Super Awkward (7 page)

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Authors: Beth Garrod

BOOK: Super Awkward
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I pressed post. But it came back with an error message as it wanted a profile pic first. As tempting as it was to put up a bad picture of Jo's annoying face, I figured that, as Zac said, the best thing about it was it being secret. I scrolled through my camera roll and chose a nice non-descript pic of my feet up on the caravan windowsill.


Ha, not so cool are you now, Joanna? She caught my eye in the mirror. She knew I was up to something. I smiled back sweetly enough to make sure I unnerved her, and got back to staring out of the window. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

With Black Bay gone for ever, and probably Zac
my life outlook was fifty shades of bleak. When Zac was around, the total mess of my real life hadn't seemed so important. But as the black and white sign of A
flew past the window, I couldn't pretend any longer. Mum and Jo had ruined the one good thing about the holiday, and now I was going to have to face up to reality. First stop, Rachel's house. Like it or not, it was time for me to find out what really went down at the party.



Why is it when you stare at your phone for incoming friend messages it never, ever beeps? Even when you look away in an effort to fool it, it STILL does nothing. It's like it

I grabbed it off my bedside table and ran downstairs.

“See you later, Mum.” AKA Killer of Dreams. “I'll be back for tea.”

They were the first words I'd said since we'd been back. I knew when to take the high ground, and when to take the pie ground. I marched out the door and towards Rachel's. She lives a ten-minute walk away, and despite hating all forms of exercise (except sass-waving my nails) I love the amble there. I normally take Mumbles and do the route at least twice a
I'm not a keen dog walker, but I AM a semi-professional boy spotter, and the journey takes me past the playing fields where I'm often treated to a sighting of MIAGTM – Man I Am Going To Marry. I don't know his name, but he's a bit skatery and I've crushed on him since I spotted him three years ago. Although,
: now I've met Zac, do I need to change his name to MIMPM – Man I Might Possibly Marry?

MIAGTM is my old faithful. I dial my crush levels up or down on him to fit whatever boy drama is happening in the rest of my life. He's like the Jay-Z to my Beyoncé, he just doesn't know it yet, and I'm assuming neither of us can rap.

As I walked past the playing field, I rang Tegan's house phone again. Her mum picked up. Apparently Tegan was teaching at one of her mammoth day-long gymnastics classes. That meant she'd have zero reception, which made more sense than my network just selectively blocking her messages. I'm so in awe of Tegan's dedication to stuff. Hardly anyone at school even knows she does gymnastics, let alone teaches or competes. For her it's never about what other people think. If I was as good as her at
, I'd probably get it printed on a T-shirt. And matching trousers to be on the safe side.

But Tegan was off-radar all day, and to make
worse, there was also a total lack of MIAGTM/ MIMPM sighting. He was probably off saving a puppy's life, or trying out for a professional football team or something.

I rang Rachel's doorbell and waited for someone to make the trek to the front door. Their house is mahoosive. Maybe that's why rich people tend to be thin – they get their daily exercise just going to the kitchen and back to make tea. It was Mrs Waters who opened the door.

“Oooh, Bella, you, erm . . . startled me there.”

Note to self, must work on my enthusiastic hello-parent face. I stopped the manic smile.

“Haven't you just come back from holiday?” She looked me up and down searching for the faintest hint of a tan.

“It was just a week with my mum and sister.”

“Oh, a lovely beach holiday?” She nodded, as if willing the answer to be ‘yes'.

“Sort of, we went to Wales.”

Her nodding stopped. I put her out of her misery.

“In a caravan.”

Her smile remained, but her eyes screamed, ‘Is
what people call a holiday these days?'

“Belllllllaaaaa!!” Rachel's long red hair swooshed
the door. “You're here! MUM, why didn't you shout for me?” She pushed past her mum, opening the door wide enough to walk through. “We have SO much to talk about.”

