Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (17 page)

Read Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients Online

Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

BOOK: Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
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amulet of protection.

Protection Powder

• 1 teaspoon basil

Protection 177

• 1 teaspoon bay leaves

• 1 teaspoon oregano

• 1 teaspoon peppermint

• 1 teaspoon sage

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Grind the herbs together into a powder. Stir in the

cornstarch to bind them all together then bottle and

charge the mixture with your desire for protection.


If you want to make simple and effective protective amu-

lets, there are some simple options.

Rosemary Wreath

• Three fresh rosemary sprigs

(the longer, the better)

• White thread

• Black thread

Take the three fresh rosemary sprigs and tie the stems

together at one end with white thread then begin to braid

the stems together until you reach the end. When you

have finished braiding, tie the other end together with

black thread and finally, tie both ends together in a loop
178 Chapter 10

with the same thread. Once the loop is complete, charge

it as an amulet of protection and hang it in your home

either in the kitchen or over the front door.

Autumn Gourd Wards

Gourds have protective abilities and in autumn, they are

easy to find in stores for use as decorations. Turning them into protective wards to guard your home is a perfect

subtle means of having magical protection. You can set

some in each room and everyone will just think they are

ordinary decorations for months.

• Several gourds (of any variety)

• Braided black three-strand cord of natural

fiber (cotton, wool, etc. Yarn works well)

• Large altar-table or altar cloth (big

enough to set all the gourds on)

• 2 white candles in sturdy holders

Your cord will need to be long enough that you can

tie it in a loop and be able to place all the gourds within the circle. Place the altar cloth on the floor or use a table.

Set the cord loop on the altar space. Place all the gourds within the loop. Set the candles at the back of the altar

space, one on each side. Settle yourself in front of the altar space and light the candles. Close your eyes and visualize yourself and your working area encased in a glowing orb

of electric-blue energy. See this energy extend about you

Protection 179

in a circle large enough for you to work in. When you

are ready, open your eyes and hold your hands over the

gourds. Sweep your hands over the gourds in a clockwise

circle and send energy into them, visualizing that they

are being joined together with white light like a magical

chain, while chanting this spell:

Autumn gourds with hardened shell,

linked as one to guard me well.

Join together, form a shield; protection

power you now wield.

Now, you can place a gourd or two (or three or more)

in each room of the home and even inter-mingle them

with other decorations.


One handy, if stinky item to have on hand is an onion.

Onions have the ability to absorb negativity. In fact, if

you suspect that your home is haunted cut an onion in

half and place both halves in the suspected ‘center’ of the haunting; the room in which you feel the most uneasy.

Leave the onion there for at least twenty-four hours. If

the onion begins to weep and ooze (instead of drying up),

it is a sign of negative spiritual energy and haunting. A

word of warning; this experiment will result in the room

smelling very oniony! The air will be stinging to the eyes.

After the experiment, it is a good idea to thoroughly air

out the room.

180 Chapter 10

Some foods can be eaten to alter your body’s energy

and give you a stronger aura of protection. Some good

choices include chili (beans, garlic, onions and peppers

are strongly protective), blackberries and blueberries, and corn. I am including some handy recipes for these foods.

I’m sure there’s a bad joke in here somewhere, but

these ingredients really are protective in nature.

Protection Shield Chili

• 2 cups 13-bean soup mix (or your favorite

dried beans), soaked overnight in water

• 1 cup onion, chopped

• 1 bell pepper, chopped

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• ¼ teaspoon cumin, ground

• 1 tablespoon oil

• 1 teaspoon oregano

• 1-2 tablespoons chili powder

• 1 teaspoon salt

• ½ teaspoon black pepper

• 1 tablespoon light brown sugar

• 2 cups tomato (or spaghetti) sauce

Protection 181

Rinse and strain the beans and place in a large pot

with fresh water. Boil beans until tender (usually 1 to 2

hours), adding more water if needed. Meanwhile, sauté

the bell pepper, onion, garlic in a pan with the tablespoon of oil until very soft, then add the seasonings and stir to combine and remove from heat. When the beans are tender, drain any excess liquid and add the sautéed onion and pepper mixture to the beans. Add the tomato sauce and

stir to combine. Simmer on medium heat for ten min-

utes. Remove from heat. Hold your hands over the pot,

making sure to hold them high enough to avoid burning

them, and move them in a clockwise circle sending your

energy and intent for protection into the chili while say-

ing this spell.

Gifts from earth, this precious food

When eaten, the protection energy is

released and revealed

The magical energy now imbued

And charged to strengthen my spiritual shield.

It is now ready to serve.

Blackberry and Blueberry Blend

• 1 pound fresh blackberries

• 1 pound fresh blueberries

• 2 teaspoons sugar, granulated

182 Chapter 10

Rinse the berries by placing them in a colander and

running fresh water over them. Toss the berries with the

sugar in a bowl. Place your hands over the bowl and move

them in a clockwise circle over the fruit while sending

your energy and desire for protection into them. Chill for at least 2 hours to allow the berries to absorb the sugar

before serving.

Roasted Corn on the cob

• 2 to 4 ears of corn, fresh

• Butter, 2 tablespoons per ear of corn

Peel back the husks on the ears of corn and remove as

much of the corn silk threads as you can. Rinse in water

to remove any dirt or loose bits of corn silk. Rub each

ear with about 1 tablespoon of the butter; it is easiest to just rub the stick of butter on the corn. Fold the corn

husks back up over the ears and charge each one with

your desire for protection. Wrap each ear individually in

aluminum foil and place on a pan in a 400 degree oven or

on a barbeque grill and roast for 25 minutes. Serve with

an additional tablespoon of butter.

