Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (13 page)

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Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

BOOK: Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
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To make a love perfume first, you will need a bottle

of ethyl rubbing alcohol (not isopropyl) that can usually

be found in the health and beauty aisle of most large su-

permarkets or chain pharmacies. You will also need some

cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and powdered cloves.

To save money and time, just grab one of those little bot-

tles of pumpkin pie spice which is a combination of those

spices. In a jar, mix a teaspoon of spice to a half cup of alcohol. Seal the jar and keep in a cool dry place for two weeks, shaking the bottle daily to mix the spices. After

two weeks, strain the liquid through a coffee filter to get the spices out and re-bottle the brownish liquid. Charge

the liquid to be a perfume of attraction and from then on, you can place a dab on each of your pulse points and an

aura of attraction shall surround you.

Love, Lust and Beauty Magic 129


As previously noted, magical oils are a very versatile product. You can use magical love-drawing oils as perfume, to

anoint charms, or to anoint candles or papers used in spell work. The following oil is a simple love oil, easily made

and used in all your love magic.

Love Oil

• ½ cup olive oil

• 1 tablespoon apple peel

• 1 teaspoon coriander seed

• 1 teaspoon strawberry stems (or leaves)

Simmer the peel, coriander, and strawberry leaves in

the oil until their scent is transferred, then let the oil cool.

Strain the oil and charge it with the intent to draw love.

Bottle for use.

Oil Spells

Aside from using a love-drawing oil as a perfume to

anoint the body to give yourself a magical aura of at-

traction, there are other uses for the oil such as in candle magic.

Bond of Love

Note: This spell should only be done by heterosexuals un-

less properly modified (see below). It is designed to work
130 Chapter 7

with that polarized energy. To cast this spell, you will

need the following items.

• 1 jar of ground cinnamon (1 to 2 ounce

spice bottles)

• 1 jar of ground nutmeg (1 to 2 ounce spice


• Small glass cruet (or funnel) and bowl

• 2 candles (1 pink and 1 blue)

Bottle of Love Oil

Disposable white or pink table cloth or towel (not plastic or vinyl; biodegradable fabric!)

Before casting this spell, take a cleansing bath and

focus only on the feeling of the love that you want to

bring into your life. When you are finished bathing, go

to your altar-table and lay out the table cloth and charge the bottles of spices; the nutmeg with the power of femi-nine sexuality and love and the cinnamon with the power

of masculine sexuality and love. Now pour and mix the

spices together in either the bowl or cruet. If using the

bowl and funnel, slowly pour the mix of spices through

the funnel; if using the cruet, simply pour the spices from it, and (either way), slowly pour the spices into a sideways figure 8 shape on the cloth.

Make the figure 8 shape large enough to fit the can-

dles inside the loops of the 8. Next, on the blue candle

carve the male symbol and on the pink candle carve the

Love, Lust and Beauty Magic 131

female symbol. Hold the female candle in the left hand

and the male candle in the right hand and squeeze them

until you can feel your hands pulsing. Mentally pour the

energy and desire to bring love into your life into the candles while you hold them. When you feel ready, anoint

each candle with love oil and set the female candle in the left loop of the figure 8 and the male candle in the right loop.Close your eyes and focus ONLY on the feeling

you want to have when in the perfect, happy relation-

ship. Feel your desire fully and immerse yourself in this

energy. Imagine yourself spending time with your ideal

mate (remember, no specific people; keep it general) and

when you are energized and strong in your power, light

the candles, first left then right and chant the following spell as you pour out the desire and energy toward your

goal (imagine spending time with your ideal mate and

send the power to this image):

Spirit cord, seal the bond

Perfect balance, figure eight

Magic power bring to me

My heart’s great joy; true love’s mate.

If possible and safe to do so, allow the candles to burn

out completely on their own. If not, let them burn for as

long as possible before extinguishing them (first left, then right) with a candle snuffer or the back of a spoon. When

the candles have completely cooled, gather up the corners

132 Chapter 7

of the cloth with the candles and spices contained inside

and bury them in the ground with thanks.

To modify: Use only a single color for the candles

(pink or blue, depending or lavender, if you prefer) and

use either nutmeg (for lesbians) or cinnamon (for gay

men) alone without the other spice, in which case you

will need two jars of the chosen single spice. The chant

can remain as is and all other steps remain the same.


Love charms are a classic magical item. Luckily, there are loads of options at the store for creating charms so, we

don’t have to go hunting for various bird feathers, shells, crystals or rare herbs (not that there is anything wrong

with doing so, other than convenience and/or cost fac-

tors) or forge our own sigil engraved, metal medallions

(not a skill of mine). In the past, gathering exotic magical ingredients has been a sign of your sincerity and determination to reach your goal. While this does have validity,

these days, even though we may be quite determined and

very sincere, we are often way too busy to go on a drawn-

out quest for ingredients and then do a complex ritual

with what we’ve gathered.

I know that I for one, almost never have a full day

with nothing else to do other than the magic or ritual I

have planned. There are always so many other “normal

life” obligations to first wade through. That’s why I always include a shopping list at the end of each chapter; all we

Love, Lust and Beauty Magic 133

need to do is add those items to our normal grocery lists

and get everything bought all at once and usually far less expensively than if we bought items at specialty stores

individually. Convenience and cost issues (mostly) solved.

There are a few different options for creating love charms.

The first is an herbal charm bag.

