SuddenHeat (5 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: SuddenHeat
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He nodded. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. You’re wondering if I’m going to wig on you because I
have PTSD.” His mouth was grim.

She winced, mortified. “Not exactly. But so many men coming
back from that place are damaged. It’s horrible.”

He sighed. “Yeah, it is. And I’ll be frank. I have nightmares
sometimes. But I’ve gone through a program where I can connect and talk with
other marines anytime I need to.” He paused for a moment, as if trying to
decide something. “Right after I got to Afghanistan I was on a mission and one
of my good friends got blown up by an IED.”

“Oh God.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It was damned tough. A man would have
to be made of cold steel not to be affected. But I’m okay.”

In those eyes she saw warmth and assurance. That didn’t mean
that she knew enough about him to believe what he said. Not at all.

“I’d never hurt you, Melanie.”

Damn. The man read minds too. “I know.”

And she did know that. That one little bit.

Chapter Six


Matt drove with caution through the increasing storm. She
appreciated the prudence. Too many people barreled through the streets despite
black ice. While she knew that anything could happen at any time, she kept the
good thought they’d make the trip with ease. The SUV became a cocoon of safety.
She shifted in the seat and slipped his jacket all the way to her chin and
beyond. God, it smelled so good. Of leather, man and that certain something
that was only Matt.

“Cold?” His husky, deep voice rumbled.

“No. I was just thinking how good this jacket smells.” Oh
man. Had she said that out loud?

“Hey, don’t get any ideas. I want that jacket back.” His
voice held a teasing tone.

“Mmm.” She added humor to her voice. “You might have to
fight me for it.”

He laughed, and she shivered deep inside with enjoyment. She
loved his laugh and it did wonderful things to her libido. As she glanced at
him across the console between them, a wild thought jumped her. What if they
stopped, she climbed onto his lap and kissed him out of his mind. What would it
feel like to experience another kiss with him? To see where this relationship
could go?

Relationship? How could she have anything with a man who
would spend months in a danger zone? When she couldn’t be certain he’d come
back in one piece, much less at all?

Shallow, girl. Very shallow.

She knew it, but that’s what she felt. She wasn’t proud of
it. No one would blame her for not fostering a relationship with a marine.

When they pulled up at her apartment complex, she could see
him in the semidarkness created by a streetlight.

He glanced around the area. “This is damn secluded back
here. Where’s your apartment?”

She pointed to the walkway leading to her apartment. “Six
doors down that way.”

He frowned. “Behind that clump of bushes and trees?”


“I’ll walk you to your door.” Before she could refute the
idea, he slipped a hand into the hair at the back of her neck. “And if you say
no I’ll sit in this damned parking lot until you get inside and call me on my
cell and tell me you’re all right.”

Warmth flooded her belly. “You’re very protective.”

When he spoke it was a husky, soft rumble. “It’s in my
blood. Sue me.”

Her pulse skipped and raced. “I doubt I’d win my case.”
Honesty poured out of her. “As long as a man doesn’t think he can order me
around or he’s a brutal s.o.b. who thinks women should stay barefoot and
pregnant, I’m all for a little chivalry.”

One corner of his mouth turned up and he grunted softly as
he leaned in closer. “Hmm. I like that image…the bare feet. I tend to run
around my house without any shoes on.”

She quirked one eyebrow, liking the banter. With him it flowed
easily. “Really?”

His gaze traveled over her face, assessing and warm, and
landed on her mouth. Her belly clenched as arousal rushed hot and thick through
her veins.

“Really.” His voice went deeper. She couldn’t miss the fire
in his eyes, and the fact he found her attractive, that he wanted to protect
her…it all combined into one potent bomb.

She panicked a little. “That won’t be necessary.”

He blinked. “What isn’t necessary?”

She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. “You kept me
safe tonight in the mall. I’m not sure if I could have handled it without you.”

He shook his head. “Stop selling yourself short. You would
have been fine.”

“Have you always been this certain about things?”

His half laugh and the genuine amusement in his eyes said it
all. “Hell no. You don’t know the half of it.” Then he frowned. “Hey, look. If
you’re worried… I’m not trying to get invited into your apartment.” Lines
formed between his brows. “Even if you invited me in, I’m not going to jump you
or do anything you don’t want. You tell me to get the hell out, I’m out. I’d
never assume anything.”

