Sweet Charity (14 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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As Charity came down from her orgasm, Jackson once again leaned over top of her and kissed her.  Charity held onto his biceps and then moved her hands over his shoulders and back caressing him slowly.  His cock was so hard from watching her orgasm, he didn’t know if he could even hold off until he was inside of her.  Just when he was about to plunge inside her warmth, Charity reached down and grabbed his cock and placed it at her swollen entrance.  Her touch was both agony and joy at the same time.  As she removed her hands Jackson plunged deep with a yell as he fought to regain his control.  Then after sitting still, inside to the hilt, he began to move, slowly at first and then with quick and powerful strokes.  Charity was once again moaning and he could feel her belly and pussy muscles making those now familiar contractions as she milked his cock, her body sucking and gripping it tightly.  Then suddenly she was shaking and coming apart once more, only this time, all around him.  No longer able to hold back, Jackson plunged deep once more and let go, crying out her name as he did.






















Chapter 23


Charity slept like a baby, snuggled in Jackson’s arms that night.  When she woke up in the morning, she and Jackson made love in the shower, before they headed downstairs for breakfast, joining Melissa and Animal, who had apparently really hit it off last night.  Melissa looked like a well satisfied woman and surprisingly, rather than looking like he might want to get rid of her, Animal looked like he was very much enjoying her still being there the morning after.  These biker boys were really quite a surprise to her.  Contrary to what she had thought, which was that they were a love ‘em and leave ‘em lot, they were surprising her with how completely opposite they were. At least Jackson and Animal seemed to be that way. 

Nick and Abby had spent the night at the club also and they were there for breakfast, as were James, Dusty, and Aiden.  Aiden looked like he had a rough night by the looks of him and she hoped to get a chance to speak with him this morning to find out how Faith was when he drove her home.  She knew that Faith wasn’t really sick last night, she was just scared and uncomfortable because, from Charity’s perspective it looked like Aiden was more than a little interested in her.  She wished Faith would just take a chance, and let herself have fun once again. 

As they were all sitting down to the massive breakfast that someone had made for them, Rocker and Rebel both came walking into the main gathering room, laughing loudly and making catcalls, as they were joined by both Tracey and Miranda.  It would appear that the boys had been entertained by the slight skirts last night.  Too bad, because she thought that they were both nice young guys, and they could find themselves some really nice girlfriends if they looked beyond the whores at the club.  The boys were at least careful to take a seat at the far end of the huge table, keeping Tracey and Miranda away from Charity. 

As they ate breakfast, she discovered that Jackson, Dusty, James, and Aiden had all served in the marines together in Afghanistan. Jackson had only briefly told her about his tours, but she didn’t realize the others had been there with him.  No wonder they had such a strong bond with one another.  They were not only brothers in The Black Maverick’s, they were brothers in war too.  She had such respect for the service that they had all given to their great country, but also for the trauma that they must have had to overcome, from seeing the kind of atrocities they would have witnessed while at war.  They truly were amazing men. 

She was sitting around the corner of the table from Jackson who was sitting at the head of the long table, while directly across from Aiden.  He certainly didn’t seem like he was in a very good mood when he returned to the club last night after taking Faith home, and he had immediately excused himself from the party, saying he had something to take care of before he left.  Charity never got the chance to ask him how Faith was when he had dropped her off at home.  She really hadn’t expected to see him here this morning at all, so while the others were engaged in a myriad of conversations going on around the table, Charity took some time to ask Aiden how Faith was during their drive home. 

Aiden shook his head before he answered her and then said, “She didn’t seem too sick to me on the way home.  As a matter of fact she appeared to be feeling better by the time we were outside,” he told her as he nodded his head towards the hallway and the door.  “She certainly was able to give me grief when she discovered that I’d be driving her home on the back of my bike,” he added.

“Oh God no! You took her home on your bike?” Charity asked him, thinking that she really must not have heard him correctly.  “She definitely wouldn’t be very happy about that.”

“You’re not kidding,” he said and for the first time this morning, she saw him smile.  “She gave me a lot of grief before I got her on that bike, but she did well once we headed out on the open road. She was a natural, riding on the back of my bike, even though she fought hard against it,” he laughed as he said it. 

“Was she feeling okay when you made it to her condo?” Charity asked him with a worried look on her face.  “She was fine actually, just mad as hell at me,” Aiden answered her.  “Especially when I kissed her,” he slipped in.

“You did what?” Charity said a little too loudly.  “She’s never going to forgive me for insisting that she come with us last night,” she said as she looked at Jackson.  “I really need to tell you a few things about Faith,” she told Aiden. “She’s been through a lot.  If you are interested in Faith, I should warn you, that you won’t have an easy time of it,” she said with compassion in her voice.






























Chapter 24


Later that Saturday afternoon, after spending the majority of the day at the club allowing Charity to get to know everyone in The Black Maverick’s family a little better, Jackson told Charity that he needed to stop by his sister Hope’s house to give her a hand with a few things.  He surprised Charity when he asked her to come with him. After having thoroughly enjoyed her new friends she’d met last night Charity was excited to meet Jackson’s sister.  She knew that she was a single mother of a two year old girl but other than that Charity really knew very little about Hope.

