Take it Deep (Take 2) (21 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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Chapter 20


The next four weeks for me were agonizing.  Jake kept his distance and I didn’t know whether it was because he was giving me the space I spoke to Matthew about, or whether he hated me.  I kept hanging on to the fact he hated me as that’s the pessimistic person I am.  It was still damn right torture, no matter what.

It was Thursday night and I was getting ready for a night out of Jessie and Mandy.  It had been a while since I went ou
t anywhere considering I was moping about the apartment every time I was at home.  Jessie insisted on it in the end and Jessie was a very persuasive girl.  We went to a bar near her apartment and we all got rather drunk.  I don’t know how we all managed to get home after, but we did.

The next day I felt awful.  I had t
o run to the toilet and be sick I felt so bad.  It’s never a good idea to get drunk during the working week, so I chastised myself and forced my body to get ready for work as punishment.

At work, the sickness continued.  It was that bad I had to admit defeat and go home early.  All I wanted was my bed.

I drove home after making my excuses at work and practically threw myself on the mattress.  The minute I did, the phone rang and I started cursing.  I dragged myself to the phone, grunting my displeasure to whoever was at the other end.

“Well, that’s not a very polite reception for your stepfather now is it sweet
, Ana?”

Fear gripped me more than anything.  How on earth he got Jessie’s number is beyond me.  I thought he had given up and fucked off.  I had hoped he had anyway.

“Why can’t you just leave me the hell alone, you sick piece of shit?”

He gasped, “Quite the feisty
one, aren’t we?  What a change from when you were a little girl.  I might actually enjoy the fight with you—if you actually chose it that way.  I just want to get in-between those silky thighs of yours, Ana.  You’ve left me waiting long enough, so I’ll have to force the issue.  Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll enjoy every minute of it.  You had your chance before and you slipped away.  Such a terrible shame, but it will only make our next encounter all the more enjoyable.”

The sickness rose again, but I knew I couldn’t back down.  I had to keep him talking in the hope
that work could track him down and finally get this asshole.

“Why is it so important to you to pursue me?  It’s been ten years
, Alan.”  He started laughing and it was like something out of a horror movie.

“I ask myself the same question at times
, Ana.  I don’t know why.  It’s fun.  You always used to tease me with those big breasts and fine ass of yours.  Even at your young age, you had the body of a woman.  It was very hard to resist.  I just want it, Ana and I won’t stop until I get it.  I’ll be seeing you soon, very soon in fact.  I can’t wait to get my dick in you.”

He hung up and I went flying up in the air from my seat in a panic.  The phone rang again and I didn’t know whether to pick it up just in case it was
him trying to torture me once more.  I had to though, I had no other choice.  I carefully picked it up.

” a voice screamed at me.

“Terry, is that you?”  Terry was one of the dispatchers at work and I didn’t like the tone in his voice.

“We’re sending someone down to you now.  We managed to get a GPS location and it’s to Sunnyside Apartments.  I think you need to get out.  We just had a phone call from the Maintenance guy there.  He said that someone had broken into their offices and a taken a set of keys.  The keys to Jessie’s apartment.”

I dropped the phone and I could hear Terry screaming my name.  Time just seemed to stand still.  I suddenly knew he was here, hiding
somewhere and the fear was thundering through my ears.  I wondered whether to run, just rush to the door and get the hell out.  But then something in me snapped.  I wanted to get the fucker once and for all.  He was the basis of my nightmares and has been for the last ten years.  He had to be stopped.  There was only one way to do it.

I raced to my bedroom to get my gun, but he was on me
before I could react.  A hand gripped around my mouth and I froze instantly feeling the contours of his body on the back of mine.  He was aroused already, I could tell.  The thought made the sickness rise again.  I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck as he traced his hand up to my breasts, fondling them.

