Taken Love (13 page)

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Authors: KC Royale

BOOK: Taken Love
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“I know you wouldn’t. Well, now I do.” She uttered, and gave me a small smile. 

“Baby, I’m sorry. I can’t live without you.” She gasped, and blinked at me a few times, before lowering her gaze. She then looked back up at me, and I was sure she could see the panic that was slowly rising all over my face. I just... I just couldn’t lose her again. I didn’t want her running from me, only towards me. “Baby, please.” I uttered.

“Stop calling me baby. I’m not your baby.” She snapped, with a small hint of recognition at her words, and she smiled at me.

sounds familiar, but I have to disagree with you.” I said, stepping closer to her, as she backed up against the door. “You’ll always be my baby… and the love of my life.” I kissed her,
. She pulled me closer to her, closing her eyes and allowing me to take her mouth, as our hands roamed each other’s body, against the back of the door.

She touched me, needing me, wanting me closer. I touched her, needing her as much as a drug addict needed his second fix. I was irrevocably lost in a matter of seconds. I could feel the coils of my sexual restraint for the last six years uncurling, instantly revived from a long slumber. My free will detached, splintering like a stretched wire with each and every thrash of my tongue against hers. Ping… Pop… Zing… I was being unknotted. I was becoming undone… and by the only one who had the power to release me. Kathleen…









Chapter 19


HIS ADMISSIONS RENDERED me speechless, making me sigh with glee
and to my surprise, also regret. Now I was filled with regret for never hearing him out, never allowing him to talk to me before now. I was angry, hurt, devastated, and heartbroken. All I could do after these emotions consumed me was to disappear. Before I had a chance to delve deeper into my depression, while at Columbia, I’d put
Operation ignore that asshole indefinitely
in place and moved away. I stared at him as he spoke, with no words in mind to say after he told me how much I always meant to him. It was how he’d still used the word
so easily, when talking about us, as if I’d never left his heart. Before I knew it, we were against the door kissing, as if it was going out of style in the next sixty seconds. He was hungry, starved for me, and I could feel it with every touch, every groan, and every shudder. So was I.

“JP?” I breathed. He opened his eyes, reluctantly pulling his lips off mine. He looked at me, panting, growling, and needing more of me in that instant. To be wanted so intensely made my body tense, and my head spin, but his kiss. His kiss always did that to me, anyway. I could tell that he wanted more than just a taste, he wanted much more. We stared in silence, both of us panting slowly, and somehow I felt as if we were having a full conversation, no words needed. His black hair, his green eyes, and his strong jaw structure, stared back at me with the want and need of a broken man. A man who desperately needed to be fixed. 

“Kathleen, I need you so much.” He muttered, close to my mouth, as he ran his hand down my hair.

“Me too” I uttered. I still wasn’t sure if I should allow this to happen.
Was it too soon? Was I sure?
He wanted to make love to me, he had that look that I remembered all too well from before. That look that always made my heart melt. He literally took my breath away, just like Berlin sang on the film ‘Top Gun.’

“Dance with me?” I flicked my eyes from his request, but he just smiled, and I nodded.

“Okay.” I smiled. He walked over to the table where our food sat, picked up his phone, pressed a few buttons, and a song started. It was Journey’s “Open Arms.” He smiled warmly, as he made his way back over to me, after setting the phone on the counter. I always loved this song, it was always so nice to hear. “You know, we’ve never danced together before, not even after we married.”

“I know, it was one of the things I’ve regretted not having done with you. I promised myself I would dance with you the first chance I got.” He held out his hand to me, and I took it, as he led us to the living room and his arm rounded my waist, pulling me closer to his body. It was the closest I’d been to him in the last six years, and I gasped, as I glanced up at him. “You have that effect on me too, baby.” He smiled.

“Still?” I asked, as I smiled back at him.

“Forever.” He declared. He kissed my nose, my hands rounded his neck, and we swayed to the song he’d put on repeat. Our heated bodies pressed against each other, my hands in his hair, pulling him closer to my face. His breath mingled with mine as we kissed and kissed. Slowly, passionately, devotedly entwined in each other. It was as if the both of us were making up for lost time. Three songs later, and I was in a haze of lust and passion. Desire clawed heavily in my veins, saturating my insides, taking over my entire being. My love for him beginning to revive, growing with every second that passed.

With every touch of his skin on mine, with each kiss of his lips, I was becoming lost. My feelings ran so deep for him. So deep, that in only a matter of minutes in his arms, I was lost. The hurt and pain, forgotten, the turmoil and neglect, vanished. All was renewed. The hold he had over me was like an all-consuming power, with him being the only man to have ever meant anything to me, secured that hold all this time.

