Sweet Baklava (26 page)

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Authors: Debby Mayne

Tags: #Love and Support

BOOK: Sweet Baklava
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"He probably expects you to drop everything and be at his beck and call."

"No, I don't think Nick is like that."

"Oh, trust me, Paula, you're doing the right thing by standing your ground. Don't ever let anyone bully you into doing anything you don't want to do."

Her mother saying that made it sound like she was being selfish. "I'm not—"

Paula's house phone rang again. She gave her mother an apologetic look, but her mother waved her away. This time it was Alexa, calling to invite her over for a late lunch. She mentioned that her mother was there, so Alexa invited her too.

"I'll see if she's interested," Paula said, knowing what her mother would most likely say. Bonnie Andrews was uncomfortable around Nick's family.

"Call me back and let me know, okay? We have something special for you."

"You do?" Paula said.

"Yes, so you have to come, and it would be cool for your mother to be with you."

"Okay, I'll talk to her. See you later, and Merry Christmas."

After Paula hung up, she took a deep breath and slowly blew it out before going back to the living room. "Mom?" Where was her mother? "Mom?"

No answer. Paula walked over to the door and looked in the driveway. It was empty. Her mother's car was gone.


aula pulled her phone back out and punched in her mother's cell phone number. No answer. The voicemail kicked in, so she left a message.

She put the dishes in the dishwasher and tidied up the kitchen then showered. Finally, her phone rang. A glance at the caller ID let her know it was her mother.

"Where are you?"

"On my way home. I decided I didn't need to bother you today, since you have your life here. Just remember that I think you're doing the right thing by not giving in to Nick. You don't want to let him think he can get away with making you do something you don't wanna do. You have to think about number one because no one else will."

After the call ended, Paula sank down in the chair. The very thought of her mother's words chilled her. She never thought about how stubborn—and selfish— she'd been until she heard it from her mother.

But that old, familiar voice kept playing in her head. What if she gave up everything to be with Nick and something went wrong between them? She'd be stuck with a broken heart and dashed dreams. At least she had her business and a home.

She called Alexa back and said she'd be there. "Can I bring anything?"

"Don't go to any trouble. Mama and my aunts have been cooking all morning."

Paula added a Christmas pin to her red sweater and changed into some black velvet shoes. She could at least look festive, even though she felt heartsick.

On her way out the door, Paula lifted one of the poinsettia plants she'd bought to take to the Papadopoulos home. They didn't expect a gift, but it would give her something to hide behind as she walked in the door.

Alexa met her outside, grinning. "Mama's glad you agreed to come on such short notice. And so am I, since it was my job to get you here."

"But why?"

"You'll see. Don't ask questions, okay?"

"Sure." Paula pulled out the poinsettia and closed the car door. "Looks like half of Tarpon Springs is here."

"Maybe so. I think we're probably related to at least half of Tarpon Springs."

Alexa led the way to the house, where Stephanie greeted them at the door. Paula handed her the plant.

A couple of the older Papadopoulos women came out of the kitchen, all smiling and open-armed. Nick's mom was the first to hug her, followed by the rest of them. If she hadn't been around this family so much, she would have been overwhelmed.

"I'm glad you're not spending Christmas all by yourself, Paula."

"My mother came to town this morning."

Alexa's mother frowned. "Why didn't you bring her with you?"

"She left already."

The Papadopoulos women exchanged glances and quickly jumped to action, dragging her into the kitchen. She inhaled the mouthwatering smell of Greek and American food.

"We know how much you like turkey, so we roasted you one."

Paula laughed. "Thank you, but that wasn't necessary. I like everything."

"We know, but we want you to feel at home here, and if you're used to eating turkey on Christmas, then we want to make sure you don't miss it."

Paula refrained from saying that she spent the last two Christmases with her mother and Mack, one of them eating leftover meatloaf in front of the TV and the other packing her belongings while her mother and Mack argued in the living room. She looked around the busy Papadopoulos house and felt at peace. This was how Christmas was supposed to be— extended loving family coming together and celebrating the birth of Christ. And not a single argument could be heard.

Once Phoebe announced that the food was almost ready, her husband Apollo motioned for his brother Cletus to step forward. Paula stood with the rest of the family, watching and waiting to hear what Nick's father had to say. As soon as he opened his mouth, Steph and Alexa gently pushed her forward.

