Sweet Beginning (9 page)

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Authors: V. M. Holk

BOOK: Sweet Beginning
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He looks at me, smiles and gives me a sweet kiss. He gets up
to go into the bathroom to discard the condom. When he comes back into bed, he
wraps me in his arms and we fall asleep.

I am awoken by kisses down my neck.  I moan and turn, so
that I can enjoy his lips throughly. As I am getting lost in our kissing, I
hear something.  Is that the door?

"Okay bitches, time to get up!" Jaylah yells.

I hear Ted laughing. I throw a pillow at her.

"Hey.....watch it woman! You two get ready and meet
Dave and me downstairs for breakfast."

She grabs some clothes, throws them into her tote, then
leaves. As quickly as she came in, she is gone. Like a tornado.

"Well I guess, we better get ready." Ted says.

I give him a thorough kiss and smile. "Yeah we better.
If we keep Jay waiting to long, she will come back and drag us

"Okay, go shower. I need to grab some fresh clothes. I
will come right back down to get you."

I watch as he gets dressed. He turns, kisses me and leaves.

I feel on top of the world. My steps our lighter, I needed
this. I go into the bathroom to take a shower. As I am washing up, I can't
believe what I did last night. Ted is a great guy, in another time, it might
have been different between us. But it makes for a fun weekend. I actually feel
naughty and like it. I shake myself from my thoughts and hurry.  I need to be
ready by the time he gets back.

As I am finishing up my make-up, there is a knock on the
door. A smile comes across my face. I answer the door.

"Hey beautiful, you ready for breakfast." Ted

"I'm ready." I smile at him. 

He takes my hand and we walk down to the resturant.  We find
them at a table in the back. Jaylah waves us over, when she sees us.

"Its about time, bitches," she says and we all

I sit next to Jaylah and she winks at me. From under the
table she grabs my hand and squeezes it. The waitress comes, takes our order
and fills our cups with coffee. Ted looks at me, smiles and continues talking
to Dave. Wyatt pops into my head, a frown comes across my face. 

"Are you okay?" Jaylah whispers into my ear. 

"Yeah, just to many thoughts in my head right
now." I whisper back. 

I have to stop thinking of him, there is nothing there. Then
my mind wanders to Kyle, I can't believe he did that to us. I know our marriage
is over, but he should of at least respected what we had. He has been talking
and texting her since he started his job at the airport. I am sure it started
off innocent, but turned into what ever it is now. I am shaken from my
thoughts, to Ted rubbing my arm.

"Penny for your thoughts, beautiful?" he asks. 

I shake my head, "I was just thinking about my
daughters, I miss them. Sorry."

He gives me a serious look, "You have nothing to be
sorry about. I miss my son all the time. I know how you feel."

Jaylah interrupts our conversation, to ask what everyone's
plans are for the day. The guys had plans to go to the "Hockey Hall of
Fame." So we all decide we will meet back up for dinner tonight. I grab
the bill for breakfast, before the guys and pay. Ted comes up to me and gives
me a kiss.

"I will see you tonight." he says.

"Ok, see you tonight." I smile back at him.

Jaylah comes and puts her arm around my shoulder, "So
you little slut, how was your night?" she says, laughing. 

I punch her in the side, "It was fucking AWESOME,
JayJay. Now I know what  I was missing."

She smiles at me, "Oh my god, I might have created a

While we are walking to our room, she tells me a little about
her night. My mind is not completely in the conversation. It was a great night
of sex, but I keep thinking of Wyatt. I really have to get that man out of my

"Hey woman, are you listening to me? Or you thinking
about your stud muffin?"

We both laugh, "Yeah, sorry. Hey lets have ourselves a
spa day and some swimming, before we meet them for dinner."

She gives me a smirk, meaning she isn't buying my diversion
in the subject. But thankfully, she knows me so well and drops it.

"Sounds great to me, toots."


As we settle into our seats on the train, I can't believe
how fast the weekend went. I am so glad we went and  I truely enjoyed myself. I
let go, for the first time in a very long time. I feel this weekend has brought
me closer to healing. 

