Sugar Shack (9 page)

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Authors: Paisley Scott

BOOK: Sugar Shack
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Tears stung her eyes.
“You’re looking for something that isn’t there. I promise you, there is no catch.”

Oh, you promise?” He looked at her over his shoulder. “And I’m supposed to believe you because you’ve been so honest with me in the past, right?”

Sighing, she stared at the ceiling for a full minute, then glanced back at him.
“All I can keep saying is I’m sorry for running off ten years ago. When will you believe me?” She thought for a second, then frowned. “Are you looking for an excuse not to forgive me? Would that be too easy?”

That’s insane. Besides, I’m not the one writing nonsense about the friendly folks in Vermont and making them look like idiots.”

Folding her arms over her chest, she stood firm and looked him in the eye.
“For your information, Sherlock, that piece you read was about the simple charms of the area. If you’d taken a moment to read the tidy stack of typed papers on the table, you’d have seen the actual article. I wasn’t finished. I was going to incorporate the piece you read with the rest, to show the reader how tranquil Vermont is and how it’s a dream destination to get away from the hustle-bustle of the big city.”

He had the courtesy to look confused.
“No Internet access is a perk?” he asked sarcastically. “It shows how far out in the boonies we are.”

It’s a huge perk. No phones, no computers, nothing but clean air and nature. It’s what a lot of city dwellers want to escape to.”

Why did you make us out to seem like we don’t take to strangers?”

God, Luke. I can’t believe you jumped to that conclusion. I simply encouraged people to visit because no one would bother them on their vacation. I didn’t mean Vermonters don’t like outsiders, just that they respect others’ privacy.”

He dropped into the chair again, holding his face in his palms.
“I don’t know what to believe,” he groaned.

Catherine knelt beside the chair and put her hands on his knee.
“I sure did a number on you, didn’t I, Luke?”

Wiping his hands down his jaw, he looked at her, his eyes devoid of emotion.
“Don’t pity me.”

Ugh. He was so stubborn.
“I’m not. I’m just trying, once again, to undo what a mess I made years ago. Your inability to trust is mostly my doing, I think.”

His grin was mirthless.
“You’re kinda full of yourself, aren’t you, Cat?”

He was really playing hardball tonight.
“Luke. Please. Let’s be reasonable. I’m sorry. For everything I ever did to you. There. It’s all out there. I apologize to the nth degree and I swear I’ve changed. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to make fun of you. I just want to be part of your life again.” Her voice shook. “I want to try one more time, Luke. It’s so good between us—we can’t just walk away from this. We can’t.”

I’m…well, I’m sort of engaged, Cat.”

The words stabbed her straight through the heart and she fell backward on the floor at his feet. She grabbed her throat, trying to catch her breath but unable to make her lungs work. The room began to spin and for the first time in her life, Catherine felt the world slipping out of control.

Immediately Luke was on his knees beside her, shaking her shoulders. “Cat? Cat! Are you okay? Cat!”

A great gasp of air filled her lungs and she coughed.
“Wha—? You’re
sort of
engaged?” She coughed again. “You’re the liar, Luke,” she rasped. “Not me.”

He sighed and sat back with her on the floor.
“You scared the hell out of me. I thought you were having a seizure or something.”

Catherine crawled on her haunches away from him a few feet.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you were engaged the first night I arrived? I gave you every opportunity.” Her tongue suddenly caught in her teeth as she felt her smile turn facetious. “Oh, I get it. You think I wouldn’t have slept with you if I’d known you had a fiancé. Is that it?” Her eyes narrowed. “Scared your sure thing might get away without letting you sample the goods?”

That’s not it at all,” he mumbled.

Men. I swear you are all the same.” She shook her head. “But here’s a newsflash for you, Casanova. Regardless if it’s right or wrong morally, I would have slept with you because we have history together and I was curious to see if there was still chemistry between us. And guess what? There was. There is.” She raised a brow. “Or are you going to argue that point?”

A deep sigh rumbled from his chest.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”

I’m just throwing this out there,” she said, crossing her arms. “But you could start off with a teeny tiny apology for being such a hypocrite.”

His eyes snapped like sun glinting off gold.
“What? You want me to apologize after what you did to me? To us?” His jaw worked for a second, but no more words came out.

Cat nodded.
“You want to blame everything on me, yet you weren’t Mister Perfect either. Remember, I never left you for another man.”

And I didn’t leave you for another woman,” he defended.

True. But you lied when you said it wasn’t a big deal between you and the woman you’re seeing.” She shrugged. “Now…presto! She’s your fiancée. So you, sir, are a liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Still on the floor, Luke leaned back on his elbows and looked at her.
“We’re both liars with flammable asses. So how do you propose we fix it?”

She rolled forward and lay on her stomach, suddenly weary.
“I don’t know, honestly. I’ve tried to prove to you I’m not the same person I was, yet you still try to pigeonhole me as that girl.”

He reached out and stroked her hair.
“You’re right. That’s unfair. I’m sorry for that.”

Cat grinned.
“Well, that’s a start.”

He pulled her up to lie more comfortably against his chest.
“I’ll try to see you for the person you are now and quit judging you by a memory I’ve held against you for ten years.”

Well, gee, how cavalier when you put it like that,” she grumbled, wondering if she would ever be able to truly convince him. She felt his lungs expand beneath her chin as she gazed up at him.

Sorry again. I just haven’t had a chance to work through a lot of the old baggage.” His lips thinned. “I thought maybe new baggage would help me sort it out.”

Cat frowned.
“Unless we’re talking about a set of Louis Vuitton matching luggage, I’d advise you never to use baggage to describe a woman.”

