Surviving Him (23 page)

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Authors: Dawn Keane

BOOK: Surviving Him
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My house is a mass of clothes, accessories, hair products, makeup, shoes, and handbags. Rose does my hair in a mass of curls, while Katy sorts my makeup with dark smoky
eyes and dark red lips. My dress
, a present from Rose, is a red, bustier style, with a satin look about it, with red sparkles along the bust. It hangs beautifully down to my feet, with a split up one side, and has matching deep red killer heels.

“It’s stunning. Thank you honey and you look amazing,” I say to our reflections in my mirror.

Rose is wearing a white lace dress, which covers her arms and sits just above her knee, with a pair of red killer heels with even more sparkle. Her lips are red and she is wearing a white fur coat to finish the look. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

I am a nervous wreck; I have something I need to tell Logan. I don’t know why I feel so nervous about telling him, but with everything that has happened, I don’t want the bubble to burst and everything to shatter around me. We have finally got to a place that feels safe. We survived.

Kayleigh, Amy and Annie all wear matching dresses in pillar-box red, princess style, with matching shoes and accessories. They want curls in their hair too. Katy, Vicky, and Mandy all look amazing in emerald green. Mandy’s dress is super short, but that’s just Mandy all over. Katy’s dress is long, with a split up one leg and Vicky’s sits just at her knees.

Everyone looks as though they’re about to step out of a magazine, like the celebrity’s you see in them every week. Logan is wearing a dark suit and a dark tieless shirt. I stop dead to the spot when I see him; I have never seen him in a suit, a kilt yes, but never a suit. He looks so edible, I just want to rip it off his body right now. He looks delicious.

We are ready to go. Everyone else left before us. They said they wanted to get there early. I guess it’s because Rose wants to see Declan, or Lee. Katy wants to see Lee, but I don’t say this out loud.

, Kayleigh, Amy, and I walked through the thick white snow to Lee and Waff’s big black iron gates. The grounds in front of the house are grand, and all lit up with fairy Christmas lights. A massive Christmas tree sits in the middle of it, and it looks stunning.

“Baby.” Logan stops us in front of the big black iron gates and takes both my hands in his. He pulls them up to his lips, where he kisses them softly.

“You know I told you that Declan’s in the Special Forces.”

“Yeah,” I answer, looking into his eyes, wondering where this is going.

“As you know so was I.”

He pauses, then starts to speak again.

“I was in the S.A.S with Declan.”

I keep my eyes locked on his warm, burning, intense eyes,

“Yeah, I was working alongside my brother when I got injured. I stepped on a landmine, blew my fucking leg apart, but the doctors worked wonders on it. They fixed me up and put me back together again. It’s a fucking miracle I’m still alive after the amount of blood I lost, but here I am good as new.

“We went all over the world, not always together, but it was good when we were together. I couldn’t stay in there after I got injured and with the metal in my leg. My right leg is mostly metal, from the top of my thigh down to my foot.”

I realise the scar that he has down his leg is due to that awful injury, but he never openly talked about it. He never told me what had actually happened, what had caused it, and I didn’t want to push him into talking. Well this was news.

“Wow, I know we were told you had been injured. I didn’t like to ask all of the details. Thank you for sharing this with me, Logan. It means so much to me.”

I don’t know what else to say. I just remember the constant worry when he was taken into hospital.

“I’m glad I’m not in the forces now, Dee. I wouldn’t have been able to cope with being away again for such long lengths of time, away from you and the girls. I love you with everything I’ve got inside me.”

He places his hand over his heart. I feel like I can see right into his soul through his eyes.

“I’m not as well off as my brother, but I do okay. I have realised it’s the little things in life that are what life is all about.”

I lean into his warm body, tip my head back and plant soft kisses on his lips as I breathe into them.

“I love you too, with all of my heart and soul. You’re here with me and the girls. It is a miracle, you’re my miracle and money isn’t everything, you do okay.”

The snow starts to fall around our heads, so we make our way into Lee and Waff’s Scottish style mansion.

The walls inside the big hall are covered with fairy lights, millions of them hang from wall to wall, and across the ceiling.

The DJ is seated in the corner of the room, setting up his laptop and all his equipment. The beautiful tables and chairs are set out all around the dance floor.

I spot George and Susan sitting with my lovely, beautiful mum at one of the tables, so I head over to them. The music starts playing while I wrap my arms around my mum’s neck.

“I’m so glad you made it, thank you for coming. I love you so much, Mum.”

Whispering back into my ear she tells me, “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. I’m so glad you’re finally happy, and I’m so proud of you my gorgeous girl.”

The room, I notice looks just like a Christmas wedding reception. It looks amazing, absolutely out of this world. It is beautifully decorated.

Like everyone in the room, Declan, Rose, Lee and Annie get up on the dance floor. I stand and watch as Kayleigh and Amy join them.

Logan smiles into my neck, his body pressing into my back as his arms wrap around my middle. I see the happiness on Rose’s beautiful face. Rose won’t let her guard down, not for all the tea in china, in Rose’s case, coffee.

I turn around and search my man’s face. “Logan.”

“Yes, baby.”

My eyes lock onto his while I try to find the right words to say to him.

“How do you feel about being a dad again?”

“Are you shitting me, babe?”

His eyes go wide with a stunned look on his handsome face.

“I. Shit. You. Not.”

