Summer Kisses (223 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Summer Kisses
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She couldn’t go back to work. What if Will came back? Nicole faked a tremble. “I don’t know if I can. What if he comes back?”

“Okay, take my car and go home.” Crystal shoved the keys back into her hand. “I’ll get Elmer to give me a lift and I’ll pick my car up after my shift is over.”

“What about Mr.—?”

“Don’t worry about him. I’ll cover for you. I’ll tell boss man you cut your hand trying to open a can of applesauce and I sent you home. He’ll be worried about his worker’s comp rates and just be happy you went home and not to the emergency room. Now go.”

Nicole gave the woman a hug. “How can I thank you?”

“What goes around comes around, honey. One day you’ll have to cover for me.”

Nicole laughed. “You got it.” Two minutes later, she pulled out of the lot, planning her next move.


The old air conditioner, which did little more than act as a fan pushing warm air into the room, rattled in the window, pulling Nicole from a fretful sleep. Under her long hair, sweat beaded the nape of her neck. She stretched and peeled away from the damp sheet under her. Through heavy lashes, she noticed a boot tapping the air at the base of the single-sized bed and her heart shot into her throat. Clutching the sheet to her bare breasts, she rolled and scrambled to the opposite side of the bed, only to be pinned, faced-down into the mattress by the intruder.

“Let me go.” She thrashed and kicked back, striking air. Her breasts squished into the mattress springs. She ignored the pain, reached behind her, and grabbed fists filled with the assailant’s hair. With all her might, she yanked hard.


She winced, her ear ringing with the attacker’s cry.

He dropped his weight from his elbows, forcing the air from her lungs. His fingers locked around her wrists and tried breaking her hold on him. “Damn, Katrina. Stop pulling. You’re ripping my hair out.”

Every muscle of her body went stark still, except for her eyes––they widened. “Will?” Over her shoulder, she peeked through her auburn strands and caught a glimpse of Will’s cheek plastered against her bare shoulder.

“Yeah. It’s me. Christ. Now let go.” His hot breath caressed her sensitive skin, sending tingles down her spine.

Nicole became aware of the softness of his hair between her fingers, his musky scent bombarding her nostrils on the cusp of each sharp breath she inhaled…and every inch of his hard body pressing against her backside. Warmth pooled between her legs and she closed her eyes against her body’s reaction to him. “You first.”

He let go of her wrists.

Nicole slid her arms close to her body and pushed against the mattress, trying to topple his weight from her, so she could roll over, but he kept her pinned in place.

The discounted, thin sheets she’d bought at the local Dollar-Mart and his clothing were the only barrier between his hot flesh and hers. That knowledge caused the room to grow warmer. “I let go. Now get off of me.” She bucked against him––a mistake.

She lay still.

“Not until you tell me what you were reaching for?”

“What?” She glanced at him and then scanned the nightstand next to the bed. “Nothing. I don’t have a gun if that is what you’re thinking. I was just trying to get away.”

“Not until you promise me you won’t try to run.” Will arched up and bore his weight on his elbows. His strong thighs held her legs in place while his hard ridge, evidence of his arousal, pressed against her backside.

She fisted the sheet below her, trapped her lip between her teeth, and wrestled with the fire mounting low in her belly. So as not to go dizzy with want, Nicole remained still. “I’ll scream if you don’t. My landlord has great hearing, and, he has a huge shot gun.”

“You don’t want to do that.”

She struggled to push up on her elbows again. “Why not?”

“I’d have no choice but to flash my badge and haul your ass out of here, sheet optional.”

“Ha. Ha.”

“I’m glad you find the situation funny,” his warm breath caressed her neck.

She struggled against his weight along with her desire for him. “I mean it. I’ll scream.”

“Go ahead. I doubt anyone will hear you.”

Brushing her hair from her face, she peeked over her shoulder and saw amusement dancing in his eyes. “Why’s that?” she asked between clenched teeth.

“Your landlords, Malcolm and Hilda Handwerk, they’re near eighty and both have hearing aids. Also, about twenty minutes ago, they left to go to the market and their closest neighbor is a half a mile away.”

