Sweet Surrender (43 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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Dominic was different to any man she had ever known. Although he frustrated her to no end, she loved everything about him more. The way he cared about a person, he would drop anything just to help them out. It amazed her sometimes the things he would do for someone, things that not everyone would.

Shaking thoughts from the past out of her head, she answered him, “I was thinking that you must be hungry, since you haven’t eaten since you have been here,” she said with another giggle.

“Hungry indeed!” he responded as he moved his head back down to her hot, wet pussy. His tongue probed her labia, and drew it up over her clit sending chills up and down her spine. Her legs automatically fell even further apart as he continued to lick and gently suck on her firm clit. He brought his hand up and slid his finger into her as the pressure continued to build. Her hands moved to his soft dark hair as he rapidly licked her clit, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy and sending her hurtling into the surging tides of her orgasm. As she came, she could feel the muscles of her pussy grasping rhythmically onto his fingers, as if to hold onto them there forever.

As the spasms subsided she felt him draw his body up the length of her, felt the soft wetness of his lips on hers, and tasted herself on his tongue. He slid his hard, beautiful cock into her pussy with one silken thrust, and her legs went up to encircle his hips, holding him close, loving the feel of him so deep within her. They lay still for a moment, unmoving, just feeling each other, and then he started his thrusts, slowly at first and then gathering speed as he rammed his gorgeous cock into her. She could feel another orgasm building already and then felt him tense as they both reached their peaks, and then his cum poured into her. His head was thrown back, eyes closed, and he let forth a little moan as he climaxed, and then relaxed his body over hers, nuzzling her neck with his lips.

“I love you, Chantal.” She heard him murmur against her neck.
Well, damn
. She so was not expecting him to say that to her. She honestly thought she would have been the first to say it, and that he would have no reply. But as they lay there, she was shocked at the words that came out of his mouth, that he moved slightly above her, staring down into her eyes, waiting for something from her.

She had waited years to hear those words come out of his mouth and now that he had finally said them, and by the look in his eyes he meant them, she pulled him even closer, closing her eyes as her lips moved against his hair. “I love you too, Dominic.” She had never said the words to him, but was so close to letting it slip out on several occasions. She did not want to feel like a fool if he never returned the same feelings. The intensity of the emotion was almost overwhelming as she felt tears spring from her eyes. “I don’t want you to leave,” she cried.

“I need to baby, it’s for work. Let’s just try putting it out of our minds for a while and enjoy the rest of the day, ok?” They stayed there, holding each other on the bed for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts, not wanting to acknowledge the pain that she knew she would feel tomorrow when he had to leave.

They ended up deciding on getting dressed and enjoying the rest of the day. They got out of bed, made coffee and began to get ready for the park as he suggested. They had decided that since he was leaving tomorrow, today was their time alone, together, no interruptions whatsoever.

Chapter 40


om had decided on a zoo close by. The gardens surrounding it were beautiful and so were the hiking trails. He had also planned a stroll through the area. They showered together, washing each other’s bodies with loving tenderness. She had picked a black, knitted sundress that hung about mid-thigh, was sleeveless and very comfortable. It was one of her favourites. Dom wore low ridding jeans and a tight white shirt, showing off his muscly frame. He looked sexy, all rugged. She loved everything about him, and was determined to enjoy every minute with him, until he left.

He stopped off at his truck, pulling something out of his bag. She noticed another leather bag sitting there on the backseat, and she couldn’t help but ask, “What is in the extra bag?”

She noticed a long object pushing against the bag. She turned towards him as he laughed. “That is my toy bag. Now come on, let’s get going.”

She was very curious and wanted to know exactly what was in the bag now. With what they had done together so far, she wanted more of it; she just didn’t know how to tell him. As if right on cue, his stomach rumbled, overruling her curiosity, and they left to grab breakfast.

