Summer Sizzle (8 page)

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Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Summer Sizzle
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He lowered his mouth to hers, a kiss that started gently at first before escalating along with the desire coursing through his body. It was as if neither of them had a need to talk about what had happened.

And what seemed to be happening again.

She slipped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss, her passion matching his spark for spark. He flicked his tongue at her lower lip, then penetrated the recesses of her mouth. She answered his advance by rubbing her belly against his erection the same way the blonde had after the volleyball game. Unlike his actions with the blonde, this time he responded enthusiastically.

He cupped her ass cheeks and pulled her tightly against his lower body, grinding his pelvis against hers. He broke off the kiss only long enough to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go upstairs.”

“Yes.” She managed only the one ragged word.

Nothing else needed to be said. They quickly ascended the stairs. It took only a minute for their discarded clothing to land on the floor. The sounds of their labored breathing filled the air.

Vicki stretched out on Blake’s bed. He turned, straddled her shoulders, and stretched his torso down the length of her prone body. Wrapping his arms around her hips, he cupped her ass cheeks and plastered his mouth to her juicy pussy. He found himself quickly immersed in the addictive taste that belonged to her alone. He flicked his tongue in and out of her opening, then sucked her engorged clit into his mouth.

Her moans of delight fed his need as he continued to feast on her delicious taste. No woman had ever imprinted her essence on him the way she had. A taste, a scent…would he ever have his fill? His thoughts came to an abrupt halt when her lips suddenly closed around his cockhead, then slid up and down his rigid shaft.

His groan vibrated from the place where his mouth touched Vicki’s clit. The sensation continued to reverberate through her body, pushing her into what she knew from the previous night’s experience would be the first of many fantastic orgasms. Each of his sucking motions sent her rushing toward the ultimate release. Her entire body quivered with sexual arousal so intense it left her breathless.

His mouth…his tongue…they were only part of his display of unparalleled talent. She floated on a cloud of euphoria. Throbbed to a primal beat. Every nerve ending in her body tingled with excitement. Then the first orgasmic wave crashed through her. A quick pelvic thrust, then her entire body convulsed in delicious, heart-pounding ecstasy.

Myriad conflicting thoughts ripped through her mind. Blake was wrong for her in every way that mattered. A kite flying beach bum. An unemployed playboy with no sense of responsibility. Orgasmic contractions seized control of her senses, banishing any further thought. And each intensely erotic ripple had her sucking in more of his shaft.

Her taste filled Blake’s mouth. Her body acted on him much like an addictive drug. The more he had, the more he wanted. The more he wanted, the more he needed. No, he’d never have his fill of her. But what did it mean and where was it leading? Her hips bucked erratically, shoving her pussy hard against his mouth. He nibbled at her clit, totally losing himself in her as she continued to work her mouth along his stiff cock.

The churning in his balls spoke to him, screaming out his need for release. He momentarily gave up her tasty pussy and reached for a condom packet. A minute later, he stretched out on his back with her straddling his hips. He gripped her waist and lowered her onto his sheathed cock. The look of exquisite rapture that covered her face sent a hard rush through him. Her eyes glowed with the same hot passion that coursed through his veins. She leaned forward, her breasts coming to rest in his hands, her tautly puckered nipples pressed into his palms.

Blake didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. Her inner muscles clenched around his shaft, tugging and squeezing with a unique rhythm that quickly drove him to the edge. He had never had his cock in a hotter nest or one that felt as good. One that felt as if he really belonged there. One that felt like home.

One that felt like a lifetime.

The unwanted thought disappeared as hard spasms shuddered through his body. He squeezed her breasts in time with her orgasmic contractions, which drained his balls of all he had to offer. Her body went limp, falling forward against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, allowing one hand to glide down her back and come to rest on her perfectly rounded ass. Playing his fingers along the crevice separating her cheeks, he fought to bring his breathing under control and restore some semblance of reason back to the moment.

