Summer Sizzle (9 page)

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Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Summer Sizzle
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“I don’t understand why you’re mad.” Blake caught up with her at the deck and took hold of her arm just long enough to bring her to a halt. He extended a teasing grin. “After all, it was my kite that flew away, and I’m not mad.”

“I’ll pay for the damn kite.” She yanked open the sliding door and stepped inside the house, but he stayed right behind her.

“Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no reason for you to pay for the kite.” He tried to grab her arm again, but she jerked away in an attempt to put some distance between them.

Vicki didn’t know what to do. She wanted to run and hide from her own growing emotions for Blake. Sex was one thing. She wanted him physically more than she had ever wanted anyone. He fulfilled her every need on a level she had never before experienced. But she hadn’t thought her emotions would ever become involved. When she first encountered him, she immediately recognized him as an emotionally dangerous man, but she had no idea just how dangerous until this moment. He made her feel things she didn’t want to feel, things she didn’t have time for at this point in her carefully planned out life. He made her question her own philosophy and carefully honed beliefs.

“Come on.” He held out his hand and offered her an encouraging smile. “Let’s try it again. I have lots of kites that need to be taken out and given some fresh air.”

“No, I think I’ve had enough kite flying for the day.” She projected a formal attitude and a firm voice as she tried to quell the nervousness churning in her stomach. The thrill she had experienced when the kite tugged against the string as it rose into the air sent a tremor of excitement racing through her body. She steeled her determination. Kite flying—irresponsible and unacceptable. A frivolous activity that didn’t have a place in her carefully scheduled life. Everything about this man was wrong for her—a truth she needed to keep telling herself.

Everything was wrong, except for the way he made her feel.

Vicki quickly retreated to her room, closed the door, and did her best to avoid Blake for the rest of the afternoon. Later, she walked back into the village and spent a considerable amount of time browsing at the bookstore, finally purchasing two paperbacks she’d been meaning to read. She checked the bulletin board at the local market to see if there were any
For Rent
ads that had not been in the newspaper, then wandered the streets looking in the windows of various shops. A sign in the window of the kite shop advertised the upcoming competition Blake had mentioned. She hadn’t noticed it when she’d been there earlier to meet with her client.

All the while, she kept a wary eye on the dark clouds and a tight rein on the anxieties caused by the approaching storm.

The temperature dropped. Her shorts and T-shirt weren’t warm enough for the cool evening air. She needed to return to the beach house soon to tend to Ty-Ling’s dinner. She couldn’t stay away any longer, or go the entire evening without having at least some contact with Blake. But she would try. She would retire to her room early and read. No doubt existed in her mind—this man posed a real threat to her neatly ordered life. But in much the same manner as the moth being drawn to the dangerous flame…


Blake stood just inside the sliding glass door sipping his morning coffee as he watched the dark storm clouds moving onshore and the wind whipping up white caps on the ocean. The only apparent life on the broad expanse of beach was a large brown dog slowly making its way along the edge of the water, pausing occasionally to sniff at something then continuing on its leisurely course. Blake had dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt to ward off the chill in the air. No one would be flying kites or playing beach volleyball for a while, not until the storm moved on.

He had been disappointed by Vicki’s decision to retire to her room right after dinner last night. He had stayed up hoping she would come back downstairs to watch television or even get something from the kitchen, but she hadn’t. Several times he had thought about going to her room, but he didn’t want her to think his only interest or concern with her was how many times he could fuck her. True, he didn’t seem to be able to get enough of her. But sex was far removed from being his only interest in her.

Very far removed.

His thoughts turned to their kite flying lesson and their brief time of carefree enjoyment. He had lots of kites. He had purchased the first one for his son when the boy was three, and Blake had taken much delight in teaching Bobby to fly it. It was probably why he still flew kites. They were a link with his son, with the father and son activity they had most enjoyed together. He remembered the delight he’d seen on his boy’s face every time a kite lifted into the air. The same look of excitement that had covered Vicki’s face when the kite caught the wind, a look he wanted to see again. A feeling he wanted to recapture and share with her.

