Take it Deep (Take 2) (14 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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“I want you home with me where you belong.  I can keep you safe.” 

Those words are the only thing that pulls me from the hot, fiery situation we’ve so easily led ourselves into.  “Jake, no, I’m okay.  I have a gun in my room.” 

He looked at me in shock

“You have a what?” 

I didn’t like where this was going.  This was another reason why I couldn’t tell him. 

“I bought a gun, and
don’t worry, I did it legally.  I just thought it was about time I learnt how to defend myself.” 

He shakes his head, “Ana, you can be home with me and I can protect you.  I admire your spirit, but I want to be there for you and take down this little fucker if he ever dares get that close to you again.” 

I start laughing and the words are out quicker than I can stop it.  “My caveman.”  I quickly shut my mouth and throw my hand over it, willing the words to stop. 

Jake smiles, “So I’m still your caveman am I?” 

Oh shit, not now.  “No Jake, I just got lost in the moment, forgot where I was.”  I look over to him and his eyes look sad.  I didn’t want to hurt him, but I have. 

He swiftly changes the subject.  “Did Stella not know what was going on under her own roof all that time?” 

I shook my head, “No, she couldn’t have.  I wanted to tell her but I was too scared.” 

The anger wa
s back on his face.  “I wish I never met that woman now, but then to say that would mean I might never have met you.  You were the only good thing that came out of that whole mess.  You know that weekend away I planned to Williamsburg?” 

nodded; I never did understand why he wanted to take her there. 

“I was going t
o break things up with her.  I wanted to take her away from any distractions and have a good chat about how I felt, or didn’t feel.  I was actually glad she beat me to it and left herself anyway.  I knew it would possibly mean losing you, but I would have tried to convince you to stay.  I was planning on taking you out once we got back and asking you not to leave.  I couldn’t bear to be without you and now that you are gone, my heart understands why.  Please come back to me, Ana.  I swear I’ll take the rest of my life making up for the monumental fuck up I made—if that’s what it takes.” 

I shake my head as the tears threaten again.  “Jake, I can’t.” 

He sighs his obvious disappointment and starts the car. 

“We need to get back to work and report this.”  He puts the car in drive and we head
on back.


Along the way I tell him all about what had been happening the last few days with the birthday card and Agent Marcos coming over.  I didn’t like it, but I felt I had to tell him about Michael staying over as Alan knew, and I didn’t want Jake to find out that way.  He really wasn’t happy about that.  In fact the anguish on his face made the guilt ten times worse, but I was glad that I had told him in the end.  It would never have looked great finding out some other way that Michael had stayed.  It was purely because that asshole was back in my life and nothing else.  I told Jake as much, but he still didn’t look happy. 

I feel bad that you couldn’t have come to me with this.  It hurts to know Michael knew about this before me.” 

The pain stabbed at my heart and twisted.  I would never want to hurt Jake like this, no matter how angry I was at him for what he did.  I was trying to think of something to say to make it easier
, so I told him that it was harder for me to tell him as he was so important to me.  That what he felt about me mattered more than anything.  I didn’t want him to feel differently about me and I had to admit, I was ashamed of myself for what Alan had done.  I didn’t want what he did to ever change what we had together. 

“Ana, nothing in this world could change how I feel for you.  I understand your reaction as it is a very natural thing to feel and say, but it is definitely not the case.  You were a child
, Ana and that fucker abused your trust.  I swear to God if I ever see him I’ll break his goddamned neck.” 

His knuckles begin to turn white on the steering wheel again and I know he is trying ever so hard to control himself.  I understand his anger.  It is what anyone in th
eir right mind would feel knowing a child had been abused.  I’m not dumb enough to know that what he did to me was wrong and sick on all kinds of levels, but it happened and I can’t take that away. 

As we pull into the car park at work, I quickly
realise I’m going to have to go in there now and reveal the whole story to people I know.  The knowledge of this only made the whole situation ten times worse.


Once we’re in, Jake motions for me into his office and calls Michael.  We wait for a few minutes when Michael knocks on the door.  Jake shouts for him to come in and notices me straight away.  He frowns a little, unease written all over his face as he takes a seat. 

“Michael, I’ve called you in here because we have a situation
, and I’ve been told that you are aware of it.  Ana and I were just at lunch and afterwards a note was brought over to our table by a waitress.  He hands the note over to Michael and he looks at it shaking his head. 

“He called me.”  Jake snaps his head toward me. 


Yesterday at work.  He said some rather disgusting things, which I do not wish to repeat, but he knows where I am.  He mentioned seeing Michael and I leaving the apartment.”  Michael uncomfortably shifts in his seat and Jake looks none too pleased. 

, get a tap going on Jessie’s phone so that if he calls her at home, we can trace him.  Also, get a report of all the phone records to this station yesterday to see if we can get a trace from there.  Contact Agent Marcos to get any details he has sent over, and we will need to visit La Bistro restaurant in Reston to interview that waitress.  That needs to be done ASAP.  She saw the suspect and we need an up to date description of him.” 

Michael nods at Jake still looking uneasy.  “Ana, is there anything else?” 

I shake my head. 

“Michael, we’ll have to start an investigation on this but try and keep it quiet.  Only a few people really need to know
.  The rest can just be made aware that we have a wanted suspect in an assault case which happened twelve years ago.” 

