Susie Learns the Hard Way (23 page)

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Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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‘Just use the very tips of your fingers love, just like that, good, perfect...'

The camera flashed as she drew the foreskin back, exposing the purple helmet, shiny and seeping a little fluid.

‘Excellent!' enthused Leo. ‘Clothes off now dears, I think. Both of you please...'

And soon Susie was naked, standing still while Leo fiddled with lights and camera and then at last posed them together, Malcolm behind her, his enormous shaft pressed between the cheeks of her bottom, his dark hands stark on her pale breasts. There was a flash and dark fingers spread in contrast across her stomach. Another flash and they were brushing the short blonde down on her mound. Another flash and they were burrowed between her thighs, pressing up into her warm wetness, spreading her apart, and Susie was oblivious to the camera and the bright lights.

‘One finger now, Malcolm...' and one thick finger slipped right into her. She was so wet and ready it just slid in to the knuckle, and even though Leo scolded her she simply couldn't keep her hips still.

‘And two...' called Leo, and a second finger eased her open until it had joined the first. But when he told them to turn and face each other the two welcome invaders slipped easily away, leaving her hungry for more. She was almost whimpering with need as she pressed her nipples against his chest and hardly needed Leo's instruction to take him firmly in her left hand, grasping the thick shaft just below the turgid head. Never had she wanted a penis inside her as much as she wanted this one. It throbbed in her fist like a living thing, and then she gasped with shock and frustration as it suddenly lurched and squirted thick jets of creamy come into the air. It splattered across her breasts and forearm, and the last few emissions oozed out between her fingers as they continued to milk him.

She didn't want to let go but she had to obey Leo's continuing instructions, although wondering why he wanted to go on taking pictures if it was all over. But then her excitement increased for a reason other than sexual, as she realised Malcolm showed no signs of losing his erection, and she knew instantly that they'd given him the drug to prolong the photo-shoot! She was on to something at last!

She lifted one leg and curled it around Malcolm's waist, still holding him greedily in her hand. Resting her forehead on his powerful chest and dreamily closing her eyes, she worked blindly and eased his bulbous tip against her entrance. Malcolm bent his knees a little to assist her.

‘That's perfect,' Leo interrupted the steamy atmosphere. ‘Hold it there... and...'

Anticipating the photographer's direction Susie sank with a grateful sigh and impaled herself, luxuriating in the joy of having that huge column of rigid flesh forge up inside her, spreading and invading. ‘Fuck me,' she whispered into Malcolm's ear, so that only he could hear. He needed no second invitation, and Leo was forgotten as Malcolm started to rotate his hips while Susie clung to him and whispered her encouragement.

‘That's good...' came a voice that neither of them was listening to, as Leo continued taking pictures. His calm and measured tones bore no relationship to the intensity of the writhing couple. Malcolm stood with his enormous thighs wide apart, feet planted in the sand, supporting Susie with large hands that cupped the cheeks of her firm bottom. He lifted and lowered her on his solid column of flesh, coated with her juices and glistening in the flashlight.

‘Slower please, Malcolm, just a little slower...' said Leo as he crouched in front of them, pointing the lens up at Malcolm's groin, the flash illuminating the dark shaft as it speared her, pumping in and out, her hungry pink lips clutching at the black flesh.

All too quickly for Susie they both reached the point of no return. Malcolm froze and she held her breath, the waiting almost unbearable, and then the muscles in the backs of his thighs tensed, the cheeks of his bottom clenched, and he ejaculated for a second time, creamy fluid erupting into Susie as she smothered a scream of delight against his chest and shuddered to a wondrous orgasm that left her draped against him, her limp arms clinging around his neck.