We loved the spa and the pool. We went shopping and enjoyed
not having any responsibility's for a couple of days. I made sure to buy the
girls some souvenirs, Jaylah got them something too. I bought my dad a magnet,
he has collected magnets from all over since I was a kid. He has them all lined
up in his work space in the garage. I also, picked up a maple leaf dog toy, for

Each evening we met up with Dave and Ted for dinner. We went
dancing again and one night we all went swimming. Each night I spent in Ted's
arms. He was a great lover and made me feel special. We would all have
breakfast together each morning. 

Before we left, Ted and I took a walk. Jaylah and Dave went
to his room one last time. We didn't walk far, being so cold out. We stopped at
a coffee shop and talked for awhile. Ted really was a sweet guy and I enjoyed
my weekend with him. We exchanged numbers and wished each other the best. We
kissed one last time, a very hard passionate, "Don't forget me"

Jaylah nudges me, "We are almost here, darlin',"
she says with a smile. 

I nod back at her. I can't believe I sat here staring out
the window, thinking for almost three hours. The train comes to a stop, we
collect all of our belongings. We get off the train and head to our car. We
have everything loaded and start driving home. 

"Back to reality." I say.

"Thanks again for my Christmas present, I really
enjoyed our weekend."

"It was nice just letting go and not worrying about
anything back home. I can't believe I had a fling with Ted. It almost seems
like a dream now."

She takes her eyes off the road, looks over at me.
"Everything will work out at home in the end. You know it will."  she
says.  We both get lost in our thoughts for a bit.  I turn up the music, and we
enjoy singing together on the ride back home.


I haven't had much time to think about what I did on our
little vacation. I was thankful that I didn't have to see Kyle when the girls
came home. I am not ready to see him yet, after what happened at the bar. We
are slow this afternoon, so I have to much time to think about all this stuff.
I felt devastated, wondering why Kyle didn't fight to save our marriage. Tessa
explained all that, he obviously had a back up plan for our marriage. 

I remember fighting over his texting and talking to her
while at home. He would tell me that she was helping him at work because he was
new. But he would walk out of the room and sometimes he would walk outside to
talk to her.  He would say she lives out of state, like that made it ok. Then
he told me she was going through a divorce and needed someone to talk to. Deep
down, I think I knew something was going on.

He went to training in Memphis, because that is Delta's head
quarters. I don't want to think about what they did. What might have started
off innocent, definately did not end that way.  

As I am cleaning, I think more about my weekend with Ted.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed myself with him. I guess I thought that it would
make me feel less cheated on. I'm still technically married and never thought I
would have done anything like this. It didn't lessen the sting of betrayal I
feel, for what Kyle has done to me. I decide, that before I ponder to much on
my worries, I need to get out of the shop for a little while. I find Jaylah in
the back doing some inventory. 

"Hey Mama." She looks over at me and smiles.
"Do you mind if I take off a little early. Amanda will be here soon, for
her shift. I want to go see my dad and give him his gifts."  There seems
to be something on her mind.  "Are you okay, Jay?"  She looks over at
me sadly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Talked to my dad today, he isn't
feeling well. I am trying to keep my mind busy."

 "Hey if you need to go, I can stay until Amanda gets

She shakes her head, "No,  you go. I am going over
there for dinner tonight. Tell your dad hello from me, okay."

I give her a quick hug, "Thanks, if you need anything,
let me know?"

She nods her head and keeps counting. I feel awful for
leaving her like this, but I know she needs some time alone.


I pull into "Tom's Car Repair" and park my car. I
grab my bag of goodies and walk into the shop. I walk into an empty office, I
look around and see nobody. I open the door to the garage and walk right into
Wyatt. Oh my god,
. I can't believe I keep bumping into him.

Man he has such a nice body. Why do I feel that same
electricity. I realize, I haven't moved my hands from his chest and I quickly
lower them.

 I look into his eyes, "You know we really need to stop
meeting like this, Anne" he says. He gives me that beautiful smile of his.

 I smile back, "I'm sorry. I was looking for my
dad." He looks like he wants to say something, but not sure how to say it.
And frankly, I'm still embarassed about Christmas Eve and the Bar. Before
either of us can say anything more....