“Oh G
od, Ana, I’ve missed this body.  I used to love playing with your breasts.  They’re even bigger than I remember.  I’ve been dreaming about touching you like this for years, and now finally, I can take you.  Don’t scream, you will only make this harder on yourself.”

He spins me around and tries to kiss me but I push him away.  He slaps me hard across the face, forcing me onto my bed.  I look up at him
, the evil smile stuck to his face.  He straddles himself on top of me and pins my wrists to the bed.

“Are you going to fight me
, Ana?  Do you know how much this is turning me on?  You will feel my cock now, I guarantee you that.  It’s just aching to get inside you.”

That was it
, I had to get away, I couldn’t let him win, not after all this time.  A rush of adrenaline was all it took.  I found an opportunity and kneed him with all my might right between his legs.  He got off me clutching to his dick in agony.

” he shouts, as I get up and grasp my hands together giving him an almighty thump on his back.  He staggered a little, bumping into my nightstand causing my lady figurine to slip and fall to the floor.  I gasp in shock as I watch it break into three different pieces.  Now I was really pissed.  He went down and I kicked him hard.  I took that as my opportunity to grab the gun, fumbling my hand into the drawer.  Suddenly having it clutched in my palms I felt safer.

“You broke my birthday present
, asshole.  That was one of my favorite presents.”

Alan looked
up at me as the laughter erupted from his mouth.  He straightens himself up and I motion for him to move away from my bed and closer to the door, so I can keep an eye on him.  I know the police will turn up here soon.  It’s just a matter of waiting.

“I underestimated you
, Ana.  Not the scared child anymore I see.  I thought you always hated guns?”

“I did, but then a monster made me see sense.  You’re not going to get to me anymore
, Alan.  I’m not going to let you.  The police will be here shortly and they will take you away and lock you up in a place where you belong.”

He starts laughing again.  “Yes, but I will be
out eventually and I promise you, I will hunt you down.  I’ve waited ten years, another few won’t mean that much to me.”

It was then I kn
ew he had to die.  I couldn’t just shoot him—I could never live with myself after that, even though I knew he deserved it.  I had to try a new tactic.  I started unbuttoning my blouse and he looked at me in shock.  His face changed quickly as he smiled raising his eyebrow.  He had aged quite a bit in these last ten years. His brown hair had started graying and he was growing a mustache—which didn’t help his aging.

“I know what you’re doing
, Ana.  I’m not stupid.”

“I don’t really think your limp dick could get it up anyway
, Alan, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.  Come on, you know you want it.  You’ve waited so long, what’s stopping you now?  Or does your tiny wiener find it hard to come out to play?”  I open my blouse slightly and trail my hand over my breast.

His face goes a scarlet red as the anger surfaces.  I
was in control and I loved it.  Finally I had the fucker by the balls.  I had to keep going.

“You know, I doubt very much you would have made much of an impression on me.  I might not have felt you at all.  I would probably just lie there trying to decide what pain
t I should use on my ceiling, it would be so boring.  I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself though, Alan.  Sometimes men don’t have what it takes.”

That was al
l it took, he lunged for me.  I wasted no time getting a couple of rounds in him before he slunk to the floor in a heap.  The door to Jessie’s apartment was busted in and a figure stood in the door staring.  I was in so much shock my brain didn’t register anything about what was happening straight away.  I pulled the gun up, pointing it in the direction of the door.

“Ana, it’s me, you’re ok
ay.  It’s Jake.  Baby, put the gun down, it’s over.  He can’t hurt you anymore.”

I dropped the gun to the floor and fell down with it.  Jake quickly rushes over to me and wra
ps his protective arms around my shoulders.  A few uniformed officers come in the door and one of them checks his pulse.  He looks at Jake and shakes his head.  That was the confirmation we needed.  He was dead.  Right now I couldn’t think of what else to say.

“Jake, I’m so sorry, so sorry,
so sorry.”

“Shh, Ana
, it’s okay.  You have nothing to be sorry for.”