“Good morning.”

Blake started at the sound of Vicki’s voice, then turned to face her. She had dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a lightweight sweater. She wore her hair down, framing her face in a soft swirl of luxurious chestnut. A hint of a russet color dotted her lips and looked so very tempting. His heart instantly filled with the warm feeling that moved through him whenever he was around her. The momentary excitement she had shown when flying the kite filled his senses with an emotional contentment he had not felt in quite some time.

“Good morning, yourself.” Blake didn’t like the surprising hint of huskiness that tinged his voice. “You…uh…went to bed early last night. Are you feeling okay?” He self-consciously shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Or was it something I said?”

He reached out and lightly touched his fingertips to her cheek, then quickly withdrew his hand. He suddenly felt awkward, not sure what to say or whether he should have even alluded to the previous day’s disagreement. A strange situation, especially considering the hot and heavy way they had indulged their sexual desires in the short time she’d been in the house.

“There’s fresh coffee.” He motioned toward the kitchen and extended an uncertain smile. Then he glanced out the door. “Looks like we’re in for quite a rainstorm.”

Vicki already had a vigilant eye on the approaching clouds. She still felt a little guilty about purposefully avoiding Blake the previous afternoon and evening. Upon reflection, she knew she had over reacted to his teasing, which had combined with her own amazement over the unexpected joy she had experienced when the kite lifted into the air.

She tried to blame her unacceptable behavior on her trepidation over the impending storm. But it didn’t do any good. Even though the storm caused her anxiety, it hadn’t been responsible for her rudeness. Too many changes swirled around her, too much she had not anticipated. Things were happening too fast. She feared she had lost all control over her life and didn’t know how to get it back.

She tried to project a casual manner. “I see you have the fireplace going. The aroma of fresh coffee is always good. But when you add the scent of burning logs…well, I don’t know which smells better.”

“There’s something about a cool, stormy-looking day that calls for a fire.” Blake turned toward the kitchen to refill his nearly empty coffee mug. The sound of the doorbell stopped him in mid-stride. His brow furrowed in a quick hint of confusion.

“I wonder who that could be,” he glanced at the clock, “at seven-thirty on a Sunday morning.”

Blake opened the door and greeted the owners of the beach house with surprise. “Gary. Jennifer. Come in.”

“Sorry to stop by so early, but we were just on our way home. We decided to drive back into town before the storm hit. I saw the smoke coming out of the chimney and knew you were awake. I wanted to make a quick check on the repair of the sliding glass door. This storm is predicted to be a real blow-out, and I don’t want it to leak or…” Gary Sanderson’s gaze landed on Vicki. He shot Blake a curious look. “Are we interrupting?”

“Not at all.” Blake extended a gracious smile. “Jennifer and Gary Sanderson, this is Victoria Templeton.” He turned toward Vicki. “Gary and Jennifer own the house.” He gave Vicki a quick wink and a comforting smile. “How’s this for perfect timing? It saves us from having to make that phone call.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Vicki extended her hand toward the early morning guests.

Gary shook her hand while shooting Blake another quizzical look. “A phone call?” His voice held the teasing quality that usually permeated their conversations. “Don’t tell me you’re going to be one of those impossibly demanding tenants.”

He gestured toward Vicki. “We, uh, have a problem. Let’s sit down and have some coffee while Vicki explains her plight.”

Gary, Jennifer, Vicki, and Blake settled in at the dining room table. Gary cast another curious look at Blake, then eyed Vicki before returning his attention to Blake. “What seems to be the problem?”

“It appears that Vicki has been swindled out of five months’ rent by the agent who had this house listed as rental property.”

“A rental agent?” Gary’s eyes widened in shock, the same shock surrounding his words. A stunned expression covered Gary’s face. “I took this property away from that agency two months ago when it changed ownership. I didn’t like the man who took over the business.” Gary turned toward Vicki, his brow furrowed. “You paid someone five months’ rent for this house? Who were you dealing with? Tell me what happened.”

