Summer Rush (14 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Summer Rush
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“Ready for dessert?” Joey asks once the sun has completely vanished.

Still full from dinner, but anxious to see his surprise, I nod my head yes.

Obviously excited to reveal his surprise, Joey practically jumps out of his chair and disappears to the side of the house. When he returns he’s carrying firewood, newspapers, and a lighter–the most adorable childlike grin spread across his face. Now intrigued to see what he’s up to, I relocate myself to the stone bench that encircles the bonfire pit with eager anticipation.

“My dessert is a bonfire?” I ask confused.

“Patience, sweetheart,” he says over his shoulder as he works to get the fire started.

Once he’s got it blazing, he disappears again, but this time into the house. I’m like a kid on Christmas itching to wake their mom and dad up to open up presents as I sit and wait for him to return. After only a couple of seconds Joey comes barreling back outside carrying marshmallows, chocolate, roasting sticks, and graham crackers.

“S’mores!” I shout excited.

“You know it!” he responds with just as much excitement. “Look at these puppies,” he says with big eyes, pulling out the biggest marshmallows I’ve ever seen.

“Holy cow, where’d you get those?” I ask.

“Grocery store. I couldn’t resist once I saw them.”

Although the bigger marshmallows are extra heaven in every bite, they’re also extra messy, making us a sticky mess.

Having a little smeared on my cheek, Joey leans over to wipe it off, but pauses when our eyes catch. Everything around us fades away as we stare deep into each other’s eyes, in our own little bubble. Joey moves in closer so we’re only inches apart. Slowly wiping my face, he licks the marshmallow off his finger, making my body quiver with desire, my eyes focused on his lips. Resting his hand on my cheek, he closes in, removing any space between us. “I want to kiss you, Hope. Is that okay?” he whispers against my lips.

Wetting my lips with my tongue, I nod my head yes in agreement, unable to form any words.

With my approval, he gently rests his soft lips on mine. Closing my eyes, I take it all in. His lips are so soft, and plump, giving the perfect amount of cushion against mine.

Feeling like only seconds have passed, he removes his lips from mine and looks at me with a pleased smile. My heart swells feeling the emotion and attraction for Joey growing.

“You’re too good for me, Hope,” he admits, his smile fading into a frown and adding some space between us.

Wondering what just happened, I ask, “What? Why would you say that?”

“I’ve done some real shitty things, and you’re just so... you’re just too good for me. I don’t deserve someone like you,” he says, shaking his head, almost angry with himself.

“Just because you’ve made some bad choices doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be happy,” I say, moving in close to him again and resting my hand on his leg. “Like I said before, you made some mistakes, but you’ve learned from them, and are a better person because of it. One that I’m beginning to really like,” I smile, and nudge his side, hoping that he’ll drop this and believe he’s still a good person regardless of his past.

“Yeah, but you don’t know what I did. It could change everything. I was this awful person for years.”

“But you’re not that person anymore, right?”

“No,” he softly responds.

“Why? What made you want to change?”

“Well, for starters my parents threatened to totally cut me off if I didn’t get my act together, and...” he pauses and looks up at me. “And I was sick of being the bad guy, the one that people frowned upon. I was sick of having a different girl every night of the week. I wanted something real, with someone real.” He looks at me with a smile.

His confession is bittersweet. Thinking about him with a bunch of other girls who did things with him that I’ve only fantasized about doing, makes me feel ill. But knowing the pain he has gone through to get to that breaking point, to be able to hurts my heart. I want to go back to our happy place.

“Let’s just forget about last summer. Forget about what you did, and what happened, and just move forward.”

Staring at me blankly, he looks lost in thought; like he’s contemplating the possibility of being able to forget. But then, almost like a light has gone off in his head, his blank face lifts into a smile.

“You’re right. What’s done is done,” he says, resting his hand on my cheek, “and my future is already looking much brighter.” Taking a glance at his watch, he states, “It’s getting late. We should probably go pick up your truck before they close the gates to the parking lot.”




Today is the day I officially meet Joey’s parents.

They seemed like nice people when they came into the restaurant with Joey and his brother at the beginning of the summer, but I really don’t know much about them beyond that. They’re rarely home and it appears they’re more involved with their careers and social life than their family. I’ve never said this to Joey,
of course
, but it definitely seems that way.

Although I told Joey that he didn’t need to pick me up, I’m happy that he does. Who knows what his parents would think of me if I pulled into their driveway in an old beat up truck. I was given the order to dress casual as we’re just having dinner at his house, but I,
of course
, raid my mom’s closet for something nice to wear. I also make sure to take extra time curling my hair and applying my make-up. My hair is a dull brown that has been bleached out on the top by the sun, so it definitely needs a little
when it comes to looking presentable. These people attend charity events and fundraisers almost every night of the week–I’m sure I’d be frowned upon if I walked into their home wearing cutoff shorts, a tank top, and my hair thrown up in a sloppy bun.

“Um, I told you to dress casual,” Joey startles me, making me jump as he stands in the doorframe of the bathroom.

Holding my hand to my chest, I can feel my heartbeat racing. “Jesus! You scared the crap out of me!”