They hadn’t talked about last night, but he knew they had to talk about it now. He couldn’t pretend nothing important had happened, that she represented nothing different from any other hot fuck that might come his way. She was different all right. Unique. Special.


He smoothed her hair away from her damp face. “Vicki, we need to talk about—”

“No.” She placed her fingertips against his lips. “Please don’t make more of this than it is. I want you to know I’m not in the habit of falling into bed with every man I meet, with men I’ve only known a few hours. You and I…we don’t have anything in common. Our lifestyles and goals are completely different, but there’s obviously something about our body chemistry, something pulling us—”

Now it was Blake’s turn to place his fingertips against her lips to stop her words. “I never thought for a moment that you promiscuously hopped into bed with every man who crossed your path. If you don’t want to talk about this right now, we can wait until—”

Vicki stopped his words with a kiss. Even though it felt strange with neither of them mentioning what had happened the night before, she didn’t want to confront the truth. Didn’t want to deal with where it could lead. Two ships passing in the night. As different as could be in what they wanted from life…except in bed where they both wanted the exact same thing. To fuck each other into exhaustion and satisfy every carnal desire. The best thing to do was simply leave it at that. Accept it for what it was—two people with an incredible case of the hots for each other and nothing more. A short term situation with no long term consequences to consider.

At least, that’s what she wanted to believe. She couldn’t allow a thought to the contrary. No way would she entertain the possibility of anything more with this man. She had her entire future planned out, and he absolutely did not fit into that plan. Nothing about him fit into her life even though everything about his body fit with hers.

“We have to talk about this, Vicki. Not now, apparently, but sometime soon. This is too hot. Too all consuming. Much too…”


Blake stepped onto the deck, closing the door behind him when he remembered the cat was loose somewhere in the house. He stared at the storm clouds on the horizon, his thoughts lost in a confused swirl that revolved around Vicki. She tried so hard to be tough and independent in spite of her terrible predicament, and each attempt made him more aware of how much he wanted to take care of her.

“I guess I’m ready.” Her voice sounded more like someone being led to an unavoidable ordeal rather than a person enthusiastically participating in a fun activity.

She stepped onto the deck, and he turned to face her. She had pulled on a simple pale blue T-shirt that caressed the soft curve of her breasts and a pair of dark blue shorts. A sharp jab of desire attacked him. It had been less than an hour since they’d showered together after generating enough heat to nearly set the sheets on fire. Yet, just the sight of her made him want to carry her off to bed all over again, as if he hadn’t had sex in months.

It had taken a bit of convincing for him to get her to agree to a kite flying lesson. She kept using the words
waste of time
. Although totally uninhibited in bed, she continued to vacillate between being uptight and guarded when dealing with innocent fun.

He quickly regained his composure, then stooped to pick up the box kite. In spite of the stiff breeze, it would be the easiest for her to fly. “Come on, let’s get away from the house.” He led her out onto the sand and held the kite toward her. “Here, give it a try.”

“What do I do?” She looked at him with reluctant eyes, making no effort to take the kite.

“Hold the kite in your left hand and the string in your right, like this.” He moved behind her and reached around to show her how to handle the kite and string. His body brushed her back as he guided her hands. Warmth washed through him at the momentary physical contact. He hoped his voice didn’t sound as unsteady as he felt. “Let out a little of the string and run along the beach until the wind catches the kite, then continue to let out the string until it’s flying high.”

He stepped away from her and offered her an encouraging smile. “There’s nothing to it.”

Vicki hesitantly took the kite from him, handling it in an awkward manner. Tremors raced through her body the moment he’d stepped behind her. What was she doing? What was this insanity she had allowed herself to be drawn into? Kite flying? She should be doing something productive to occupy her time until she could get her office set up and start work. Something like…well, she couldn’t think of anything specific at the moment. Her mind touched briefly on the time they’d spent indulging their carnal desires. An immediate ripple raced through her pussy, as if she hadn’t had sex in months rather than having just been completely and deliciously satisfied.