Point taken.”

She sighed and rested her cheek against his shoulder.
“So now what?”

I honestly don’t know, Cat.” He pulled her closer, his heavy exhale ruffling her hair.

I’m open to suggestions.”

A long pause lingered between them before he broke the silence.
“I guess we need to know how serious this is.”

I think we still have something strong between us, Luke. But I can tell you this, I’m not the kind of person to try and break up an engagement. I said before I’d still have slept with you, regardless of you having a girlfriend, and that is the truth. But that was before all these lingering feelings came back and settled in my heart. I’d like to give us another try, but not if you’re with someone who you’re committed to and plan to marry. As much as I want you, I won’t do that to you or to her.” Cat rolled to her feet, looking down at him. “I need to pack. I’ll leave first thing in the morning when Frank plows the roads. The storm should be clearing up tonight.”

Turning, she walked out of the room.


Luke closed his eyes and leaned his head against the hardwood floor. What was he supposed to do? His life had been rocking along just fine without Catherine Bennett, and all of a sudden she
’d blown in with a blizzard on her tail and his world had fallen to pieces.

His mind conjured Hannah
’s face. Blond, blue-eyed, and everything anyone could ever want in a wife. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. But she wasn’t Cat. She didn’t make his heart race whenever he saw her; his cock didn’t harden at the mere thought of her.

He sat up, resting his arms on his knees. Face it, Mackenzie, he told himself. Hannah
’s always been a rebound and she’s never excited you like Cat. Hell, he’d only gotten engaged because…? His mind wandered. Why had they gotten engaged? He searched his memory and tried to pinpoint the exact moment. It had been Valentine’s Day, and Hannah helped repair a broken line in the sugar bush. He was so exhausted and so happy to get it fixed before dark, he put his arm around her and told her how much he had appreciated her help. He frowned as the memory cleared. He’d simply thanked her and it had been Hannah who came back with, “You can thank me with a ring.”

His scowl deepened. He
’d never asked her to marry him. Instead, she’d insinuated it that day. He was comfortable with Hannah, like the security you’d feel with a broken-in pair of work boots, or gloves. It had nothing to do with love. And excitement sure as hell never played a part with them. Even though he never gave her a ring, she was content to tell folks in town they were engaged anyway. He was fine with that since it didn’t cause any shift in his life. Hannah hadn’t even asked to move in with him. So how serious could it possibly be?

Luke rubbed his forehead, trying to erase the deep crease he felt there.
“God, what a mess,” he grumbled.


The sun hadn’t broken the horizon when Catherine awoke the next morning. Staying away from Luke last night was the hardest thing she’d done in a long, long time. Sleep eluded her and she felt physically and mentally drained. She had to get away and collect her thoughts. Distance would clear her head, help her reason. At least she hoped it would.

Gathering her bag, she slipped downstairs, trying to be as quiet as possible so Luke wouldn
’t hear her. Maybe she could sneak away and…she sighed. And what? Sneak away like the coward you were ten years ago? After dragging her suitcase to the back door, she checked the coffee pot, smiling when she saw he’d set it up the night before. She plugged it in and it immediately started hissing as it hit the brew cycle. After a few minutes, the enticing scent of Kona coffee wafted through the room. Two cups sat at the ready beside the coffee maker.

Another smile touched her lips. Why did he have to be so thoughtful? Leaving would be a lot easier if he wasn
’t such a genuinely great guy. She sighed, flopping down in a chair to wait out the coffee.

Mornin’,” Luke said from the doorway. Leaning against the doorjamb, he looked incredibly sexy in his bare feet and unsnapped jeans with a flannel shirt he’d thrown on and neglected to button. His hair was tousled from sleep, and all she wanted was to lead him straight back to bed and join him there.

Morning,” she returned, clasping her hands against her knee to keep from running her fingers lovingly over that flat, firm stomach of his. She stood and walked to the coffee pot. “Storm’s stopped.”

I noticed.” He came to stand beside her, holding both cups as she poured. “Frank’s probably already out plowing.”

She nodded.
“Sorry, I’m not as good at the whole breakfast thing. If you’re hungry, I’m afraid I can’t help you unless you have a box of doughnuts or—”

Cat,” he interrupted. “It’s okay. I’m not hungry. Come sit down and share coffee with me before you leave.”

She followed him to the table and sat across from him. Quiet surrounded them. Even the sounds outside were silent, muffled by the thick blanket of snow. Silence hung over them like a living thing.

Reaching across the table, Luke covered her hand with his. “As much as I hate having you walk out of my life again, I understand why it has to happen, but I’d like to propose a deal.” He held up his hand before she could say anything. “Just let me throw it out there. I’ve thought on it all night and I really think it might be doable for both of us.”

Cat nodded, remaining silent.

He took a deep breath and said, “Since neither of us was really prepared for the feelings that still seem to exist between us, I honestly don’t think we can just walk away from this and not look back. Or if we did, we’d look back in regret. For whatever reason, Fate decided to give us another shot, and I’d like to see if we’re better the second time around. Do you think that’s fair?”

Hot tears tumbled down her cheeks. As much as she
’d hurt him in the past, he was offering to try again. It wasn’t forgiveness outright—not yet, at least. But it was a start. “I do,” she murmured. “But what about your fiancée?”

He nodded.
“That’s another cobweb in my past I need to straighten out.”

Catherine swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Look, Luke, as happy as this conversation is making me, I still have to argue for what’s fair. And as much as I want a second chance with you, you already have another life planned with someone else.” She pulled her hand away, clasping it with the other it in her lap.

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