Sugar Shack (6 page)

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Authors: Paisley Scott

BOOK: Sugar Shack
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Catherine nodded. That was so true. But she
’d been a nitwit with a college degree, thinking she was missing out on the world’s greatest secrets. And that they lay just beyond the Vermont border. “I don’t have a good excuse for what I did. But I’m not that same person anymore. It’s not the old, flighty Catherine sitting here. I’m different. More mature.”

His smile was slightly sad.
“Who are you trying to convince? Me, or yourself?”

Another hot flush flooded her face.
“Who knows?” she muttered.

Since we’re being upfront and honest with each other, I should tell you I have been seeing someone for a while.”

Even though she
’d seen the picture and surmised as much, hearing it from him made it real. She had to swallow a few times before she could. “Must be serious then,” she said, sounding as nonchalant as she could.

Luke picked up their plates and stood.
“Want some coffee? I put on a fresh pot.”

Catherine shook her head. She couldn
’t swallow anything over the growing lump in her throat. She hadn’t expected him to be in a committed relationship with a woman. And why not? He was still young, good-looking, owned his own place, made good money. He was a hell of a catch. She watched him saunter away, noting the tight curve of his ass and his powerful thighs through his jeans. The muscles under his shirt bunched as he moved to put the dishes in the sink. She groaned to herself. Yes, he was quite a catch. And the snowball was picking up speed as it careened downhill.

Black coffee in hand, Luke sat back down at the table.
“What about you? Divorced? Engaged? Kids?”

The questions took her by surprise, although she didn
’t understand why they should. She’d better get used to taking as well as she gave in this dialogue. “No, no and no.” She smiled.

He leaned back in his chair and crossed his long legs at the ankles beneath the table. His soft cotton sock brushed beneath the cuff of her sweat pants, sending
goose bumps skittering up her leg. God, just the faintest touch from him made her hot. How was she going to stay overnight without wanting to jump his bones?

That surprises me,” he said, taking a slow sip of his coffee.

Why?” She held her chin up a little higher. “Because I’m a woman and that’s what women are supposed to do? Get married and have babies?”

He looked confused for a second, then shook his head.
“No. It’s just natural to assume a beautiful woman like you would have a husband and kids.”

Catherine covered her burning cheeks and rested her head in her hands.
“Sorry. And thank you. I don’t know why I’m so defensive. Maybe I’m a little paranoid...being here with you after so long. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act.”

Absently, he rotated his cup by the handle.
“I don’t want you to act any way. I want you to just be yourself, Cat.” He glanced at her and their gazes locked. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted from you.”

She sighed. She didn
’t know how she’d envisioned this going, but it definitely wasn’t this difficult in her fantasies.

Can we start over?” she asked, reaching out her hand to him. “I’m Catherine Bennett, thirty-four years old, and I’m a journalist for
Off the Beaten Path
magazine. I’m recently estranged from my boyfriend, Lewis. I’ve never been married, have no kids, no pets, and live in Chicago. You?”

His laughter caught her by surprise, and warmed her heart. It was a good sound, a welcoming sound. It made her feel comfortable and secure.

“Okay, I’ll bite,” he said, taking her hand in his and shaking it.

Tiny electric sparks shot up her arm at the contact. Just touching the man made her forget about everything but making love to him. She blinked and tried to focus on what he was saying.

“I’m Luke. Lucas Mackenzie. Owner of this place, my family’s maple farm. I’m, uh, thirty-five until January. Don’t have any kids. Pets? Well, I guess that’d be Sapphire. Not married, but I’m seeing someone casually. Her name is Hannah Owens.”

The lump returned, bigger this time.
“Oh? How long?”

He shrugged.
“A few years.”

That’s a pretty long time.” Still leaning across the table, she pulled back her hand and cupped her chin. “So what does casually mean, exactly?”

Another chuckle rumbled from his chest.
“It means we just have fun together.”

So you two just get together for sex?”

Crimson tinged his cheeks.
“Damn, Cat. You just say it like it is, don’t you?”

Her eyebrows lifted.
“I’m just being myself. That’s what you said you wanted from me, right?”

He nodded, thoughtfully stroking the five o
’clock shadow along his jaw. “True.”

So?” The question wasn’t going unanswered if she could help it.

Luke shifted in his chair.
“Why do you want to know so badly?”

’d hit the ball right back in her court. And all she could do was be honest.
Bite the bullet, Bennett
. “Because I don’t want a jealous girlfriend barging in on us while we’re having sex later on.” God, she couldn’t believe she’d said that. Out loud!

A wicked glint entered his amber eyes.
“Oh, really?”

’d laid it out there, might as well back it up. “Yeah. Really.”

And what makes you so sure that’s going to happen?”

Bolder than she
’d ever been in her past life with him, she answered, “Because I enjoy fucking you and I’m pretty sure you enjoy me riding that thick cock of yours, too.”

His eyes widened and he stopped playing with his cup. Silence reigned in the small, intimate kitchen.
“Damn,” he said, exhaling the word as their gazes remained locked.

Is that going to be a problem?” she asked, lifting her eyebrows.

A slow grin curved his lips.
“No, ma’am,” he said, his voice low and sexy. “This is certainly something new from you, Cat. I like it.” His smile widened.

A lot has changed over the past ten years, Luke. Like I said, I’m not the same person you remember.”

I’m discovering that.”