Chapter Five

“Are you all right?” Blake placed his hand on Vicki’s shoulder. Half an hour had gone by since Gary and Jennifer departed.

Vicki looked up at him from where she sat on the couch. “How could this have happened?” She couldn’t hide the despair in her soft voice.

“Like Gary suggested, I think you should call the police and file a report.”

“But what if there’s a logical explanation? Perhaps Mr. Edwards got sick and had to go home. I’d hate to get the police involved if it was an honest mistake.” She knew she was grasping at straws. Facts were facts. No way would she ever see her money again.

“Even if Mr. Edwards has a legitimate reason for not returning your calls, you heard what Gary said. Mr. Edwards had no legal right to rent this house. The listing had been taken away from him two months ago.”

Hopelessness washed over her as she accepted the reality she could no longer deny or ignore. “How could I have been so foolish as to have actually paid the entire five months in advance?”

“Don’t blame yourself.” Blake sat next to her and pulled her into his arms. “You couldn’t have known he would do this or have any reason to suspect him of wrong-doing.”

He cradled her head against his shoulder. A shudder moved through her body. She slipped her arms around his waist and clung to him, seeking his support.

“I thought it odd when he told me the owners required it, but that rental agency has always had a good reputation so I never questioned it. I didn’t realize it had changed ownership.”

“As Gary said, that was the reason he took the property rental away from them. Mr. Edwards must have kept a key to the house when Gary terminated their agreement. I wonder how many other people Mr. Edwards has scammed. My guess is that he won’t be at the office in the morning, or any other morning, for that matter. He’s probably skipped town.”

“Yes…I…” A sob caught in her throat as she tried to keep her anguish under control. “I think you’re right.” Tears welled in her eyes and threatened to trickle down her cheeks. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her cry. All her life she had always been in control. She considered herself to be strong and capable. Now everything in her life seemed to be crumbling around her. She felt totally helpless, the sensation decidedly uncomfortable and unfamiliar.

She quickly blinked away the tears and took a calming breath. “Well…” She eased back from his embrace and stood. “I guess I’d better figure out what to do. Tomorrow’s the day I’m supposed to start setting up the books and business records for my clients. I need to find a place to work and live for the summer. I guess…” She took another deep breath, but it didn’t do anything to settle the tremors spreading through her body. “I’ll just have to take the money from my college fund and put off getting my master’s degree.” Sadness crept into her voice. “Looks like it will take me a lot longer than I had planned.”

“Wait, don’t be so hasty. Let’s talk about this.” Blake took hold of her hand and gently tugged on it until they were both seated on the couch again. He placed his hands on her shoulders, turned her toward him, and slowly worked his fingers against her tight muscles. As his fingertips kneaded her flesh, he plumbed the depths of her hazel eyes. The sharp emotional pull at that place buried deep inside him was as much a worry as a reality.

“First, we need to unpack your boxes and get you settled in. You said you’d planned on using the dining room as an office. I don’t have any problem with that. You should probably order your own phone line, though, for business.”

“I…I don’t understand.” Confusion filled her eyes. “What—”

“I’m suggesting you stay here for the summer. We obviously have very different philosophies on life, but I believe we can co-exist in this house without interfering with each other’s needs.” He tried to suppress the grin playing across his lips without much success. “Even the furry little beast has stopped inflicting pain and suffering on me.”

Again, as it had originally happened, the suggestion spontaneously burst forth from the place inside him she had now thoroughly invaded. He had not given it conscious consideration, and neither had he evaluated the situation…or the possible consequences.

“But…but what about the—”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to make another list of pros and cons.” He extended a wry grin to let her know he was kidding, then turned serious once again. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do. After you set up your office, we’ll go next door and talk to Tim Flannigan about what steps you need to take to get your money back. Maybe he wouldn’t mind providing a little free legal advice…one volleyball buddy to another, so to speak.”

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