Rachel's manicured hands grabbed my arm and pulled me in. I couldn't help but note her fingers were 1.2 centimetres from the exact spot where Zac's had been fifteen hours earlier. New favourite bit of skin, beating my previous favourite of a weirdly smooth bit next to my armpit.

Taking my shoes off, I looked for evidence of the party. Nope, still a gleaming show home. I could murder someone here, and it would be so spotlessly clean the next day that the police forensic team wouldn't be able to find a single clue. Good to keep in mind if Jo ever snogterupts me again. Or tells that story again about me taking a selfie with a waxwork nun in Madame Tussauds, only for me to discover it was a real – and quite annoyed – old lady.

“Sorry about my mum, you know what she's like. She can be so cringe sometimes.”

“As if! You've met
mum. You have NO NEED to apologize. Your mum isn't the one who once sent you to school with a cheese sandwich – made from human breast milk.”

already massive blue eyes got even wider.

“Oh yeah! I still can't believe Mikey ate it?!”

I laughed. I'd forgotten about that bit! He really would do anything to impress Tegan.

“Someone should have let him know the way to Tegan's heart isn't via ‘eating lady cheese'.”

Rach faked gagged, looking a total contrast to the professional photoshoots of her fam we were walking past.

“Pure vileness! On a total level with my mum telling Mr Lutas that in her day he would have been a hottie. I wished the ground would open up and hollow me.”

If it was anyone other than Rachel, I'd probably point out it's ‘swallow'? But best not add to the already difficult thought of why her mum would crack on to an art teacher who always had suspect chalk marks around his groin from where he was ‘adjusting' himself. He's prob the only teacher in the UK that still uses a blackboard to make notes.

We went into Rach's room, which had real-life framed modern art on the walls, and crashed on her bed. It was big enough to lie widthways on. I stared up at her big wall, which was covered with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. It never failed to amaze me. The top shelves were stacked with the ones she'd
(mainly dull, but there were some well-funny ones of naked people in giant champagne glasses we occasionally got down), the middle shelves were the art ones her mum had got for her, and the bottom shelves were full of the well-thumbed ones you never saw her without.

Rachel prodded me with a glittery nail.

“Come on then, how was your holibobs?”

Deep breath, me. Play it casual. Maybe don't even mention Zac for a while? Perhaps seem cool for once by making out the biggest deal ever was, like, not that big a deal. Yes. Good plan.

“OMGItwasAMAZING. I SNOGGED, well semi-snogged, the FITTEST boy and it was probably the GREATEST moment to have EVER happened to anyone on record EVER, give or take a flying shoe, but that's NOT IMPORTANT, cos what IS important is that he is INCREDIBLE and has great teeth and loves his gran and laughs like an strangely alluring horse.” The words couldn't have come out of my mouth any faster. Rachel's jaw officially dropped – and stayed there as every single tiny other detail spilled out, in such rapid fire that I forgot to breathe and had to lie flat on her bed to avoid a fainting incident. It was
me who had these kind of stories – and it felt good.
reacted just how I hoped, even jumping at the key moments, causing tiny tidal mattress waves.

“So, let me get this straight. HE apologized to YOU because HE wanted to kiss YOU?”


“And right now, at this second, he thinks you've stood him up, cos you're not interested, even though also right now, at this second, you're seriously considering leaving my house and walking 379 miles just to say sorry for saying ‘wix'?”


She waggled her long arms and legs around like an upturned ladybird.

“And his last words before he semi-snogged you were about . . . slugs?”

“Uh-huh – a whole new meaning to talking dirty.”

“Bells – this is one hundred per cent insane. I love it!!!”

We squackled – squealing mixed with cackling – with the sheer brilliance of my achievement. Maybe the world
changed. Maybe now I, Bella Fisher, was the kind of girl who had stories about snogging boys, rather than just tripping up in front of them.

Riding high on this life revelation felt like a good time to broach the subject of last night.