“How do you know who my landlords are?”

“It’s my job to find shit out.” His warm breath tickled her ear. “Now, if you promise not to run, I’ll let you up. We need to talk.”

She sighed. Her breasts flattened against the lumpy mattress as she caved. “What choice do I have?”

“We all have choices. Take your time. I’m quite comfortable.”

Without seeing his face, Nicole knew Will grinned—from ear to dimple. Frustration should be what she felt, but with Will’s hard muscles pressed against her backside, frustration wasn’t the term she’d use to describe her current condition.

She’d never wanted a man before, but now she wondered how having him inside her would feel. If she rolled over under him, she could experience a man she truly wanted. She felt Will’s hard reaction to her and knew he wanted her too.

But doing so would cement the notion in Will’s mind that she was indeed a whore. She didn’t want that. She closed her eyes and took in the memory of his body on hers—that would have to be enough. “I promise. Now, please, let me up.”

“I knew you were a smart lady.” The bed springs creaked and the air surrounding her cooled as Will pushed himself up and stepped back off the bed.

Will had called her a lady. The opinion brought a smile to her lips. The sheet wrapped her body as she rolled over. She scooted up and reclined against the headboard.

The wooden chair he’d brought into the tiny bedroom from the kitchenette moaned under Will’s weight as he leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. His smirk hinted at amusement while the razor sharpness of his blue eyes displayed his seriousness. “Now, should we start again? Good morning. Or, should I say good afternoon?”

Will looked somewhat rested. Had he grabbed a nap while waiting for her landlords to leave? “How did you get in here?”

“That lock wasn’t much of a challenge.” Will’s gaze dropped to her breasts and the embers in her lower belly glowed anew.

Nicole drew the sheet higher and tighter over her pounding heart and tucked the top of it into her armpits before swiping some locks of her hair from her face and pushing it behind her ears. “How did you find me?”

A smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “I followed you home from the restaurant.”

Her hair tickled her bare shoulders as she shook her head. “Lisa saw you leave.”

He sat forward and the chair thudded against the old wood flooring. Will propped his elbows on his knees and dangled his hands between them. “I went down the street and waited.”

“How did you know I was there?” She didn’t think Crystal would give her up, but she had to ask. “Did Crystal call you?”

“No. Truckers talk. I questioned a few yesterday in Northern Virginia and they told me they thought you worked at Gilligan’s.”

Who would have thought he’d be able to track her through truckers? “Then you knew I was there when you questioned Crystal?”

“Yeah. I spoke to a driver who was fueling his truck before coming inside. He told me you were there.”

“I don’t understand.” She shifted her weight on the mattress. “Why didn’t you just nab me then?”

“I was curious.”


“Seeing the setup you had. You know, to hide from Gorgon.” The air conditioner rattled again as if on cue to demonstrate her new substandard style of living. “Who did you tell Crystal I was anyway?”

“My husband. My OCD controlling husband.”

He smiled. “We have any kids?”

She knitted her brow together. “What?” Her cheeks warmed. “No.”

“Good. I hate when kids are involved in a marital dispute.”

His jest brought a smile to her lips.

Will’s blue eyes glistened with amusement.

Nicole yanked the sheet free from the mattress and box spring and swung her feet to the floor, clutching the thin material in her fists. As much as she could over the past few weeks––which had been a few sparse moments––she’d kept her thoughts from turning to Luka. However, seeing Will she needed to know about her son. “Where’s Luka?”



“Does it matter?”

She glared. “Of course it matters. He’s my son. I love him.”

Will’s right brow lifted quizzically. “If that’s so, how could you leave him behind without saying good-bye?”

Will’s words cut deep. Nicole fiddled with the worn cotton material covering her stomach and legs as she fought to keep her composure. Will thought she was a bad mother. At the time, she thought she was doing the absolute right thing.

Looking up, she let her heartache show in her glistening eyes. “Leaving was the only way I could think of to protect him.”

Will studied her for a few quiet moments before he sat back with a sigh. “Why don’t you get dressed and then we’ll talk.”

Without giving her a chance to argue, he rose and walked out of the tiny, paneled room, leaving the door ajar.