Warmth flooded between her thighs and her lower belly
tingled. Why did he have to say that? It called all her most primitive feminine
needs and impulses. Being this close to him drove her insane. She craved and
wanted with a fierceness that bit into her with sharp claws.

She took a deep breath and the warmth of his hand behind her
neck drove her mad. “You don’t play man-woman games do you? The kind most other
people seem to?”

He sighed and drew back a little. “Never have. And believe
me a lot of women don’t appreciate that. They want me to play games with them.
A mating dance I guess. If I want a woman she’s going to know it. And I
appreciate a woman who doesn’t play games with me.”

She placed one hand on his chest. “God, I’m sorry. I hope I
wasn’t giving out wrong signals. I wasn’t worried that you’d hurt me or push
anything on me I don’t want. I just find you so refreshing I don’t know what to
do with you.” She smiled and reached up to cup his face. Stubble prickled her
fingers and added to the hard-core attraction she felt for him. “You’re a very,
very nice guy and I appreciate your honesty.”

He leaned a bit closer. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

He shook his head. He caressed her cheek with a quick, soft
brush of his fingers. “You have to know that I’m attracted to you.”

She nodded. Licked her lips. “Yes.”

“And I think you might be interested in me too.”

Go for it. Just let him know.


“Then I think we’d better say goodnight before I do
something really stupid or say something stupid.”

She smiled. “Okay. Walk me to my door.”

When they reached her apartment door, she made a decision.
She wanted him with her tonight. If today had taught her anything, it was that
terrible things could happen. Unexpectedly. Without remorse or warning. What if
she never had another chance to be with him? To make love with him?

She unlocked the door and edged it open. The small lamp
she’d left on in the living room gave a welcoming glow. She turned back to him
and he was close. So very close. She touched his chest and that’s when she
remembered she still had on his jacket. He swept the thought out of her mind as
his gaze caught hers and held. Smoky hot, his eyes conveyed his attraction to her.
She felt empowered and renewed after what they’d been through, as if layers of
inhibition had disappeared bit-by-bit.

He burrowed his hand into her hair at the back of her neck
and leaned in to her. Their mouths touched, oh so achingly slow and delicious.
His kiss molded her mouth with tenderness, and while she loved it, she wanted
the heat she knew lived inside him. Every tender movement of his lips against
hers tortured Melanie. Her fingers clenched at his sweater, bunching it in her
hands. His tongue swept in, thrusting deep, and it ignited a firestorm. He
groaned softly as she responded, meeting his tongue with her own. With an
answering groan, she pulled away.

“Come in,” she dared to say.

She took his hand and led him into the apartment. She closed
and locked the door.

“Melanie.” His voice was a whisper.

She almost thought he’d protest, that he didn’t feel what
she did. “I don’t do this kind of thing. I’ve never dragged a man into my
apartment and…”

And what? Seduced him?

“I know.” He took one step forward and she was in his arms
again. “But if you don’t want this…if you want to stop—”

She pressed her index fingers against his lips. “I don’t
want to stop.”

His plunged both hands into her hair, his big palms warm and
gentle. “God, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Flattery might get you everywhere this time.”

He grinned. “Good.”

She drew off his jacket and put it over a chair, then
returned to him.

She led him to the couch and with a playful push said, “Sit
down, marine.”

He sank to the couch with a smile. “Bossy. I like it.”

She laughed softly, liking his sense of humor even at a
moment like this.

She balanced on the arm of the couch as she pulled off her
shoes and made a bold move. She straddled him, thighs wide as she settled on
his lap. A satisfied smile curved his mouth as he lifted his hips. A gasp
escaped Melanie as the large bulge in his jeans pushed upward into the
incredibly sensitive folds between her legs. Desire escalated as her body
reacted fiercely to Matt’s potent masculinity.

Before she could say anything, he kissed her. His mouth
seduced with deep, drugging kisses that made her shake inside. She ached with a
powerful need to possess him for one moment, to crawl inside Matt and
understand him on the deepest level. If all she had was this one night, she
would take it.

