Summer Rush (12 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Summer Rush
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“No, it’s fine. I just always get emotional when I talk about it.”

Taking a deep breath to push back the knot that is slowly creeping up my throat, I start my story–the story that almost claimed our lives. I tell him about the accident; how the driver of the other car was heavily intoxicated, why my mother is paralyzed and where my name came from.

I didn’t really know what his response was going to be, but I didn’t expect it to be complete silence. Looking up at Joey I find him staring at the ground, deep in thought as we continue to walk.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, snapping him out of his stare down with the sand. He looks at me with a pained expression.


“I feel like I lost you once I told you about my mom. Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.

Pausing, he looks down at me and stares through wounded eyes, like he’s studying my face. “That’s just a real awful story. I guess I wasn’t expecting it to be the reason for your mom’s disability.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I don’t really have a response. It is what it is, I guess.

“Ready to turn around?” Joey asks quietly.

His warm, sweet attitude from tonight has disappeared and been replaced with a sad, lost guy. We walk back to the restaurant in silence, hand in hand. Once we get back to our shoes, he bends over and hands me mine before putting on his own. Instead of walking back through the restaurant, we use the little path on the side to get to the parking lot. Like a gentlemen, Joey opens my door first, but gives me a forced smile. The drive home remains silent. I open my mouth a few times to say something, to ask where we went wrong tonight, but decide against it. My stomach is in knots and I wonder if this will be both our first, and last, date.

He breaks the silence, placing his hand on my thigh and giving me a sweet, but still pained smile.

“I had a great time tonight.”

I smile back at him, placing my hand over his.

“Me too.”

Just like that his smile grows larger and once again he shows me the sweet, warm man that took me on the most amazing date ever. Moving his eyes back to the road he gently squeezes my leg, keeping his smile spread across his face




I slept the best I have in weeks, maybe months, last night. Although Joey seemed a little weird after I told him about my parent’s accident, the night was still more than I ever imagined it would be. I didn’t know that North Carolina has it’s very own piece of Italy hiding on a side road along the beach.

Surprisingly, Trent hasn’t crossed my mind in almost twenty-four hours. The thought of him used to bring a dreadful ache like no other, but I can now reference him without feeling like the most awful person in the world. Where my heart used to be cold and empty, it’s now becoming warm and full again. For the first time since I originally laid eyes on Joey last summer, I can accept my feelings and act upon them without feeling guilty or shameful.

My mind was running wild when Joey pulled into my driveway last night, wondering how we were going to end the evening. Even though we kissed earlier in the day at his house,
which was amazing and left me weak in the knees
, Joey hadn’t tried to again all night. When he helped me out of his car and walked me to my door, the nervous butterflies were in full affect.

Facing each other on my porch, he pushed back a loose strand of hair that was hanging in my face...then told me he’d see me in the morning and pecked my cheek. My face tingled where his lips touched. My body melted and went weak, feeling the emotion transfer between us with just one sweet peck. I watched him walk back to his car and waved as he backed out of my driveway. When my legs finally felt enough strength to move, I made my way to my bedroom and fell backwards on my bed, staring at the ceiling and smiling from ear to ear.

At that point, I left my reservations about moving on outside my door and picked up my boarding pass to happiness.



Climbing out of bed, the smile I fell asleep with is still holding residency on my face. Grabbing my bathing suit out of my dresser I quickly get ready, eager to see Joey this morning.

Walking out on to the silky sand and inhaling the crisp ocean air I see Joey sitting on his board with his back to me, staring out at the clear blue water. Coming up beside him, I rest my hand on his shoulder. “Good morning,” I cheerfully greet him.

His straight face immediately brightens as he looks up at me. Hopping to his feet, he softly pecks my cheek.

“Good morning. Long time no see,” he says with a smile. “I don’t know how great surfing is going to be today. It’s pretty calm out there.”

“Let’s skip it then.”

Joey looks at me puzzled.


Yeah...what am I doing? I never skip surfing.

Looking at my watch, I see that it reads six-thirty. “I’ve got an hour and fifteen minutes until I’ve gotta be home.”

I stand there with a huge grin, adrenaline pumping and excitement running through my veins. My life has always been clock work with all my little ducks in a row. Being with Joey brings out a different part of me; a new Hope that’s been hiding inside, eager to jump to the surface and leap into the world of the unknown.

“Wow. Um...let me think. You totally caught me off guard with this. ’bout I introduce you to some more fine Italian gourmet? Not gonna lie, I can cook a mean omelet.”

I’m learning a little something about Italians–Italian equals food, and a lot of it. Assuming Joey and I will be spending a lot of time together, I may want to think about starting an exercise routine.

“Sounds good to me!”

