Surrender (6 page)

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Authors: Rue Volley

BOOK: Surrender
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“A girlfriend.”

“Oh,” I said as the idea of one kind of irritated me and my tone probably gave it away. He bit his lip and then looked up at the sky.

“You see that star?” he pointed up at the sky and I looked up.

“Which one?” I asked as he moved behind me and leaned in. I cleared my throat as his body felt warm against me. I looked up as he formed a square with his hands and made a box that I could look through.

“That bright one in the middle.”

I tried my best to ignore him behind me. “Oh yes, I see it now.”

“I bought that for her.”


He lowered his hands and then I turned to him.

“You bought her a star?”

“Yes, I thought it was romantic at the time.”

“Well it is. I mean, I think it is.”

He started to walk again and I walked alongside him.

“She wasn’t impressed, in fact, she said that I was avoiding the idea of commitment.”

“I think buying a fucking star is pretty big.”

He stopped and turned to me. “I thought so too but…”

“But what?” I asked him.

“It was for the wrong person,” he said to me and I knew then that she had left him.

“So, did you love her?”

He looked up at the star and then back to me.

“Not really, I loved the idea of her, don’t get me wrong, I am not an asshole. I just thought she was beautiful, but it was skin deep. I wanted it to be her, but it never was.”

I nodded to him and stared up at the star with him.

“Well, she got a star out of the deal,” I said.

“That poor star,” he muttered, as I laughed and so did he.


I looked at him and laughed, “Shut up.”


Chapter Six














I lay in my bed that night as Gemma snored on the other side of the room. It wasn’t enough to keep me up, but Keegan was. I thought about him leaning against me from behind and placing his hands above us so I could see his romantic gesture to someone I would never meet. I wondered what she looked like. I could not help it. He had called her beautiful, it did not bother me, I was sure that she was. I mean, Keegan was so attractive I had a hard time understanding why he was alone. I could feel the attraction between us, I had felt it from the moment he sat up in the booth and looked at me. I had known him for only a few days now and already he was making an impact on me. I know it may sound crazy but sometimes, when you meet someone, you feel as if you have known them forever. It is “
” and that is what I felt with him. I closed my eyes, but sleep would not come. I slipped out of my bed and opened my laptop. I stared at the screen and remembered Keegan walking into the café as my mystery lover had faded out. Only now, they looked like each other and it was clearer than anything had been to me before. I placed my fingers to the keys and started to type, picking up right where I left off. With Lia and her crazy journey to find herself, and the lover who was starting to consume her, and perhaps, was starting to consume me too….


I stepped out of the tub and he disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared to me. The water ran down my hardened body as I heard a growl low in my stomach again. It was followed by more burning. I had never been one to eat that much, so to be so hungry was starting to bother me. Perhaps this new awakening in me had turned on more than just my need to fuck. I grabbed a towel and turned towards the mirror on the wall. The steam from the hot water made it look as if I was floating on top of my tiled floor as I walked towards it. I stopped a foot out and reached up, swiping the steam away and I screamed when I saw people standing behind me in the mirror. I turned and I could not see anyone, but my heart felt as if it would race right out of my chest. I turned back and there they were, three men and the woman. The one with red hair who had come to me and led me back to
. She stepped up behind me and I felt her touch, her hand ran up the front of me, soft and yet willing to please. I could feel it, I could see it in the mirror, but when I looked down I saw nothing. I spun around again and no one was there. I leaned forward and could almost smell a faint scent of sandalwood in the air and as I did, the people all backed away from me, including her. I could not see them, but their reflections in the mirror behind me remained. I turned back and saw a flash of white as she ran out of view and scrambled to the large window that opened on its own. I ran to the window as the wind blew in and forced my hair back and upward. I leaned up to see out. I looked down and saw nothing but the flat side of the tall apartment building where I live. Every now and then, there was a large balcony protruding out, but I did not have one myself. All I had was large windows that allowed me to see the beautiful skyline. I turned and looked upward towards the roof and still nothing. There was no way that anyone could have left here out of the windows without falling to their deaths below. I leaned back in and turned back to the mirror. I saw no one in the room with me, but the terrifying confusion remained. Was I ill? Had I started to crack from the loss of Griffin? I could not be certain, but what I did know is I suddenly had a hunger and I needed to go out.                                                                    

