Summer on Blossom Street

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Authors: Debbie Macomber

BOOK: Summer on Blossom Street
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Praise for Debbie Macomber’s Blossom Street Books

“Macomber deftly handles the multiple story lines and emotional terrain of families, while the…happy ending is very genuine.”

Publishers Weekly
Summer on Blossom Street

“Macomber shows no signs of fatigue in keeping her Blossom Street books unique and entertaining.”

Library Journal
Summer on Blossom Street

“Each of Debbie Macomber’s books is the best one yet, and
is no exception.”
Summer on Blossom Street

“Macomber’s assured storytelling and affirming narrative [are] as welcoming as your favorite easy chair.”

Publishers Weekly
Twenty Wishes

“When it comes to creating a special place and memorable, honorable characters, nobody does it better than Macomber.”

Summer on Blossom Street

“Even the most hard-hearted readers will find themselves rooting for the women in this hopeful story while surreptitiously wiping away tears and making their own list of wishes.”

Twenty Wishes

“Simply delightful.”

RT Book Reviews
Back on Blossom Street

“Poignant story of real women with real problems becoming real friends.”

A Good Yarn

“A truly enjoyable read.”
A Good Yarn

“Macomber is an adept storyteller…many will be entertained by this well-paced story about four women finding happiness and fulfillment through their growing friendship.”

Publishers Weekly
The Shop on Blossom Street

My Dear Friends,

Welcome back to Blossom Street and to Lydia Goetz’s knitting shop, A Good Yarn. Lydia’s family and friends are eager to update you on what’s been happening on this Seattle street.

A few years ago, while I was in Australia and everyone else was busy exploring Sydney, I sought out a yarn store. As I stepped up to pay for my purchase (you didn’t think I wouldn’t buy yarn, did you?) I noticed a sign-up sheet for a class that taught knitting as a way to help people quit smoking. What a great idea, I thought—for a book. I grabbed that plot premise, expanded it (Lydia’s class is for people who want to quit
kind of bad habit, not just smoking) and waited for the right story to come along. I’m pleased to tell you it’s the very one you’re holding in your hands. My Knit to Quit class idea evolved into
Summer on Blossom Street.
You’ll meet a few new characters and connect with some you already know. And yes, Anne Marie, Ellen and Baxter are back—and Ellen is still working on her twenty wishes, so be prepared for a surprise there.

When I wrote
The Shop on Blossom Street,
the first story about Lydia and her yarn shop, I hadn’t expected or intended it to become a series. Who knew? Obviously not me! Although in retrospect it makes perfect sense, since any book that involves my passions (in this case for yarn and knitting) was sure to resonate with my readers, as well.

My hope is that you’re as eager to catch up with Lydia and her friends as she is to turn over the Open sign on her shop door. Enjoy your visit! And rest assured—she has more classes to teach, more lessons to learn and more friends to make.

Warmest regards,

Debbie Macomber

P.S. I love to hear from my readers. You can reach me at or write me at P.O. Box 1458, Port Orchard, WA 98366

Summer on Blossom Street

To Delilah
My God-given friend


© 2009 Bev Galeskas/Fiber Trends, Inc.

About 8" wide by 60" long, relaxed after blocking.

Materials and Supplies:
5 skeins Harmony 8 ply 100% merino wool (50gr–130 yds per skein) or other DK weight yarn to equal gauge.

U.S. size 6 needles; cable needle.

21 sts = 4" (10 cm) in garter stitch.

Stitches and Abbreviations:

Sl-1 (Slip 1): All slip stitches on this pattern should be slipped purlwise with yarn in front of work.

k2tog: Knit 2 sts together as one.

Inc (increase): Lift the stitch below the stitch on left needle and place the loop on the point of left needle. Knit this loop, then knit the stitch. (1 st increased)

Brackets: Work all stitches within the brackets the specified number of times (x).

Asterisks: Repeat stitches between the asterisks, including any repeats within.

C6B (Cable 6 back): Slip 3 sts to the cable needle and hold in back of work. Knit next 3 sts from left needle, then k3 from cable needle.

C6F (Cable 6 front): Slip 3 sts to the cable needle and hold in front of work. Knit next 3 sts from left needle, then k3 from cable needle.

C4B (Cable 4 back): Slip 2 sts to the cable needle and hold in back of work. Knit next 2 sts from left needle, then k2 from cable needle.

C4F (Cable 4 front): Slip 2 sts to the cable needle and hold in front of work. Knit next 2 sts from left needle, then k2 from cable needle.

Scarf is bordered in garter stitch. These stitches are included in the directions, so there should not be a need to use markers.

Slip the first stitch of every row as if to purl with the yarn held in front of work.


Loosely cast on 43 sts.

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch).

Cable Pattern 1:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k7, [p3, k3] 5x, k5.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p3, [inc in next 3 sts (see above for method), p3] 5x, k5. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p6, k3] 5x, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, p3, [k6, p3] 5x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6B, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 6 & 8: Repeat row 2.

