Summer Sizzle (7 page)

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Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Summer Sizzle
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A moment later, Tim, the redhead, and his blonde teammate disappeared into his house.

Vicki wasn’t sure exactly how to read Blake’s expression. Should she stay on the deck or make a discreet withdrawal into the house? She had no doubt where Tim and the other two women had gone or what they were going to do. Had they agreed beforehand to have a tryst following the game? It all seemed so sudden to her, so unplanned.


A strange quiver darted through her body. Her show of spontaneity when she had kissed Blake, ending up in his bed in the middle of the night…that was one thing. But spontaneous sex in the middle of the day? Somehow the thought held a curious fascination for her, fueled even more by the notion that Tim and the two women would be engaged in sex together.

She had tried that once with two men. The idea of sucking on one man’s cock while another pumped in and out of her pussy had sounded exciting, but in retrospect she knew one too many margaritas had merely made it seem like a good idea. It had happened many years ago when she was in college, and the three of them had never really gotten coordinated. How much practice did it take for it to stop being awkward and become truly exciting?

Maybe what had passed between Tim and his two companions consisted purely of primal lust rather than heated passion, but it certainly appeared hotter than polite agreement. She transferred her gaze from the volleyball court to the ocean as her thoughts drifted back to Blake. To the memory of his hard cock buried deep inside her. To the torrid sensations that exploded inside her when he’d sucked her clit into his mouth. Just the memory caused her pussy to throb. She closed her eyes and squirmed uncomfortably in her chair.


Blake’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts, and it was just as well, because those thoughts had turned to the unsettling desires that came over her whenever he was near. He stood next to the deck, looking up at her while using the outdoor shower to rinse off the sand.

Vicki glanced toward the blonde and brunette slowly making their way down the beach away from Tim’s house. “Where are your friends going?”

“Beats me. Maybe to find another volleyball game. When did you get back?”

“About half an hour ago. I’ve just been enjoying the sun and watching your game.”

“Oh?” He eyed her intently. “Did you have half an hour marked off in your schedule book for nothing more than simple enjoyment?” A mischievous grin played at the corners of his mouth. “Not a very efficient use of your time, if you ask me.”

Blake knew the remark was uncalled for, but her statement had been in such contrast to her clearly voiced philosophy, and he couldn’t help it. He noted the way she immediately bristled. Of course, the heated and surprising sex they had engaged in last night was also in contrast to her well-voiced philosophy. But when she had seemed to prefer avoiding any conversation about it at breakfast…well, he wasn’t sure what she thought, what he should say, or where things stood between them. So he had followed her example and hadn’t mentioned it.

“I’ll have you know—”

“Why didn’t you come over and join us? There’s always room for one more.” He grabbed the towel from the railing and quickly dried off. “Do you play volleyball?”

“I played a little in gym class when I was in high school, but I’ve never played beach volleyball.” She glanced down at the sand. A hint of embarrassment darted across her features. She dropped her voice to a near whisper. “I would have been in the way, would have slowed up the game. I’m not very athletic.”

“Really?” He leveled a questioning look in her direction. His voice held a teasing quality. “I wouldn’t say that. You seem very athletic and coordinated to me.”

An immediate blush spread across her cheeks. There it was again, that almost painfully shy manner that would occasionally escape from behind her ultra-organized façade, which also hid the hottest partner who had provided him with the most incredible night of sex he had experienced in a long time…perhaps ever. He looked at her for a moment, wondering what was going on in her head.

“If I give you enough notice, maybe schedule the event far enough in advance, would you like to join in the game next time?” It was as much a challenge as a question.

“I don’t think so.” Vicki tried to keep her tone all business so she wouldn’t give away her thoughts. “I’m sure the other players wouldn’t want their game slowed down by a novice.”

No question in her mind, he was baiting her. She refused to succumb to the tactic she suspected was just another attempt on his part to deter her from her chosen goals. He had made several such references, and she had become accustomed to them. He had his philosophy and she had hers—polar opposites with perspectives on life that simply did not fit together in any way. The only thing about them that did fit together was his cock and her pussy.

And they fit together perfectly.

The nagging pull of her instincts told her Blake was a very dangerous man to be around. Not dangerous in a physical sense, but most certainly an emotional one. She took a large swallow of her iced tea, as if to signal the end to her wandering thoughts. Regardless of how hot the sex had been, he remained as far removed from her concept of the ideal man as anyone could be. She forced her thoughts to more sensible matters as she rose from the deck chair.

“I checked with the bank. Mr. Edwards cashed the check about an hour after I gave it to him. I imagine…” She took a calming breath, then swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I imagine that pretty well speaks for itself. But just in case, I’ll give the rental office a call on the off chance that someone might be there. I need to get myself situated somewhere so I can unpack my boxes and set up my office.

“I can’t continue with this unsettled feeling, and it certainly isn’t fair to you. I’m sure my presence has hampered your daily activities.” She glanced toward the volleyball court and thought about Tim with those two women. Would Blake be engaged in sex games with the other two if she hadn’t been here? “I’ve certainly intruded into your social life.”

“No, you haven’t.” Blake flashed on the scene of Tim headed inside with the two women and wondered if that had anything to do with Vicki’s comment. Having been in Tim’s playroom, he didn’t have any doubts about the activities happening inside his neighbor’s house at the moment. The only real question was whether he’d also be in Tim’s playroom if Vicki hadn’t returned from the village much sooner than he’d thought she would and if he hadn’t spotted her sitting on his deck. Or would the memory of last night have kept him from engaging in mindless sex with women who didn’t mean anything more to him than providing a place to poke his dick?

The more he thought about it, the more he came to the realization that he would have declined the obvious invitation from the blonde and returned to his own house whether or not Vicki had returned from the village.