 "Anne, how the hell are you?" says Rick. He walks
up to me and I gives me a big bear hug. He actually picks me up of the ground
and twirls me, I laugh in his arms. He has always been like family to me.

 "I'm good, thanks. I haven't seen you in awhile, how
are you and your family?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Wyatt walk
away. I guess its better that way. Then Dan comes around the corner.

 "Anne girl, come give me a hug." Dan says. As a
teenager, I worked a couple days a week here. It was fun, and easy money. But I
thought of Rick and Dan, more like Uncle's. The three of us are catching up and
dad walks up to me.

 "Hey baby, what a nice surprise." He gives me a
hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"I brought you goodies from Toronto." I hold up my
bag for him to see. "Do you want to go have lunch?" 

My dad smiles, "Let me go wash up and we can go."



Why do I have that same feeling, everytime I touch Anne. I
have never felt that electricity for any woman, ever. I was so shocked when she
ran right into me. She had such a horrified look on her face, I tried to make
light of it. It worked because I got to see that beautiful smile, again. I like
the feel of her in my arms and didn't want to let her go.  

I wanted to talk to her about what happened on Christmas Eve
and at the Bar. But I wasn't really sure what to say. I am actually thankful
Rick walked out when he did. It saved me from making an ass out of myself. I
went and found Tom to let him know Anne was here.

I come back into the garage to see Tom and Anne leaving
together. She is so beautiful, but something was different about her. I hope
everything is okay. I try not to ask Tom to much, because I don't want him to
get the wrong idea.

Rick slaps me on my back, "You got it bad, for our

I look at him shocked and confused, "What are you
talking about. She is a friend and my boss' daughter."

Rick laughs at me, shakes his head and walks away. I mean
really what is that about. I think she is beautiful and really nice, but
"Got it bad," whats that supposed to mean.



Dad and I are having a nice lunch. But I keep thinking about
Wyatt. Why did I have to go to the shop? I should of called dad and had him
meet at the restaurant for lunch. If I am being honest with myself, I wanted a
glimpse of him. Dad interupts my thoughts to ask me about Toronto. I tell him
about our trip, minus Ted and Dave. That is one thing he doesn't need to know

Dad loved his gifts, especially that I remembered to buy
something for Lucy. He payed for lunch and we said our goodbye's. We talk
several times a week, but I really have to make sure I see him more often. I
really enjoyed our lunch, and I worry that he is lonely.  

I drive right home because the girls will be home from
school shortly. I grab the mail on my way up the stairs, to my apartment. I
flip through the bills and see that one of the envelopes are from the Court
House. I open it to see that we have a date to finalize our divorce, in front
of the judge.

I sit down hard on the couch, taking a few deep breaths. Its
hard to think that all those years with Kyle, will end like this. I will never
say wasted time, because we have two wonderful girls. It saddens me to think of
what could of been and what is lost. I hear the girls coming up the stairs and
I collect myself. They don't need to see me upset.

I decide that I am not cooking tonight and order a pizza. As
we wait for our pizza, the girls pick out what movie to watch. The back door
bell rings, I go down to meet the delivery guy. Once up stairs, I get the girls
there pizza and we watch the movie. I sit in the chair and absently watch. I
couldn't tell you what the movie was about. I hear my phone beep, that I have a
message. I look at the screen and smile.


JayJay 6:46pm

Hey darlin'.....u ok


Seriously, how does she know that I am upset. Maybe that is
not the right word, I feel numb.


Anne 6:47pm

Been better...got date for court, 2 finalize divorce


JayJay 6:48pm

SHIT!!!  u want company?


Anne 6:48pm

No, my weekend w/girls...but thx


JayJay 6:49

Np...if u need 2 talk, i'm here 


Anne 6:50pm

thx.... xoxo <3


JayJay 6:51pm



Well by February the 5th, I will be officially divorced. It
leaves a pit in my stomach, which leaves me with no appetite to eat. I get up
and set my plate of untouched pizza on the counter. I put the leftovers in a
ziplock, then in the fridge. I feel like I am on auto pilot. I need to snap out
of it enough for Katie and Shannon's sake. I walk back into the living room and
ask them if they want to play some board games. They get excited and run off to
grab their favorites.

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