SuddenHeat (7 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: SuddenHeat
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He left and gently closed the bedroom door. She sat in the bed,
frozen for a moment as she heard him leave the apartment. Only then did she get
out of the bed and notice that he’d picked up the clothes she’d dropped on the
floor last night and left them on a chair. She slipped into a terry robe and
padded into the kitchen to find coffee. As she stood in the center of the
kitchen and sipped coffee trying to get her brain to come online, several
things occurred to her in a rush.

Matt Frasier was the most extraordinary man she’d ever met.
The sexiest man she’d ever encountered. She already admired him more than any
guy she’d dated, and she wasn’t even dating him in the strictest sense of the
word. A pang struck her when she thought about him leaving Sunday and her not
seeing him for a long, long time. He’d rushed out of here pretty fast once she
awakened, and it made her wonder why he’d stayed so long this morning. He could
have simply rushed out of here at first light. Obviously he did want to see her
again and to make love. She smiled, happy with that thought if not with
anything else.

Her cell phone chirped from her purse that was lying on the
couch, and she put her coffee cup on the kitchen counter. She rushed to answer
the cell. Danelle’s name showed on the display.

She answered with the cheeriest voice she could muster. “Hey

“Well, well, sleepyhead, what’s up?” Danelle said, her voice
sounding a bit artificial. “You okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You didn’t answer my text this morning. I was a bit

“Sorry about that. I just got up.”

“Uh-huh.” Danelle’s voice was full of significant

“What do you mean uh-huh?”

“I got the impression you might be up late. Kathleen and
Lena said they saw you leave with Matt.”

Melanie knew exactly what her friend insinuated. “Great. I
thought I could keep that secret.”

“How and why would you want to? Did you…uh…connect last

“None of your beeswax.”

“You did!” Danelle sounded way too delighted. “I knew you
guys had some sparks flying at the party last weekend. I’m just sorry the
shoot-up at the mall was what it took to get you together.”

Melanie wandered back to the kitchen counter and picked up
her mug. “We’re not together. A little harmless sex.”

“Watch out, girl. Matt’s an honorable guy. But I wouldn’t
want you to get hurt.”

“I know, I know. He’s leaving on Sunday. Don’t worry, I’m
not getting involved. It was just a tension release.”

“Right.” Danelle’s doubtful voice rang clear and true. “So,
what do you have planned for the rest of the day besides helping me with
last-minute wedding stuff?”

Melanie smiled, ready to put aside thoughts of Matt for the
rest of the day. “Absolutely nothing. What does Patrick have planned?”

“Well, the boys decided a conventional bachelor party
tonight would be dull.” Danelle’s voice had more than a hint of amusement. “So
today they’re going out to play one of those paintball things. You know,
because it wasn’t enough to almost get their asses shot off yesterday.”

Melanie couldn’t help but laugh at that one. “They’re in the
military. It’s in their blood.”

“Well, Patrick’s not but he feels left out I guess.”

After they hung up and Melanie wandered into the shower, she
wished for one moment Matt wasn’t in the military. Maybe they’d have a bit more
time together, a little more chance for a real relationship. But no. Matt was in
a dangerous job that would demand most of his time and energy. She tried not to
think about what it would be like if he was here now, in this shower with her,
making love until they both couldn’t stand. God, she tried not to think.

Chapter Seven


Melanie started when the last patron of the library shut the
front door and it clanged shut with a bang. The nightly cleaning crew was in
the library doing their work but since she was the last employee out of the
building, the place echoed with emptiness. Her wristwatch read nine o’clock.
Matt would be here any second, and maybe she was as nervous about that as she
was anything else.

She went to the backroom to grab her coat and purse and as
she wandered out front to wait for Matt, she wondered if she’d lost her mind.
After all, if they’d wanted to keep their relationship casual they shouldn’t be
planning a rendezvous tonight. Today had been a hectic day. She’d met up with
Danelle for more last-minute wedding stuff and Thanksgiving plans tomorrow.
She’d learned from Lena and Kathleen that the mall wasn’t open until Friday for
after Thanksgiving sales. No engraved present for Danelle and Patrick. Patrick
had spent the afternoon with Matt, Rick and Jake doing man things like the
rough-and-tumble paintball session out in the woods. Matt had called Melanie
once in the afternoon and he’d told her he’d meet her at the library at

I don’t like the idea of you alone in that parking lot so
late at night.

She couldn’t deny his protectiveness fired up her libido—and
that mushy girly part of her that longed for a man’s affection. That part
worried her. She’d get too used to having this…this…whatever it was between

She’d talked with Lena earlier in the day and Lena had
admitted Rick had taken her home and they’d ended up in bed together. Melanie
had admitted her liaison with Matt. Melanie hadn’t pressed her friend for more
information but she admitted to being surprised. Lena told her in no uncertain
terms she wasn’t happy she’d succumbed to a night with Rick. He couldn’t
last…or rather, she wouldn’t allow it to last. Kathleen had confessed to
Melanie that she’d had some sort of intimacy with Jake but they’d parted after
an argument and she didn’t think it would happen again. Amazing. Melanie couldn’t
believe it the six of them had fallen into a sexual dance. Half of her wanted
to ask Matt to forget his hotel room and stay at her place. The other half
considered that folly. Wasn’t she asking for disappointment if she did that?
He’d think it was too much and too fast. She didn’t have time to think deeper
about Matt’s intentions or her own. She saw him walking up to the front doors
of the library and left the building to meet him on the steps.