Leo was still taking pictures as, almost reverently, Malcolm leaned forward and lay Susie on the sand. He knelt between her thighs, his penis as potently rigid as ever and still embedded in her. Through a dreamy haze Susie was astonished by his stamina. He settled there for a moment, and then started again, ploughing steadily in and out with long firm thrusts. Susie gasped in amazement as the steady movement increased in speed and intensity. It had the desired effect at once, and she started gasping for entirely different reasons as the regular movements produced an urgent response. She was panting and whimpering, clamping her legs up around his back, fingernails digging into his muscled bottom as she dragged him deeper and deeper. ‘Oh yes...' she urged.

Leo was making himself busy, confronted with a new angle and the two figures lying instead of standing. He was circling around them, darting in for a glistening close-up, standing back for the wide shot, and occasionally catching a face in the throes of ecstasy. The couple on the sandy floor seemed no longer to know or care about him or anyone else, and continued their movements while Leo stopped to change his film.

Just outside the pool of light in which Malcolm and Susie lay writhing together, Leo and his assistant conversed in low tones as they unravelled the 35-mill leaders and threaded them onto spools. Leo accepted a polystyrene cup of coffee from Maureen, but it had hardly reached his mouth when there was a loud grunt from behind. Malcolm had gone as rigid as the black stem that sprouted from his groin to spear Susie to the sand, and she was squealing too as she writhed beneath him and welcomed his seed yet again.

‘Damn,' said Leo. ‘Missed it.'


After a couple more hours Susie was absolutely drained and could take no more. Unbelievably, Malcolm's erection was trying to gain entrance to her mouth, prodding against her chin and lips, but she'd really had more than enough.

‘Well done, both of you,' exclaimed a delighted Leo. ‘That was outstanding. Absolutely perfect.' He'd more than enough top quality shots on film, and to Susie's immense relief his words signalled the end of the session.

Maureen helped a very weary Susie to her feet and wrapped her in the robe, and then guided her towards the door that led to the dressing room.

Chapter Thirteen



‘You must be joking!'

It had seemed like a good idea, making a private appointment with the editor and telling him how Harry had treated her but how well she'd got on anyway, and showing him the pictorial evidence Leo had given her to give to the agency. But now, standing in front of his desk, Susie was shrinking visibly as he soared into another of his famous tantrums. Even though she'd heard about them in some detail from Harry, she'd never seen one before, and it was a breathtaking and unnerving spectacle. So unnerving that the spark of fear was already having its predictable effect on her.

‘Evidence?' he screamed, pausing for effect. ‘Evidence? This isn't evidence. This is... this is...' He was searching for a description awful enough to cover the full range of his anger and emotion. ‘This is a criminal offence!'

He threw the top sheet of transparencies onto his desk, scattering pens and papers on the floor, and scanned the second one. His anger was enormous, her fear intense, the effects of it dampening her panties yet again.

‘Look at them.' He waved a sheet of pictures at her while rapidly flicking his eyes across the sheet below. ‘He's got his hands all over you. Bloody hell, he's got his hand in your pants, girl... and his fingers right in your...' He slammed the sheet of pictures down and held the next one up to the light.

‘Bloody hell, what's that?' He peered closer. ‘I thought you were holding a telegraph pole for a moment!'

Wisely, Susie resisted the temptation to tell him that had been her initial reaction too, and that nothing which happened subsequently had done anything to alter that opinion. It was lucky she had kept quiet, because he was on to the next page, and that drove him to even greater heights of fury.

‘No!' he raged. ‘No! No! No! I don't believe it! I simply do not believe it! You let him fuck you! Oh, for God's sake, you let him fuck you while they were taking pictures! What the fuck were you thinking of?'

He was so close to hysteria that Susie knew that pointing out the blatantly obvious wasn't going to help very much, so once again she kept quiet.

Skase glared red-faced and pop-eyed, his usual calm demeanour now completely gone.

