Read Take it Deep (Take 2) Online

Authors: Jaimie Roberts

Take it Deep (Take 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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Without warning he enters me, taking my breath away.

“Fuck, Ana, I’ve missed this.”

We hold each other’s gaze as both of us take time out for a moment to get used to the sweet torture of his cock inside me.

He moves and I throw my head back at how exquisite the feeling is.  I had been denying my body for far too long and it was getting vengeance on me, big time.

“Ana, look at me,” he strained.

I pull my head back to look him in the eyes and we’re locked again, burying ourselves deep in each other’s souls.  He’s moving inside me and I pull my legs at his waist pushing him deeper and deeper.  He pulls my top up with his hand and yanks my bra down to free my breasts.  He grabs my nipple and squeezes.  I couldn’t help it; I moaned and threw my head back again. 

“Ana, look at me.”

I did as he commanded, the intensity of his stare bringing me closer and closer.  I don’t know what he was trying to find, but I was putty in his hands.

I moan again and this spurs him on faster.  I can feel myself climbing and my body goes rigid at the impending orgasm.

“Jake,” I cry, my mouth open, gripped from the explosion about to take over.  He can feel I’m about detonate around him so he places his hand over my mouth.  The restriction so erotic, it was the catalyst that sent me out of control.  I’m screaming into his palm as my pussy throbs and throbs around him, milking every part of his cock.  I bite into him and he grunts out pounding the last few thrusts into me before collapsing on my shoulder.

We stay like that a few more seconds, letting our breath catch up with us.  He reluctantly pulls his face from my shoulder to look at me.

“Ana, what’s going on?”

I suddenly f
elt claustrophobic and want to get the hell out before the confrontation gets too much.  I push him off me and bend down to collect my panties.

“Oh no, you’re not getting away from me that easily.”

He tugs at my arm and tries to pull me to him, when a sound of the door knocking, thankfully interrupts us.

“I wish people would just fuck off.”

I pull my arm away and smile, handing him the panties.  “You can keep these by the way.”  I wink at him and head for the door. 

I pass James on the way out and he looks over at me appreciatively.  I
practically purr like a cat.  I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.

I rush to the toilet to clean myself up and by the time I reach Jessie at her desk, I practically yank her out of her chair.

“Come on, Jessie.  We have to go now.  I need ice cream.”

“Whoa, steady
, Missy.  You’re going to pull my arm off.”

The ice cream
parlor was only a couple of minutes away and I made it in record time.  I was just dying to get away from that station.  I was craving the ice cream so much; it was almost as forceful as wanting Jake.

“What can I get you?” a
young blonde girl with a high ponytail asked.

“Can I get a scoop of the banana, a scoop of the mint and a scoop of the chocolate chip with strawberry and chocolate sauce?”  She looked at me strange, but carried on with my request. 

Jessie nudged me.  “Would you care to explain why you just up and left, yanking me along with you?  Are you that desperate for ice cream?”

“I’ll tell you in a bit, just let me get my craving under control.  I feel like I’m a druggie, waiting for her dealer to provide me with my
next fix.”

The ponytail girl hands me a plate of what I ordered and I lick my lips.  “Do you have a piece of chocolate, maybe a Kit
Kat; you can stick in the middle for me?”

Jessie yanks my arm away and hauls me to a table.

“I think, you’ve ordered enough now,” she scolds.  “What are you, five?”

“You just wait until you’re pregnant and I try that one on you.”  I glare at her and she r

“So, what’s the matter?  Something’s obviously eating away at you.”

I look down to my plate.  “I made Jake have sex with me on his desk.”

The laughter that erupted from her gained the attention of everyone in the shop.

“Jessie, keep it down.”

“Sorry, M
issy.  That’s just priceless.  So, has it helped ease it for you a bit?”

“A little.
  Although eating this ice cream might set me off again.  I can’t seem to help it, Jessie.  I want sex all the fucking time.  It’s driving me crazy!”

I take a few bites of my ice cream and
savor the flavor.  God it was good.

just complied and let you walk out afterwards, without a what’s up?”

“He tried to ask, but luckily we were interrupted by James, so I rushed out, cleane
d myself up and grabbed you.”  I take a few more bites.  “You want some, it’s so good?”  She looks down at it in disgust.

“I think I’ll
pass, thanks.  So, what are you going to say when he asks, cos you know he’s gonna ask right?”

I knew it too, but I wanted to delay it as much as possible.

“I don’t know, Jessie.  I haven’t got that far yet.  Fuck me this is good stuff.”

The lady behind the counter pops a little Kit Kat in the ice cream for me and I look up beaming at her.  I was so engrossed in eating, that I didn’t even notice that Jake had been standing there the whole time.

“Oh shit,” I said. 

Jake’s eyes widened and I put my spoon down.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Jake said to the pon
ytail girl.  “Is there somewhere in this vicinity where myself and this lady could have some privacy to talk?”

She was practically pulling down her panties, the way she was looking at him.  I glanced towards Jessie and she rolled her eyes.  The thought of another woman leering at him made my head pulse with anger.

“Of course sir, if you go through this corridor here to your left, you will find a little office the first door to your right.”

She showed him all her perfect white teeth and I nearly growled at her.  She was certainly not shy in making her feelings known to him.

Jake grabs my arm and pulls me up.

“Come with me, we need to talk.  Jessie, will you be ok
ay for a few minutes?”

“No problems, I’ll pay for this ice cream and head on back.”

I smile at Jessie and then turn my attention to ponytail girl.  I narrowed my eyes at her and her face flushed as she retreated.

