Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (15 page)

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Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

BOOK: Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
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Oil Spells

Bring Back My Luck Candle Spell

• 1 red candle

• 1 bottle of Good Luck Oil

• Pin

Carve your name, birthdate and astrological sign into

the candle with the pin. Hold the candle in both hands

Luck 151

and charge it with your desire for improved luck. Anoint

it with Good Luck Oil and light the candle. Say the fol-

lowing chant 3 times to seal the spell.

Misfortune and gloom are burned away,

Good luck returns, here to stay.

Allow the candle to burn out on its own if it is safe

to do so. If not, let it burn for 15 minutes to an hour then put if out with a candle snuffer. Re-light it and repeat the chant daily until the candle has burned away.


This powder can be sprinkled in an automobile or boat

to help ensure luck in your travel and proper decision-

making while driving without being too obvious that you

are using magic. A little sprinkled under the driver’s seat is usually sufficient. It can also be discreetly in the rooms of your home (if it can be done without ruining the flooring) to improve the luck and overall feel of the home.

Good Luck Powder

• 1 tablespoon allspice

• 1 tablespoon nutmeg

• 1 tablespoon poppy seeds

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

152 Chapter 8

Charge each ingredient with the intention of luck

and grind each spice separately before combining them

all with the cornstarch. Once the cornstarch has been

added, bottle the completed powder and dedicate it to

the purpose of bringing good luck to you.


Good luck charms are well known even outside magi-

cal circles. From lucky horseshoes, a rabbit’s foot, spe-

cial coins or herbs; a wide variety of things have been

employed as charms in an attempt to bring someone

good luck over the centuries. These days, we can create

our good luck charms straight from the grocery store, no

bunny feet necessary! In the following herbal charm, the

element of fire is invoked to restore the connection to

your inner voice to its full strength and bring back your

good luck.

Fiery Good Luck Charm Bag

• 1 part allspice

• 1 part basil

• 1 part rosemary

• 1 piece of dried orange peel cut in the

shape of an equal-armed cross

• 1 green cloth charm bag

• 1 green candle

Luck 153

• Good Luck oil

First, prepare the orange peel by cutting it into a small

equal-armed cross shape and leaving it to dry out fully for several days. When the orange peel cross has dried and is

ready, gather the rest of the ingredients and charge each

of them with your desire for good luck. Fill yourself with a feeling of relaxed contentment and transfer this feeling along with your desire into the candle and charm bag


Anoint the candle with a bit of the Good Luck Oil

and light it. As the candle flames up, begin to add the

herbs and orange peel cross to the cloth bag. When ev-

erything has been added, pour a drop of the melted green

wax into the bag to seal the charm and seal up the bag.

Once the bag is sealed, hold it above the flame of the

green candle, making sure to hold it high enough so as

not to burn the bag or your hand, and consecrate it to its task with the following chant:

For good of all and by my free will

Gentle promise, please fulfill.

Flame of Spirit; Ancient Fire

Unlock within, my intuition.

Revive good luck and re-inspire

my higher mind connection.

Allow the candle to burn out on its own or snuff out

the flame. Carry the charm bag with you, sleep with it

154 Chapter 8

under your pillow and/or rub your third eye area with it

daily for your luck to improve.

Red and Green Good Luck Charm

• 1 tablespoon dried chervil

• 1 tablespoon dried peppermint

• Red charm bag

Combine the chervil and peppermint in a bowl and

charge them with your intent. Pour the charged herbs

into the charm bag and seal. Carry the bag with you at

all times.


Food is always a good way to bring magical changes

within. Since we are talking about good fortune, a process that starts within; food, like brews, is a quick method or creating improvement in your life. The following recipe is a light and healthy dessert and is great in summertime.

Fresh fruit is rich in life energy and these particular fruits are known to have positive “lucky” vibrations.

Turn Your Luck Around Fruit Salad

• 2 cups pineapple, cut into chunks

• 1 cup strawberries, sliced

• 2 oranges, segmented with the membrane


Luck 155

Clean and prepare each of the fruits separately. Place

each in a bowl and charge it with your intent to regain

good luck, then combine the fruits in a larger bowl and

stir to mix. Eat as desired.

Lucky Green Persimmons

If you have a persimmon tree or know someone that does

and want to increase your good luck, pick a green persim-

mon and charge it with your desire and then bury it in

your yard to draw luck to you.

Witch Bottle

Witch bottles are a fun alternative to typical charms.

Originally employed over 500 years ago as protective

devices, witch bottles are now used for a wide range of

magical intentions. They act as a battery of magical power and continue to radiate the energy of your intent as long

as the seal remains unbroken. This witch bottle formula

is easy to create, effective and doesn’t need to be carried around with you the way a charm does.

Capturing Luck in a Jar

• 9 persimmon seeds

• 1 tablespoon cinnamon, ground

• 1 teaspoon cloves, ground

• 1 teaspoon lemon zest or lemongrass

• 13 dried currants

156 Chapter 8

• Lock of your hair or nail clippings

• 2 tablespoon spearmint

• 1-2 cups water

• Mason jar

• Large red candle

Boil the water in a pot. Once the water is boiling,

remove from heat and add the spearmint. Cover the pot

and allow it to completely cool. While the water is cool-

ing, place each of the first five ingredients in separate

bowls and charge them with your intent. When cooled,

strain the spearmint water into a cup and light the red

candle. Begin to assemble the witch bottle by adding each

of the ingredients to the jar in the order given: persim-

mon seeds, cinnamon, cloves, lemon (zest or grass), cur-

rants, and your hair or nail clippings. Finally, pour the

spearmint water into the Mason jar. Make sure you have

enough to fill up the jar. Put the lid on the jar and seal it by dripping red wax on the top and underside of the rim

of the lid until it is completely covered in wax. Keep the bottle in a safe place and whenever you feel the need for

an extra “boost” gently shake it to mix up the ingredients.

