Susie Learns the Hard Way (22 page)

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Authors: Roger Quine

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Susie Learns the Hard Way
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‘Glad to hear it.' Still trying to be non-committal.

‘Couldn't wait to get you in and do some more. I can understand why. Sexy as hell, they were. Very special.'

Susie felt the faintest hint of a glow in her cheeks and knew she was beginning to blush. She just couldn't dismiss the voice that kept reminding her that the pictures Leo was congratulating her on had been taken while he and his assistants had watched her masturbate. And he was experienced enough to know that whatever else she'd been doing, she had definitely not been acting. It had been the real thing.

With a sigh she knew she'd allowed herself to be trapped again, despite all her promises to herself, and she felt the little lips stirring gently as they began to open and release the warm syrup that always seemed to be waiting, ready to seep into her panties at the slightest provocation.

‘I'd like you to wear this today.' Leo stretched out a hand, offering her a small white thing hardly larger than a pair of knickers. Looking at it, and feeling the texture as she accepted it from Leo, confirmed that she was definitely moving up a level from the last time. Perhaps it was because they trusted her now.

She held the garment up; mostly elastic straps, it had a few scraps of material dangling between them.

‘Don't worry.' Leo smiled. ‘It stretches very easily.'

‘That's only half the battle,' Susie returned. ‘I'll need the instruction manual as well.'

Leo laughed. ‘Maureen knows how it works. She'll help you.'

Susie hadn't dared look across at Maureen yet, but she knew she was there, standing by the mirror – watching. Waiting.

‘See you when you're ready.' The door closed behind Leo, and Susie turned to smile uncertainly at the dark-haired girl.

‘Hi,' she said quietly, with a shy smile.

Maureen seemed very relaxed and in control, just like she had been the first time. ‘Take a seat when you're ready, and I'll do your face first.' She smiled.

Maybe she was used to having it off with all of the girls after a session ended. Maybe they all came off the set begging for release. Maybe Maureen did it as part of the service. Then she remembered her face, that intense concentration and wonderment as she explored Susie's body, and that deep smile of satisfaction as her fingertips had teased climax after climax from a swollen clitoris that craved more at the same time as Susie's brain was begging for mercy. No, that wasn't just part of the job; Maureen might be happy in her work, but she loved girls, that much Susie was sure of.

She sat in the chair – the same chair, in front of the big mirror – ready for her make-up. She closed her eyes while Maureen's fingers worked on her face. Now there was nothing she could do to stop her mind focusing on the day ahead, and what she'd let herself in for. Why did she let Harry talk her into it again? But she knew why, and as Maureen's deft fingers worked with brushes and pads, Susie relaxed in the chair, feeling the tingle of anticipation running down her spine like cold water, turning to fire as it dipped between her legs.

Her make-up was done and Maureen was ready to do her hair. Susie's loose blonde bob seldom took much doing, but Maureen took care as she brushed and sprayed.

‘Okay then, slip your costume on,' she said, when she was done. ‘I'll tell Leo you're ready.' The door clicked shut behind her.

Susie picked up the thing she'd been given to wear, obviously some form of undergarment. It did indeed stretch to fit, as promised, and it fitted very well. It was a sort of body, only there were no buttons or catches at the crutch, so it was more like a swimsuit, except it obviously wasn't meant to be worn in public. The white material stretched firmly across her breasts, holding them but not flattening them, so they were still softly curved with dark bullets at the tips. There was almost no back at all, save for the thin strip that dipped between her buttocks and split into thin straps, one rising over each shoulder. It was cut high at the hip, almost to her waist. It clung fiercely to every curve, so her mound stood proudly out, gently encased, the shadow of hair faintly visible. It was very revealing, ruder than if she'd had nothing on at all.

‘Leo's waiting.' Maureen's head popped round the door. ‘Oh yes,' she enthused huskily, as she eyed Susie's reflection in the mirror. ‘That's perfect. You look good enough to eat.'

Again, thought Susie.

Calling it a set was, on this second visit, a posh way of describing it. No pretend office, just a pile of sand on the floor and a backdrop, which had been painted a pale blue with white streaks; a poor imitation of a summer sky.

‘Quick Polaroid, love, like last time,' said Leo. He'd taken charge already, and she followed his instructions as he positioned her barefoot in the sand, twirled a few lights by remote control – in other words, shouting at his assistant, not the same one, but another, older and a little bit brighter, she sensed.

‘Happy with that then, people, so we'll test now. This way, Charlie,' directed Leo, and she looked at him through the lens of the camera, trying to forget that the last time that camera had been pointed at her it had been looking very closely at the area between her legs. She stood in the pool of light, feeling very vulnerable and exposed.

The flash was as sudden and unexpected as ever, and her eyes were still recovering from it long after the flash units had whined quietly through the recycle phase and were ready to go again. She heard Leo telling his young assistant to get someone called Malcolm, and the youngster's shadow slipped away.

After only a few minutes he returned, with someone else.

‘Right then, Charlie, this is Malcolm.' Leo was talking to her, and she was compelled to pay attention. Beside him stood a tall, lean black guy, very well muscled, and very well equipped as well. She knew this was the case because he was wearing nothing but a pair of bright yellow shiny cycle shorts, that looked as if they'd been sprayed on around his thighs and buttocks, but had expanded to make room for an extremely large coil of flesh.

She knew she was staring, and she knew Malcolm was staring too – at her.

‘Right now, what we'll do is this,' Leo was talking again, ‘we need lots of close-ups and different angles for this one, so I can't just let you get on with it and follow you like we did before. I'm afraid there's going to be lots of direction, lots of stop start, lots of holding your position while I change mine. Sorry about that, but that's the brief today, so please try and keep your minds on the job.
job, that is, not the other.'