Witch Bottles

Though witch bottles, also known as spell bottles, have

been used for protection and sending negative energy

back to its source for centuries, the original recipes for their construction usually contain some unsavory or

Protection 183

dangerous ingredients. Since urine and mercury (among

other things) aren’t the healthiest items to be working

with, newer, more modern formulae have been created

over the years that are equally effective minus the un-

pleasantness. The following witch bottle is quick to create and most effective.

Protection Spell Bottle

• 5 sprigs fresh rosemary

• 2 cups water

• 5 garlic cloves

• 9 straight pins

• Lock of hair or fingernail clippings

• Mason jar

• 1 black or red candle (whichever color

feels more powerful to you)

In a pot, heat the water to just boiling, then remove

from heat and toss in the rosemary. Cover and let stand

until it has completely cooled. Once the rosemary infu-

sion has cooled, you may begin. Light the black candle.

Place the garlic, straight pins and lock of hair and/or nail clippings in the jar and place the rosemary sprigs from

the pot into the jar as well. Next, carefully pour the rosemary infusion into the jar over the rest of the ingredients.

184 Chapter 10

Place the lid on the jar tightly and hold the jar in

both hands while focusing on a feeling of safety and pro-

tection. Send white light from your hands into the jar

until you feel it is “full”. Then, pick up the candle and

carefully drip wax onto the lid of the jar all over it until it is completely covered in order to seal the spell. Once the lid is covered, hold the jar in both hands again and say,

“Witch’s bottle of herbs and pins, absorb and pierce harm

sent to me. Protect me now from evil and danger and as I

will, so mote it be.”

Take the jar and either hide somewhere in the home,

bury it in the ground, or place it beneath the bricks of the hearth. These are the traditional places to leave the bottle to do its work.

Shopping List

❏ Aluminum foil ❏ Corn

❏ Mustard seed

❏ Basil

❏ Cornstarch

❏ Onion

❏ Bay

❏ Cumin

❏ Rosemary

❏ Bean soup mix ❏ Dill

❏ Sage

(13 bean)

❏ Bell peppers

❏ Garlic

❏ Salt

❏ Blackberry

❏ Gourds

❏ Straight pins

Protection 185

❏ Black pepper

❏ Marjoram/

❏ Sugar



and light


❏ Blueberry

❏ Parsley

❏ Thread (white

and black)

❏ Candles

❏ Peppermint

❏ Tomato sauce

(white, black

and red)

❏ Chili powder

❏ Mason Jar

❏ Vegetable oil

❏ Cords, black

(yarn or twine)

chapter 11
Psychic ability

and divination

there are many foods, potions and methods for en-

hancing the psychic ability that lies dormant in

most of us, just waiting to be unleashed. Fortunately for

the modern-day practitioner, a large amount of ingredi-

ents to promote psychic ability are just waiting for us at the supermarket. The trick of course, is in knowing what

to look for and what to combine in order to create the

desired effect. Since this chapter is about both enhanc-

ing psychic ability and divination, I shall include a few

simple divination methods using these ingredients that

have been found to be effective.


188 Chapter 11


Magical brews to enhance psychic ability go way back in

both fact and fiction. From Welsh legends of the God-

dess Cerridwen and the potion she was brewing in her

cauldron which Taliesin consumed a bit of and gained

knowledge, magic and psychic ability to Shakespeare’s

Macbeth in which the three witches brew up a potion to

cause spirits to reveal knowledge, making magical brews

for psychic enhancement is well known as a magical skill.

Luckily, we don’t have to stir the brew for a year or add

eye of newt for our brews to work. The following potion

is quick, simple and effective.

Psychic Enhancer Potion

• 1 teaspoon anise seeds

• 1 teaspoon peppermint

• 1 teaspoon tarragon

• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

• ⅛ teaspoon cloves

• 2 cups water

Bring the water just to boiling and remove from heat.

Add the herbs and spices and cover. Allow to steep for ten to fifteen minutes. Lift the lid and charge the potion with your desire for enhanced psychic ability. Strain into a cup and sip slowly while engaging in divination work.

Psychic Ability and Divination 189


This powder can be sprinkled around dark blue or purple

candles to enhance their ability to boost your psychic po-

tential. It can also be carried in a charm bag as a personal talisman to enhance your psychic power or used in divination.

Psychic Powder

• 2 tablespoons cinnamon

• 1 tablespoon nutmeg

• 1 tablespoon cloves

• 1 tablespoon peppermint

• 1 tablespoon lemongrass

• 2 tablespoons cornstarch

Grind all the herbs together then stir in the corn-

starch. Charge with your desire and pour in a jar for safe-keeping.

Powder Spells

Powder Divination

• ½ cup psychic powder

• 1 white candle

• Reading surface (something disposable

like a piece of cardboard)

190 Chapter 11

• Large bowl

Light the white candle and allow melted wax to build

up. When there is plenty of melted wax, drip some wax in

a random pattern on the cardboard. Set aside the candle.

Sprinkle the powder over the wax and then gently pick up

the cardboard and shake the excess powder into the bowl.

Now, look at the cardboard and search for any symbols,

letters, numbers or words. Interpreting these is a personal matter of discovering what they mean to you, although

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