Surrender to Me (6 page)

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Authors: Monica James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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back bows off the floor and I hear him gasp. My insides slowly stretch to
accommodate him as it’s been a while, and he is a well-endowed man. He slowly
glides in deeper, while breathing through his nose heavily, trying to pace him. 

can take a flying leap! I want him as deep as he can possibly go without
breaking me.

my legs from around his waist and placing my feet on the ground, I arch my
back, taking him in deeper.

Ava," he moans, and I know we’re both done for.

match each other, stroke for stroke, and it's not long till I am about to see

baby, I can't last much longer,” he pants.

veins in his neck are straining as he’s trying to hold on, but I’m ready, so I
clench my muscles around him firmly, and that's enough for us both. He powers
into me with a force so deep it brings tears to my eyes, and then we’re both
screaming out in pleas of ecstasy together.

body is limp and I feel boneless, but it feels good, so good.

inside me, Jasper leans his forehead onto mine, and we stare at each other for
a long while, attempting to catch our breaths.

your outfit by the way,” he comments in between breaths.

back down from my orgasmic bliss, I raise a confused eyebrow.

nods cheekily, brushing the hair off my clammy face.

then realize in my panic of finding an appropriate outfit, I ended up in my bra
and skirt when he saw me. Gee if I knew that would suffice, I could have saved
a lot of time and stressing.

well, note to self.

clothes the better.



Chapter 7


Lessons Not Learned




he next morning
Jasper joins me in the shower, declaring he will only wash my back. I tell him
no funny business because after last night’s explorations, I am a little sore.

“Scouts honor,” he smirks, holding up his fingers in salute.

As soon as he lathers up his hands and washes my chest, I know his
scouts honor has taken a nosedive.

So, after making sure I am nice and clean, twice, we are sitting on
barstools at my tiny breakfast bar, our feet interlocked together, playing

Fuck, I've missed him.

where are you taking me today? No half ass tours, I want
the works” he says with a cheeky smirk, while downing a big mouthful of orange

out a chuckle, I ask, “Okay bossy boots. How long have I got you for?”

takes a big bite of his pancakes, drowned in maple syrup, savoring every bite.

need to be at the venue around three for sound check.”

He takes
another bite of his breakfast, licking his sticky lips and looking at me over
his shoulder. I know that look.

was kidding though. I would be more than happy to take another tour of my
favorite sight, over and over again.”

my eyes, my hair veils my face, hiding my blush,
because I
know he is referring to taking a tour of me, over and over again.

He places his finger under my chin to look into his deep blue eyes.
“I’ve missed that beautiful pink hue you turn when embarrassed. I also missed
your pink...”

“Okay Romeo, enough with the sweet talking,” I quickly interrupt,
before he can finish his cheeky sentence.

He lets out a deep chuckle which warms me to my toes. “Ava baby,” he
whispers leaning into me, his face inches from mine. “If I was to sweet talk
you, you would be naked and whimpering under me right now.”

I gulp.

This close to him, his deep woody scent saturates my sense of smell,
and I brace my hands on the edge of stool, afraid of falling off.

He gives me a small smile and kisses the tip of my nose. “C'mon you,
let's go before the only sight we will be seeing is the inside of your bedroom.
Not that I'm complaining, because no other sight will ever compare to you.”

Opening my mouth and attempting to reply, he silences me by placing
his lips on mine, taking my breath away.




I am sitting with my back pressed up against the bar, watching
Jasper on stage, sound checking. He is at home up there, and totally looks the
part of a rock god in his black ripped jeans that ride low on his narrow hips.
The blue t-shirt he's cut the sleeves off, highlights his muscular arms, and
the grey slouchy beanie sitting snugly on his head, just adds to his rock star

We had a lovely day sightseeing, and Jasper has fallen in love with
Singapore. It‘s nice having him here, but it's going to be torture saying
goodbye. I try not to think about that and decide to concentrate on more
important things, like his taut biceps flexing as he plays with his earpiece.