I sat at the bar and sipped my wine; I had put on a black cocktail dress, high black heels, and curled my hair. I was still feeling a bit light headed, but I felt as if I needed to come out. It was a Saturday night, a night for people to mingle and find company. I wasn’t sure that I wanted any, maybe I just wanted attention. It had been that way since Griffin left me. He used to pay attention to me constantly, not only out, but at home. His strange obsession to every detail, including me, had left an indelible mark on me. Something I could not shake and was not sure if I ever could.

I looked up at the bartender, who was young. Too young, or too young-looking for me, I should say. I prefer men who look a bit weathered and with that comes experience, most of the time. Griffin was eight years older than me and his age showed in the bedroom when he fucked me. He was slower at it, lasted longer inside of me and paid attention to my needs. I closed my eyes and let the wine warm my tongue and slide down my throat.  I thought about the man in the train car. He had not seemed to be older, but his skill was beyond any I had encountered before. His ability to make me come was overwhelming. I lowered the glass from my lips, leaving a tiny smudge of red lipstick behind. I touched the base of my neck and sighed. My own touch almost as tender as the first touch he had given to me before I begged him to treat me as an enemy. To fuck me with distain, as I needed. I heard a voice and opened my eyes very quickly. I felt flush for a moment, forgetting where I was and realizing that I had started to move my hips on the high black leather chair beneath me. I turned my face to see who it was and I was somewhat taken back when I saw that it was the detective who I had just spoken with that morning. I was sure that I looked much better now, my hair done, make-up in place, my dress hugging my curves in all the right ways. He held his hand out to the chair next to mine and I nodded to him and sipped from my blood red wine again. He sat down and held two fingers up to the bartender who nodded to him. I grinned at the edge of my glass as he turned to me and spoke, his voice as calming as it had been to me when we met.

“You look very pretty Miss Vine.”

“How do you know I am not a Mrs.?” I said as I grinned.

“Would it matter?”

I raised an eyebrow and then looked at him. He looked “pretty” too, or handsome, would be a much better description. He had changed out of his suit and into something a bit less business-like. He wore nice jeans, a black button down shirt, and a black leather jacket. His shoes looked athletic, but expensive. He obviously cared about how he looked and I could appreciate that in him. I don’t think the will to look good should be held exclusively by women alone. His drinks arrived, one small shot glass and then a larger glass with a mixed drink in it. He slammed the shot back and hissed, turning the shot glass upside down and placing it on the counter. He then grinned at me and took his first drink of his cocktail. I smiled and set my glass down, fingering at its long slender neck. My fingers rose and fell on it and he watched them until I spoke.

“You look very nice.”

He smiled and set his drink down on the bar. His fingers lingered on it a bit longer than he needed too.

“Listen, I am not here to hit on you, I just saw you from across the bar and thought that I would check up on you, I am glad to see you out.”

I slipped from my chair and he stood up, a gentlemanly quality I immediately appreciated in him. I stepped out and grabbed my small brushed silver clutch.

“Ladies room,” I said to him as he nodded to me and then turned to watch me walk away. I glanced back at him and my skin felt a tinge of excitement as I knew his eyes were taking me in. I had no idea why I suddenly felt so attracted to him, but I did. It was almost as if something had clicked on inside of me. I stopped at the entrance to the hallway leading to the restroom and turned back to stare at him. He tilted his head as I nodded to him and he stood up and walked towards me as I disappeared around the corner. I walked to a large vintage-looking red couch that sat along the wall. I stopped and leaned over, raising one foot and adjusting my heel strap on my ankle.