On their way to Hope’s house they stopped by the local home renovation store, where Jackson picked up some pressure treated lumber, some screws, and a few other things, that Charity honestly couldn’t name.  When they pulled up in front of a small two storey Craftsman house, on the outskirts of town, it looked as though Hope had company, because in addition to the small hatchback in the driveway, there was also a shiny red F150 parked behind it.  “Jackson honey, it looks like your sister has visitors. Are you sure it’s okay for us to stop by right now?” she asked. 

“Sure it is Babe, I told her I would come by this afternoon to repair her back deck.  She’s expecting me,” he replied.  “Besides that’s Dusty’s truck.  Not sure what he’s doing here but we’ll know in a minute,” he added.

“Alright then, if you’re sure it’s okay.  I can’t wait to meet your sister,” she told him.  Jackson reached out for her hand and raising their clasped hands to his lips he kissed the back of hers. 

“I’m anxious for you to meet her too Babe.  I want you to know all my friends and family,” he told her.  At Jackson’s words she could feel goose bumps break out all over her, and she couldn’t have held back her smile no matter what.  The fact that Jackson wanted her around, and wanted him to meet the people who are important to him just made her feel hopefulness that she hadn’t felt in a very long time.  Never letting go of her hand, Jackson reached for the doorbell and then turned to face her leaning down giving her quick kiss. Well it was supposed to be a quick kiss, but as was their normal now they couldn’t keep their hands off of one another and before she knew it Charity ended up with her back pushed up against the side of the house with Jackson’s hands under her ass holding her off the ground as his tongue stroked the inside of her mouth, while she wrapped her arms around his neck caressing his head and the top of his back. 

They were just like that when suddenly the door adjacent to them opened and they heard someone clearing their throat.  For a second they froze and then Jackson slowly lowered Charity down until her feet touched the porch floor.  Charity quickly reached up and wiped her lipstick off of Jackson’s mouth and he smiled down at her and wiped her smeared lipstick from her face too.  Then reaching for her hand they both turned to look over at the petite blonde whom Charity assumed must be Hope.  “Well little brother, who do we have here?” she asked Jackson.  “Hope this is Charity...Charity meet Hope,” he said as he looked between the two most important women in his life.  He wanted them to like each other.  No...he wanted them to love each other.

“Hello Charity, I’m very pleased to meet you,” she said as she gave her brother a big smile and a poke in the ribs, then reached out her hand to Charity.  Immediately Charity felt at ease and she could feel some of the heat begin to leave her face from the embarrassment of being caught making out with Jackson.  “Please, come in,” she said. 

As they entered the foyer Hope took their coats and hung them in the closet.  She then led the way into the living room as Jackson asked her if that was Dusty’s truck parked out front.  Before Hope could answer him though, they saw Dusty through the open concept main floor, sitting at the kitchen island.  Dusty immediately stood up as soon as he saw them and Charity thought he appeared a little nervous at seeing Jackson. 

“Hey man, what are you doing here?” Jackson asked Dusty. 

Dusty looked down at the floor for a second and then he began to stutter and stammer before saying, “Um, I ran into Hope a few days ago and she mentioned that she needed a few things done so I ah...just thought I’d stop by and see if I could help her,” he said.  Then he quickly looked away from Jackson as he reached for Charity’s hand and said, “It’s great to see you again Charity.”  He seemed relieved that she was here too.  Charity wasn’t sure what was going on but something was definitely up with Dusty she thought. 

“Hope, I told you I’d be over today to replace those deck boards,” Jackson told her.  “You didn’t need to ask Dusty to come over,” he sounded a bit annoyed with her.  “Dusty, man, I really appreciate you looking out for my sister like that.  Thanks Brother,” he said as her turned around and patted Dusty on the back. 

“Of course man, any time,” Dusty answered. 

“Are you forgetting something little brother?” Hope asked Jackson.  He turned and looked at her with a puzzled expression.  “Well you’ve told me this gorgeous woman’s name, but is there anything else you’d like to tell me about her?” she asked him. 

“Yes, Charity honey, I’m sorry, I’m still recovering from being caught a little off guard on the porch,” he replied.  “Hope this is my girlfriend Charity Spencer.  We started dating...a little while ago,” he told her. 

“Oh that long ago,” she said with a laugh. “I’m mean no disrespect to you Charity, however Jackson here hasn’t introduced me to a woman since...actually he’s never introduced me to a woman,” she said.  “The last time I ever heard about my brother having a girlfriend he was in high school,” she laughed. “He’s never really been into serious relationships before,” she said.  “Maybe you’ll be the woman to change that,” she added. 

“Charity is a very special woman Hope.  Make no mistake about it.  She means everything to me,” he told her as he turned to look at Charity and reached for her hand once again.  “I’d really like it if you spent some time getting to know her.  It would mean a lot to me,” he told Hope. 

Still smiling but becoming more serious and looking between the two of them, Hope nodded her head as if in approval and then said, “I can see it is little brother...I can see it is.” 

Hope asked Charity if she would like something to drink and then asked the boys if they wanted a beer and then headed to the kitchen to get some iced tea for Charity and her and the beer for Jackson and Dusty.  The four of them sat around the living room and chatted for a bit before Jackson stood and said, “Well I should really get at fixing that deck of yours Hope.  Dusty man, do you mind giving me a hand since you’re here?”

“Sure Gunner,” Dusty answered as he too stood. 

“Charity honey, are you going to be okay in here with my big sis for a little while?” Jackson asked.

“Of course I will,” she answered smiling up at him.

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