Susie Learns the Hard Way (24 page)

Read Susie Learns the Hard Way Online

Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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‘Apart from the fact that the pictures could have been taken on different days, or weeks, or even months, yes. So no, it isn't proof.' He paused, and then looked up at her. ‘I believe you, and I believe you were in the right place. But we haven't got any proof, just a bunch of porno pics.'

Susie settled more comfortably on the edge of the desk, and her short skirt rustled a little higher. ‘I could try again,' she said meekly.

‘You just want another good seeing to,' he retorted.

‘Mmmm,' she agreed, deciding to fight him on his own territory, ‘but I can get that whenever I want.' Her stockings whispered together as she moved her thighs a little.

‘Well, in future try and do it in your own time, not mine.' His voice was gruff, but it had lost its bite, and she knew he wasn't really angry any more. Well, not as angry as he had been to start with.

‘That's not what you said last week.'

He cleared his throat, acknowledging her point. He began to sweat slightly, but he couldn't look away, couldn't take his eyes off her slender thighs, the darker bands of her stockings just coming into view as she squirmed a little and the skirt inched fractionally higher. Her thighs slipped apart a little and his eyes penetrated the tantalising shadow between them, just able to see the tightly stretched V of white material that covered her mound. Then she shifted slightly again, the movement easing the delicate knickers into her little opening.

With a groan of defeat he suddenly sank his head between her legs, burrowing beneath the skirt, his hands frantically tugging it from between her bottom and the desk and fumbling it up around her hips, his mouth closing firmly on her fragrant panties, tongue dabbling round the edges of the taut material and wriggling underneath it.

With a smile of satisfaction Susie clamped one hand round the back of his head to make sure she didn't lose the lovely warmth of his mouth and tongue, and lay back across the desk, spreading her legs for him. Her other hand snaked down, grasped her knickers and eased them aside, giving him unrestricted access to the cute little thing he'd been staring at in the pictures which now lay discarded and scattered about her.

His tongue was long and firm, just like his prick, thought Susie wickedly, wriggling on the desktop, pushing her hips into his face, trying to get as much of the darting movement inside her as she could. But while his tongue licked and flicked, his mouth sucked gently as he drank her juices, and somehow his lips seemed to fit perfectly, so that they rubbed softly up and down on the little hard button.

Her sobs of pleasure turned suddenly into long shuddering cries of delight. She mashed his face into her groin with both hands, her fingers digging into his hair, her hips bucking.

Gradually she relaxed, her breathing steadied and her hips slowed to a halt. Through dreamy eyes she watched with a faint smile as the editor stood up and began to unbuckle his belt and push his trousers down, never taking his eyes from her groin, where she held the white knickers aside to expose puffy pink lips, swollen with lust and shining with dew.

He fished around inside a pair of elegantly striped boxers, and pulled out a straight and strong erection.

He lifted her thighs over his forearms and pulled her around, positioning her bottom right on the edge of the desk, standing over her. Her breasts rose and fell slowly as she waited, gazing up at him, and then her back arched as he eased his hips forward and entered her smoothly with one shove, finishing with his thighs hard up against her bottom. The desk was at exactly the right height for him to penetrate her completely. He began to glide back and forth, and in no time at all he was gasping, and Susie felt his erection heave as he emptied himself with one last thrust and a satisfied grunt.

He stood back and his limp penis flopped wetly from her with a faint sucking sound, trailing streamers of sticky fluid over her flat tummy. There was silence in the office for a few minutes. Susie slowly relaxed and let go of her panties, the white cotton sliding back into place to hide her from view, no longer smooth and sheer, but dark and wet with her juices. Skase straightened his clothes and hair, and sat behind his desk again as though nothing had happened, ignoring Susie as she climbed down and sorted her own dishevelled appearance.

‘Do... do you want to keep the pictures?' she asked.

‘I paid for them, so I might as well,' he said, his curt business demeanour restored. ‘They're only dupes,' he added. ‘They'll still have the originals. God knows what they'll do with them.'

She shrugged apologetically for exposing her boss to the possibility of some sort of industrial espionage. ‘But it does seem we're on the right track,' she offered, hopefully. She paused, and he knew there was something else. The eyebrow rose slowly into a quizzical arch, inviting her to continue. ‘They've invited me to some sort of club tonight. In Soho.' Susie shifted her gaze to the floor, avoiding his stare, and then quickly back up at him. ‘I didn't say anything to Harry, but I thought I'd go anyway. See if anything comes up.'

Skase snorted sarcastically. ‘I'm sure something will. Especially while you're around.' He put down the sheet of pictures he'd been studying a bit too closely for his own good. ‘Tell you what. You go. Have a good time. See if anything does come up. But no expenses, no clothing allowance, no taxi bills, no sodding photographs. Understand?'

Susie knew it was time to leave his office. ‘I understand,' she conceded.


Chapter Fourteen



It was just a doorway in an alleyway off Old Compton Street. There was a doorbell high up on the right, so Susie gave it a prod and stood back.

After thirty seconds or so she was sure it was the wrong place. A little longer and she was ready to leave. Just as she turned to walk away there was a scraping noise, and the door opened.

‘Yes?' The woman peering out from the narrow gap was a pretty brunette with a deep red cupid-bow mouth, neat white teeth and piercing blue eyes. That was really all Susie could see through the shadows.

‘I'm Charlie,' Susie said. ‘Leo invited me. He spoke to someone on the phone.' She kept it vague, because she was pretty certain it was the wrong address and she didn't want to go blurting on about who she was or what she expected to find there.