"Paula," Cletus said. "We wanted to do something special for you . . ."

She glanced around at her friends, wondering what was going on. Alexa nodded toward her uncle, so Paula turned back around.

He pulled an envelope out of his shirt pocket and thrust it toward her. "We want you to have this plane ticket to San Antonio so you can visit Nick."

The more outgoing brother, Steph's dad Arthur, took over. "And in case you're wondering, Nick knows about this. He wanted to tell you, but our wives told him he better not ruin your surprise, or else." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Everyone laughed. Paula stood there staring at the unopened envelope.

"Well?" Apollo nodded toward the envelope. "Aren't you gonna open it and see when you're going?"

With all eyes still focused on her, Paula took the envelope and opened it. She looked up at the blur of faces in front of her. "In three weeks? I can't—"

"I'll run the shop," Alexa said. "You even said I was good."

Paula nodded. "Yes, you're very good, but the return ticket is a whole week later. I don't want you to have to work that many hours."

"Oh, but you forget, dear Paula," Stephanie blurted. "I have experience working for you too. Alexa and I have already agreed that I'll open in the mornings, we'll work together during the afternoons, since that's when most of the phone orders come in, and after Amanda gets there I'll leave."

"Does Amanda know?" Paula asked.

"Yes." The voice came from behind Paula. She spun around and saw Amanda, Kate, and Sam.

Steph cackled. "You should see your face, Paula." A flash temporarily blinded Paula. "Thanks, Adam. As soon as he gets home, he'll put the picture on his computer and send it to you."

Amanda took a couple of steps closer. "I have a present for you too." She handed a box to Paula. "Open it."

Paula's heart thudded as she clumsily undid the ribbon and lifted out a mug with the words "World's Best Boss" inscribed on the side. She smiled and gave the girl a hug. "Thank you, Amanda."

Amanda shyly looked down at her feet. "You really are the best boss. Ever."

Out of the corner of her eye, Paula saw Sam slip his arm around Kate. And Kate didn't push him away .

A moment of awkward silence filled the room before Alexa's mother lifted her hands. "The food's ready, everyone. I need some extra hands to set up the buffet."

Paula, Alexa, Steph, and Amanda hung back. After everyone left the room, Steph extended her arms. "Group hug." As they put their arms around each other's shoulders, Steph started a prayer and then Alexa chimed in. Amanda said a few words of thanks, and Paula finished. After they all said "Amen," they straightened up.

"Y'all are the best," Paula said, her eyes stinging with tears. "Nothing could have prepared me for all this."

"Good." Alexa grinned. "We wanted you to be surprised. Now let's go get some food before it's all gone."

Alexa and Steph led the way to the crowded kitchen. Amanda touched Paula's arm. "In case you're wondering, Mom and Dad started dating, and I think they actually like each other now."

"How did that happen?" Paula asked.

"Dad was furious at Mom for some of the stuff I did. He came over one night, and they argued for hours, so I just went to bed. When I got up the next morning, Mom was grinning. She told me Dad had finally come around to understanding her better and that he was joining us for dinner." She smiled and sighed. "And we've had dinner together every night since then."

"Thank you, Lord," Paula whispered, barely loud enough for Amanda to hear.

"Oh, that's another thing," Amanda added. "Mom has been talking about church, and I think Dad wants to go."

"This is a true blessing, Amanda." She hugged the girl. "I've never had a better Christmas."

"So you like the mug?"

"I love the mug, but more important, I love being here with all of you."

"Mom has something else for you," Amanda said as she nodded toward something behind Paula.

Paula spun around in time to see Kate approaching her with a box.

Kate grinned. "Turn around. I have a surprise for you."

"You don't need to—"

Kate took Paula by the arm and turned her around. "Just hold still."

About three seconds later, Paula felt something on her head. She reached up and removed it.

"A cowboy hat?" She laughed. "This is too cool. Thanks!"

"I figured you might need it in Texas."

"How in the world did I not know about this? With so many people in on the secret, you'd think someone would let it slip."

"It was hard," Amanda admitted. "But we all talked about how important it was . . ." Her voice trailed off as her mother gave her a zip-it look. "C'mon, let's go get some food. I'm starving."

Paula sat with Alexa, Steph, and Amanda. The only people missing in her life were Nick and her parents. She managed to put them in the back of her mind and have fun with the people there because they cared enough to make this a very special occasion for everyone.