The urge to run rose in Nicole. She looked around at the faux-oak paneled walls. There was no way she could escape from this apartment without Will stopping her. Even if she did manage to slip out the bathroom window onto the garage rooftop and jump twelve feet to the ground without breaking her leg and without him hearing her, how long would it take before Will would find her again? Hell, she thought he’d never think to find her in this small town.

Nicole’s nerves prickled as she slid off the mattress and stood on shaky legs. Could she do as Will wanted and become his witness against the Novokoffs? If she did, how could she protect her family from Gorgon’s wrath?

Her choices were difficult. Either she give up her family or protect her son.

Selecting a few articles of clothing from the small dresser, Nicole turned and with heavy steps entered her tiny bathroom. A few minutes later, dressed in jeans and T-shirt, she exited the bedroom and was met with the scent of fresh coffee.

Sunlight poured through the front apartment windows that overlooked the driveway, casting columns of light across the square floral tiles of the kitchen counter.

Will’s hand dangled over the open refrigerator door. The floorboard under her foot creaked and he glanced her way. “I don’t know about you, but no matter how hot the temperature is outside or what time of day, when I wake up I need my coffee.” He continued to search in the fridge.

“Yeah. Me too.”

“Good.” He smiled, flashing the dimple she’d love to tongue. “Do you take anything in your coffee?”

“Two sugars and a little cream.” She shook her head, clearing her mind of any erotic thoughts and crossed the few feet to the bar that served as her table. She watched as Will moved around the captain’s kitchen like he owned the place, pouring the hot liquid from the coffee pot into two mugs and adding cream and sugar to one. He left the other black. This was kind of nice.

“Here you go.”

Across the bar, she accepted the mug Will offered her and took a sip, feeling the sweet caffeine rush against her tongue. She gripped the cup tighter. “Please. Tell me. Where is Luka?”

Will swallowed a gulp of his coffee before he said, “Gary, my partner… His wife is watching over him.”

“His wife?”

“You don’t have to worry. Sharon was with the agency until she and Gary decided to have kids. They have twin boys about Luka’s age.”

“Oh.” Nicole stared out the window at the limbs of the maple tree and drank some more. The knowledge Luka was with someone who had law enforcement experience comforted her, but the thought of another woman caring for her son needled at her ego. “Luka has never been around other children other than his few cousins. Gorgon would not allow him to go to preschool.”

“He’s having a great time.”

Her heart jumped in her chest. “You spoke to him?”

“I call him every day.”

“Every day?”
Why would Will take such an interest in her child?

“He thinks I’m his uncle’s best friend. Best friends do things like that.” Will stared into his mug. “The kid’s world has been toppled. Someone needs to reassure him everything will be all right.”

She knew Will hadn’t meant to hurt her but guilt struck Nicole’s heart, causing her to sit her mug down and slide onto the bar stool. All things considered, Will was a good man. She was grateful he was the agent assigned to them. “Thank you for making sure he’s safe.”

He shrugged as if his actions were nothing. “You’re welcome.”

She rimmed the lip of the mug with her finger. “Where did you tell him I went?”

“I told him you and I were on a secret mission and would be back soon. He promised me he wouldn’t tell anyone.”

Nicole smiled, imagining the sparkle in Luka’s eyes at having a secret to keep. She studied Will’s face as she asked, “Why didn’t you just put him into the system?”

“That’s what you were hoping for?” His blue eyes narrowed, searching her for the truth of her actions.


“You could do that? Not know where he was, who was raising him?”

“Anyone would be better than Gorgon.” Her mouth suddenly went dry and she swallowed another sip of coffee before saying, “I thought later I could learn where he was and watch over him from a distance.”

“Well, your plan wouldn’t work.”


“We can’t do that. He has parents.”

Her stomach clenched. “You’d give him back to Gorgon?”

He sat his mug down and taking a stance, feet planted apart, Will folded his arms across his chest. “What choice would we have? Gorgon is his father, right?”


“If Gorgon wanted Luka back, we’d have no choice but to comply.”

“No. You can’t.” She jumped to the edge of her seat. “Gorgon is a monster.”

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