She nervously brushed at an imaginary loose tendril of hair. “I’d better make that phone call.” She hurried inside.

Blake watched her with curiosity, an increased intensity, and heated desire burning deep inside him. She definitely didn’t have anything in common with the type of women he’d been fucking for the last two years. Uptight and overly organized was
what he looked for in a woman. His choices had revolved around women wanting as little conversation as possible, so he could take them straight to bed. He didn’t need anyone special in his life, not anymore. He couldn’t afford the emotional investment a true relationship required. He couldn’t risk the pain if it didn’t work out.

He turned his gaze toward the horizon, noticing the storm clouds gathering in the distance. But as much as he tried to force his thoughts on something else, they kept returning to Vicki and the night they’d spent together in his bed.

He shook his head. He couldn’t allow his thoughts to travel in that direction. He wouldn’t be able to handle losing someone a second time. Someone who gave purpose and meaning to his life. Someone who made it a joy just to greet each new day and wonder what marvelous things it would bring. Someone who could be as much an intricate part of his life as his son had been.

A very special someone who could be the one to make his shattered life whole again.

Chapter Four

Vicki disconnected the call and replaced the handset in the charger. Her attempt to reach the rental agency had not been answered, not even by their answering service. Disappointment coursed through her. It only reinforced her fear that she would never see her money again. It also told her emphatically that she needed to find another place to live…and quickly.

The loss of her money would set back her plans for her master’s degree, but there was little she could do about that problem at the moment. It also meant she would need to find a full time job after she completed her obligation to her summer clients. She allowed a heavy sigh of disappointment. All of her perfect plans had been totally destroyed.

Suddenly she felt very alone and lost.

In an attempt to shake off her sadness, Vicki took the morning newspaper to the kitchen table and turned to the classified ads. With pen in hand, she carefully went over each and every rental listing.

An hour passed, and she had still not found a single ad to pursue. The only ones that suited her needs were far too expensive. She never should have sold her car. She never should have paid the entire five months rental in advance. She never should have…so many things she thought she had carefully planned out but never should have done.

And among them, having hot sex with Blake neared the top of the list. Not that she regretted it. In fact, it had been the best sex of her life. But that didn’t change the fact that she shouldn’t have done it. Even though neither of them had mentioned their tryst so far that morning, it made walking away that much more difficult.

She could still taste his kiss. Just the memory of their lovemaking sent dampness to her panties. Her pussy purred with satisfaction and at the same time wanted more. She couldn’t allow his offer of temporary shelter for the weekend to be anything more than that—temporary. And that brief time frame ended tomorrow evening when the owner of the house returned to confirm what she already knew—Blake had the legal right to the house. She stared at the open newspaper and all the house rental ads she had circled and then crossed out.

Blake stood on the deck looking through the sliding glass door at Vicki in the kitchen. She shoved the newspaper aside, despair etched on her face. He thought of his son and of the future he had put on hold two years ago. Once again, she touched that vulnerable spot he had tried to bury, a spot he thought had died along with his son.

On the surface, it appeared to everyone that he enjoyed the events of day-to-day carefree fun. But no matter how hard he tried, he hadn’t been able to fool himself. His life had become empty with something very important missing. He couldn’t explain it. He couldn’t even translate the feeling into conscious thought, let alone words, but it was something akin to a need to be involved in life. To once again have someone with whom he could share his days, someone who would give his life purpose and direction. Vicki had managed to awaken that place inside him, and he found it very disturbing. This compulsively ordered woman was not who he needed.

Blake forced the thoughts away and went inside the house. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to burst into tears.”

“What?” Her head jerked up. “Oh…yes, I’m fine. I was just looking at the rental ads.” She placed her hand on the folded newspaper. “There wasn’t anything listed that suits my needs. Actually, there were two, but one was twice what I can afford, and the other requires me to have a car. Until I get my money back from Mr. Edwards…” She paused as if trying to gather her thoughts. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll find some other arrangement by Monday so you won’t be inconvenienced any longer. I’m sure he’ll refund my money.”

Blake poured himself a glass of iced tea and took a long swig before answering her, even though she had not asked a question. “We’ll tackle your Mr. Edwards first thing Monday morning and see what he has to say for himself. Gary Sanderson will be home tomorrow night, and I’m sure he can help straighten out this mess and see that you get your money back.”

He downed the rest of his iced tea. “Meanwhile…” He set the empty glass on the counter. “I’ve got a kite to get up in the air.” He looked at her for a moment, then an idea struck him. “I was going to hook some of my stunt kites together and fly them. There’s a nice stiff breeze out, but…” He offered her an encouraging smile. “Have you ever flown a kite?”

What a frivolous waste of time. Vicki had things to do. She should be doing…doing
It suddenly struck her that without being able to unpack her belongings and set up her office, she was very limited in how much work she could do. “Flying kites? Isn’t that more the type of thing children do?”

It was certainly not a mature activity an adult should be engaged in, especially someone like Blake who was so adept at

He shot her an appraising look. “Not at all. There are kite flying championships everywhere with adults as the participants rather than kids. In fact, there’s a kite shop in the village. You could check there and find information on the contest held here every June. People come from all over the country to compete for major prizes. I’m thinking about entering this year.”

She couldn’t hide her surprise. “A kite flying contest?”

“Come on.” Blake grabbed her hand and pulled her up. He hesitated for a moment, then folded her into his embrace.

They hadn’t talked about what had happened last night, but the experience and excitement had dominated his thoughts from the moment he woke. The passion of the night had been immediately resurrected this morning when he’d gazed at her nude body sleeping in his bed. He had even allowed a fleeting thought about what it would be like to wake each morning and find her next to him, but had quickly shoved the impractical—and emotionally frightening—notion from his mind.

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