Sweet Charity (12 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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Jackson spoke up right away and said, “I’m sorry to hear that Faith.  No worries though. Ah Lock, would you mind taking Faith home?” he asked his brother.

Lock immediately spoke up and said, “Sure,” but he no sooner had the words out than Faith said, “Really it’s fine.  I’ll just head on outside and I’ll have a cab come and pick me up.  I’ve got my phone with me. Then you all can stay and get to know one another and have some fun.”

“Faith honey, I’m afraid you’re gonna have a hard time with that out here because as you probably noticed when you came in, we’re quite off the beaten track out here, and I don’t think any cab is going to come all the way out here for anyone.  You better just let Aiden take you home for now if that’s okay?” Jackson asked.

Faith was now not so sure her plan to get out of here was such a good one.  Seriously she thought that she could either take a cab or at the very least Jackson would take her home.  She hadn’t planned on him asking one of his fellow ‘brothers’, as he called them, to take her home.  She especially didn’t want to be stuck all alone in a car with muscles here. She was just about to ask Jackson if he would drive her instead, when she looked at her friend, and knew that Charity was on to the fact that she really wasn’t sick, and that she was just trying to get out of here. She could tell that Charity was a little annoyed about it too, so she decided that she would just have to let Aiden drive her home tonight. 

Looking from Charity to Jackson, she could also tell that Jackson didn’t really want to leave Charity right now.  The two of them sure were close for two people that just started dating.  Feeling trapped with no way out at the moment, she turned and looked at Aiden and asked, “Are you sure you don’t mind driving me home Aiden?”

“Honey, it would be my absolute pleasure to take you home.  I’m ready whenever you are,” he said smiling at her.

Damn! Why did he have to have the cutest smile and the whitest teeth, and if he wasn’t also wearing nice levi jeans and a clean blue shirt that he looked very good in.  He smelled good too. Weren’t bikers supposed to be grizzly and dirty with bad personal hygiene? Even his beard was nicely trimmed. And...why was she noticing all of this!

Just then Melissa and her new friend, Animal, came back to the table to sit down for a bit, and while it appeared the two of them were into one another, Faith knew that there was no point in trying to coax her into leaving with her. Seeing no other options, she explained to Melissa what she had already told Charity, that she wasn’t feeling well, then said her goodbyes around the table. She then headed off with Aiden, who had grabbed his leather jacket from somewhere while she had been talking, and directed her to the door.

























Chapter 20


Before heading into the long hallway which led to the club’s entrance, Aiden slipped his leather jacket on and seeing Faith about to put on her jacket, he moved behind her and held it up for her. This only served to make her mad, because she didn’t want him to be nice to her.  Next, he motioned for her to precede him down the hallway, as they headed outside.  As they made their way towards the exit he couldn’t help but to notice how fucking perfect her ass was. Faith had some curves and he liked a few curves on a woman.  He imagined just how great said ass would feel in his hands. 

Thinking they would be heading towards where all the cars and trucks were parked, Faith immediately turned in that direction, however Aiden spoke up and asked, “Where are you headed honey?”

Oooh, it really burned her butt that he called her honey.  “To your car of course,” she answered him, through gritted teeth.  See, he really was a meathead if he had to ask her that she told herself.

“We’re going over here instead,” he told her, as he motioned in the opposite direction, around the corner of the building.  He was pretty sure she was going to freak when she found out he was taking her home on the back of his bike, so he decided he would wait until she saw before he shared that little detail with her.  Honestly, could she be any more tightly wound? He shook his head and smiled at the direction of his thoughts. 

As they rounded the corner and Faith saw all the motorcycles parked there and she immediately started to panic.  She thought that there must be a car parked beyond them somewhere that she just hadn’t seen yet, so she took a deep breath and continued on.  When she heard Aiden say the words, “Wait up, this one’s mine,” she knew her worst nightmare had come true. 

She stopped dead in her tracks, and for a few seconds she couldn’t turn around.  Telling herself that she’d put herself into this predicament, she knew she didn’t have much choice in the matter but she sure as hell wasn’t happy at the moment.  When she finally turned there was Aiden standing proud as a peacock, big smile on his face, beside the biggest freaking beast of a motorcycle she’d ever seen.  “You are NOT seriously expecting me to get on that thing?” she said.

It was all Aiden could do to keep the smile from his face when he answered her by saying, “Honey, how else do you think you’re going to get home?”

“Oh I don’t know, like maybe in a car, a truck, or any other four-wheeled mode of transportation?” she motioned with her arms to where he didn’t know.

“Well darlin’, I’m afraid this is your only option tonight.  You see tonight, this is my ride, and as luck would have it, my ride is your ride,” he said.  He could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears as she stood there madder than a wet hen. It was all he could do not to laugh out loud but he knew that would send her right over the edge if she didn’t just go there anyway. 

“Oh you make me so mad!” she told him.  “I am not your darlin’ or your honey either, so you can stop it with all the fake endearments.  Nothing is going to get you into my pants so don’t waste your time trying,” she yelled.  “And I’m not riding on that thing either,” she added. 

“Well then let’s just head right on back inside and we can sit down and get to know one another a little better...since you are so appealing right now.  I’m sure your friends would be glad to know that you seem to be feeling much better now,” he told her. 

“No, we can’t...I’m not...I’m not feeling better, that is.  I want to go home.  Can’t you just go in and ask Jackson or one of your other friends for the keys to their car, or something?” she asked.