Charm Bag

Love Charm

• 1 chamomile tea bag

• 1 pinch basil

• 1 pinch cinnamon

• 1 pinch oregano or marjoram

If you wish to make a charm bag to attract love then,

we have two stops to make. First go to the aisle that has

dried herbs and grab bottles of basil, cinnamon, and oreg-

ano. Next, go and get a box of chamomile tea. When you

get home, open the chamomile tea bag carefully and pour

the chamomile into a bowl. Add a pinch of basil, cin-

namon, and oregano to the bowl and mix it around with

your fingers. Charge the herbs to bring you love. Now,

place the mixed herbs back in the tea bag and either re-

staple or tie closed with pink cord or ribbon. Carry the

bag with you wherever you go.

134 Chapter 7

Pennies of Love

• 2 Pennies

• 1 red candle

• 1 pink candle

• Love Oil (see page TK in this chapter)

• Heat-proof plate

This charm is designed to bring an ideal mate to you.

For the pennies, you have two options; the first one is

to use shiny new pennies from the current year and the

second option is to use pennies minted in the year you

were born. Either way, doing so will boost your luck in

finding love. The basic mechanics of this charm consist

of blessing the pennies and joining them together with

the wax from both candles. Three days before you begin

this spell, soak the pennies in blessed saltwater to remove any previous energies they may contain. On the day you

wish to create this charm gather together all the items

needed and place them on your altar table. Wash off the

pennies to remove the saltwater and dry them completely.

Charge the candles with your desire for love and set the

red candle on the left side of the plate and set the pink

one on the right side. Go into a meditation while holding

the pennies and visualize the type of person you wish to

meet. When you have a clear mental image built up, make

sure to focus on how you want to feel in the relationship

Love, Lust and Beauty Magic 135

and mentally transfer this feeling into the pennies; visu-

alize pink light flowing through your arms and into the


When you feel ready, set the pennies on the plate

and light the candles; first red then pink. As they flame

up, focus on a warm, contented feeling of happiness and

continue to think about the type of person you want to

attract. When the candles have burned a bit and there is

some melted wax, carefully pick up the red candle and

drip a little wax onto one penny. Set the red candle back

down and pick up the pink candle. Drip some pink wax

on the other penny. Set the pink candle down and be-

fore the wax hardens completely, pick up the pennies and

press them together; wax sides in. Set the pennies back on the plate and pick up the red candle and drip red wax all

over the top of the joined pennies. When it is completely

covered, set the red candle down and turn the pennies

over. Pick up the pink candle and drip wax all over the

other side of the pennies until it is completely covered

as well. When finished, you should no longer be able to

see the pennies, just wax with one side red and the other

side pink.

Finally, hold the penny charm in both hands and send

pink light into it one more time while strongly visualizing being in a happy relationship. When you feel empowered,

chant this spell to bind your intent into the charm:

Magic of Venus; copper coins,

136 Chapter 7

Bring to me an ideal mate.

Real love; hearts enjoined,

Hurry forth; end this wait.

Charm of love, my desire impart,

Currents of love draw her/him to my heart.

Carry the penny charm with you in a red or pink

charm bag if possible and/or sleep with it under your pil-

low at night.

Bath Salts

To infuse yourself with loving vibrations, you can make

bath salts charged with loving energy. To do this is a bit complicated though. First, you need Epsom salts (again,

health and beauty aisle) and some regular salt and baking

soda. You also need red food coloring and a small bottle

of Love Oil.

Love Bath Salts

• 3 cups of Epsom salts

• 2 cups sea salt

• 1 cup baking soda

• 1 tablespoon (½ ounce) Love Oil

• A few drops red food coloring

Mix the Epsom salt, sea salt and baking soda to-

gether. Now, add the oil a few drops at a time, being care-

Love, Lust and Beauty Magic 137

ful not to add too much. The consistency should be fairly

dry; like damp sand, not oily salt-soup. Once you have

added enough oil, put a few drops of red food color in and mix. The bath salt should come out looking pink. Once

made, the bath salt should be charged to bring loving en-

ergies to anyone that uses it. To use, add a few spoonful’s (¼ cup to ½ cup) to a warm bath and relax in the water,

soaking in the loving energy.


Beauty-Enhancing Scrub

• 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

Pour the sugar into a small container and add the

olive oil. Stir with the forefinger (pointing finger) of

your strong hand and empower it with your desire for

enhanced beauty.

To use: Apply the mixture to the facial area slowly

(and gently) in circular motions to exfoliate and moistur-

ize the skin. After you have finished scrubbing your face, rinse the sugar mixture off in tepid water and wash your

face with your usual facial soap.

Glamoury for Makeup

• Chosen makeup

• 1 pink candle

138 Chapter 7

• Love oil (see page TK)

You can magically enhance your normal, everyday

makeup and skin products to create a powerful energy

of attraction and beauty around yourself every time you

wear them. To do so, take the chosen makeup to your

altar-table and anoint a pink candle with Love Oil and

light it. Settle yourself before the altar and go into a meditation while holding the container (bottle, tube, compact, etc.) of makeup. When you are relaxed, imagine a powerful magnetic, glimmering energy is pouring through you,

into your hands and from them, into the makeup. Visual-

ize this energy building in the bottle until you feel the

bottle pulsing with magnetic-type energy. When you feel

that the makeup is full of the energy, chant the following to program the energy and activate the glamour:

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