Suddenly Dirty (25 page)

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Authors: J.A. Low

BOOK: Suddenly Dirty
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“You’re never leaving my bed for the rest of the tour; you hear me.” I whisper into her hair.

“Evan,” she says wistfully, before crawling over the top of me, her green eyes looking down at me giving me a smile. She surprises the hell out of me by capturing my bottom lip with her teeth, giving it a good suck.

“Have I ruined you for all other women, Evan?” She jokes, pouting as she captures my lip again knowing how much I like it. My large palms are gripping her bare ass and grinding her into me.

“Yeah, sweetheart, you have. I’m pretty sure no one is ever going to compare to me as well. I’m a fucking rock star.”

Making her chuckle, she responds, “That’s a pretty big ego you have there Mr. Rock Star. Is it all for me?”

As I rock against her, I reply with a quick slap to her ass. “You know my ego isn’t the only thing that’s big for you.”

“Hey, Evan, check out these photos.” Charlotte shouts enthusiastically, as she bursts into my room.

Sienna squeals jumping under the covers.

“Don’t you fucking knock Charlotte?” I scream at my little sister.

Her eyes bounce between us in the bed. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Are you two …?” Charlotte asks, her finger wiggling back and forth.

“Charlotte, get out.” I scream.

“Thank fuck, finally,” she says, bouncing up and down excitedly.

“Evan, your sister is the bomb. Have you seen her photos?” Axel proclaims, as he walks in and stops abruptly, his eyes widening seeing Sienna and I in bed.

Fuck, seriously this can’t be happening. I should be balls deep in Sienna – not having every man and his dog coming in, especially not one of my band mates – they don’t get to see her naked.

“Sienna, Sienna,” Derrick comes screaming around the corner almost running into Charlotte and Axel. “You dirty, little bitch. I thought I would find you here when your bed was empty again this morning.”

Seriously, how many more people are ready to join us in my fucking room, do any of these fuckers not known how to knock on a door? Jumping up holding my junk with my hands, I yell at everyone.

“Get the fuck out.”

Derrick is frozen to the spot staring at me. “Fuck, Si,” he says, winking at her.

Slamming the door in Derrick’s face, Sienna bursts out laughing.

“I guess whatever is going on between us isn’t a secret anymore.”

Thank fuck she could find the funny side of what just happened, because I sure as hell couldn’t.

“Are you okay about this?”

Sienna and I had agreed not to tell anyone about us being together even though I wasn’t happy about it. But now … fuck! Now we are busted.

“Look, Evan, I’m sure someone would have found out about us sooner or later. We wouldn’t have been able to hide it for much longer. But are you sure? There are so many beautiful women out there wanting your attention.”

Sitting down beside her on the bed and grabbing her hand I lean over and kiss her. “The only beautiful woman I want attention from is sitting right here with me, okay?”


Kissing her hard again, I feel lighter, happier than I have felt in a long time. The walls of my darkened heart are slowly coming down because of this woman. “Come on let’s face them, you know they are all waiting outside for us to emerge from our sex den.” And true to my word, there they were, sitting in the kitchen and living room talking amongst themselves.

“Never thought I would see the day Evan Wyld was off the market,” Christian calls from the couch where he is eating some sugary cereal.

“Yeah, yeah – well, I’ll announce it here for you all, Sienna and I are together. Do any of you have a problem with it?” I look around the room to see some shocked faces, shaking of heads and shrugging of shoulders.

“I thought we couldn’t date employees?” Blake sneers from behind Charlotte, his eyes dropping to where she is standing before finding mine again. Little fucker got me there.

“I quit,” Sienna says quickly, with a smile on her face.

Turning to Blake, I smirk, “See not dating an employee anymore.” I can see he is fuming as he gets up and stalks away. You still can’t touch my little sister, fucker.

Since becoming Evan Wyld’s girlfriend, I have been riding a high. Watching him on stage is the biggest aphrodisiac for me; when he turns his head and gives me a wink mid-set to let me know he is thinking of me, my panties get wet – he knows what those dimples do to me. We arrived in Rome late last night and crashed as soon as we entered the hotel room. The long days of traveling were taking its toll on everyone.

The room was spectacular, all modern and sleek. Evan and I had our own suite, now that we were a couple. The rest of the band shared the Penthouse. Blake continually pointed out that the tour rules were ‘no dating employees’. He was right about it, and I did quit in support of my relationship with Evan, but the band wouldn’t accept it as it was so close to the end of the tour and it would be stupid for me to quit when the tour was nearly over. They were happy for both of us to be a couple.

It was another successful concert tonight, the meet and greet and after party all went flawlessly and it was great not having to hide the fact that Evan and I were together – much to the disapproving faces of the many women hanging out with the band. It was about 3:30 AM by the time we decided to head back to our hotel.

Evan is kissing me sensually in the back of the limousine, my lips swollen from the nips of his teeth. I’m perched in his lap when he reluctantly pulls away from me.

“I wish I could take you out and explore this city with you.”

Evan hates hearing about the things we have seen on the tour; he wants to be the one holding my hand as we walk the cobbled streets of Rome. He should be the one taking selfies with me standing outside the Trevi Fountain, or sipping champagne together as we shop in the designer boulevards, or even just eating a slice of traditional Italian pizza with me. Wiggling on his lap, I stare into his blue eyes.

“You would want to do those things with me?”