With that he pulls me up into his big strong arms and swings me around and around.
I guess you could say he’s ecstatic. Logan t
akes my hand and pulls me through the double doors that lead to the hallway. He brings me further into the bathroom and pins me up against the wall within seconds. He shoves my hands above my head. He strokes down my jaw with his thumb, eyes burning into my soul. His lips crash down on my own, slipping his tongue inside my mouth, and he smiles against my lips when I gasp and moan. My body reacts to the sensation from the kiss, from his touch and the excitement of being caught in the ladies toilets, and being fucked within an inch of my life. Sparking my adrenalin, his grip loosens on my hands, and his fingers slowly stroke the length of my arm to my breast. I run the hand that’s now free down the front of his shirt, desperately trying to remove it. His fingers wrap around my hand and pin it back against the wall, his gaze so intense, darker and devouring. I feel the heat from his body; he is on fire. I can’t move. I am so overcome by desire and lust surging through me. His tongue swipes over my lips as his hand slips up beneath my dress and into my knickers, working me into a vibrating mess. I feel the tip of his hard cock rubbing and teasing at my entrance. He slams his rock hard cock inside me, and I groan as I catch sight of our reflection, entwined bodies in the mirror hanging on the wall. It is so erotic as I watch his hips pounding into me, taking me up to the highest heights of ecstasy. A deep growl erupts from his throat as he thrusts further inside, in and out of me, hard and fast trying to reach a release and make me reach my own. Before someone walks into the bathroom and discovers what we are up to, he releases my hands from above my head, and I wrap them around his neck.

“I’m never, ever, letting you go, you’re mine. You’re the other half of my soul.”

He grasps my thigh with one hand and cups my bottom with the other, pushing harder, caressing my flesh as he explodes inside me. I reach my own climax along with him, my walls gripping tightly as the orgasm rips through me, Logan’s warm breath ghosting over my face.

“Baby, I love you.”

“I love you. Always, Logan.”

Giggling like an idiot as he pulls out of me, he fixes himself up. I move to the mirror. I try to fix my hair and makeup as best as I can, cleaning myself up until I am satisfied I look presentable at least. Logan takes my hand and pulls me back into the big hall, where we gather together on the dance floor with everyone as the famous Scottish song comes over the speakers. The sound of the bagpipes echoes off the walls and bounces around the room, lifting everyone’s spirits even higher, as the Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond sings out. We sing right along with it, holding onto each other’s hands. I look around the room at all the amazing people in my life. I feel so lucky, unbelievably lucky. This is my family all in this one room, happy and smiling at last. This is what life is all about right here, right now. The happiness spills out of each and every person around me, as it flows out of every single pore in my body. I am free at last. I finally feel at peace after Surviving Him.



The scruffy little fucker sitting there, with that smug look on his ugly face, eye balling me from where he sits, tied to the motherfucking chair in one of my favourite places. The old abandoned warehouse; oh the fun I’ve had with fuckwits in here, how fucking dare he touch one of my oldest friends? The woman beating little fuck he’s the scum of the fucking earth. How dare he fuck with any of my friends and make their life a living hell on fucking earth? Being tied to that chair is to fucking good for the sick little bastard, better than he deserves. I watch, licking my lips as Logan pounds his fists into Ian, over and over again, pounding against his face. His blood mixed with his saliva is splattering all over the floor and over himself. With each blow, the smug look he holds on his face splits apart before my eyes. I wonder how many times he did the same thing to Dana. Scaring her to fucking death. My blood is boiling over, running through my veins, making my heart pound against my chest. I want to wipe that smug, arrogant, look off his fucking face and rip his head clean off his shoulders. The only way to sort this shit out is to shoot that fucker in the head, and blow his fucking brains across the wall, but Logan and Declan just want to give him the sternest warning of his miserable little life, to make him stay the fuck away from them and never darken their doorstep again. Declan moves in front of Ian with a right hook to his jaw where he’s sat covered in his own blood, taking over from his brother Logan with his own vengeance. I’ve got other ideas though. Nobody fucks with my friends, no one, not one Goddamn fucking soul. Fuck with my family or my friends and you’re fucking with me.

I slide my gun out from the back of my jeans and slowly lift it, pointing it right at this ugly fuck’s smashed up face. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I aim it right between his eyes that widen only for a split second.


Logan’s voice sounds in my ears, but the adrenaline running through my veins doesn’t let me tear my gaze from the fucker in front of me, the anger fuelling and driving me to grip the gun tighter and pull the fucking trigger on his ass.

“Lee mate?”

Declan’s voice, then Logan’s sound again in my ears in a questioning tone. They move as fast as lightening to either side of me, so quick, I nearly missed it. They start talking to me in a calmer, barely there tone.

“He’s not worth it, he’s not fucking worth it. Give me the gun mate, so we can get the fuck out of here.”

Their pleas fall on deaf ears, as my focus is locked on Ian. Logan’s arm moves around to my side. Slowly moving his hand in front of me and gripping onto my arm, he tries to lower my hand away that’s holding the gun. Reluctantly I start dropping my arm lower and lower.

“Fucking pussy.”

Ian’s laugh rings out around the warehouse, bouncing off every wall. I grit my teeth together. BANG….

“Shit mate, you just knee-capped that fucker.”

Logan takes the gun from my hand, pulls me toward him and we walk, leaving that fucker to bleed.

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