Shopping List

Here is the listing of the items and ingredients used in

this chapter.

Luck 157

❏ Allspice

❏ Currants

❏ Pins

❏ Basil

❏ Huckleberry

❏ Pineapple

❏ Candles (red and ❏ Lemon

❏ Poppy seed


❏ Chervil

❏ Lemongrass

❏ Rosemary

❏ Cinnamon

❏ Mason jar

❏ Saffron

❏ Cloth (red and

❏ Nutmeg

❏ Spearmint


❏ Cloves

❏ Orange (fruit ❏ Strawberry

and juice)

❏ Corn oil

❏ Peppermint

❏ Vanilla extract

❏ Cornstarch

❏ Persimmon

chapter 9

Money magic is wonderful for helping you out of

tight financial jams. Since money magic is usually

only used when someone is low on funds, let’s look for

inexpensive ingredients for our money spells. There are

loads of ingredients available that promote abundance

and can help to bring extra money into your life when

needed. Remember though that money is artificial and

therefore, has no inherent power.

One cannot draw “money energy” for there is no such

thing. The proper focus for money magic is on the energy

and feeling of abundance and security; these are the qual-

ities that money can bring. If you focus only on having a

one hundred dollar bill in your hands, the spells will not be very effective. You must focus on the feeling of abundance and security; of not having to worry if the bills will

160 Chapter 9

get paid or there will be money for food. Concentrate on

the idea of already having that relaxed contentment and

that what you truly need is being provided when you cast

a money spell and you will draw prosperity to you like a



Aside from any uses in spell work, these oils can be dabbed on money or worn on the body to encourage prosperity in

your life. If worn on the body, anoint the wrists, third eye, and back of the neck (and be sure to wipe off any excess).

Basic Money Oil

• 1 teaspoon allspice

• 1 tablespoon basil, dried

• 1 teaspoon chamomile (open up some

chamomile tea bags)

• ½ teaspoon powdered cloves

• 1 teaspoon peppermint, dried

• ½ cup oil (sunflower preferred)

Simmer the herbs in the oil over very low heat until

you can smell the herbs in the air. Allow to cool, strain, bottle and charge with intent.

Money 161

Money Now Oil

• 1 tablespoon cinnamon

• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (or vanilla


• 1 teaspoon peppermint, dried

• ½ cup almond or sunflower oil

• Small piece of gold, silver or pyrite


Simmer the cinnamon and peppermint (and the cut

open vanilla bean, if used) in the oil over low heat until you can smell the herbs in the air. Remove from heat and

allow it to cool. Once the oil has cooled, add the vanilla extract and the small piece of metal, if used. Charge the

oil with your intent and bottle for use. Note: because the vanilla extract and oil will separate, it is necessary to shake the bottle each time before use. The vanilla bean makes a

smoother product but they are usually expensive and also,

difficult to find in many markets. The vanilla extract is a perfectly fine substitute.

Oil Spells

Candle of Cash

• 1 bayberry-scented candle

• Basic Money Oil

• Cauldron or heat-proof dish

162 Chapter 9

• Small piece of paper (3 inches square is


First, let’s get a bayberry-scented candle, they’re not

too expensive. If you can afford it, you can buy an actual bayberry candle; made from bayberry wax but, since these

can be pricey, a scented candle can suffice. For now, scent counts more than color so, just get what you can (bayberry-scented candles are frequently red). For the spell,

charge the bayberry candle with your intent and write

the amount of money that you need on the fresh piece of

paper. Anoint the corners of the paper with the money

oil. Next, light the candle while holding the paper and

chanting ‘
Candle’s flame, bring to me the money that I need

three, seven, or nine times. When you feel ready, light the paper in the candle’s flame and set it in the cauldron or

heat proof dish to burn out. Your money should be on its

way soon.

It Takes Money to Make Money Spell

• 1 green candle

• 1 gold candle

• Money oil

• Cauldron or censer

Money 163

• The highest denomination of paper money

you have (a 100 dollar bill is excellent, if


Arrange a money altar. This altar can have the green

candle on the left, gold candle on the right, the bottle of money oil and the highest denomination currency that

you have available to use are placed in the center. Relax

and anoint the candles with the money oil while charg-

ing them with your intent. Settle yourself before the altar holding the money while focusing on a feeling of prosperity and security. Infuse this feeling into the money and then set it on the altar between the two candles. Place

each candle so that it rests on the edge of the money,

slightly touching it.

Next, anoint your third eye with money oil and focus

your intent. When you feel ready, light the left, then right candles while chanting,

‘Magic power, bring to me

Money and prosperity.’

As the candles flame and glow, envision a beam of

golden light streaming from your third eye and into the

money on the altar. See the money being filled with the

golden light until you feel that it can hold no more. When you think the money is ‘full’ dip the index finger of your dominant hand into the money oil and place a dab of oil

onto the center of the money in order to seal it and keep

164 Chapter 9

in the golden light. Now, you may extinguish the candles

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