Taking my surfboard from me, and placing it under his right arm, he takes my hand with his free one and we make our way up to his house. As we get closer, I suddenly realize that it is early and his family is probably home. Not that I’m worried about meeting them, it’s just that I’m wearing a bikini–not the way I envisioned meeting them for the first time. Of course I can keep my wetsuit on, but eating breakfast in a wetsuit would not only be incredibly uncomfortable, but would also look a little more bizarre than a bikini.

I’m about to have an anxiety attack. Picturing his wealthy parents coming down the stairs and seeing their son sitting at a table eating breakfast with a half-naked girl is starting to make my stomach turn. I feel the need to run.

What was I thinking? Spontaneity doesn’t work well with me.

Coming to a halt before opening the gate to the back of his house, I look up at Joey. I’m sure I look like a nervous wreck.

“Hope, what’s wrong?”

“’s just that I didn’t really think this through. It probably isn’t a great idea meeting your parents looking like...this,” I tell him, looking down at my body.

Giving me his sexy grin, Joey says. “First of all, I like your outfit. Second, they’re not here. They had a fundraiser this weekend, back home, and won’t be back ‘til tomorrow.”

Closing my eyes, and taking a much needed breath, I smile. “Then let’s see what you’re working with.”

Realizing that statement can be taken out of context in many different ways, I feel my cheeks grow pink. Especially since Joey obviously picks up on the
direction for that statement and lifts an eyebrow, giving me a sly grin.

“Oh, you know what I mean! Let’s go!” I laugh, nudging him forward in the direction of the gate.

“Hey! I don’t know what you’re talking about. Did you make a pass on me?” he jokes, holding his hand where I pushed him and acting like it hurts.

“Uh huh, your face said it all. Good try!” I respond, rolling my eyes.

This time walking into his house my eyes are pulled in a million different directions, actually seeing how beautiful and
his house is. There are enough cupboards for three kitchens, the oven looks as big as the one at Sheila’s and the refrigerator is as wide as two. Every surface you look at is covered in marble. This house screams money and wealth.

And, this is his vacation home?

“So, what do you like in your omelet?” Joey yells from inside the mega-fridge.

“Whatever, I’m easy.”

Turning around, Joey gives me a raised eyebrow and a sexy smirk. “Really?”

“Oh, come on!” I yell, pretending to be annoyed with his insinuation, but the smile covering my face kind of blows my cover.

“Sorry, but it was just sitting there begging to be taken advantage of. I’m done, I promise,” he says, having a hard time fighting back his laughter. I give him a,
yeah okay
look. He laughs and places all the ingredients he needs on the counter.

Unzipping my wetsuit and stepping out of it, I throw it over one of the chairs surrounding the table.

“Hey, I have a bunch of t-shirts in the dryer through that door,” he points to a door next to a back staircase. “Help yourself if you wanna throw one on over your bathing suit.”

I didn’t really expect him to suggest covering up, especially with all his provocative remarks this morning.

“There’s no way I’m going to be able to eat sitting across from you, wearing just your bikini,” he says in a serious tone.

Laughing to myself, I walk through the door. Instead of finding a small laundry room, I step foot into an area that’s probably bigger than my living room with a wash area, a folding station, and two huge washer and dryers.

Is anything a normal size in this house?

Pulling a plain white tee out of the dryer, I immediately push it up to my face, taking in the fresh, clean scent of Joey.

What the hell am I doing?

Feeling like an idiot, I throw it over my head and meet Joey back in the kitchen.

“Wow, it smells amazing in here,” I announce, inhaling the yummy scent of sautéed vegetables, bacon, and sausage. “Is being a fabulous cook a requirement in your family?”

“Ha! You kind of just pick it up naturally when you’re surrounded by it growing up,” he laughs as he mixes, flips, and stirs things on the stove.

Hopping up on the center island, I sit and watch him prepare our masterpiece omelets, trying to pick up some pointers along the way.



Completely stuffed, and barely able to move, I glance up to the ginormous clock on the wall and see that I need to get home so my dad isn’t late to work.

“Is it time already?” Joeys asks, slightly turning to check the clock. “That was the quickest hour ever.”

“Well, when you take half an hour to make an omelet...” I wink.

“Tell me that wasn’t the best omelet you’ve ever had?” he asks with a defensive look.

“The best!” I assure him, giving him two thumbs up.

“And don’t you forget it!”

Bringing our plates over to the sink, I look around and see the mess from breakfast spread across the counters. I feel bad that I don’t have time to clean it up before I go.

“Don’t worry about it. Anna will be here soon,” he chimes in behind me.


“Our cleaning lady.”

Oh, of course–the cleaning lady!

Picking up my wetsuit, I start to head toward the back sliding glass door to go get my board.

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