After dessert, they all helped clean up then gathered in the sunroom and played games. Paula watched as Amanda thrived in the loving environment. When she cast a glance in Kate's direction, she saw tears glistening in her eyes. That touched Paula's heart, and she had to look away to keep from sobbing with joy.

Paula heard the house phone ring, but she didn't think anything about it until Charlene brought it to her. "It's for you."

As soon as she answered, Nick said, "Merry Christmas! Surprised?"

"What do you think?" She glanced around at all the people pretending not to be listening. "If you can believe this, I was almost speechless."

"I wish I could have seen your face, but Adam said he'd send me the pictures."

"Looks like I'll be there in a few weeks. I have no idea what to wear."

"Wear what you want. But bring a jacket 'cause the weather here is crazy. It might or might not be cold."

Paula had so many things she wanted to say to Nick, but she couldn't with this huge audience. So she told him they could talk later, and he understood.

Once she pressed the OFF button on the phone, Steph glared at her. "Why didn't you tell him how you feel?"

"You're kidding, right?" Paula said. They both laughed.

When she was able to get away without seeming rude or ungrateful, Paula said she needed to go. Alexa, Steph, and Amanda walked her to her car.

When they stopped, Alexa held up her hands. "I've called this staff meeting to inform you—"

Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, they all cracked up with laughter. Amanda was laughing so hard tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Y'all are the best," Paula said as she looked at her friends. "Thank you for everything."

"This is my favorite Christmas," Amanda said. "I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life."

Alexa smoothed Amanda's hair away from her face. "Ya know, I think God had a plan for you to come into the shop that day."

Amanda pulled back and gave her a curious look. "God had a plan for me to steal?"

"Yeah," Steph agreed. "He knew you needed to get caught and disciplined."

"Some discipline," Amanda said with a giggle. "I got rewarded with some of the sweetest people ever and a job I love."

"Discipline doesn't always have to hurt, ya know," Paula said. "Or maybe the pain is there, but you don't feel it."

"That's crazy." Amanda rolled her eyes.

"No, that's Paula." Steph winked at both of them. "She used to tell me that the sooner I messed up, the more time I'd have to straighten up. I think this same thing might apply with what happened to you."

Amanda shook her head, still smiling. "I don't get it, but I guess it doesn't matter."

"Right. The only thing that matters is we have each other." Alexa flung her arm around Amanda's shoulder before turning to Paula. "Okay, we'll see you at work tomorrow. You better get home and call Nick back."

On the way home Paula allowed the tears to flow beneath the cowboy hat, sitting at a jaunty angle on her head. The day had been bittersweet, and she wouldn't have traded it for anything.

As soon as she walked into her house, Paula called Nick back. He answered before the first ring finished.

"Took you long enough."

Paula laughed. "Thanks for ganging up on me."

"No problem. I'm sure it won't be the last time my family does something like this. So are you okay with leaving the shop for a week?"

"Yes, in fact I suspect Steph would be okay if I never came back. She's tired of working at the bakery and restaurant, and while I'm gone they aren't likely to call her in on an emergency."

"I know. She told me."

"Sounds like you talk to your cousins a lot." Paula flopped onto the couch and flung her leg over the arm. "What else did she tell you?"

"Alexa told Steph, and Steph told me that your wholesale business keeps growing with no signs of letting up."

"Since Alexa's been there, it does seem to be heading in that direction."

"She also said that Kate and Sam have been hanging out. Think there's another romance in the works?"

"Today was the first I realized how serious it was," Paula admitted. "I couldn't believe my eyes."

"I think you helping her daughter was the best thing that could have happened to Kate." He paused for a moment. "In fact, she actually sent me an e-mail apologizing for how she used to treat you. I told her she needed to apologize to you."

"She did."

"She said what she used to think was cool was juvenile and what she thought was nerdy was actually really cool."

Paula laughed. "She said something like that to me."

"Which explains why she's suddenly so interested in Sam— the biggest nerd in school."

"Isn't that the most amazing thing?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "It is. I have to admit I was even shocked at that one, and it takes a lot to surprise me."

"So you have a place for me to stay once I get to Texas?"

"Yes. I have a buddy whose girlfriend lives in a nice apartment nearby. She said you can stay with her. In fact, I think she's really looking forward to it."

"Good. I'm excited."

"Would you have come next month if my family hadn't taken the liberties to get your ticket?"

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