After they had eaten their breakfast, he had driven them to the zoo. It was so beautiful. The lush green lawns and the gorgeous gardens with winding paths were visible from the parking area, as they left hand in hand and strolled towards the zoo. She loved animals. Even though the cages made her sad, the zoo had large habitats for their captive beauties, and she was excited to see them all.

They walked along, enjoying the antics of the animals, stopping to laugh at certain displays. Every time they stopped, his arm went around her waist or rested on her ass and the sensations of his hands on her, as always, sent chills down her spine. He occasionally kissed her neck or her lips, and she was beginning to get very turned on with his nearness. He had always elicited these feeling in her—the subtle building of pressure in her abdomen, and the throbbing between her legs. Finishing their walk through the zoo, they decided to stroll through the winding paths of the gardens. The walkway was paved and there were many forks off the main trail with a little cul-de-sac for private rest stops with benches, surrounded by breathtaking flowers and shrubs. The lilacs were in full bloom and they were her favourite, with the soft, sweet scent of their blossoms hanging in the air.

As they strolled for a while, talking about everything they could in general, they spotted one of the little trails leading off the main walkway. She could smell the lilac scent and wandered down the woodchip trail that veered away from the paved main area. As they headed down the trail, they were pleasantly surprised to find a small circular space with a bench in the centre. The entire area was surrounded by huge lilac bushes; their branches heavily laden with fragrant blossoms from dark purple, to paler lavender and white.

It was beautiful and very secluded from the rest of the park. They could hear distant voices, but no one was nearby and Dom took her into his arms and kissed her fully on the mouth. She loved the feel of his lips on hers, as her hands went up into his hair, loving the familiar feeling of its texture on her fingers. She could feel him growing hard between them, and he pressed his erection against her, sending that delicious sensation between her legs. Standing behind the bench seat, his hands slid down her bare arms and turned her to face the back of the bench as he stood behind her, kissing her neck. She felt his hands glide down her sides and reach for the skirt of her dress. Lifting it up her thighs very slowly, he ran his hands up the sides of her hips.

He reached up and gently tipped her forward over the seat. Her hands automatically reached out for the edge for support as he raised her dress completely up her waist, exposing her bare ass to his view. His hands massaged her ass and she heard him moan softly, saying, “Jesus, Chantal, you have the sexiest ass, baby. It’s perfect for spanking, so soft and round. Just perfect.” His voice had gone low and husky, that alone made her pulse race, and she felt the dampness of her arousal between her legs. He continued to rub his hands all over her ass. She raised her hips to meet him, begging for...she didn’t know what. Yes, she did know, she just didn’t know how to ask for it.

The throbbing in her pussy was almost unbearable as he kept sliding his hands over her bare skin, all she could manage to say was, “Sir....”

“You want it, don’t you? You want me to spank this beautiful ass with my hands and feel the sting of it, don’t you?” he responded.

She was so excited she could barely be still, and she knew if he reached around and touched her clit she would explode in his hands. She had not been sure how she would react to being struck, but now she was sure. She wanted it, badly!

“Yes, Sir, please....” Her voice was soft and quiet, and she was embarrassed to confess her need to him, but he understood, it was his nature to understand her.

Pulling his hands away, he let her dress slide down into place as she stood up, and he turned her to him, bringing her into his arms, holding her close. “Not here. Let’s get out of here. I will show you what I have in my bag,” he said as he took her hand and led her back to the main path. They found his truck with ease and drove back towards her house in an easy silence. She was very excited at the prospect of what was to come.

He parked his truck in her driveway. He reached for his bag from the back and followed her to the front door. As she was unlocking her door, his hand rubbed over her bare ass under her dress. She wanted him to fuck her then and there. She did not want to wait. But his resolve was greater than hers. He understood the waiting was part of the dance, and he was now making her wait so deliciously.

He paused at the entrance. “Chantal, I want you to be very sure this is what you really want. And, I want you to trust me and know that I would never do anything to harm you.”

