Surrender My Love (11 page)

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Authors: Lisa Eugene

BOOK: Surrender My Love
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Um…I have to go. My friends are probably looking for me. Thanks… Brad. That was great.”


She turned and headed towards the door, and he tried to go after her. He cursed when he attempted a step and almost fell over. Looking down, he saw his pants crumpled around his ankles. The door banged shut. He couldn’t believe she’d just left. Just walked away and left him bare-assed in an alley. Annoyed, he reached down and jerked his slacks up over his hips.
Thanks, Brad? That was great?
They had just had unbelievable sex and those were the only words she could offer? Brad growled and pushed back his hair, then attended to his disheveled clothes.
What the fuck? Women don’t walk out on me!

frowned, angrily tucking in his shirt. What did he expect? He’d been out of control, a fucking animal. He’d taken her in an alley like a horny teenager and had been a puppet to his own pleasure, a rutting bull consumed with slaking his needs. He hadn’t even had the sense to put on a Goddamn condom, something he
did. He was usually more careful about his love-making and certainly performed with greater finesse.

She hadn’t looked up
set, but she wasn’t exactly singing his praises either. In fact, it seemed she couldn’t wait to get away from him. Was that part of her bravado? Shit. They needed to talk. He needed to make sure she was all right. He took a step towards the door, determination straightening his spine. His gaze flicked down and he saw her torn panties laying on the ground. On impulse, he picked them up and stuffed them in his pocket. He couldn’t examine why he didn’t want to leave the memory of tonight behind.

, the club seemed stuffy and suffocating. Swinging beams of light reflected off the walls and color splashed across Brad’s eyes, giving him an instant headache. He shouldered his way through the thick crowd in search of Chloe. He finally spotted her across the room, headed for the exit and accompanied by two of the nurses he’d recognized earlier.

Thankfully there was no sign of the fool who’d been hanging around her all night because he’d
seriously have to hurt him. Brad was almost upon her when slender arms snaked their way around his shoulders and his steps faltered in surprise. He mentally cursed as Diane threw her body against his and planted a kiss on his cheek. She’d aimed for his lips, but he’d turned his head just in time to avoid her puckered red lips, and in time to lock gazes with Chloe right before she slipped out the door.



Inside the yellow cab, Chloe tilted her head back against the
high-back leather seat. She closed her eyes and listened to Susan and Sally babble on about the evening. Apparently Susan had given the bartender Sally’s number and Sally was still undecided whether or not she’d go out with him if he called. She’d just gotten out of a long-term relationship. Chloe half listened as her mind returned to the alley behind the club. She felt physically and emotionally exhausted. She still couldn’t believe that she’d done it. She’d had sex with Dr. Markson—Brad. And it had been
No wonder Susan and Sally were always snickering and bantering about the joys of sex. She’d had no idea. Granted, it had been a long time for her, but she didn’t recall it being so immensely pleasurable, so profound. It didn’t even feel that good when she was alone.

She’d enjoyed
Brad’s intensity and the way he’d pleasured and stroked her. Her channel seized with the memory of him inside her and she almost groaned aloud. She bit her lip. He must think her a total slut. She’d been the aggressor.

seem to have enjoyed himself. Chloe couldn’t help the small smile that touched her lips. He certainly hadn’t been repelled by her advances. In fact, he seemed to have difficulty resisting.

repulsive to irresistible!

It was just sex, Chloe. He’s a man. He’d probably
screw anyone! You practically threw yourself at him. You begged him. What was he supposed to do? And you were irresponsible…no protection.

Her inner voice chimed in.
Always sober with reason, it warned her not to delude herself. It reminded her that she’d done nothing special and dulled her wonderful post-coital buzz. Chloe’s smile evolved to a frown and she chastised herself for her risky behavior. She also wondered if Brad had been able to tell just how inexperienced she was. She had no clue what she’d been doing. She’d fumbled her hands and lips all over him and he probably thought her a total spaz.

She’d been afraid
to go back to his apartment, afraid that he’d quickly grow bored of her. He would have realized that beyond the initial excitement and spontaneity of the moment she was simply pedestrian. The beautiful women he dated were no doubt more sophisticated. By leaving, she could savor this capsulated memory, a moment in time that was a perfect bubble of pleasurable emotions and undiluted passion.

After their en
counter, it had taken tremendous effort to remain nonchalant and pretend he hadn’t just rocked her world. Needing to compose herself, she’d practically run from that alley. The line to the ladies room had been ridiculously long, and unwilling to wait, she’d decided to leave. Thank God no one seemed to notice anything different about her. It was only Paul who appeared to scrutinize her face with a curious eye, but he’d smiled and offered to take her home. Susan and Sally had been ready to go, and insisted on doing the honors. Chloe shifted in her seat, feeling a wet patch on her skirt, a tangible reminder of the mind-blowing sex she’d just had. The thought sent renewed desire buzzing through her belly.

She shook her head, trying to dislodge thoughts of Brad Markson. She bristled, annoyed that he always took center stage in her brain. She’d seen him with that beautiful woman in his arms just moments after leaving the alley.

Well, no regrets.
She wouldn’t allow them. She was twenty-six years old, for God’s sake! She’d stepped out of her dull box for once, and it had been thrilling. She had her bubble and would enjoy peering through that perfect sphere and reliving tonight. The mention of Dr. Markson’s name had her lifting her head from the leather seat. She frowned and looked at Susan, a gallop starting behind her ribs.


Susan sighed and rolled her brown eyes dramatically. “Dr. Markson, Chloe…you know…the asshole who yelled at me a few days ago at work. He was at the club tonight.”

“Gloria said she saw him, s
aid he looked hot,” Sally added.