I felt him approach from behind me. I grinned and then stood up. I turned, only to see another man standing there. His lips looked familiar and so did his eyes. I sucked in my breath as I felt a vibration in my chest, I could also smell him…the air now thickly laced in sandalwood. His hair was black, his jaw chiseled and I parted my lips to speak to him, but just as quickly as he looked at me, his eyes roamed to someone behind me. I turned to see a woman coming out of the ladies room. He brushed me with his shoulder as he walked by and I closed my eyes. I knew him. I knew him as well as I knew that he was the man who had fucked me in that train car. It was unmistakable. I watched as he stepped up to her and leaned into her ear. She glanced at me and grinned as he whispered something to her. I could only imagine what it could be, probably the same as he had done to me. I then felt a hand to my arm and turned to see the detective before me. I wanted to appear happy to see him, but as I turned back the man and the woman were no longer there, but the want for him remained. I turned back to the detective and smiled.

“I hate crowded rooms,” I said to him. He looked at the couch behind me and waved to it. I sat down, crossing one long leg over the other as he sat down next to me. He was closer than I thought he would be this early in the game, but my sudden burst of adrenaline from seeing
had me on edge.

“So, Miss Vine,” I blinked and looked at him. His eyes were so pretty and his face matched it. You would think that he would be enough, but he wasn’t, not after seeing the man who took me to places I had never experienced before. I sat there waiting, knowing that he had probably drug that woman into the restroom to fuck her. Something I wished he would have done to me.

“Lia,” I said to him as I opened my clutch and he watched me very closely. I pulled out my compact mirror and opened it up to see that I looked pale, more so than usual. I sighed and looked towards the ladies room. Completely obsessed with going in and seeing what was going on.

He reached out and touched my hair, I suddenly moved forward and stood up as he did.

“I am sorry, I do need to visit the ladies room.”

“No problem, I can wait unless…”

I smiled and touched his chest. “I will be right back.” I said softly as I knew he wanted to come with me and under any other circumstance, I would have said yes.

I stepped into the large room and was surprised to not see an attendant. There is normally one in each restroom here, as it was an expensive bar to frequent. I walked up to the large mirrors along the length of the left hand side of the room. Each one was surrounded with deeply etched full roses and thorny vines. I placed my clutch on the black marble countertop and then I heard it, one small moan behind me. I looked in the mirror and could see feet behind one of the large black doors. A banging rang out and I knocked my clutch to the floor as I turned. It made some sound, but the noise behind me was starting to drown it out. I leaned down and could see a set of men’s feet and then a second set of men’s feet behind the first. Then a red heel lowered to the floor and a woman squatted down and moaned as I could only imagine her throat being filled with a hardened cock. I heard more moaning and realized that the two men were having sex as well.

I stood up and started to walk towards the stall. I could not help myself. I stopped just as my fingertips touched the matte black door in front of me. I could feel the vibration coming from it and it rolled up my arm and into my chest, hardening my nipples and racing downward towards my clit. I sighed as I closed my eyes and then stumbled back as the door flew open and the three of them stood before me. My detective, my mystery man, and me on my knees. My detective was fucking my mystery man in the ass. He held onto his sides and was grinding behind him as the man in front of him let his head drop forward, he stared down at “me” as I sucked him off, taking his large cock as far to the back of my throat as I possibly could without chocking myself. He reached up and held onto the top of the stall as he started to fuck my mouth, forcing my head back and against the metal wall. “I” reached up and grabbed his hips, my fingers rising and intertwining with the detectives as suddenly the door opened to my right and I looked back to see no one there. I swallowed hard as my skin broke out in a sweat and I stumbled from the ladies room and out into the hallway. Obviously I was hallucinating and my body was shimmering in sweat.

I started to walk, my feet feeling lighter and lighter as the detective stood up and rushed towards me. He caught me just as I fell and his voice sounded like a distant echo as my consciousness escaped me.






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