“Honey, Jackson’s awful particular about who he lets drive the Caddie.  That is what he brought you here in tonight, right?  And well, all my brothers came on their bikes tonight.  Those cars out there, all belong to our guests that came to meet Charity and her friends,” he said with a big emphasis on the word friends.  “So you see, if you really want to go home now, I’m afraid it’s me and my bike here, unless you want to walk,” he told her, with the fakest smile on his face.

Shaking her head and walking in circles for a second or two, Faith let out a shout of exasperation and then turned towards him and said, “Alright, if this is the only way for me to get home then I guess I’ll have to go with you.  But please go slow, these things terrify me,” she said as she stood wringing her hands. 

“I promise I’ll go nice and slow and be real careful with you,” Aiden assured her.  “Now come over here and let’s get this extra helmet on you,” he instructed her.  Reluctantly, Faith walked over beside the bike and Aiden handed her the helmet.  She looked at it like it was an alien or something so he took it back out of her hands and helped her into it.  While he was helping her fasten the strap under her chin, he couldn’t help but look into her sad blue eyes and wonder why such a beautiful girl as Faith, was clearly so unhappy.  Once the strap was secure he kept his hands under her chin for a few extra seconds, as he continued to look into her eyes. 

Feeling Faith’s discomfort building, he moved away and said, “It’s a good thing you wore a leather jacket tonight, because it’ll keep the wind from making you too cold during the ride home. He picked up his helmet, and put it on and then hopped on the bike himself.  Faith looked down at the seat and thought there wasn’t much room for her left on that seat behind him, and it made her rather uncomfortable to think of how closely she would be sitting to his body.  “Now it’s your turn,” he said. Just put your left foot on the footrest at the side there, and then hold onto me and swing your right leg over.”

Faith followed his instructions and was surprised how high up the bike was.  She almost took a tumble on the first attempt but Aiden reached around and grabbed her before she could fall.  “Don’t be afraid to grab onto me when you’re doing that honey.  You can’t hurt me,” he instructed her again.  She decided that she had no other choice than to do what he was telling her to do otherwise she would end up hurting herself, and she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

Once she was seated on the bike Faith could feel the muscles in Aiden’s strong muscular outer thighs against her inner thighs, and she could hardly believe how broad and muscular his back was too.  Feeling uncomfortable with their close proximity she tried to shimmy back in the seat a bit to put some distance between their bodies.  Just as she did she was startled by the roar of the big beast of a bike beneath her body and she almost lost her balance.  As if knowing this might happen, Aiden reached for her and grabbed her hands moving them around his waist and patting them with his hands, before saying, “Keep your hands here and hold on tight.  Now where am I taking you?”  She was surprised that she could hear him over the roar of the engine before she realized that he must have had some kind of Bluetooth equipment inside the helmets.  She no sooner told him her address, than he set the bike in motion. 

As they rounded the corner of the building heading towards the gates, Aiden told her to move with him on the corners and not to forget to hold on tight at all times.  When they turned out onto the road and he hit the throttle, she tightened her arms around him and dug her thighs into him. Aiden couldn’t help the smile that came over his whole face as he felt her snuggled up behind him.       


















Chapter 21


When they arrived at Faith’s condo Aiden helped her off of the bike and then to remove her helmet.  Damn, if she wasn’t the cutest girl with her hair all messed up now.  Putting the helmet back where it belonged, he turned to find Faith halfway to her door.  “Hey, wait a minute,” he called after her. 

Turning around with another annoyed look on her face she said, “What is it?”  Fuck she was a handful he thought. 

“I wanted to walk you to your door and make sure you get in okay,” he answered her.  “I’m not a total bastard,” he added.

“I never said you were a bastard at all,” she said.  “Look Aiden, I really appreciate you bringing me home and all, but you don’t need to see me to the door.  I’m a big girl, and I work shift work, so I’m used to coming in at late hours and I’m fine,” she said. 

“Well I don’t care what you’re used to, when I bring a girl home, I like to make sure she gets inside safely,” he said. 

Instead of her accepting that he was just being a nice guy, Aiden’s words seemed to just make her more pissed off towards him.  She quickly turned, and once again headed towards her front door.  Now he was getting mad.  She had treated him like a second class citizen all night and even though he had been nothing but a gentleman towards her, she was still behaving like a spoiled brat. 

Feeling his good old red headed temper taking over, he stomped off down the walkway after her.  When he reached her, she was just opening up her front door.  She hadn’t even turned around to acknowledge him, and he knew that she must have heard him behind her.  Spoiled for a fight now, Aiden reached for Faith’s arm and turned her around to face him.  Then in anger he asked, “What the hell is wrong with you anyway?  I have been nice to you, and I’ve brought you home safe and sound. I’ve been a perfect gentleman, and you are treating me worse than the dirt under your feet,” he said. “I really don’t understand you.”

“There’s nothing to understand.  I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you, and I simply didn’t want to take up any more of your time tonight.  I’m sure that you are anxious to get back to your club and party with your friends, and there really is no need for you to see me to my door,” she responded. 

“You know what? I never said that I was in a hurry to get back to the club.  I didn’t hesitate to bring you home when Jackson asked me. And finally, who are you to decide who I want to spend my time with?”

“Well I,” Faith started to say when suddenly Aiden grabbed hold of her, and pulling her in close, he kissed her.  Fuck she tasted good, a hint of the wine she drank earlier and pure sweetness.  She felt so fucking good in his arms, her breasts pushed up tight against his chest.  He was completely lost in the kiss and so was Faith as she kissed him back.  Then suddenly it was like someone flipped a switch and instead of her holding onto him and participating in the kiss, she was pushing him away and telling him that it should never have happened.  Before he had time to even realize what was happening, she slipped through her front door and he heard the lock click into place. Fuck! He should have never tasted her. 

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