She felt calm, and knew it was what she wanted. She had wanted this moment for a long time, and wasn’t going to pass it up. She confidently answered, “Yes Sir, it is what I want, and I do trust you....with my life.” 

He nodded, and she followed him towards her room. Standing there, unsure of what to say or do, she watched as he turned on the lamp beside her bed, casting a soft, yellow glow over the dim room. He came to stand in front of her, and slowly reached his hands up to her shoulders, pulling the straps of her sundress down her arms. The dress slid easily down her body and fell in a heap at her feet. Stepping out of the backless sandals and out of the dress, she stood naked before him, still unsure as to what to say or do. His eyes met hers. "Undress me, Chantal," he instructed.

Reaching her hands to his shirt, she pulled it off his body. She unbuckled his boots and took them off his feet. Then, she undid his jeans and slid them down his legs, assisting him in stepping out of them. As she was still kneeling at his feet, she slowly lifted her head, and was at eye level with the object of her adoration—his cock. She so badly wanted to touch it, to take it into her mouth and worship it, but she knew she needed his permission to proceed. She raised her head further to look into his face with a questioning look in her eyes. He shook his head. “Stand.”

As she stood, facing him, both of them naked, she looked up into his eyes. "Ask me," he said

"Please Sir, may I touch you?"

He gave her a nod, and she raised her hands to his broad shoulders, letting them trail down his chest, feeling the soft hairs that grew there, and the firmness of his nipples. As she was about to slide them down over his abdomen, she felt him grasp her wrists firmly. Startling her, he raised her wrists between them. She didn't know what to expect, as she felt the firm grip of his hands on her wrists. He pulled her left wrist to his mouth, and placed it against his lips, feeling the racing pulse. "Your heart beats fast. You are mine now, you know that, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, I am yours," she replied.

"You are mine to do with as I choose, to use whenever and wherever I want." His voice was deep and low and his gaze never wavered from hers.

"You will never turn me away, or tell me no." It was a statement of fact; he continued to look directly into her eyes as he talked.

"I will never turn you away," she agreed. It was all she could do to form words and make them come out as actual sounds. It felt as if this moment was a promise they were making to each other; a promise like none other she would ever made, even standing in a church with several hundred onlookers. She was sinking into that space in her mind where there was only him, only her...only them.

The world melted away and there was only this moment. This brief lapse in time that
had created...for them, and her mind was lost in the possibility of it.

"And, I will love you, protect you, and honour you as my most precious possession. And, in return, you will honour me with the gift of your submission," he said.

"Yes, I will," she answered quietly, "I will honour you always, I am yours."

"I have something for you." He stepped away to reach into his bag, returning with a long velvet box. “I got this knowing you were mine alone. It has been sitting in my beside table, waiting for the day I would give it to you.” He opened the box, pulling out a braided gold chain with a small pendant in the centre. She looked closely at the pendant, and saw that it was an engraving of a single rose with a thorny vine climbing its stem and encircling its soft petals. He fastened the heavy gold chain around her neck and reached down to encircle her waist with his arms, pulling her to him as she heard him murmur in her hair, "You will wear this always; it is my gift to you. I love you, Chantal. You are mine.” They were bonded like no wedding ceremony, no marriage certificate, no priest could ever do. They were bonded with the words of their hearts, and that was enough.

He led her to the bed, gently laid her down on the soft comforter, and bent his body to join her, pulling her tightly into his arms. She felt safe, protected, and she was now ready to expand their relationship to new limits.

"Dominic," she whispered to him, "I want to know what's in your bag. I want to feel the sting on my body. I don't understand this need in me, but it is there, and I want to release it...please?"

"I recognized this in you a long time ago, but I had planned on waiting a bit longer to explore it, this is all so new to you...." His words trailed off, and she sensed his hesitation.

"I know it is too soon, but I can't help it. The need is there, and I want you to. I trust you, Sir."

"All right, Chantal, you remember your safe word?”

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