I sobbed into his shoulder.  “I left you alone, I’m so sorry.”

“Ana, please don’t do this to yourself.  You wanted time, I’m giving you time.  I’ll take whatever I can get.  Don’t be hard on yourself.  I still love you.”

He takes my face into his hands and studies me.  “Are you ok
ay?  Did he hurt you?”

“He slapped me across the face but that’s as far as I let him go.  I kicked him in the balls.  I
’ve wanted to do that for the last ten years.” 

The thought brought me to the situation in the r
oom.  Alan was being wheeled out dead in a body bag, and I killed him.  The nausea erupted and before I knew it, I was racing to the bathroom to be sick. 

Jake stood vigil taking care of me and getting some water from the fridge.  I still felt rotten, but I was glad Alan wasn’t here to hurt me anymore.  I will have to live with his death,
but I kept telling myself that he can’t hurt me or any other poor girls he decides to unleash his evil on.  Finally I can get on with my life.

An Officer Collins took my statement and gave me a pat on the shoulder
, telling me well done for getting the son of a bitch.  I had to smile at that even though I was still in shock.

The scene was cleared up pretty quickly and Jessie was home before I knew
it—by my side.

Jake stayed and held me as long as I wanted him there.  I asked i
f he could stay, just until I fell asleep and he agreed without hesitation.  He held me for hours, trying to soothe me after such an awful day.  I was giving in to Jake.  My heart, mind and soul knew it.  We had to have that conversation, but tonight wasn’t going to be the right time for it.  I would go to him tomorrow, tell him that I love him and want nothing more than to be with him again.  With my mind set, snuggled nicely in Jake’s arms, I was soon blissfully off to sleep.


Chapter 21


I woke up feeling my bed, but Jake wasn’t in it.  Maybe he had somewhere to go or he was giving me the space I needed.  I placed my hand on the pillow next to me and felt a piece of paper.

‘I didn’t want to leave you, but I had to go.  I’m giving you the space.  If you need me, I’m only a phone call
away.  I’ll waste no time coming back to you.  I promise. xx’

My heart did a double flip and the butterflies started.  I felt nauseous again and I didn’t know whether it was to do with the drink still
, or the terrible events that took place yesterday.  I hear Jessie up so I decide to let her know I’m in the land of the living.

When I get to the kitchen she beams her lovely big smile at me.  She’s cooking a big breakfast it would seem, bacon, eggs and waffles.  The smell of it hits me violently and before I know it I’m racing for the toilet again.  Man, what’s wrong with me lately?  The smell was awful to me and it didn’t make any sense.

“Ana, are you okay?”

I finish up as quickly as I can and open the door.  “I don’t know if that food you’re cooking is off, but it smells awful
, Jessie.”

She looked confused.  “It’s not my cooking
, Missy. You normally like my breakfasts.”

Something seems to flash across her face, some sort of recognition perhaps.  She sighs looking
at me like she’s the headmistress about to tell me off.

“Two weeks ago I had my period and you had yours the last time I had
mine.  Ana, did you get your period two weeks ago?”

kicks in big time.  I haven’t been taking my pills since my last period.  I came off them to let my period start, but because I was so caught up in everything going on around me, I forgot to start them back up again.  Oh double shit. 

She saw
my reaction and that was all it took.  She grabbed her keys and made her way to the door.  “Jessie, where are you going?” I ask.

“To the
drug store to get you a pregnancy test, Missy.  I’ll be back in five minutes.”

She was out the door and I danced around the apartment in
a panic.  I went to the kitchen to get some water and the smell just made me heave again.  Oh God, this is not a good sign.  I should be wallowing in all the shit I put up with yesterday, but that’s been completely taken over by this prospective baby news.  I had to hope and pray I wasn’t pregnant as Jake would never forgive me.  Shit, I was supposed to go round to him today and ask him to take me back.  Now where does this leave me?

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