Susie realised he was talking to her
to Malcolm, and then she realised why; this was not a solo effort! Harry never mentioned any such thing, she thought, but she couldn't claim to be surprised. He'd just said it was more pictures, and let her assume she'd be alone. How like Harry!

Showing her body to the camera was one thing, a sacrifice she was prepared to make. But posing for pictures with this Malcolm character was something different. She knew this was an example of when she should make her excuses and leave, and she knew Harry's recent lecturing about it had been justified. But it couldn't be done too obviously so as to make Leo and the others suspicious, so she would do a couple of shots and then develop a tummy ache, or a headache. She wouldn't discover anything to further their story, but she wouldn't have lost anything either. But even as she reached that decision the quickening of her pulse told her she was going to let this Malcolm do whatever Leo asked of him – and love every second of it.

‘Ready then?' Leo wasn't impatient, just brisk, and he was using that firm tone he had, the one everyone seemed to obey without question.

‘Okay,' she said, and Malcolm nodded.

‘On set then and we'll start.'

She slipped out of the shimmering gown she was wearing and gave it to Maureen, and walked into the light where Malcolm was already waiting.

‘Okay. Malcolm stand behind Charlie, that's good, hands on her waist, turn towards me a bit and hold it there...'

Leo's voice droned on while he got them angled as he wished. ‘Now Charlie, think ballet, tall and slim, up on your toes, hands back on Malcolm's thighs...' They were sturdy thighs, rippling with muscle.

‘Good, that's right...' The camera made that shuffling sound and the lights blinded her for a second. Malcolm's large hands were warm on her hips, the fingertips reaching inwards, almost resting on either side of the rounded curve of her mound as it rose between her legs and merged into her flat stomach. He was pressed firmly against her from behind and she could feel how large he really was.

‘Charlie, just grip his bum...' Susie lifted her hands tentatively, ‘dig your fingers in a bit and squeeze – that's nice, so hold it there...'

Malcolm's impressive lump had jerked when she squeezed his bum, so she did it again and felt him tense all over, felt her own body tense in reply.

Leo moved them from pose to pose, small variations between each shot, and a part of Susie was feeling rather pleased that it was so easy, while another was wondering when he was going to take the real pictures. She was thinking it through while following Leo's instructions, clutching Malcolm's buttocks, pulling him against her as requested, and she could feel that enormous black thing coiled up inside the yellow shorts. Snuggled between her buttocks it was warm and firm, and very comfortable. Instinctively she wriggled some more and felt it stir.

‘Yes, like that...' Leo was saying and she realised she hadn't been listening to him at all, but obviously Malcolm had, because suddenly his large brown hands had covered her breasts, squeezing them together firmly.

‘Fingertips now Malcolm... just squeeze the nipples... good, and

The flash blazed again and the camera clattered as the film wound on and Leo kept talking and Malcolm's fingertips were squeezing her nipples, and her own fingers were digging into the sleek yellow fabric covering that rock-hard bottom. It wasn't the only thing that was rock-hard, she realised, as she felt him pushing his groin against her back. It was definitely bigger and harder now, and still growing.

‘Lower, lower, that's good...'

She realised she hadn't been listening to Leo again, and must have missed him telling Malcolm to slide his hand across her tummy and right down between her thighs, cupping her sex firmly, because that's what he was doing now. As his fingertips curled beneath her they pressed the wet fabric up against the raging heat of her body and she felt his erection lurch inside the cycle shorts.

‘Okay, freeze! Hold it like that.' Leo was suddenly right in front of them, inside the circle of light, the camera pressed to his eye and almost pressed to her groin.

‘Legs Charlie, wider please, and... good... and one finger please Malcolm, just push a little more and bend it... now, that's smashing...'

Susie crooked one knee sideways, opening her legs for Leo and exposing the narrow slash of material between them. And Malcolm spread his fingers, one pressing her lips apart and pushing the garment into her body. It was strong and persistent, entering her inside its material cocoon. She leaned back against him, wanting him to push the finger in, not caring that he could feel her arousal, and not caring that Leo and his camera could see in close-up how wet she was.

‘Right, now turn and face him,' directed Leo, and the warmth of the embrace was gone for a moment as they broke apart and then turned to face each other. Leo took more pictures, wide and close-up, as Malcolm's black fingers gripped her bottom, pulling the cheeks apart so the camera could see between them, its piercing light shining on the rounded curves of the wet material and the shadowy valley.

‘Hand again, Malcolm, please...' and the hand delved between her open thighs, cupping her, and once again a thick finger pressed the wet material up inside her and she squirmed on the end of it, wriggling herself lower, thrusting her bottom back towards the lens, not knowing or caring that the pictures she created were charged with her own instinctive sexuality.

‘Now you please Charlie, just this hand.' Leo pulled her left wrist, placing her hand over the growth in Malcolm's shorts, a growth that was now uncurled and lay flat against his muscled thigh. She gripped it with her fingers just below the bulbous head. The camera flashed as she stroked the pulsing flesh with the tips of her nails. She reached down beneath him to cup a pair of heavy balls, snugly encased in the tight shorts, and then stroked upwards, feeling him thicken beneath her palm until he was lifting the waistband of the lycra shorts.

‘Oh, very good,' complimented Leo. ‘That's very nice, now turn again...'

Back in her original position, with Malcolm behind, Susie stood with her legs wide while he reached beneath her. The camera could see his fingers clutching at her, and then see his fingers slide inside the delicate garment, dark and visible as they curled around her, bending on instruction from Leo so the camera could see his knuckles, though it couldn't see how that made the fingertips prod inside her.

Then it was her turn to squeeze his shaft, warm inside its shiny casing. Her turn to reach blindly inside the shorts and grasp it, pulling it out, solid and brown, her two hands small and pale as the fingers wrapped around it.

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