Summer Kisses (219 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Summer Kisses
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Her kid.


“Luka!” With a start, Nicole sat up in the bed, holding her forehead.
Had she been drugged?
Her vision was fuzzy. She swiped her eyes and blinked.
She was just exhausted and stressed. She’d slept very little last night—reliving over and over the horror of the previous night. The nightmare had kept her tossing and turning.

The bathroom door was closed.


No answer. The television was turned down low. He should be able to hear her. Her breath caught. She scrambled off the bed and stalked to the bathroom. He wasn’t inside.

He was with Will. She couldn’t keep her son away from the man. She yanked open the connecting door, expecting to see the pair continuing their intense game of ‘Go Fish’ from last night, but the room was empty. They were gone.

“Luka.” Nicole’s acid burned her rolling stomach while her last breath remained trapped in her lungs. Her greatest fear had come true. Will did work for the Novakoffs.

Where would he take her son? How would she follow them?

She slammed her fist against the door frame. God. She was so stupid. Will had bought them the biggest, most delicious pizza and like a fool she had stuffed herself. Then, while lying on the bed and feeling Luka’s warm body next to hers while he watched television, she had fallen asleep.

Nicole glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand which read 1:42 p.m. She had slept for an hour—long enough to lose her son.

She stuffed her feet into her sandals and dashed to the door. She had to find them and stop Will from giving Luka back to the Novokoffs.

How? She had no idea where they had gone. If she went back to the family, they’d kill her.

Her fingers curled into fists. Then she’d die trying.

She raced outside into the blinding late afternoon sun and skidded to a halt. The SUV was still parked in front of room fourteen, several doors down. She knew why Will had moved the vehicle there. However unlikely, if the Novokoffs did find them, they’d assume she, Luka and Will were hiding inside room fourteen. The racket they’d create storming inside the empty room would give Will enough time to react.

But why do that if he was one of Novokoff’s men?


Nicole’s heart soared hearing Luka’s voice. She spun around and saw him running across the parking lot from the far side of the building. His bare chest was pumped and glistened. A motel towel draped his shoulders. Behind him, a shirtless Will followed. “Where were you? I was so scared.”

Her son slid to a stop in front of her. His eyes shimmered with joy. “Uncle Will took me swimming.”

Nicole dropped to her knees. She grabbed him by his thin arms, pulled him to her and hugged him tight. Tears welled up in her eyes as the tips of Will’s boots came into her view.

“He swims pretty good for a four-year-old.”

She stood, still clutching her son. “You son of abit—” Nicole bit her tongue, feeling Luka’s head turn up against her stomach. She fought to calm her shaky voice. “I thought you took him.”

“Didn’t you read the note I left you?”

“What note?” She glanced toward the open hotel door and shook her head.

“I laid the pad on the nightstand next to the bed. The kid was bored and you were zonked out. So we went for a walk and found a small pool out back. It’s the owner’s private pool, but he said I could take the kid swimming.”

“Just like that?”

Will shrugged. “I’m a nice guy. People like me. What can I say?”

Her throat clogged with emotion and she trembled. If she had lost Luka, she would’ve died.

The marshal’s eyes narrowed as he dipped his head to the side. “Are you okay?”

Her heart continued to pound. A dusting of blond curls covered Will’s broad tan chest and drifted into a V under the waistband of his jeans, which hung low on his trim hips.

She’d never been this close to a shirtless man other than Gorgon. Will’s presence warmed her blood. She met his concerned stare just as he reached for her. She stepped back.

“I’m fine.”

“Guess what, mom.” Luka tugged the hem of her top.

“Uncle Will said we could go to a park.”

“What are you talking about?” She looked up at the marshal.

“Hershey Park is about twenty minutes away.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, making his bicep bulge. “I thought if you’re up to it, we’d take the kid there and put him on some amusement rides. Maybe grab dinner at the park. No use sitting around the room all day and night.”

“But what if—?”

He cocked his head to the side. “Do you really think you know who will be looking for us there?”

“Who is looking for us? Daddy?” Luka asked.


