Sweet Surrender (39 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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“I love having you here, and the boys, but you really need to back off on everything, Jazz. You’re killing me with everything you do.”

“Are you serious? You’re complaining about what I have done in the last couple of days?”

“I love how I have my house, Jazz. And you doing what you have been doing is putting it all out of place. Can you just please back off on everything? You’re disrupting my space.”

She laughed. “Nate, you need someone here to do all this stuff. You do washing once a week, who does that anymore? And don’t get me started on your fridge and what is in it that is so disgusting, I had no clue as to what was growing in the back. When was the last time you cleaned that out?”

“I haven’t had time to do that. I get take out most nights or go to the pub. Least my dirty clothes end up where they should, and not lying around.”

“I found two pairs of your jeans under the couch, rags on the back verandah and your room looks like a bomb went off in it, and don’t get me started with what I found under your bed. How can you have so many pairs of panties under there?”

“Stay out of my room, Jazz. You don’t need to be in there at all. My space, ok?”

Placing her hands up, she agreed, “Ok, I’ll stay out of your room, for now. But if you don’t start picking up after yourself, I’m starting in there, and you won’t like what I do to your precious room.”

“Really, is that a threat?” he asked, raising his eyebrow to her.

“You know it is, Nate. If I can make your brother drop to his knees, I can make you,” she replied with a wicked grin.

“I doubt that very much, sweetheart. You give my brother what you can’t give me.”

“Doesn’t matter if I do, keep your room clean. I don’t want my boys running in there one day and coming out with God knows what they find in there.”

“Jesus Jazz, I don’t leave things lying around just for anyone to see. Give me some kind of credit.”

“Okay, okay, I will. Anyways, can you watch the boys, I want to have a shower without them coming in. I want to at least enjoy it for more than five minutes.”

“Sure, no problem. I’ll keep them out so you can enjoy your shower.”

Nate got up and walked into the lounge room where the boys were sitting down, watching a movie, and plopped down right in between them. “So, what are you boys watching?”

“Fast five, have you seen it Uncle Nate?” Tom asked.

“No, mate I haven’t. Is it good?”

“Yes, you should see all the cool cars they drive. They go really fast,” Scott answered.

Nate snickered. “Don’t let your mother hear you say that, Scott. You will give her a heart attack.”

“Ok,” both Tom and Scott reluctantly agreed.

Twenty minutes into the movie, there was a knock at the door. Nate quickly opened it, surprised at who he saw there. “Skylar?”

“Hi Nate. I don’t mean to interrupt, but could you come over and have a look at my washing machine, please.”

“Umm, sure. Just give me a sec.”

Well damn, after that night at the bar, he didn’t ever think he would see her on his doorstep again. He had not seen or heard from her since then, but he wasn’t going to say no if it meant spending some kind of time alone with her.

He walked off towards his room, changed his shirt, and grabbed his tool bag from the laundry room. Just as he turned back into the hall, he saw Jasmine walking past to her room, and watched as Skylar’s whole body language instantly changed.

Shit, for that split second of being around her, he forgot that Jasmine was in the shower. He rushed over to her. “It’s not what you think, Sky.”

“It doesn’t matter what I think anymore, Nate. We broke up, remember? You do what you want, and so do I.”

Great, we’re back to that?
He only went out on dates because she did the same thing. It killed him seeing her with someone else, but she wanted the break up, so he complied. He had even tried to sleep with someone, but he couldn’t get it up unless he thought of Skylar.

Jasmine walked back into the hall and saw them both standing there. With a smile on her face, she ambled over. “Hey, I’m Jasmine, nice to meet you,” she said, lifting her hand.

Skylar looked to her hand and back to her face, then over to Nate.

“On second thought, I’ll call someone to come over and fix it,” Skylar snapped, and then turned around, walking away from him, yet again. He was getting tired of her doing exactly that. It was time for him to put his foot down, and hard. She was carrying his child, and they were meant to be together.

“Wow, who was that?”


“She’s cute. How far along is she?”

