia shook her head and winced. “I don’t know. It was
unlocked before. It’s supposed to be unlocked while the mall is open. The fire
department said so.”

Matt returned to his call, nodding and agreeing to something
during conversation. Moments later he signed off. “At least the police will
know who the shooter is now. All of the doors except for the one Rick and Lena
escaped through are chained closed.”

“Chained?” Melanie felt stupid for repeating what he said.
“The shooter chained up the doors? No one saw him doing it?”

Matt shook his head. “Apparently not.”

Tia frowned. “Mall security here is for shit. My ex applied
for a job as a rent-a-cop a month ago.” Tia started to cry and out of pure
sympathy Melanie clasped the woman’s right hand in hers. Tia sniffed. “Teddy
told me once when he was beating me up that he could pull off a mall shooting
in Constitution easy. So he’s been thinking about this for a long time.”

“You think this is in retaliation because the mall didn’t
hire him?” Matt asked.

Tia gave a short bark of laughter. “Who the frig knows?
Teddy’s the kind of guy who gets offended easily. He said the mall people are
racist because they didn’t hire him.”

“Are they?” Melanie asked.

“No,” Tia said. “He’s dumb. He isn’t qualified to be a mall
cop. This morning he called me and said he was going to make the mall pay. I
thought he was going to sue them for discrimination or something. I’d had
enough of his crap. That’s when I broke up with him.” Tia’s eyes reflected
something far less informative and more for self-preservation. “You think the
police will blame this on me?”

Melanie met Matt’s stern look for a startled second but
returned her attention to the wounded woman. “Why would they do that?”

“Because I didn’t take him seriously. Then when I broke up
with him this morning…” She drew her bottom lip between her teeth.

“It’s not your fault.” Matt’s voice had an authoritarian
edge. “He’s responsible for his actions, not you.”

Relief eased into Tia’s eyes but she didn’t speak.

In the distance the rat-tat-tat sound of rapid-fire shooting
caught Melanie’s attention. “Matt? Do you hear that?”

“Yep. Shouting too. Sounds like more than one man.”

“Are the policed coming to rescue us?” Tia asked.

“They will.” Melanie said this as much to reassure herself
as much as Tia.

Closer. Closer, the sounds of shouts, of a methodical
movement toward them. Matt stood and reached for the metal pole leaning against
the wall.

Matt’s phone buzzed on his hip and he snatched it out of the
holster. “It’s Rick. He says SWAT has entered the building.”

“Thank God.” Relief made Melanie feel wobbly as she stood.

“Keep your guard up.” Matt didn’t seem as convinced as
Melanie that all was well.

It wasn’t long before deep male voices came from outside the
bathroom door. “Clear! Here’s the bathroom.” A knock sounded on the door. “This
is the police! Matt Frasier, are you in there?”

“Yes, sir!” Matt didn’t hesitate to call out in a strong,
self-assured voice.

“It’s safe to come out. Open the door slowly and come out
with your hands where we can see them.”

“They make it sound like we’re criminals.” Tia’s whiny tone
grated on Melanie.

“They want to make sure we’re friendlies,” Matt said, then
added for the benefit of the men outside, “Unlocking the door now!”

Tia started to struggle into a sitting position but Melanie
urged her not to move. As Matt unlocked the door and it swung open, the SWAT
team entered. At that moment Melanie made a vow. She might never enter a mall

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