‘I can't use any of these in the paper you stupid bitch. What do you think it'll look like on Sunday morning? Banner headline, DRUG RING EXPOSED – but not half as exposed as our reporter, seen here being shagged bandy, the silly fucking tart!' His voice rose to a frenzied shriek and he paused only to draw breath. ‘Oh yes, I can see it now: “He fucked my brains out – or at least, he would have done if I'd had any in the first place”.'

He slumped into the chair behind the desk, feebly waving the pictures in front of his face as if he needed cool air.

‘Shagged stupid by superstud stallion. That'd be another one. Not that it would take a lot of doing because you must have the IQ of a whelk to let him fuck you on camera in the first place.'

Exhausted by his last bout of outrage he took several deep and calming breaths. ‘Useless. Completely useless. You
the bloody
,' he sneered, waving the pictures under her nose. ‘They cost me a fortune, these did; expenses, salaries, time, resources – they cost bloody thousands of pounds and I can buy pictures just like them in Shepherd Market for pennies. Fucking pennies!'

He was yelling again. Susie cowered in silence, waiting for it to end.

‘And what do you think I'm supposed to do with them?' he asked, thrusting the pictures at her again, as if waving them around would somehow erase the images fixed in the emulsion.

‘Throw them away, I suppose,' she said meekly and quietly.

‘Throw them away? Don't be so bloody stupid. Not a bloody chance. Not when they cost me so much. I'm going to take them down to the presses and flog them to the machine minders myself. I've got to get some of my money back one way or another, and that lot down there will definitely pay to see these.' He peered closely at the sheet of pictures in his hand. ‘Bloody hell, look at the size of it.' He looked up at Susie's slender figure. ‘Where on earth did you put it all?' He shook his head and looked back at the pictures. ‘Stupid question – I can see where you put it. It's how you got it all in that's the mystery.' He gestured with the thick wad of transparency sheets he was still holding. ‘And he must have been at it for bloody ages, judging by this lot.'

Susie got the impression the rage had abated somewhat, and thought it might be safe to venture a word or two. ‘Well, exactly,' she offered. ‘I thought that was the whole point.' He glared sharply at her and she rushed on. ‘I thought that was what you wanted – I mean, proof that they had the drug and they were using it. I mean, look at the pictures and the evidence is plain to see.'

‘Plain to see? The only thing that's plain to see is your fanny full of prick.'

‘Well yes, you can see that, I admit, but that's the point,' she offered hesitantly. ‘That's the evidence.'

‘Evidence? So we're on about evidence again. I can't see any evidence. All I can see is you getting fucked. But you're not the only one who got fucked. We've both been well and truly shafted.'

Susie could feel the temperature rising in her knickers at the memory of Malcolm, feel the faint sensation as the soft pinkness unfurled and began to open.

He groaned. ‘There will be absolute fucking hell to pay if these ever turn up over there.' He nodded in the general direction of London, and Susie knew “over there” meant any other tabloid newspaper in town, all of which would take savage delight in running the pictures with discreetly blacked-out areas that left you in no doubt at all what was going on, all topped off with sanctimonious headlines.

But all the same she could sense his mood was mellowing, just a little, and she felt it was safe to continue making her point. Everything else aside, it was abundantly clear that he didn't care one bit for the ethics of the situation; he wasn't interested in what she'd done, merely that there were pictures of her doing it. ‘The thing is,' she said carefully, ‘that he came many times and stayed hard. These pictures prove that.'

The editor grunted. ‘They can prove the theory of relativity for all I fucking care,' he scowled. ‘But we can't use proof like this in a family newspaper. It's useless. Like you.'

Susie realised he was only cross about the pictures. He didn't care one way or another what she'd been doing, only that she'd been photographed doing it. All this ‘make your excuses and leave' business was just for publication. What really happened could be completely different, as long as no one could prove it. Which meant she still had a job, and a story to work on. All it needed was a bit of feminine guile and manipulation. Being feminine, she knew exactly which parts of him required manipulating. She sat carefully on the edge of the desk. ‘But it is proof, isn't it?'

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