“Around eight months. I need to go over there, you good here, for a bit?”

“Yeah, I’m good, Nate. Are you going to explains things to her?”

“Yes, I am. She keeps jumping to conclusions about every female I am around, and it’s getting on my bloody nerves. She never asks who they are or what is going on, just thinks the worst, every time.”

“I understand, Nate, I do. But, I also see it from her point. I was the same with your brother, and you two aren’t saints, I tell ya.” She laughed.

“I know but I haven’t been with anyone but her since we initially broke up. Don’t get me wrong, I have tried but she is all I think about now. This is the longest I have gone without sex, ever.”

“Nate, I seriously don’t need to know about your sex life. Too much information, please. Just go over and talk to her and explain why I am here, ok. She will understand.”

“I hope so; I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” Nate mumbled.

“Everything will work out, in good time.”

“Thanks, I’ll catch up with you later. If it doesn’t work out too well I’ll be going to the pub.”

“Have faith, Nate.”

He did have faith in certain things, but with Skylar, it was a completely different story. As he walked over towards her house, going over everything in his head between them, he heard her scream from the back. He took off, running around to the back and then inside, trying to figure out from which room the screams emanated. And then he found her.

Skylar was bent over the laundry sink holding the tap, water spurting everywhere. He moved up behind her and wrapped his hands around the flowing tap. As water sprayed all over him, he asked, “What happened?”

“The water wasn’t going into the washing machine, so I pulled it off to see what was wrong, and as soon as I did, I got covered in water,” Skylar explained, panting for breath, and completely drenched, as was he.

Standing there, pressed up behind her soaking wet body, had him instantly hard. She felt amazing against him, and images flashed before his eyes of the two of them naked, in the shower, and in the exact room they were in now.

He groaned as his hips moved forward just slightly on their own, knowing exactly where he wanted to be the most. She stiffened in his arms, and he knew she felt his erection against her ass, so he backed away from her a bit. As she turned around and faced him, the clothes she wore were stuck to her body, and see-through as the water dripped from them. He could not help that his eyes roamed over her wet body. His cock grew further, and strained painfully against his jeans.

He watched as she did the same to him and her eyes stayed glued to his pants, knowing there was no way she could miss the hard erection against his zipper.

He cleared his throat and her eyes shot to his. “Umm, you can take a shower if you want,” she whispered.

“No, you go first, Sky.”

Nodding, she moved past him and down the hall. How was he going to deal with knowing she was in the shower wet, again, while he was out here?
Damn, I don’t want to think of that image at all.
He wanted her, with everything he had. It had been too long since the last time they were together.

Ripping his shirt and jeans off, he threw them in the dryer, and found a towel in the laundry. He could hear the water running from where he was standing, and it drove him insane. Although he wanted inside of her body, badly, he needed to prove to her that what they had wasn’t just about sex. Walking into the kitchen, he poured himself a drink, and looked out in the yard.

He did not know how long he had been standing there, when he finally felt her move into the room. His body was on fire, ready for her, and he knew to his soul that she was ready for him, too. He caught her moving towards the fridge out of the corner of his eye, and turned around slowly.

Clad in only a towel, hugging her body tightly, she leant forward and pulled something out of the fridge. He groaned as the towel tightened over her ass, and rose further up her body.

“I threw my clothes in your dryer, hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s fine, can’t have you walking back to your place in only a towel,” she replied as she stared at his body, blushing. It wasn’t hard to miss his erection as it tented the front of the towel. “Umm, do you want something to eat or drink, while you wait?”

“I only want you,” he mumbled, softly.


“I’ll have whatever you’re having, Sky.”

Sky grabbed a beer out for him, as well as a bottle of water for herself, and placed it on the counter for him.

“How is the baby going?” He needed to get his mind off of her, in any way he could.

“Yeah, good. I have a check-up next week, normal tests that need doing. Then, going shopping with Craig for the cot and car seat, and whatever else that I need but don’t have yet.”

“Ok. How is the room coming along?”