“Of course, I want to be the one kissing your lips on the Spanish Steps; I want to be the one that makes a wish with you at the Trevi Fountain. I want to feed you slices of pizza and taste your lips after sampling some sweet gelato. That’s what couples do when they are on holiday together. I want to experience those things with you,” he replies, his hands clutching my hips a little harder, the frustration coming off him in waves.

I want to do all those things as well, but it’s hard when paparazzi stalk your every step or crazy fan girls scream themselves hoarse waiting to get a glimpse of your boyfriend.

“I have an idea, don’t think Sammy is going to like it, but it might work,” I say, as I crawl off Evan’s lap hitting the button to pull down the privacy screen to talk to Sammy, Evan’s bodyguard and our driver. Moving over to where the window is open I whisper my plan to Sammy. He does not look happy at all, He glances down at his watch; makes some suggestions and before long my plan is in action.

“What are you up to, Sienna?” Evan questions, tilting his head at me.

I move back taking my seat beside him and pull his hand back into my lap. “You up for the ‘Sienna Hayes’ tour of Rome?” I suggest, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

The look on his face is priceless. He captures my lips with his giving me an earth-shattering kiss. “How did I get so lucky?” He says, rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

“Told you, Evan Wyld, I would ruin you for all other women.”

He let out a loud chuckle, shaking his head, he responded, “I believe you have, Sienna Hayes, I believe you have.”

Arriving at the hotel we are escorted through the main foyer where Sammy speaks to the concierge who gives him directions. We then followed him down a hallway leading to the back of the hotel to where the staff room is. As we pass, the employees look shocked at our presence. Reaching the back of the hotel, Sammy opens the back door and we are once again out on the street. We wait a moment while Sammy checks things out and makes sure all is okay.

“Come back here when you have finished exploring, call me when you are close. I will be here waiting for you,” he instructs, giving us a flick of his head and a small smile.

“Come on, Evan, let’s explore Rome,” I say excitedly, grabbing his hand as we race up the darkened street. Our hotel is centrally located in a tourist area; luxury boutiques line the cobblestone streets, upscale restaurants on either side as well as bars that were still busy at this hour. It was exhilarating being able to hold Evan’s hand freely in public. Usually, we have to make sure that any affection between the two of us is hidden away from prying eyes. We are both not ready for our relationship to become tabloid headlines; it’s hard enough trying to get away from the paparazzi on a typical day. If they sniffed a story around the band, they would be on it in a flash, especially with Evan’s reputation. We make our way through the maze of streets, arms wrapped around each other, just enjoying the freedom of walking together. We finally arrive at the famous Spanish Steps where there are some people still walking around, but no one takes any notice of us.

“Come on,” I say, as I pull Evan behind me and run up the steps. I’m breathless by the time we make it to the top; but the view over the Roman rooftops is worth it.

Evan wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck as we look out over the city.

“I feel like we are experiencing our own Roman Holiday. You know the Audrey Hepburn movie.”

Evan chuckles into my hair. “Always knew you were a Princess.”

I slap him on the arm jokingly.

Evan’s lips nuzzled my neck as he says, “Thank you for this, Sienna.”

My heart races as a warm buzz tickles my stomach thinking about how happy I am at this very moment. “It’s not over yet, Mr. Wyld, come on we have more to see.”

We run back down the steps again laughing until my legs come out from underneath me.

Evan grabs my waist twirling me around as we get to the end of the steps, saving me from falling. He pulls me in hard against his chest to stop me from spinning, when his lips capture mine in a heated kiss. A kiss that made the rest of the world disappear. In that moment it was as if we were the only two people that existed. “You make me want things I have never wanted before, Sienna.”

My heart leaps out of my chest at hearing him say this.

“I’m falling for you, Sienna.” Evan confesses, startling me.

“I know it might be too soon for you after everything, but I am willing to wait for you, Sienna.”

What could anyone say to that except show him the way he made me feel? I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again until we were unable to breathe. Our Roman tour continues as we pass buildings that date back four-hundred odd years; every inch of this city is cloaked in history. Eventually we make it to the famous Trevi Fountain.

Evan’s jaw drops as he sees the fountain, lights shine brightly on the white stone. “I can’t believe I am here,” he whispers, squeezing my hand.

“Come on, let’s make a wish,” I suggest, running towards the glistening water. I pull out a couple of coins from my pocket giving one to Evan. “Now turn around; back facing the fountain. Use your right hand to throw it over your left shoulder and make a wish.”

We both pause for a moment thinking about our desires before we throw our coins into the fountain listening for a small splash of the coin hitting the water. Turning around, we both smile at each other and at the fountain.

“This beats drinking at some lame after party,” Evan says.

“Yeah, but probably doesn’t beat having girls lusting after you all the time.”

Evan chuckles, “Groupies are not that much fun, they were a means to an end.”

Slapping him on the arm, I scold him. “You’re such a dick.”

Not liking what I had just called him, he grabs me tickling my sides and makes me squeal.

“But I’m your dick, aren’t I? Say it, Sienna.”

Gasping for breath, I am laughing so much. “I’m not saying that, it’s under duress.”

We are both laughing until he finally stops and pulls me against him kissing my head. We start to make our way back to the hotel, getting a late night gelato on the way.

“So, what’s your plan after the tour,” I ask, casually making small talk. The silence stretches between us until finally Evan responds.

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