“I saw him too, just as we were leaving.
He had some gorgeous woman wrapped around him like a belt,” Susan giggled.

Sally snickered
and grinned. “Guess he’s getting lucky tonight!”

Chloe grimaced, feeling her bubble wobbling

er heart stuttered to a stop. She rolled down the window to let in fresh air, feeling her empty stomach lurch.

“That woman looked like she was ready to jump his bones. I think she’s a model. Just the type I’d expect him to go for. You know, perfect face, perfect legs, perfect ass. Men can be so superficial!”

Chloe bit hard on her lip. Who wanted to live in a bubble anyway?

Sally snorted. “Come on
Susan, like women don’t appreciate a beautiful package too?”

Oh I can definitely appreciate a beautiful
,” she giggled, “but there’s something to be said for brains too.”

Hell, the man’s a genius and I bet he’s
. He’s probably an animal in bed.”

“I’ll admit he’s gorgeous, but I can’t think of him that way. He’s so
. He holds everyone to impossible standards, expects perfection. He’s tough on the residents too. Plus, he makes me way too nervous. I’d probably faint before he got my clothes off.”

“I think I’d enjoy him even unconscious!”

Chloe listened as her friends chortled, the noise filling the cab, causing more tumult in her stomach.

“Chloe, did you see him?” Sally asked.

She swallowed the acid that had risen into her mouth and shook her head. “No…no.”

“Good. Would have ruined your evening. I know how much you dislike him.” Susan turned to Sally. “He almost got her fired.”

“I heard,” Sally’s mouth turned down sympathetically
. “I’m sure it was just a threat. Don’t give him a second thought.”

Chloe nodded and turned back towards the window, thankful that the conversation
soon streamed to a different topic. That woman Brad had been with had been stunning. Just his type, as Susan had said. They did make a handsome couple, and she really shouldn’t care. She just wished the turbulence inside her stomach would subside, because right now the churning organ wanted to be rid of its meager contents.



A week later
, Chloe was diligently making midnight rounds at work. It was the practice of the night nurses to check on their patients every half hour. The steady beam of her flashlight sliced though the dim haze of the hall as she quietly made her way from room to room, scanning each patient. She checked for rising chests, dripping IVs, intact tubes and assured that safety bars were in place on the beds. Exiting the room of her last patient, she headed to the nurse’s station, bumping into Susan at the medication cart. Her brows twisted, puzzled because Susan was supposed to be on break. Chloe glanced at her watch.

“You’re back too early,
Susan. You still have fifteen minutes left.”

sighed and faced her. The long blonde hair she usually wore up was tied in a haphazard knot behind her head and her stethoscope dangled askew around her neck.

“I know. I just wanted to get a head start on giving
out my meds. I’ve had the worst night.”

Chloe frowned. She knew
Susan had been busy with her patients. They hadn’t had a chance to chat all night. Susan was usually spirited and jovial at work, but tonight she was tense and seemed overwhelmed with her duties. Chloe had offered help several times, but Susan insisted she was fine.

“Can I help with anything?” Chloe offered again, watching her hold a vial upside done and plunge a long needle through the rubber

shook her head, almost dislodging the knot of hair at her nape. “No. It’s just that Mr. Kaplan is driving me nuts!”

“Why?” Chloe w
atched the syringe fill with clear liquid.

just so confused tonight, and agitated. He hasn’t slept at all. The phlebotomist was here earlier to draw his blood and I had to help hold him down. I’m giving him more of his sedative.”

Chloe instantly felt the hairs on the back of her neck ripple to life.
A slow tremor of apprehension quivered her stomach, and she fingered the small flashlight inside her pocket. Memories of the horrific night almost two weeks ago clicked through her brain in terrifying snapshots. Taking a deep breath, she blew the anxiety away. She was being ridiculous. They worked on a geriatric ward. Patients were confused all the time. Maybe Mr. Kaplan just needed someone to sit with him for a while. Her arm reached out to still Susan’s arm, stopping her as she placed a cap on the threatening looking needle and turned towards Mr. Kaplan’s room.

Susan. Why don’t you finish taking your break? You’ve been running around all night. I’ll check on Mr. Kaplan.” She reached for the syringe in Susan’s hand.

Susan frowned and pulled the syringe out of reach. “It’s okay. I’ll do it.”

Chloe smiled and took the syringe from Susan’s hand. She shoved it in the front pocket of her nurse’s uniform and patted her friend’s sloping shoulders. “Don’t worry. Finish your break. You need it. If he needs more sedative, I’ll administer it.”

She smiled and waved her tired friend into the lounge at the back of the nurse’s station
, then patted her pocket with the syringe. She really had no intention of using it. She found that most of the agitated patients tended to curb their erratic behavior when faced with a calming presence. Most of the time it was just fear or anxiety that spurred their volatile state. She swiveled her head to look for Justin, but not seeing him, she assumed he was in a patient’s room.

The nursing station provided the only light
for the ward and the dark halls suddenly seemed eerily quiet. Not a snore or machine’s beeping disturbed the silence. Chloe started down the hall, guided by the thin yellow beam of her flashlight. Her steps slowed as she grew closer to Mr. Kaplan’s room. She rubbed a sweaty palm along the front of her white dress, cursing the accelerating thud of her heart for reacting to the foolish dread rearing up inside her.

stopped outside the room and her eyes narrowed. A puzzled frown pinched her forehead. Mr. Kaplan’s door was closed. The policy was to never close the door of a confused patient. It was always left ajar in case the patient called out in need. Susan was a seasoned nurse and never would have pulled it shut. But then, Susan was having a rough night and might have done so inadvertently.

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