“Chuck, more of Shooter’s guitar and less of Lucas’ kick drum.”

He is looking over at the sound engineer with a serious look on his
face, waiting for him to tweak it. I know how much of a perfectionist he is,
and judging by the way Chuck is fiddling with the endless knobs, he knows it

After he tweaks it, Jasper sends him a happy thumbs up, continuing
on with his rocky ballad.

All this music lingo falls on deaf ears, no pun intended.

What doesn't fall on deaf ears is a voice I wish I never had to hear

“Hello skank.”

The wind rushes out of my lungs, and I have to remind myself to
breathe, because I am staring into the eyes of my arch nemesis.

The one and only, Indie Scott. 




Holding onto the barstool for support, I take in all things Indie,
and she looks exactly how I remember- A poster girl for fakery.

An outfit I'm pretty certain she purchased at ‘Whores R Us,’ just
adds to her falseness. Gold hot pants and a "top," that could pass
for a belt, is her current attire, and I wish I could burn my corneas with acid
as I have just seen way too much flesh.

My mouth is agape, and I rub at my eyes with the heels of my hands,
just in case my exhausting love making has left me delirious. Nope sadly, she
is real, unlike her breasts.

“Well, looks like they let anyone in here,” she sneers, looking me
up and down in disgust.

I am stunned, but I need to pull it together and not give her the
satisfaction of witnessing my shock.

“Yeah sure seems that way,” I reply smugly. “Holy crap, I need
sunglasses. Your outfit is literally blinding me with its slutiness.” I place a
hand over my eyes to protect them from the abomination of her attire.

“Oh please, you're just jealous,” she hisses.

“Of what? Looking like a street walker,” I quickly reply.

I can see I have struck a nerve. Win for me!

She smooths a hand over her body, and cocks her hand on her hip.
“Oh, you wish you looked this good.”

Letting out a brief, sarcastic laugh, I reply, “Good? Looks like you
failed 2nd grade English if you define what you're wearing as good.”

She is infuriated as she sneers inches away from my face, “Don't be
hating on me because I'm on tour with your boyfriend.”

That wipes the sarcastic smile off my face. She has brought up a
valid point, what the hell is she doing here?

“Oh, he didn't tell you?” she asks innocently, even though she is
well aware of what the answer is. “I've been on tour with him all month. And
you know what they say, what happens on tour, stays on tour. But in your case,
I can make an exception and tell you all the juicy details if you like. I can
start off by telling you what happened in Boston,” she gloats, flicking back
her hair, and pursing her lips.


Staring down at my white knuckles, which are crushing the beer
bottle in my hands, I tell myself bottling her is not the right thing to do. 
But as I peer up at her self-satisfied face, I have to remind myself of the
reasons why I shouldn’t.

Just as the pros outweigh the cons, the barstool next me scuffs
across the floor, announcing the arrival of Jasper.

He can read my expression instantly as he places a reassuring hand
on my leg. Looking over at him and lifting an inquisitive brow, he opens his
mouth, in attempts to hopefully explain what the hell is going on. But Indie
interrupts as she gushes, “Oh Jasper, you sounded amazing as usual.”

Jasper gives her a weak smile. “Thanks Indie. Everything okay here?”
he asks, directing the question my way.

It most certainly is not okay, but before I have time to reply, Indie
nods. “Oh yeah, just us girls catching up. I was just telling Ava how nice it
is to see a familiar face after being on the road with you boys for so long.”

I have to do a double take when I hear her phony reply. Jasper
sneaks a glance my way, and I'm certain I look as stunned as I feel.

Before I have an opportunity to call her out on her lie, she quickly
adds, “Anyways gotta go, see you guys tonight.” 

She lightly strokes Jasper’s arm as a goodbye gesture, and scurries
off before I get a chance to break her fingers. To add to insult, she slyly
flicks a cunning smile over her shoulder when she is a few feet away, knowing
all too well I am absolutely livid.