Work rows 1 through 8 a total of 6 times, then rows 1 through 5 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k7, *[k2tog] 3x, k3,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 2:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k4, p33, k5.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p6, [k1, inc in next st, k1, p6] 3x, k5. (46 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Rows 1, 3, 5 & 7: (WS) Sl-1, k10, [p4, k6] 3x, k5.

Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, [k4, p6] 4x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, [p6, C4F] 3x, p6, k5.

Row 6: Repeat row 2.

Rows 8 & 10: Sl-1, k4, p1, [k4, p6] 3x, k4, p1, k5.

Rows 9, 11, 13 & 15: Sl-1, k5, [p4, k6] 4x.

Row 12: Sl-1, k4, p1, [C4F, p6] 3x, C4F, p1, k5.

Row 14: Repeat row 10.

Row 16: Repeat row 2.

Work rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then rows 1 through 7 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k11, k2tog, [k8, k2tog] 2x, k12. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 3:

Set Up Rows 1 & 2: Work as for Cable Pattern 1. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p6, k3] 5x, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, p3, [k6, p3] 5x, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6B, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 6, 8 & 10: Repeat row 2.

Row 12: Sl-1, k4, p3, [C6F, p3] 5x, k5.

Rows 14 & 16: Repeat row 2.

Work rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then rows 1 through 5 once more.

Final row: (RS) Sl-1, k7, *[k2tog] 3x, k3,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 4:

Set Up Row 1: S1-1, k4, p33, k5.

Set Up Row 2: Sl-1, k5, inc in next st, k3, [inc in next 2 sts, k2] 7x, k5. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k4, purl to last 5 sts, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, *C4F, k2,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5.

Row 4: Knit.

Row 6: Sl-1, k6, *C4B, k2,* repeat to last 9 sts, C4B, k5.

Row 8: Knit.

Work rows 1 through 8 a total of 6 times, then rows 1 through 7 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k5, k2tog, k4, *[k2tog] 2x, k2,* repeat to last 10 sts, [k2tog] 2x, k6. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 5:

Work Set Up Rows 1 & 2 as for Cable Pattern 1. (58 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p6, k3] 5x, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k4, [p3, C4B, k2] 5x, p3, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, [p3, k2, C4F] 5x, p3, k5.

Work rows 1 through 4 a total of 13 times, then work row 1 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k7, *[k2tog] 3x, k3,* repeat to last 5 sts, k5. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 6:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k4, p33, k5.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k8, inc in next st, k5, [inc in next 2 sts, k4] 4x, k4. (52 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k4, p42, k5.

Row 2: Sl-1, k7, C4B, [k4, C4B] 4x, k8.

Row 4: Sl-1, k5, C4B, C4F, [k8, C4B, C4F] 2x, k6.

Row 6: Sl-1, knit to end.

Row 8: Sl-1, k5, C4F, C4B, [k8, C4F, C4B] 2x, k6.

Row 10: Repeat row 2.

Row 12: Sl-1, k13, C4B, C4F, k8, C4B, C4F, k14.

Row 14: Repeat row 6.

Row 16: Sl-1, k13, C4F, C4B, k8, C4F, C4B, k14.

Work rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then rows 1 through 9 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k6, *[k2tog] 2x, k5, k2tog, k5,* repeat once, [k2tog] 2x, k9. (44 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cable Pattern 7:

Set Up Row 1: (WS) Sl-1, k7, [p4, k3, p2, k3] 2x, p4, k8.

Set Up Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p3, [inc in next 4 sts, p3, inc in next 2 sts, p3] 2x, inc in next 4 sts, p3, k5. (60 sts)

Begin Cable Pattern:

Row 1 and all WS rows: Sl-1, k7, [p8, k3, p4, k3] 2x, p8, k8.

Row 2: (RS) Sl-1, k4, p3, C4F, C4B, p3, C4F, p3, C4F, C4B, p3, C4B, p3, C4F, C4B, p3, k5.

Row 4: Sl-1, k4, p3, [k8, p3, k4, p3] 2x, k8, p3, k5.

Row 6: Sl-1, k4, p3, C4B, C4F, p3, C4F, p3, C4B, C4F, p3, C4B, p3, C4B, C4F, p3, k5.

Row 8: Repeat row 4.

Row 10: Repeat row 6.

Row 12: Repeat row 4.

Row 14: Repeat row 2.

Row 16: Repeat row 4.

Work rows 1 through 16 a total of 3 times, then rows 1 through 7 once more.

Final Row: (RS) Sl-1, k4, k2tog, k1, *[k2tog] 4x, k3, [k2tog] 2x, k3,* repeat once, [k2tog] 4x, k8. (43 sts)

Knit 10 rows (5 ridges of garter stitch), ending ready to begin a WS row.

Cast off loosely, knitwise.

Work in yarn ends neatly. Rinse in cool water and roll in a towel to remove excess water. Lay scarf out on a flat surface and pull into shape. Blocking wires are helpful for nice straight edges.

Pin as needed and leave until completely dry. Note that while the scarf may pull out to about 9" wide while wet, it will relax back to about 8" wide afterward.


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