What I need to know, though, is how serious your relationship is. I don’t want to start anything if there’s more between you two than simply sex.”

He rubbed his lower lip.
“And what exactly do you want to start, Cat? Besides more mind-blowing, bed-scorching sex, I mean.”

Just the thought of that made her wet. She leaned forward and trailed her finger down his forearm. Clutching the last remnant of rational thought before she fell completely under his amber-eyed charm, she urged,
“Tell me it’s nothing more than just sex between you and her.”

His hand covered hers as it moved up his arm. Tenderly, he brought her fingers to his lips and kissed the knuckles. He turned her hand over and pressed his lips against her palm. She gasped when his tongue made soft, wet circles against her skin. Heat shot through every vein in her body and pooled between her legs like molten lava.


No?” she repeated, confused.

He didn
’t look at her, just murmured against the skin of her palm. “No. The relationship isn’t anything more than sex.”

A thrill rushed through her at light speed. As much as she loved hearing those words, she had to make sure it was real.
“Does she know that?”

His tongue grazed her palm again, making a languid figure eight.

That didn
’t sound good. As much as she didn’t want to leave his seductive lips, Catherine drew her hand back. “Luke, you can’t assume she knows. Haven’t you guys had the talk?”

He looked irritated by the sudden change of mood.
“I’m pretty sure she already knows about the birds and the bees, Cat.”

talk,” Catherine grumbled, shaking her head. “Women need to know where they stand with guys. If you’ve been with her for a few years, I’m pretty sure she thinks there’s a payoff at the end of this ride.”

Why don’t you let me worry about what Hannah and I talk about?”

  Catherine stood and took his empty cup to the sink.

Outside the window, one shutter was still closed from the earlier storm. The panes of glass were frosty with shelves of snow stuck to them. In the distance, the sun was setting, a blaze of orange painting the white landscape. Flakes floated faster past the window and great gusts were shaking the nearby trees, sending globs of snow plummeting to the ground. Everything outside looked untouched. No tracks in the snow, no sign of dirt or grass, and the mounds of white had crept up to the second bar of the wooden fence.

She’d lived in New England long enough to know bad weather from really bad weather. This was the slight calm before the storm, so to speak. A blizzard was brewing and she was lucky to have found refuge when she did.

Luke came up behind her.
“Why are you so interested in my love life anyway, Cat?”

I guess I want to see what happens.” In the backlit reflection of the kitchen window, she met his gaze. “If you’re game?”

His arms wrapped around her and pulled her against him. She could feel his arousal push against her buttocks. He leaned over and nuzzled her neck.
“Hell, yeah, I’m game.”

Every time he touched her, it sent electric vibrations darting through her to her pussy. Within seconds of his hands or lips on her, she was wet. How could she deny herself the ultimate pleasure of fucking this man? At least for now, regardless of his so-called casual relationship.

A small part of her—the rational part—spoke before it was too late. “Luke. Let’s promise one thing,” she said, pulling away from him enough to think straight.

His sigh ruffled her hair.
“And that is?”

However long this storm lasts will be our time. After that, we have to face either the rewards or the consequences.”

He dipped in for another nuzzle.

With the oath between them, Catherine let herself go completely, turning to face the man she
’d never stopped thinking about, or fantasizing over.





Chapter Seven


Luke led them out of the kitchen, their mouths still tasting each other. At the table where they
’d just eaten, he stopped, dragging off his shirt. Catherine caught on quickly and tugged off her own top and bra.

His hands immediately covered her exposed breasts, while his tongue dueled with hers. He moaned into her mouth, evoking tremors of delight in her belly. She had to have him. Now. Here.

Her hands slid to undo the button on his jeans. His hands repaid the favor with her sweatpants as he yanked them down, along with her lacy black panties. The warmth of the hearth kept the chill at bay, but she shivered, more from excitement than cold.

He pulled away and looked at her. Desire colored his eyes the shade of warm brandy. Without saying a word, he turned her around and bent her over the table. The sound of his zipper lowering made her throb with need. Excitement sped through her, touching off hot spots throughout her body. Wherever he touched, she tingled with uncontrollable lust for this man.

She closed her eyes when she felt his lips skate down the curve of her back, followed by the feather-light touch of his fingers. Squirming to get closer, she rubbed her ass against him, grinding against his erect cock.

She reached around and tried to touch him. Luke grabbed her hand and held it on the table beside her head.
“No, babe. This time it’s my turn to take the lead. You had it last time.”

She moaned, arching her back so her ass was higher.

He rubbed his cock against her. “Is this what you want?” He teased her by slipping his middle finger inside her wetness.

For a split second, Catherine forgot how to breathe. Then it all came back in a rush as she inhaled sharply, moving against his finger.
“Please,” she begged quietly.

He leaned over her shoulder to whisper in her ear,
“Please, what?” He slid the head of his cock into her cunt, and she felt her juices trickle between her thighs.

She couldn
’t take this game any longer. Satisfaction was inches away behind her and she wanted it, needed it, now. “Please, fuck me, Luke. I want to feel that sweet cock of yours inside me. Fill me up. Fill me up, baby.” Her hips rolled seductively.

Still leaning over her, he grabbed her hair and wound it around his hand. His tongue tasted the side of her neck, then he bit her lightly as pulled out of her pussy and eased between her ass cheeks.
“Shh, shh,” he soothed as she tensed.

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