She dug her feet into the sand to get a firm footing. The fine granules squished between her toes as she started to run. The wind caught the kite and pulled it sharply upward. The hard tug on the string came as a surprise. Following Blake’s instructions, she let it out. Her heartbeat increased along with her excitement as she watched the colorful kite rise into the sky.

Then it faltered and crashed to the sand, the thrill of the moment gone. Disappointment enveloped her, a totally unexpected reaction, which caught her off guard.

“Oh, no.” She looked at Blake, who’d been running along the beach beside her. “Have I broken it?”

“No, it’s okay.” He reeled in the string and picked up the kite, handing it back to her. He offered an encouraging smile. “Here, try it again. Only this time, let the string out a little more slowly.”

Vicki was not sure why she had agreed to try it the first time and now she was about to try it again. What a silly activity, running along the sand towing a box made out of fiberglass rods and brightly colored nylon fabric. She accepted the kite and string from him, took a calming breath, and began to run. The sharp tug on the string confirmed the wind had taken hold of the kite.

Blake kept pace with her, shouting encouragement as they ran down the beach. “That’s it, Vicki. Good. Now, slowly let out the string. Make sure the line stays taut.”

She slowed her pace and carefully let out the string. This time, the kite rose higher and higher into the air until she had let out the entire length.

The wind tried to pull it from her hands with a hard tug along the string. She turned her face upward and watched the colorful box kite flying in the breeze. She laughed like a child enjoying the carefree arena of play…the excitement of innocent fun. The heavy burden of responsibility she chose to carry on her shoulders like a mantle had lifted for the moment.

“That’s perfect.” His genuine enthusiasm for her accomplishment echoed in his voice. “You’ve got it.”

“Look. It’s actually flying!” She radiated the excitement that filled her almost to overflowing. But her elation quickly disappeared when she took a couple of steps backward and lost her footing. She stumbled and fell. The kite yanked the string from her grasp. They both watched it soar away over the rooftops and out of sight.

Blake’s robust laughter filled the air as he moved to help her up from where she lay sprawled on the beach. “That’s an undignified position for someone so proper.”

He reached out his hand. She refused the offer and quickly scrambled to her feet, not sure whether to be embarrassed or angry at him for making fun of her. Anger won out, if for no other reason than to cover her embarrassment. She turned an indignant gaze on him. “I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from laughing at me.”

She brushed sand from her clothes and legs, then turned toward the house.

“Hold on. You missed a spot.” Blake brushed his hand across her rear. “You had a little sand on your caboose.”

The heat rose on her cheeks and across the back of her neck. She glanced around to determine if anyone had seen what he did, then shot him one last angry barb. “It wasn’t my idea to be out here doing something this ridiculous.”

She stomped off through the soft sand as best she could. But more prominent in her mind than losing his kite and being embarrassed and angry was the tantalizing sensation of his hand brushing her ass. Desire once again flooded her mind and body.

Confusion ran rampant inside her head. He was wrong for her in every way, lifestyles as different as could be. Yet every encounter with Blake Callahan, regardless of how fleeting or innocent, left her trembling with desire. He consumed her thoughts.

“Hey, Vicki. Come on back. I’m not laughing at you. It’s the situation that’s funny.”

She glanced over her shoulder in time to see him start after her.

“Vicki…wait a minute.”

Tears burned her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand. He had humiliated her by forcing her into that undignified situation. She had to get away from him and find another place to live, this afternoon if at all possible. The thought that he hadn’t forced her to try flying the kite, hadn’t been responsible for her losing her footing in the sand and falling, nor had he actually humiliated her, managed to gain access to her brain before she forced it away. The true reason she needed to get away from him had nothing to do with that and everything to do with her physical desire for him, something that excited her in the sensual pleasure it gave her and, at the same time, frightened her in the overwhelming loss of control it represented.

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