“Slow, I haven’t done much in there; everything I have is in the garage still in boxes. Clint’s coming over and helping with the room, just need to let him know when.”

Nate growled as she mentioned Clint’s name. He hated that she spent time with him; he knew that he was her brother in law, but it didn’t mean he had to actually like the damn guy.

“I can help out, I’m not doing much.”

“Nate, I think that you helping would be a bad idea.”

“Why, you need someone to finish painting the room and to set up the furniture. I’m here, plus I want to be involved as much as you will let me, Sky.”

“Ok, but I’m sure you will regret offering. I’ll show you now, what needs to be done.”

He inclined his head in the direction of the hall and then followed her out of the kitchen. He tried really hard not to stare at her ass, failing miserably. His eyes were glued there, her hips moving from side to side as she walked, and he held in his groan as she rounded the corner and stopped in front of the spare room.

Every ounce of blood drained from his head and went south; he could not help the visions of her under him.
Damn, I have to get this shit under control.
He tried his best to adjust himself without her knowing by walking into the room, not facing her.

“Are you alright, Nate?”

“Peachy, so what do you want done in here?”

She walked over to the closet and opened it, showing him everything that was in it. “There is only one wall left needing a base coat, and once that is done, I have paint in here for the feature wall. Then, the furniture that is out in the garage needs to be put together.”

“Ok, sure, I can do all that. When do you want it done by?” 

Skylar stepped up to him and touched his arm as she spoke. “Nate, you seem agitated, are you sure you want to do this? I can still get Clint to do it.”

“No, I offered to do this, Sky. And I’m fine.” He brushed past her and stopped at the door. He needed to get away from her, any longer around her and he’d have her naked and in bed, where he wanted her most.

“Did I do or say something wrong?” she whispered.

“You haven’t done anything wrong, baby. It’s what I
you to do, but I know isn’t going to happen.” He shrugged his shoulders, and then walked out towards the laundry, ready to retrieve his clothes.
Maybe this wasn’t the best idea, after all

“What do you want me to do?”

Slapping his hand over his face, exasperated, he really had not expected her to ask just exactly that. He leaned down, pulled out his clothes and turned, facing her. He heard her gasp as he dropped his towel. Once he had his jeans on, he zipped them up slowly over his cock, leaving the button undone.

He lifted the shirt over his head. Avoiding her questioning gaze, he knew he could not answer what she had asked. “I need to go.”

Skylar moved as quickly as she could and stopped in front of him at the door, keeping him from leaving. “What do you want me to do, Nate?” she asked again.

“Answer a question for me first.”


“Have you slept with anyone, since we broke up?” He needed to know. It didn’t matter to him, though he’d be pissed about it, but he wanted to know if she had.

“No, I haven’t been with anyone since you,” she admitted.

“Good. I’ll tell you now since I can see it playing on your mind. You are the only one I have slept with, and before you say anything, the girl in my house is my sister in law, Jasmine. She and her boys are staying with me until my brother gets back from a trip. She doesn’t like staying home when he isn’t there. Even though he has it wired up with enough security in it, I’m surprised he knows what everything is. And the only time I was with someone was at Christmas, and I’m so sorry for what I did then. What we have between us, I want all of it, nothing less.” He moved forward and stood in front of her, and lifted his hand to her cheek, “I want you, Sky. I have always wanted you. Never stopped wanting you. You are all I think about. I can’t get anything done; all my thoughts are of you, and only you. I want this to work between us. I can’t deal with you being with someone else. Just that thought alone kills me inside.”

“I really want that too, with you, but it’s hard knowing what you have done to me. I know I’m not perfect, but it hurts seeing you with someone else, too. I’m really trying to trust you, I am.”

“I know you are, darling, and I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through, but I promise you, everything I do from now on, is only for you. I have been aching for you for so long. I’m surprised I don’t have blue balls.” At that, they broke into a fit of laughter.

Nate captured her mouth with his and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him further into her, where they both wanted to be. His hand slid down and tugged at the towel till it dropped to the ground. “God, you are beautiful, baby.”

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