“Bitch,” I muttered under my breath.  Jake no
ticed shaking his head, but the desire to claim him was all too forceful now.  He pulled me towards the small office and shut the door.  I edged myself up against the wall for support.  I didn’t know how my legs could carry me at this point.

“Ana, are you going to explain to me what the hell is going on here?”

I couldn’t think of what to say and I wanted him so bad again it hurt.

“Kiss me,” I managed.

I couldn’t believe it when locked the door, walked towards me and leaned in.  I quickly stopped his lips with my finger.  “Not there, Jake.”

, Ana.  What the hell?”

I slide my skirt up seductively and he bends down complying
with my command.  I can’t believe he’s actually going along with this.

His face is inches away from my swollen
pussy and my body ignites with fire.  I wrap my right leg over his shoulder, willing his head between my thighs.  I knew it was going to be explosive.  Jake always knew what to do with that tongue of his.

He goes in for the kill gently teasing the tip of my clit.  I hiss and grab a handful of hair, closing my eyes in sweet su
rrender.  I ease my head back against the wall and will it to keep me up.

“I’ve missed your pussy so much
, Ana.  It tastes so good.”

His tongue is back on me, flicking my clit so seductively I almost come straight away.  He very slowly works his way around my folds and my body jerks in time with every torturous lick.

I cry out yanking at his hair with both hands—the heel of my shoe digging into his back—desperately trying to find the release I need so much.

I know I’m close. 
I can feel my body going rigid again.  His tongue is like magic, better than any ice cream flavor that stupid bitch out there could provide.  I know she gave me a chocolate, but she wants to take my man and I can’t have that.  My mind screams that he’s not mine, but my body fights back.  He is mine.  He’s always been mine. 

The thought had my mind spiralling, my body losing control.  I screamed out and yanked at his hair, exploding around that delicious tongue of his.  My heart was thudding so hard, you co
uld easily see it through my blouse.  My God, that was one of the most mind-blowing orgasms I had ever felt.

I release my grip of his hair and pull my skirt down.  Jake rises from his position and smiles at me
with his hair all dishevelled.  I couldn’t help but smile back, and then I started laughing.

He is laughing along with me until I straighten myself up and move for the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

He yanks at my arm and pulls me over to the desk.  He faces me away from him and pushes me over
the table.  I hear the sound of him unzipping his trousers as I grip my fingernails into the desk—adrenaline spiking at what I’m about to receive.  He hitches my skirt up and forcefully enters me from behind.  Oh God, can this get any better?  I cry out again and he grips my hips with such force I nearly climax again.  He thrusts hard, so hard I can feel his balls slapping against my legs.  He’s grunting like a wild animal and the forcefulness sets my body alight.

He leans over and grips my nipples with his fi
ngers making my pulse react to his beautiful touch.  He moves his hands over my shoulders and uses them as a grip so he can thrust harder into me.  I know he is close and I know I’m not that far behind.

“Ana,” he cries gripping my hips.

He feels so deep that the climax that builds is like nothing else.  I’m not sure whether it’s still the same orgasm flowing through me or another one entirely.

“Ana, fuck you feel so good,” he bellows.

That was it; I lost control screaming his name.  My head was spinning and my body convulsing with such intensity that it sets Jake off thrusting his beautiful come inside me.

I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.  I’ve had another taster of what it’s like to have Jake whenever I want and that feeling is not going to go away that easily.

I look down at the paperwork on the desk and close my eyes, tightly.  Jake withdraws and I wince at the sudden loss.

“Are you ok
ay?” Jake asks.

I push myself up and pull my skirt back down, adjusting my hair.  He’s in the middle of pulling his trousers up
, so I take the opportunity.

“I’m fine,” I sa
y with a wicked smile. “Thank you for that.”  And boy, did I mean it.

I move toward the door and turn around winking at him.  He’s frantically trying to pull his trousers up as I reach for the door and turn the handle.  He’s barely got his button back on when I’m already out the door.  I hear him shout my name and I can’t help but smile.  He’s really going to hate me now and the thought has me feeling horny again.  Maybe we can just hate each other a
nd have lots of fantastic sex, that could work.

With my mind delusional, I head for the door, but not before turning my head to ponytail girl and giving her an e
vil smile.  A smile that said, “Yeah, that’s right.  I’ve just had a bloody good rogering and you ain’t getting none of it.” 

The thought had me laughing all the way back to work.


I dutifully
get back to the office smiling from ear to ear.  I was satisfied that I had both my ice cream fix and my Jake fix.  It was a pity they weren’t together—but hey, who am I to complain?  Jessie tugs at my arm, and I’m about to turn my head to her when I see Jake walk through the door.  My heart drums in the anticipation that he’s going to be pissed and demand I see him in the office.  I should be frightened, but I’ll probably only grab him and force him to have sex with me again anyway, so I didn’t much care. In my disbelief, his lip just curled up to one side, that sexy way he knew how, and he shook his head at me.  He didn’t even bother to try and talk to me; he just waltzed back into his office.  I was relieved but a little disappointed, I must admit.

“Are you going to tell
me what happened back there?” Jessie asked, tapping her pen.

“I don’t think you really want to know
, Jessie,” I say cheekily.

She smiles back replying, “Well at least it’s bought a smile back on your face.  You’ve been a right bitch these last few days
, you know that?”

I was shocked.  I didn’t think I’d been that bad. 
“Sorry, Jessie.  I didn’t know.”

She shrugs her shoulders.  “It’s ok
ay, I understand why you’re like the way you are, but if it’s obvious to me, it’s going to become obvious to other people—if you know what I mean?”

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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