That's all the motivation I need. I am up off my seat, ready to take
this bitch down!

Jasper latches onto my arm, searching my face. “Ava hey, what’s
going on?”

Taking a calming breath, I turn towards him and hate the venom that
is laced behind my words, but I can’t stop myself. “What's going on? Ha, that's
funny. I should be asking you that.”

He runs a hand down his face, giving me a pained look.

“Oh, c'mon, you didn't think to mention your conniving scheming ex-girlfriend
was on tour with you?” I cross my arms over my chest, daring him to lie to me.

Jasper shakes his head, his blue eyes narrowing. “Well no, because
she's not on tour with me, she's Blake’s girlfriend.”

I give him a questioning look, and when he doesn’t elaborate, I
probe, “Who the hell is Blake?”

“He's Flames’ lead singer. She's not staying in our rooms or
anything like that. I hardly see her.”

When I give him a disbelieving look he emphasises, “Honestly.”

I look away from him, biting my lip in anger and frustration.

“When I’m not sound checking or performing, I’m catching up on sleep
or I’m talking to you.  Being on a tour bus with a zillion other smelly
guys doesn’t really allow much sleep. So when I get five minutes to myself, I

The honesty in his voice is clear, but that doesn’t excuse the fact
I am pissed.

“Why didn't you tell me? You know how I feel about her.” I sigh, lowering
my chin to avoid his eyes.

He exhales noisily. “Because the few times I got to speak to you, I
didn't want to waste my time talking about her. The only thing that's important
to me is you. Everyone else can go to hell.”

I quickly turn my head, resting my chin against my shoulder in
contemplation. How does Indie manage to do this time and time again?

“I hate that she is with you,” I whisper sadly.

All my fears of Jasper leaving me for Indie have resurfaced, and I
clutch my stomach in grief.

“Hey, don’t do that. She is not with me Ava. This is why I didn’t
tell you.  I knew you’d react this way.” The ache in his voice is more than
evident. “Look at me baby, please.”

I stubbornly keep my face turned and mumble, “How’d you expect me to
react? She won’t let you go. She’s made that point clear on more than one

When he senses my despair, he lightly grasps my chin between his
thumb and forefinger, but I resist.

“Don’t do this,” he whispers sadly.

“Don't what?” I ask, working my bottom lip feverishly.

“Don’t let her come between us Ava, please.”

When I hear the sorrow in his voice, I finally budge under his grip
to face him.

“Why are you so blinded by her and her lies?”

I won’t let this go, and I know I shouldn’t be reprimanding him
because I am doing the same thing with Harper. But Harper is different. He
isn’t a devious ex who would stop at nothing till our relationship was ruined.
He’s not in Jasper’s face, putting nasty ideas into his head, and in all
fairness, he isn’t even aware of Jasper. But after the second proposal today, I
have decided to tell Harper that I am in a loving, happy relationship, and if
he doesn’t quit it with this marriage crap, then he can kiss our reconciliation
goodbye. But would Jasper do the same with Indie? I hate that I can’t answer
that with conviction.

“I am so sick of having this argument with you,” Jasper huffs,
closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead.

“Yeah well, so am I.” Feeling sick to my stomach, I need to get away
from this suffocating situation.

Turning around in attempts to leave, Jasper catches my wrist, but I
shrug out of his grip because I am annoyed at him and Indie. But more so, I am
annoyed at myself. Why do I let her get to me? Why?

Jasper searches my face desperately when he reads my vacant expression.
His rich brown hair is pulled into frenzy and I can feel his frustration. 
“What do you want me to do? This is out of my control. I want you, Ava. Just
you. Please trust me.”

Shaking my head and biting my lip to stop myself from screaming at
his ignorance, I simply reply, “Jasper, I trust you, I do. I just don't trust
your judgement when it comes to her.”

And with that, I leave before I do or say something I will regret.


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