He shoots up from his seat and tells Jake he’ll be right on it.  Once he’s out of the door
, Jake looks at me. 

“Are you ok

I was nervous.  I thought he may have been mad at me, but instead, he’s just being nice.  “I’m fine.  I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you soone
r.  I don’t want you to feel badly towards me because of it.” 

Sitting on his desk beside me he said,
“I could never feel that way about you and as I already told you, I completely understand why you did it.” 

I shake my head, “You’re making it impossible for me to hate you
, Jake Bennett.” 

“And you’re making it impossible for me not to throw you over my shoulder and take
you back home where you belong,” he huffs in frustration.

I get up smiling and walk to the door.  It’s not a good idea to let this situation go on any longer than necessary.  I know exactly what will happen, I’ll cave and I’m not about to give in that easily again.  I think back to the car where he kissed me and the fire starts again.  I must go, now.  I smile sweetly and turn the handle on the door.

, Mr Bennett, I suppose we both have our problems then don’t we?”  I head out the door closing it swiftly behind me.  I let out a deep breath.  Boy was that hard.

Jessie is eagerly awaiting my arrival when I get back to my desk.  She sees how upset I am and her smile turns into a frown.

“What’s up, Miss

I take a seat and tell Jessie all about what happened at lunch.  In the middle of telling her I notice Michael and Jake leaving.  I know exactly where they’re going and for some reason all I am feeling is jealousy.  I should be scared
, but the thought of Jake going back to that restaurant and interviewing the leech is only making my blood boil.  Jessie notices my change in features straight away. 

“You look pissed.  I don’t blame you.  The little fucker needs to be taught a lesson.” 

I shake my head and laugh, “You know I wasn’t even thinking about him then.” 

She frowns at me so I explain.  “I’m getting jealous of Jake going back to the restaurant and interviewing that waitress.  She was practically drooling on the table at him.  I’m pretty sure she read that
note and thought that he and I were—” 

“Not together?”
she interrupted. 

She raises her eyebrow at me and I immediately know what her intentions were.
  She is right of course, but it pissed me off. 

ay smart-arse; I’m getting back to work.  I’ve had enough of this conversation and I still have tons to do.” 

I turn away
to look at my computer, but that still doesn’t stop Jessie from talking to the back of my head. 

“I get it. 
You don’t like what I said, but you know it’s true.  You and Jake aren’t together, so if he wants to ask that waitress out, he has every right to.” 

I got pretty mad then.
  “Jessie, how can you say that?  He’s—” 

“What?”  She interrupted
again, “Yours?” 

” I snapped.   I hated myself for letting it out, but I couldn’t help it.  “I know it sounds selfish, but I want him to be miserable without me.  I can’t take him back, but at the same time I don’t want him with anyone else.  Think of it what you will, but it’s just the way I feel.”  The tears were brimming now and I hated Jessie that little bit for it. 

sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you.  I’m honestly only trying to help.  I know what you said to me back at home and I promised not to do this to you.  It just makes me so upset when I see how miserable you are.” 

She turns her chair around in defeat and I quickly feel guilty. 

“Thank you, Jessie.  I understand why you did it and I’m sorry for shouting at you.” 

She gets up from her seat and comes in for a hug.

“I only want what’s best for you
, Ana, and I’m right behind you all the way.”


Considering Jake and I got back so late the time went in really quickly.  I stayed until 6pm because I wanted to get as much work done as possible.  I had to admit defeat though, the graph will not be done by today.  I think another half day Monday is all I need to get it finished. 

Jake wanders over a little after six. 

“Can I follow you home to make sure you get back okay?  I have those car seats and mats still in my car.  I can take them up for you.” 

I smile and say, “Thank
you, that would be nice.”  He looked shocked as though he was expecting a fight.  I know Jessie will be home when I get there so I feel fairly confident that nothing will happen between us.

We get home
and Jake swiftly retrieves everything out of the car for me.  The elevator ride was a little uncomfortable, but it was quick, which was a godsend.  Jessie was a little stunned when we both walked in. 

hello, Mr Bennett, how are we?  How did the interview go with that waitress?” 

She looked smug and I wanted so much to wipe it off her face.  I was behind Jake and frantically whizzing my hand in front of my neck
to tell her to cut it out.  Unfortunately, Jake notices something and turns to look at me.  I smile, but I could tell he knew there was something up.

“It went
well.  She remembered a lot of detail, so that helped.” 

Jessie smiled, “I bet she
remembers a lot about that lunch.” 

I rolled my eyes and
sagged my shoulders.  I couldn’t believe Jessie was doing this to me. 

, bewildered said, “Am I missing something here?”

I glared at Jessie not to say anything
, but I kind of knew that wasn’t happening. 

“I th
ink Ana thought you made quite an impression on her.” 

She raises her eyebrow and Jake looks over to me smiling. 

“Really?  So how did that make you feel, Ana?” 

I took a deep breath, “I really hate you
, Jessie.”  They both start laughing and I don’t seem to find any of it amusing at all. 

“Where would y
ou like me to put these?  Somewhere close to, Mr Brator, perhaps?” 

I almost
died with embarrassment.  Jessie was having hysterics on her chair and Jake looked rather pleased with himself.  I felt my face flush a bright pink, and I could tell Jake was loving every minute of it.

“I thought
you would figure that one out.  When did you guess in the end?” Jessie asked.

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