Read Take it Deep (Take 2) Online

Authors: Jaimie Roberts

Take it Deep (Take 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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I grabbed his hand.  “Michael, liste
n to me.  If I hadn’t been so hung up on Jake, you would be my perfect catch and I truly mean that.  What woman wouldn’t want you?  You’re funny, kind, beautiful inside and out.  Any woman would be extremely lucky to have you.”

His face lit up, “Really?” 

I nodded, “Really, really.  Please don’t let what some snotty little teenage girl said to you get in the way of you finding your happiness.  You deserve to find it, Michael, and I really hope this Lisa treats you well, or she’ll have me to answer to.”  I gripped his hand tighter and took another sip of my drink. 

“You’re such a
brilliant person, Ana.  I feel the same about you.  Thank you.  That meant a lot to me.  I want you to find your happiness, too.  I’m thinking it is with Jake, but that’s none of my business.  I can’t tell you what you should be doing as far as that is concerned, it’s up to you, but I know he makes you happy.  I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.  It is sometimes rather hypnotizing to watch, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed it either.  The chemistry between you two is like nothing else I’ve ever seen before.” 

I was quite take
n aback by this.  People have noticed Jake and I, and the way we look at each other.  This was a first.  He spies my stunned expression and puts his hands up in surrender. 

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad or anything.  I’m just telling you the truth.” 

I wasn’t mad, I was shocked.  “It’s okay, Michael, I’m not mad, just a little surprised that’s all.  I didn’t realize people were talking about us like that.  Anyway, enough of that, I want to get back to Lisa.”

We talked for a little while about Lisa and it was nice to hear th
e smile in his voice.  She is 24 and in Advertising.  Her father is the owner of a car dealership, so I should imagine if it ever got down to the point of ‘meet the parents,’ they would get on like a house on fire. 

We were so engrossed in our conversation that I didn’t even
realize Jamal and Brian had walked in. 

, baby girl, you’re looking fine as usual.  No fleece pants today?” 

I start laughing, “No
, Jamal.  I have a short onesie for later to help me swing on that pole.”

I introduce them both to Michael and they stay a little while making small talk.  Michael and Brian struck up a conversation about computers
, so Jamal leaned in to talk to me.

“Do you want me to do your hair later?” 

I gasped, “Hell yeah, would you?” 

He nods, “Of course, you’re my baby girl, anything for you.  We’re in room 6116, once you’ve washed
your hair, call me and I’ll come help you out.  I have my curlers with me if you fancy that again?” 

I was
ecstatic; it meant I didn’t have to deal with my hair all on my own.  I know it sounds lazy, but other people always manage to get your hair looking better than you ever could yourself.  It’s a natural talent for hairdressers.


After making my excuses to leave I unpack my swimsuit grateful that I packed it just in case, and headed for the pool.  Mr Sex on Legs wasn’t there and neither was anyone else, so it was nice to get an hour’s swim to myself.  I make my way up to my room feeling refreshed, and set about getting a shower. 

My first thought
was how hungry I felt and didn’t know whether food was on the agenda later.  I decided in the end to order room service.  It’s amazing just how hungry you become after a hundred lengths in a pool.  I ordered a BLT and fries and sat for a while watching the TV until it arrived.  It was the best BLT I’ve ever had and the fries were out of this world.  I very quickly relished it—so much in fact that I gave myself hiccups.  At least my stomach was ready to soak up the alcohol later. 

I placed the tray outside my door and headed for the shower.  It
was one of those walk-in ones with a big huge shower head hanging high above me.  It felt glorious when it fell on my skin.  I went to work shampooing my hair and getting all the chlorine out, then I set about washing the rest of my body.  I wrapped the lovely towel dressing gown hanging on the door around me and stepped out.  I felt so much better. 

After drying myself off
, I went to my wardrobe and pulled out the onesie I bought.  It was actually a short suit.  It was nearly black with buttons going all up the front of it.  I stepped in and pulled it around each arm.  The shorts were a little short for me, but sexy.  I liked it.  What topped it off were the red shoes, but did I really want to wear them after knowing what happened the last time I did?  That memory seemed so far away now of Jake between my legs pounding into me—making me come so violently my legs shook for ages after—that I wondered.  I kept them on anyway whilst getting ready, as they made me feel sexy. 

I called room 6116 and Jamal answered straight away. 

“You ready
, baby girl?” 

I smiled, “Yes please, Jamal.  I’m in room 7117, so practically above you.”  He told me he’d be there in five minutes and I waited patiently for him to arrive.  When he did knock on the door and I answered, he practically squealed all the way down the hall. 

“Damn girl, look at you.  Those shoes are divine.” 

I couldn’t help the laughter that left my lips.  “Thanks, Jamal, you’re looking good yourself.”  And he did look good.  Jamal had the most perfect milk chocolate skin you had ever seen.  He had the most beautiful sculptured face and legs that went on forever.  He was wearing some loose designer jeans that hung perfectly on his hips, with a red and white shirt.  He looked amazing in something so simple it made me sick. 

“I’m not sure whether to wear them or not
to be honest.”  He closes the door behind him looking confused. 

“And why the hell not?”

I start blushing, “I wore these once with Jake
—if you know what I mean.”  His face said it all and I knew instantly he was on the same page as me. 

“Is he still sending you flowers?” 

I nod, “Everyday.”  I sit myself down in front of the dresser and Jamal places his bag on the bed. 

“Baby girl, you’re never going to feel better again unless you let your heart find the happiness it deserves.  He obviously loves you very much and it is plain to see the feeling is mutual.  I know what he did to you was unforgivable in your eyes
, but I think you two were meant to be.  I know sometimes when you used to visit me and you were with him.  The way he looked at you, he was like a man possessed.  I knew he was in love, but of course I couldn’t say anything back then.” 