“No one you know, kiddo,” Will responded the same time she had. Will rubbed Luka’s hair, leaving the rusty strands a mess. Then he turned his amused gaze to her. “What do you say? It’s better than sitting around here watching the clock tick.”

“The clocks are digital.”

“Okay then, flip or bleep or whatever. What do you say?”

“Say yes, Mama. I’ve never been to a ride park.” Luka jumped up and down in front of Nicole.

Her son’s excitement was contagious. There was no way she was going to say no. Will was probably right. Novokoff’s men would not search for them at an amusement park.

She glanced at Will while grabbing Luka’s shoulder to make him stop jumping. Exhaustion dulled Will’s blue eyes. Tiring Luka out was a good idea, and doing so would take both of them. She grabbed her son’s chin and turned his attention up to her. “On one condition. You must hold my hand the whole time.”

“Even on rides?”

“Okay, not while you’re on rides. But before and after.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Will said, winking at Luka. “Let’s get changed, kid. The bus leaves in ten minutes.”

She had a feeling she was being played by the two.

“Yeah!” Luka took off like an Olympian in training and entered the motel through the door she’d left open.

Will turned on his booted heel to follow. Nicole reached out. Her fingertips hovered above his shoulder blade. She never touched the bare skin of any man other than Gorgon. Will took his second step and she grabbed his arm. “Why are you doing this?”

Will yanked out of her grip as if her touch scorched him. He turned and the odd glint in his eye changed to a twinkle.

“Don’t you think an uncle has the right to spoil his nephew once in awhile?”

“But you’re not Luka’s uncle.”

With both fists, he grabbed the towel slung around his neck. His ribs expanded as he drew a breath. “Look, he’s a kid. He has enough energy to power the next space shuttle to Pluto and back, and he was bored watching you sleep. I need sleep. So why don’t we take him to the park, double team him, wear him out and then tonight we can all rest.”

She was right about Will needing sleep. He had been up all night and after taking on her case ,all day, driving them here, keeping watch over her and Luka. “You’re right. I’m sorry I know you’re just trying to help us.”

“Good, let’s go.” He frowned and headed toward the motel.


Four hours later, Will’s turn to sit came while Katrina kept her son busy, but always within his view. Carrying two bags of half-eaten cotton candy, Will dropped onto a bench labeled ‘Chocolate Stop #5’ while Katrina raced after Luka.

He reached down, and through the material of his jeans, readjusted his Glock which had been jostled to the side on the last ride.

Straightening, he noted Katrina and Luka now stood in line for the park’s smallest roller coaster while dusk hung heavy in the summer sky to the east behind them.

Will squinted at his watch. The hour confirmed that the gritty feel of his eyes was indeed a sign he’d been up for near thirty-six hours. He stretched his neck and shifted his weight on the wooden seat, fighting off the exhaustion that settled in on him with the setting sun’s last warm rays.

Through the array of carnival hum, he heard Katrina’s laughter and he zeroed in on her. She was a puzzling woman. One moment she came off as a strong, sexy siren, standing so close to him that her heat singed the hairs on his arms and caused his blood to boil with forbidden desire, and the next moment, she kept her distance, and with downcast eyes, acted as if he might hit her for no reason at all.

He pressed his spine against the hardwood slats, squared his shoulders and inhaled a deep breath of french fries. He had to remain sharp. Katrina was dangerous.

Will studied Katrina’s profile as she trapped Luka’s chin between her thumb and forefinger and with a tissue began to wipe away something from the corner of the kid’s mouth. He couldn’t find a single flaw in the innocent mask she wore.

After she’d finished caring for her son, Katrina stashed the tissue back in her purse and then reached up and adjusted the ponytail she’d trapped her long hair into before heading to the park. As if sensing he watched her, she glanced over her shoulder still wearing her beautiful smile and flagged a little wave in his direction.

There had been moments throughout the afternoon just like this one where Katrina seemed almost childlike—as if she were enjoying the world for the first time. He recalled the way her eyes rolled in bliss while wrapping her first bite of cotton candy around her tongue. A moan of ecstasy had escaped her.