‘Yes, come on in.' The smile was broad, but the door only opened a fraction wider, not really wide enough for her to get through. But it was clearly an invitation and equally clearly the door wasn't going to be opened any further. And despite earlier misgivings, this apparently was the right place.

She squeezed inside and the door closed behind her. The hallway was dark but she could see now that there was light inside and it was coming from below.

‘Go straight down,' said the brunette behind her, and Susie did. She turned the corner at the bottom and came face to face with a pair of arched wooden doors, like the entrance to a church.

‘Go on in,' said the woman, still behind her, and so she pushed. The doors swung open, and Susie stopped in surprise. She was on the threshold of a large underground room, obviously the cellars of a number of the buildings in the street above.

At the bottom of two stone steps there was a reception desk, and off to one side an archway leading to a cloakroom. Opposite was another archway that had a sign above for the washrooms. Ahead was the main area, with a dozen or so stone archways leading off into annexes and cubicles. In the centre of the room were a circular stone pond and a fountain, with water tinkling above the background music.

It was welcoming, and smelled of aromatic oils and candles, though most of the lighting came from concealed electric units.

‘Like it?' asked the woman.

‘It's lovely,' replied Susie, honestly and quickly.

‘Give me your coat.' She was still smiling, holding out a hand.

Susie shrugged off her raincoat, and it was only as she handed it to the brunette that she realised she was being examined – no, scrutinised, as if this was a test, and she began to feel self-conscious, hoping she hadn't overdone it. Her dress was a flowing translucent white, thin enough to hint that her breasts were unsupported.

After a second or two the brunette tore her eyes away and turned. ‘I'll hang this up,' she said, and Susie studied her. Long legs, seamed stockings, black tops just visible at the hemline of a black skirt that clung to her neat bottom.

She disappeared through the door into the cloakroom, bottom moving firmly inside the skirt. Very sexy and very classy, thought Susie.

‘Belinda,' purred the brunette when she returned. ‘I didn't mention, my name's Belinda. Like a drink?'

She pointed towards a far corner of the cellar where one of the arched alcoves housed a bar. The barman was naked to the waist, which was as much as she could see. A leather strap ran diagonally across broad shoulders shining with oil, and a thick loop of gold chain joined his nipples.

‘Armand, this is Susie,' said Belinda as they approached. ‘She's our newcomer for tonight.'

Armand looked Susie up and down, and then smiled. ‘Have fun,' he said smoothly. ‘You look ready for it.'

Now she was close to the bar she could see Armand was wearing a black thong and nothing else. ‘Um, white wine please,' she said, trying to avoid staring at his substantial bulge and then his oiled buttocks as he turned to get her drink.

‘Even our early-bird members won't begin arriving for half an hour or so,' said Belinda, explaining why the place was empty. ‘Why don't I show you around?' and gesturing for Susie to bring her drink and follow she strolled towards the ornamental pond, that incredibly taut bottom swaying enticingly inside the black skirt. ‘These booths are where our members can have a drink and unwind,' she said, waving towards the annexes. ‘Any of our members can use any booth they like at any time they like and do anything they like.' Belinda smiled suggestively. ‘It's more intimate than out here, but of course there are plenty of our members who like to be watched whilst enjoying themselves. We never stop anyone from doing whatever they want, wherever they want.'

Susie managed to nod and smile.

‘And you understand the first and most important rule here?' Susie looked a little blank, so Belinda continued. ‘None of our members or guests are allowed to refuse any other member or guest anything.'

Leo hadn't mentioned that when he invited her. She began to wonder if there was anything else she ought to know and didn't. She took a much-needed sip of wine and then followed on after Belinda.

‘Some of the booths up here are a bit more specialised – less seats, more cushions, and so on.' Belinda smiled brightly again. She was clearly very proud of her establishment – if it was hers. Susie decided it was time to do some investigating.

‘It's brilliant,' she enthused convincingly. ‘So who's great idea was it?'

‘It belongs to a Swiss organisation, although the concept came from a private individual who believed there were many people who felt the same way he did about things such as this but never had the opportunity to express themselves. Now they do.'

Susie was really none the wiser, but before she could think of another question that might extract the information she sought Belinda continued. ‘It's getting late,' she said. ‘I'd better show you to your place – the Newcomers Arch. All our guests start as newcomers on their first visit.'

‘Newcomers Arch?' She wasn't sure she liked the sound of that.

‘Leo didn't tell you?'

‘I'm beginning to think there's quite a lot he didn't tell me.'

‘Well, don't worry. He told me.'

Susie wasn't sure she understood.

‘He told me you're a girl who enjoys excitement.' They'd arrived by a curtained booth back near the bar, and Belinda swept the heavy drape aside dramatically.

‘This is the Newcomers Arch,' she said proudly, but Susie couldn't see what there was to get excited about; it was just a wooden arch positioned in the middle of the small booth, upon a low wooden platform. But when Susie looked closer she noticed the bolts in the top of the platform, matched by others in the low vaulted roof, and she began to get an inkling of what was in store.

Belinda opened a cupboard in one corner and turned back to her with a smile. She was holding what looked like metal chains. ‘Don't worry, they're made of rubber. No pain, no marks... but no escape either.'

With an inexplicable surge of excitement Susie realised Belinda meant her.
was the one they were going to shackle in rubber chains. The realisation was still sinking in as Belinda moved closer.

‘You'll see what I mean,' she said huskily, securing a thick rubber ring round Susie's left wrist. ‘Better hurry and get you fixed in place. People will be arriving soon, and most like to look in on the newcomer.'

‘Um, no one said anything about this,' Susie said, waving her fettered arm vaguely.

‘Did they not? Well, I expect Leo thought it would be a nice surprise for you. He said you were very keen.'

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