Chuckling to himself, he says, “Sorry, babe. Your dad let me in. But seriously, a dress?”

“I’m meeting your parents, not just hanging out,” I say a little snarkily.

Walking toward me with an adorable grin, Joey wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me up against him. “You’d look beautiful in anything, even scrubs, and they’re going to love you. Stop worrying,” he whispers in a sweet tone. “I think they’re going to be more concerned with how I found someone like you to date me.”

Reaching up on my tippy toes, I gently kiss him. “And then I’ll have to explain to them how wonderful you are,” I softly say against his lips.

“Good luck convincing them of that.” He nuzzles my nose with his before gently kissing it.



Pulling into Joey’s driveway, my nerves are pumping in overdrive. My hands are so damp that I have to run them down my thighs to dry them off.
Apparently, I get sweaty palms when I’m nervous.
Seeing my anxiety building, Joey takes my hand and brings it up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles.

“Baby, you’re going to be fine. I promise,” he assures me with a sweet grin, warming my insides and calming my nerves.

As soon as I step out of the car his mom swings open the front door, wearing a smile from ear to ear. She’s a very attractive woman; tall, and thin with short curly hair that goes every which way. Dressed in linen pants and a blouse,
designer fashion I’m sure
, I’m suddenly glad I didn’t listen to Joey, and dressed up instead.

She greets me with an overly-excited hug. “Hope, darling, how are you? So nice to see you again!”

“Hi Mrs. Puccino, thanks for having me.”

“Oh please, call me Marie. We’re so happy to officially meet you. Joey has told us so much about you.”

Her excitement continues as we meet up with his dad when we pass the entry way. He also greets me with an excited hug.

“There she is, the girl who saved our son!”
I saved their son?

Looking at Joey in confusion, he just shrugs his shoulders and smiles.
I will definitely be bringing this up with him later.

Wrapping his arm around my waist, and pulling me into his side, he whispers in my ear, “See, told ‘ya they’d love you,” before kissing my neck and making every hair on my body stand up.

Keeping his arm where it is, we follow his parents into the kitchen. It’s buzzing with people and smells amazing. As I was expecting in true Italian fashion, the counters are covered with appetizers and a variety of food.

“Please, help yourself to the hors devours. Dinner will be ready shortly. And Joey, get Hope something to drink.”

“What would you like?” Joey softly asks.

His mom, who is staring at us with a huge grin, sighs before turning to stir something on the stove.

“I’ll just have a water, thanks,” I respond.

Once Joey returns with our beverages, we fill a small plate with appetizers and meet up with his dad and brother outside on the patio. We make small talk while munching on our food until his mom announces that dinner is ready.

I follow Joey as we all congregate in the dining room. I’ve never been in here; there are actually a lot of rooms in this house that I haven’t seen–it may take months before I see them all. The dining room table is covered with every kind of food you can think of; chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, sausage, antipasto salad, bread sticks. Apparently, Marie has learned how to cook fine Italian cuisine, marrying into a strong Italian family.
I wonder if it’s a prerequisite?
And, once again, there’s enough food to feed ten families.

His parents sit at both ends of the table with Joey and I on one side and Vinny on the other.

“Wow, Marie, this looks delicious,” I say, as Joey pushes in my chair.

Even though I’m already slightly full from the appetizers, I fill my plate with a little bit of everything. I honestly don’t understand how they all stay thin eating all this food on a regular basis. Looking over at Joey, his plate is heaping with food and he has already started chowing down like he hasn’t eaten in days.

“Oh Hope, we are just so thankful that our Joey found you. We are so blessed to have you here,” his mother says, tears forming in her eyes.

I look up at Joey and smile.

“Me too.”

With a charming smile, Joey leans forward and kisses me, clearly not caring about
at the dinner table in front of his family.

“You know, Hope, we really need to thank you for knocking some sense into our boy,” his father comments.

“We’ve never seen our son take interest in someone like he does you, and that you can keep his head on straight is just a joy to see,” his mother continues.

I know they’re implying how much Joey has changed from last summer, but that has nothing to do with me; he’d already started getting his act together before we started dating.

“Your son has been so wonderful from day one, I can’t take any credit.”

“Oh sweetheart, from the day Joey met you we’ve had ourselves a new son. You’ve lit a spark in him that no one else has been able to do,” his mother smiles.

Now I’m totally confused. From what Joey told me, the night he did whatever it was that got him into trouble, it was because I wouldn’t give him the time of day.

I look at Joey so I can start filling in the blanks because I’m not understanding any of this. What am I missing? Did something happen that I still have no clue about?

Seeing that I’m on the verge of freaking out, Joey turns our chairs so that we’re facing each other and grabs both of my hands.

“Babe, I told you. I used to be such a
tool,” he begins, shaking his head in disappointment. “I did so many fucked up things and yeah, when you kept blowing me off last summer I got pissed and went off the deep end. It wasn’t until I was sitting in that jail cell that I finally got a clue. You were all I thought about as I sat there, and I knew I didn’t stand a chance unless I made some changes. God, I’m so happy I did. You’ve shown me a whole new life that I didn’t even know existed. I want to be a better person because of you, Hope.”

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