“Hi,” he said, and reached for her.

He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her full on the
lips. Warm, soft and thrilling, his kiss awakened hot needs immediately. She
clung to him and he pulled her closer, arm tight around her waist. His tongue
sought hers for one heated stroke before he drew back.

“Wow.” She gasped for breath. “What was that for?”

His eyes smoldered with intention. “Missed you.”

Oh. God, why did he have to say that?
A wild tingle
in her loins made her hold him closer. She couldn’t say it back. If she did
she’d invest something she wasn’t ready to pay, but God did he make her want

He walked her to her car and then followed her back to the
apartment. She’d picked up her car at the mall earlier in the day when Danelle
had dropped her off.

Once in her apartment, she opened a bottle of red wine. He
took one small glass and they sat side by side on the couch a few inches apart.
Outside the wind had picked up, and the quiet gave her a sense of peace.

He put his wineglass on the coffee table. “I’m sorry I
didn’t drive you over to get your car this morning.”

“No biggie. Danelle helped me out.”

He turned toward her, his expression serious. “I told you
I’d help you go and pick it up, and that was an epic fail.”

She smiled and sipped her wine again. “We both forgot about
the car. Honestly it was all right. You’re Mister Reliable, aren’t you?”

“That a bad thing?” His voice was soft and deep.

“Never. I like it.”

“When I make a promise I keep it. The only thing I can blame
my lapse on is the wild sex.”

She laughed at the same time as her face heated. “You’re saying
great sex messes with your mind?”

He leaned in closer and put his arm on the back of the
couch. “Great sex with you messes with my mind.”

She almost moved closer to kiss him, then held back. “You’re
flattering me now.”

He turned a no-nonsense look on her. “No. Telling the

The heat in her expanded and she looked at the cold
fireplace. “Thank you. Last night with you was wonderful.” She swallowed hard.
“I’ll never forget it.” She switched gears quickly. “How are Rick and Jake?”


“How so?”

“Kathleen has Jake tied up in knots but he won’t admit it,
and Rick says he’s confused as hell about Lena. I don’t know if he’s with her
tonight but I think he is.”

“Hmm. I’d be surprised if he was. She said it was…whatever
happened with them last night was a mistake.” She took a deep breath. “What a

He grinned but she saw sadness in his expression. “I could
make things easier if I left right now.”

She winced. “Maybe it would be easier. But it isn’t what I
want, Matt. What do you want?”

“Tonight with you. Every night with you while I’m here.”

It wasn’t forever, and she knew that. She forgot her wine as
she shifted toward him. “Stay.”

He could stay the rest of the weekend but she didn’t want to
assume he would.

He looked deep into her eyes. “More wild sex?”

“I hope so. We might even slip in some conversation

With a grin, he brought her into his arms and they didn’t
talk. His kisses melted her into the couch and she thought she’d lose her mind
one long, deep kiss at a time.

When his shirt was off and her bra tossed aside, he nuzzled
her breasts with lingering attention. He teased her, the torture more than
acute as she writhed in his arms. She groaned as he pinched one nipple lightly
while licking the other.

“Matt.” Her voice sounded choked and breathless.

“Mmmm.” He ignored her plea and cupped one breast in his big
hand. He squeezed very gently then feasted with a deep, slow pull on the
nipple. “You taste so good.”

She gasped again as he kissed his way across her collarbone.

He looked up, a dazed expression on his face. “Shower with


“Ever made love in a shower?”


“Let’s try it.”

Willing to try anything with him, and burning with desire,
she followed him into the bathroom. “Sounds like a lovely plan.”

Inside the bathroom they stripped. Melanie watched Matt with
intense interest. He possessed a primal male sexuality she couldn’t deny. Every
movement contained strength and purpose and she savored looking at his muscular
form. His eyes contained heat as he looked at her, as if she was the most
beautiful woman he’d seen. It turned her on. He stepped into the shower and put
a condom on the soap dish. He turned on the water and began soaping his body.

“You like to watch?” he asked.

As soap and water streamed over his body, his muscles were

“Oh yeah,” she said in pure appreciation.

Watching his big hands tour his own body blew her mind. His
cock was at attention, hard and ready.

He held his hand out to her and she stepped into the shower
with him and closed the door. Steam built slowly but their passion roared to
life. Astonished at the crazy desire she still felt for him, she dove into
loving him. His hands swept over her body, lingering here and there with a
teasing that threatened to drive her insane. His chest hair tickled her taut
nipples and the sweet sting of it made her gasp in arousal. Between them his
cock was a long, hard bar. Water trickled over them steadily and she felt as if
they’d entered a waterfall hidden in a secret and sacred space. He turned her
away from him and gently placed her hands against the tiled wall. With slow
deliberation he worked her body. Her nipples felt tight and so hard she thought
she’d come if he touched them one more time. He teased the folds between her
legs then her clit, never staying too long in one place. It was maddening, and
she pushed her hips back against him. She heard him rip the condom package and
within moments he eased his thickness into her. Soft moans left her throat. A
rhythm caught them, drew them relentlessly upward. His thrusts became harder
and faster as her sounds of pleasure grew louder.