So, er, now I've fully splurged about my hottie-day, it's time for you to spill the beans on last night.”

She beamed. So it
been a good night.

“I wish you'd been here. OBVS,
much happened.”

Exactly what I didn't want to hear. ‘Absolutely nothing happened and it was so boring that we all made a pact to never have a party without you ever again' was more along the lines of my ideal response.

“Go on then . . . spill.” PleasepleasepleaseletthisbeOK.

“OK – major headlines.” She paused, rummaging through a whole head-full of excellent stories. “Well . . . our toaster's now broken because Lou's chicken fillet flopped into it and we didn't know until breakfast this morning when it melted on to mum's bagel. . . What else. . . I met this dead nice guy, PJ, but might have ruined it as I introduced him to everyone as BJ and no one told me. Oh, and Mikey did a BRITS-worthy rendition of ‘Shake It Off' complete with major sass moves.”

Rachel chatted away enjoying having someone to relive it all with. I'd normally be heartbroken I'd missed out, but this time, if I'd have been there, I'd never have met Zac, which made it way less painful to listen to. I'd swop a toasted-fake-boob for a Zac-hang any day. But
I was lacking in FOMO, I was making up for with a nagging worry. She hadn't mentioned the Luke-and-Tegan-shaped elephant in the room. And it was making me panic. She knew how much I'd freaked out – she'd been on the receiving end of my messages. Was she avoiding it on purpose?

I waited for a pause in her story of how Mikey had almost knocked himself out headbanging, literally, into their grand piano. It was time for me to wave and point at the elephant. It was time for me to get the truth.



“Raaaaaach.” Gulp. Here I go. Stay casual. And properly casual, not like my last attempt.

were those messages from Luke last night? I mean, like,

She bent her long arms over her even longer legs and picked at her fluffy rainbow slippers, avoiding eye contact. I ploughed on with my fake ‘totally mentioning this in a completely unplanned way' casual act.

“And then . . . then I got that one from you. Which was like, also a bit weird. And you and Tegan have both been off-radar all day.” She wasn't filling in any blanks. “Pretty weird, huh?”

Her face flushed. My heart sank.

needed to come up with some less weird words for weird.

“Oh yeah . . .
.” She looked sheepish. So I wasn't being paranoid – she
been deliberately avoiding the subject.

“Yeah –

Rach walked over to her full-length mirror and pulled her hair up into a messy topknot. Unfortunately for her, she'd forgotten mirrors tend to do quite a good job at reflecting things, so I could see was stressed. Her perfect world wasn't very good at dealing with un-perfect. I felt like I was waiting for an exam result.

“OK, if I tell you, do you promise not to get mad?” She didn't give me a chance to answer, carrying straight on. “I mean, I
we shouldn't invite Luke in the first place, but it was
who had said that we had to or it'd look like he was still getting to you. And we all agreed.”

She still hadn't told me anything I didn't know already.


She fiddled with a body spray, making a rhythmical ‘pop' with the lid, buying time as she searched for the words.

“And. Well. Fine. Right. So, er, well, we were all sitting around and stuff, and Luke was chatting to
girls from Joggies. You know the ones.” Figures. JOGS, or James Owen Girls' School, is a posh girls' school round the corner from ours, where all the girls look like they've just come back from an incredible skiing holiday, all the time. Does snow even exist in the summer?

“Anyway, one of them starts getting all cosy with him. They're on the sofa – the one that Mumbles weed on?”

It was leaf patterned! She thought she was outside!

“And he's got his arm round her and stuff, and they're
about to snog. They had that, ‘Oh, are you
?' thing going on?”

I knew it all too well. It'd been me once. Classic touchy-feely faux-friendly Luke. So predictable.

Rach lay back down next to me. I had to keep the convo on track.

“So was that the girl in the picture? The one Luke sent? Purple hat girl?”

She thought before answering, as if trying to place her before she confirmed.

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