Eagerness drove her to caress the width of his shoulders and
the solid muscles in his arms. He was so warm, and every inch of his body gave
her a sense of security. Their breaths meshed together as they kissed again and
his palms slid over her waist and cupped low on her hips. She arched into his
body, eager to know everything he could give her and all she could give him. He
kissed across her cheekbone to her ear, his warm breath tickling and his tongue
tasting the lobe. She gasped and writhed as he teased the side of her neck,
pressing gentle kisses that sent wild shivers of pleasure over her skin. They
kissed for a long time, each new kiss building higher and hotter than the last.
He lifted his hips in subtle movements and she rode his erection until the
fever threatened to explode. Eyes closed, she threw back her head and moaned
with unrestrained abandon. It felt so good. So good.

He reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled the garment
over her head. He tossed the sweater to the other side of the couch. His hands
were reverent, moving over her skin with a delicacy that stimulated her to a
fever pitch. She moaned softly in surrender as he kissed her collarbone. With a
quick movement, he unfastened the front clasp on her bra. She stripped it off
and tossed it away.

He cupped her full breasts, his gaze smoldering with

He leaned in and kissed one nipple and she gasped and
shivered at the slightly tickling sensation. “Matt.”

His tongue smoothed over her nipple, tasted and licked while
his fingers plucked gently at her other nipple. He moved between her breasts,
treating each nipple to exquisite sensations as he suckled and caressed. He
worked open her belt, button and zipper and loosened her pants over her hips.
He drew her against his chest and into another kiss and his cock pressed hard
through his jeans. He slid one hand into the back of her panties and caressed
her butt. With a shift he eased her off his lap into a supine position over his
lap. With a smooth, easy movement his fingers worked into her panties and found
her hot and soaked.

She gasped. “Matt.”

He drew back slightly, his eyes glazed with passion.

“This is too fast.” His voice was husky and raw, his
breathing quick and hard.

She clasped his face between her palms. Disappointment
threatened to douse her arousal. “You want to stop?”

“God, no. I want to savor you. Taste you everywhere. I don’t
want it
too soon.”

As much as she ached in her core, she understood how he
felt. Soon they’d return to the real world of jobs and responsibilities. Why
not take their time?

“Yes.” Her word was simple but it said everything.

He surprised her by lifting her in his arms. She gasped in
surprise as she threw her arms around his neck.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked.

She pointed the way and he carried her to the room with a
king-size bed. A night light glowed from the attached bathroom.

When he sat her on her feet, she couldn’t wait to see more
of him. She drew his sweater over his head and tossed it on a chair. Under the
low light, his flesh looked bronzed. She hummed with approval as she drew her
palms over the smattering of hair over his hard pecs and down over his
washboard stomach. He sucked in a breath as she explored, his expression
undeniably appreciative. Powerful arms completed his torso and she found
herself stroking the softness of his skin over iron muscles. All this power
under her touch stoked a fire she didn’t want to extinguish.

He drew her into his arms again for one lush, exploring kiss
after another until she whimpered with growing need. She’d never been this hot
and out of control before, never ached to her very core for a man.

With slow deliberation he pushed her pants off her hips
along with her panties and they fell around her ankles. She stepped out of the
garments and pushed them aside with her foot. Matt touched her reverently as he
got down on his knees. He palmed her belly and shivers of desire moistened the
folds between her legs. She knew he could scent her excitement, knew he’d
discover her femininity again soon. With one sweep of his fingers he combed
through her curls.

“Mmm.” His murmur of satisfaction made her part her legs.
“Wet and soft.”

His blunt statement, heated by the husky flavor of his
voice, sent a wild rush of arousal pouring through her loins. High up in her
core she ached with a desire to get him inside her. She closed her eyes, giving
him opportunity to take what he wanted. The incredible vulnerability of
standing here with her body open to him blew her away but she felt one hundred
percent safe. With one lick he stroked her folds and she gasped as the
white-hot pleasure took her higher.

“Oh God.” She couldn’t keep still, her hips moving as he
cupped them. “Matt.”

“Like it?”


She slipped her fingers into his hair as his tongue and lips
made intimate acquaintance with her body. Every stroke over her clit threatened
to break her into blissful orgasm. She twitched and gasped as he slid one
finger deep into her. With slow, certain thrusts he caressed her walls, drawing
murmurs of unbridled pleasure from her very depths. She’d never felt this
uninhibited in her entire life, surrounded by his gentle lovemaking and
acceptance. He didn’t take so much as give, and no man had ever been this
tender with her before.

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