He had mustered every ounce of willpower and pulled his eyes from her enjoyment of the sugary fluff. Her pouty lips parting, her tongue swirling around the candy and the smacking sound she made as she licked her fingers clean, had almost driven him to fall to his knees in front of her.

Katrina’s elation over her first bite could’ve been an act but he didn’t think so. She ate the confection as if she hadn’t had anything so sweet in a long time. Looking at her, he doubted she ate many sweets at all. There wasn’t two ounces of fat on her trim frame, except for the two perfect breasts displayed nicely by her little white top—a linen blouse with a top button that kept popping open, exposing the curve of her right breast. A white top that stopped short of touching the band of her tiny jeans skirt, just enough to show a peek of her tan belly whenever she lifted her arms even slightly, like right now, as she again adjusted her ponytail.

She was playing with him.

Will’s loins tightened, thinking how the curl of her hips would fit both his grasp and against his own.

“F U Dork,” someone cried.

Will’s heavy-lidded eyes popped open and he twisted around on the bench in time to see a pimple-faced adolescent race through the mingling crowd, waving a red T-shirt above his head like a hard-earned trophy. Two seconds later and not far behind, five other unsupervised boys, one missing a shirt, raced after him.

Scanning the crowd for anyone who might also be watching the group with interest, the hairs on the nape of Will’s neck prickled. He relaxed, noting the only ones who paid any attention to them were those the boys elbowed.

Will rested against the hard wood, seeing the world was okay and shook his head. Didn’t the parents realize assuming the world was a utopia was dangerous? He figured the boys were maybe thirteen or fourteen years of age—an age where their parents felt safe leaving them on their own. God, they couldn’t be more wrong.

Will glanced at Katrina where she and Luka neared the front of the line. He’d like to put every one of the boys’ parents into a room with Susie Lakes’ mother and father just for five minutes and then they’d understand how important diligence was regarding their children’s safety.

One never knew how heavy guilt was until they carried the shame. He wouldn’t wish the burden on anyone.

He squeezed his eyes closed and swiped away the memory of a perfect spring day blackened by evil while he was in a place where it had no business.

He jumped at the weight of someone joining him on the bench and dropped the bags of cotton candy, reaching for a gun that wasn’t at the small of his back.

“Oops. Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Katrina reached for the candy at the same moment he did.

Even her pink painted toes peeking out of her sandals were perfect.

That is what he meant.

His mind swirled like the lights circling above the rails in front of him. Between his lashes, he met the bits of warm amber glowing in her midnight irises. Close enough to feel her breath, he noted a tinge of purple under the makeup covering her cheekbone. Her rosy lips lifted into a smile and his breath grabbed his chest with sharp claws.

She willed him closer. The pull, as old the world itself, caused him to lean toward Katrina.

She didn’t move, but instead waited, watching for his next move.

He studied the little mole above her full upper lip. A sudden desire to feel the soft cushion of Katrina’s lips pressed against his, caused a battle inside him to lean toward her or get away. He’d bet a week’s pay she tasted like pure honey laced with cotton candy.

Her fingers brushed the back of his hand and an electric charge zapped its way to his groin.

Laughter erupted from the crowd behind them.

Will snapped back. He wouldn’t allow himself to be fooled and sucked in by her innocent act. He was the cop trying to knock her off keel.

Summing all his willpower, he pushed to his feet, forgetting the bags that lay at them. “I ah…” He stammered for words while noticing the length of her legs, again. Damn, she was beautiful.

Katrina picked up the bags and tilting her head to the side, stared at him with a curious expression.

Will turned away and raked his hand through his long hair. He couldn’t do this. From the moment he’d seen Katrina, his blood had simmered and with each passing moment they were together, the heat rose. He had to keep his distance.

He stared beyond the twirling mechanics and was deaf to the screams they caused. Gary should’ve handled Katrina. He was the charmer. He was the one who was married and used to a woman’s wiles. Even without the threat of his wife putting a bullet through his cock, Gary wouldn’t tumble into bed with Katrina.

He, on the other hand was the bad-ass cop, used to getting the answers he needed through force, any force. And, he hadn’t been laid in well over a year. He had to keep his head on straight.

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