He urged her higher. “Come on, babe. Take me.”

His words blew the top off and she came with a harsh cry as
rivers of ecstasy shook her from the inside out. Every part of her seemed to
throb with joy. One last push into her sensitive flesh and he shouted his own

* * * * *

“It must be strange for you not to have your parents with
you for Thanksgiving,” Melanie said as Matt drove his SUV toward Danelle and
Patrick’s house for the holiday.

He flicked a glance her way, and in that moment felt a keen
sense of satisfaction in having her near.

“Yeah. When Rick talked to Dad the night of the shooting,
Dad was freaked. He almost came out here. Mom was more matter-of-fact. I’m sure
she was worried about us but she came off like the marine she is. Cool and

“I don’t blame your dad for wanting to come out here. When I
called Mom she was the same way. If it hadn’t been for the wedding I would have
gone out to Connecticut to see her.”

She’d told him more about her life last night after their
shower, and they’d talked for hours. He’d been pleasantly surprised to find out
how much they had in common.

“Does she like living there with her sister?” he asked.

Melanie made a small snorting noise. “Not really.
Economically speaking it’s feasible though. Mom has so many health problems.
Most of them aren’t life-threatening but the two of them being widowed… They
take care of each other.”

“Holidays are weird for our family because Mom’s in Arizona
and Dad’s in Colorado,” he said.

“Aren’t you going to see your Mom at all?”

“She’s got a new boyfriend and they’re taking a cruise. He’s
from Alaska.”

“They’re going to visit Rick?”

“Yep. He’s on Kodiak Island most of the time but they’re
planning to meet up.”

She sighed. “Your family is really wonderful, you know

Sadness colored her voice and it made him want to hold her
and tell her everything would be all right. “Thanks. Every family has its
problems though.”

“I know. Holidays just make me think of Dad.”

“God, I’m sorry. Losing someone like that is hard to take.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t mess up the party today with my
depression or anything.”

Her self-deprecating statement worried him. “Are you

She laughed. “No. I was joking.”

He kept his attention on the road even though he wanted to
stare at her and keep on staring. The longer he was with her, the more he
longed for time with her. Time that was rapidly running out. Sunday he’d climb
into his car and travel back to Twenty-Nine Palms in California to continue his
new assignment. He ached to stay in Constitution, to discover every nuance of
this woman. She was far more than her gorgeous body, soft hair and pretty
scent. She was certainly more than her blue eyes and heart-shaped face. Under
her conservative long coat, pink sweater, jeans and boots beat a heart of gold.
Fuck it. She’s a hell of a lot more important than a piece of ass.
anyone, even his brothers, insinuated differently, he’d carve them a new one.

“Shit.” A car in front of him fishtailed on some ice and he
eased up on the gas.

Fortunately their vehicle and the one in front retained
control. Snow threatened again. Last night a light carpet of snow had fallen
and the temperatures had dropped into the twenties. This morning the
temperature hovered around thirty.

“This Thanksgiving could be awkward,” she said suddenly.

“What do you mean?”

“Undercurrents. Three friends hooking up with three
brothers. It’s bizarre.”

He laughed. “Sounds like a made-for-TV movie. That’s
something we never talked about. You and Lena grew up together, right?”

“Lena’s older than us but I knew her from school. Kathleen
was two grades behind me but I knew her from school also.”

He nodded. “Yeah. I remember Jake talking about Kathleen a

He also knew Kathleen’s history, and he wondered how that
affected her relationship now with Jake. Kathleen had grown up in a bad
situation and had joined a gang when she was only sixteen. Her relationship
with Jake had fallen apart when Jake realized her association with the gang but
Matt often thought something else had happened between them that had driven
Jake out of town early before he joined the military.

“Did Jake ever explain what happened when they were teens?”
she asked. “Was it because she was in that gang? Kathleen won’t talk to me and
Lena about it. Never has.”

“Nope. Jake won’t say a word on it. That’s why a hook-up
between them seems a little weird.” He snorted. “You’re right. Today could be

“Even between us.” Her voice dropped lower, a hush of sound.
“One thing I want to get straight before we get there.”

Everything male inside him instantly became alarmed because
women had this way of throwing trip-ups a guy didn’t expect and couldn’t
anticipate. “Okay.”

He glanced over quickly, and she looked disconcerted.

“Do we want to show…affection?” she asked.

He wasn’t ready for the question. He opened his big mouth
and the first thing came out. “No. I mean, we should keep it low-key. My
brothers are discreet too. They aren’t going to maul your friends, even if
they’ve slept together.”

She groaned. “Oh man. This is so awkward.”

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