I suddenl
y felt like everybody knew about us before we even did.  And what is it about us and the way we look at one another that gets people guessing? 

“Come on, let’s not get sad, tonight is your special night and we’re gonna rock this joint.”

He does a little swig of his hips and I couldn’t help but laugh.  He turns the radio on to start some music and soon we are singing along to “Miss Independent” by Ne-Yo, whilst Jamal gets to work on my hair. 

It was 7:30pm by the time he was finished and a frantic Jessie
is knocking on my door.  She comes in looking gorgeous as always with a dark green dress on, and we’re like three squealing school girls.  She hands me a pink glittery banner with the words, ‘Birthday Girl,’ written on it. 

“You have to wear this tonight, it’s the rules.” 

I pull the banner over my head and look in the mirror.  “Wow, Miss Virginia, what do you want most in this world?” Jamal joked.

I smile sweetly and replied
, “World peace,” and giggled. 

We’re all laughing so hard I was surprised no one came knocking on our door to ask us to keep it down. 

We had a couple of drinks from the mini bar and then decided it was time to leave.


Chapter 16


It was an amazing sight when I walked into that room.  There were lots of people there already cheering and wishing me a happy birthday.  The room was dimly lit, with only subtle lighting on the stage, and two big poles greeted me on one side.  There were two scantily dressed girls draped over them swinging.  When they saw me they smiled and I beamed back at them.

“Jessie, this is awesome.  T
hank you.”  She gave me a big hug and told me I deserved it.  I started to get a bit teary and she scolded me for trying to ruin our makeup. 

“Jamal, you’ve done a fantastic job on her hair.  Those curls look gorgeous.” 

Jamal smiled.  “I could have done yours Jessie, anytime.” 

The music became louder and everyone started jumping and shouting.  The atmosphere was electric. 
Mandy came over giving me a big hug, and she told me I looked fabulous.  I noticed most of the men were too mesmerized by the girls dancing away on the stage.  I couldn’t blame them.  They were fantastic.  It didn’t last long though as Tom noticed us and came dancing over.  He placed his hand on his heart. 

“Ladies, this is like the best present an
yone could have given me.  I don’t know what made you think of this, Ana, but it fucking rocks.” 

I start laughing, “Steady there
, Tom.  Don’t get over emotional.”  He edges in closer to us and we bend down to try and listen to what he has to say. 

“Do you fancy a threesome later?” 

Both Jessie and I hit him and he rubs both his shoulders.

“I take that as a no then?” 

We both say
“No” at the same time and start laughing. 

“Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying.” 

We take a seat at a table and a waitress comes over to us with a couple of buckets filled wi
th ice.  Next to it was what looked like very expensive champagne.  Jessie looks confused, so she obviously didn’t order this. 

“These are compliments
of, Mr Belatoni.  He said he wished Ana a very happy birthday, and he wishes that all her dreams come true.” 

I was shocked.  I looked up to the waitress and she w
as smiling at my obvious surprised expression. 

“No fucking way.  A
na, we need to talk, why is Mr Sex on Legs buying you champagne?”

I told her about what happened earlier in the pool area and she scowled at me. 

“Ana, you bitch, I hate you.” 

The waitress pours us and Tom a glass and then retreats back to the bar. 

“Whoever he is, he has great taste in champagne.  I think these are worth about $100 a bottle.” 

I stared at Tom, my mouth agape.  Jessie just narrowed her eyes
, but then smiled. 

“Well, here’s to Mr Sex o
n Legs.” 

She pulls her glass up in the air and I clink with her.  We both look at Tom and he shakes his head.

am not toasting to that, I don’t swing that way.  Are you sure I can’t convince you two?” 

both glare at Tom and shout “No” again and he just shrugs his shoulders and walks off. 

“Well, I think he’s finally given up on us now
.  Some other poor victim will have to deal with him.  Seriously though, Ana, he was fucking hot.” 

We clink glasses again and I take a sip.  The bubbles are going down a treat.

, beautiful.” 

We look up and find Jerry standing in all his glory smiling adoringly at Jessie.  She jumps out of her chair and moves in for a hug.

“Baby, I didn’t think you were coming.” 

He squeezes her in, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

She m
oves in for a kiss and I put two fingers in my mouth.  She noticed me and scolds me. 

“Ana, you know all you have to do is make one phone call and Jake would be here in no time at all giving you the action you so sorely need right now.  You’re like a walking hormone.” 

I gasped, “Jessie, that’s cruel.” 

“Cruel yes, but you know the saying don’t you
, Missy?  You have to be cruel to be kind.”

Jerry notices the champagne and looks at Jessie confused. 

“It’s from one of Ana’s admirers.  He’s some Italian rich guy staying the Presidential Suite.”  She looks at him and rolls his eyes. 

“Mr Belatoni. 
I would stay away from him if I were you.” 

We both looked at him in shock. 

“He’s on business here with the owner and is not a man to be messed with.  I’m serious, Ana, stay away from him.” 

My eyes bulged, but
I could tell he looked pretty concerned.  “It’s okay, Jerry.  I only had a very brief conversation with him earlier, that’s all.  I’m not getting married to the guy or anything, so don’t worry about it.  I doubt I’ll ever see him again anyway.” 

Satisfied there was nothing more to say, Jerry went back to smo
oching with Jessie when Michael comes over with who I can only assume was Lisa.  She looked really nice.  She has blonde hair like me, and deep blue eyes.  She was a couple of inches smaller and a little rounder than me, but she was pretty.  Very pretty. 

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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