His gazed held mine, and I could see that he was desperate to recapture my heart. He needed me, and he needed this. He was the only man I’d ever loved. He was my first in every way imaginable, and now here we were. Six years later, we were back in our home, swaying our bodies to music of desire. “Kathleen, I’ve never stopped loving you… I can’t stop,” He declared. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I knew he was telling me the truth, because I felt the same way. 

“Me neither.” I replied, as his hands reached my hair, tightening his grip, as tears flowed down his cheek.
He’s crying for me.

“Oh, baby, I love you," He cried. He looked like he’d been waiting for a lifetime to tell me that, my heart stopped beating. I stopped dancing as he cried, the tears in his eyes that slid down his cheek, as his eyes bore into mine. I hugged him, and he hugged me tighter to him, my face pressed tightly against his chest. I took in his scent, and his defining words to me. I closed my eyes, wondering if I still loved him. I thought long and hard, wondering if I did… but then I realized that I never stopped.

“I never stopped.” I uttered into his chest, my voice was small, and I didn’t think he could hear me. But as his breath hitched in his throat, I knew he had. I lifted my head, and looked into his watery eyes as he trembled, and said the words I’d only ever said to him. The words that I knew he desperately needed to hear. “I love you too, JP.” He kissed me slow and sensual, humming, ensuring that his need to taste me was made clear. “Share yourself with me.” I muttered against his mouth, and he pulled back and grabbed my hand, leading me to our bedroom. We stood there near the door, staring at the bed we had last made love in as a girl and a boy, as man and wife. But things were different now, very different. We were no longer in either of those periods in time, we were right here, in the here and now. Regardless of us being two people who married young and messed up, it didn’t change anything, because it was, and is

“Déjà vu, eh?” He chuckled.

“I’ll say, I remember it like it was yesterday.” I giggled.

“Well, let’s make some new memories, Kathleen.” His hand pulled me closer inside the room that was our bedroom as man and wife, and as he looked down at me, I realized he was just as nervous as I was. “Let me turn the music off. I'll be right back.” He muttered, and left the room, heading to the living room. I turned and gazed at the bed, then walked over to the dresser. As I looked inside one of the drawers, his hands surrounded my waist, and I yelped. “Sorry, baby, didn’t mean to startle you.” He murmured, close to my ear, and it was just like he used to say it to me, back then. I was always jumpy, and being startled by him, but this time his voice was deeper, with a rasp. His hands were bigger, his grip tighter on me, and there had been six years between us now.

“It’s okay.” He slowly stepped around me, and started to undress me, taking off my tank top and then my heels. He then took off my jeans, and now I stood there, in my pink bra and panties. He looked as if he wanted to attack me, his guttural growling, and the flexing of his hands to remain calm, was always a clear indication to me.

“Your turn.” He smiled, and began to take off his sweater, but I stopped him. “Please, JP, let me.” I then took off his sweater and his t-shirt, his boots, socks, and jeans. He stood there now in only his blue boxer briefs, with a very hard erection, that he was desperately trying to control with his hand, and I swallowed. It grew!
How could he grow bigger, while I grew tighter?

“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll go slow.” He stepped closer to my body, lifting his hand towards my breasts, and as soon as his thumb slid over my hardened nipple, I bit my lower lip. He lowered my bra strap and removed the bra, by unclasping it from behind, dropping it to the floor. My breasts were fuller now, and very sensitive, but who cared? They were still mine. “So beautiful, baby, so full, so fucking beautiful.” His voice was hoarse with desire, and I placed my hand on his back, pulling him into me for a kiss. He growled, lifting me, and kissed me hard, while he carried me over to the bed with one arm. He lowered me onto the pillow, and climbed over me, until we were face to face.  He gazed at me, as I gazed at him, both of us silent for a few moments. For me, it was a hard sight to accept. I had thought about him being on top of me again for years now, but I hadn’t forgiven him at that point, so I knew it wasn’t plausible. But to finally be here in this position with him now, having had forgiven him, it was almost unbelievable. “Yours is the only face I want to see every day of my life. It’s hard for me to not keep saying that I’m sorry, but I will make it up to you with my life, baby. I can’t let you go, Kathleen, and I never will.” He breathed, and I kissed him, as he kissed me back. I had no words, only my emotions, and I could only express them with a kiss of acceptance at his proposal. “Only you, baby,” he whispered against my mouth, as his hands tightened in my hair, he trembled. “Please, touch me, hold me, Kathleen… I’ve missed you so much. Please give me another chance, baby. Allow me a second chance.” My hands ran up and down his back, as I tried to comfort the man whom I’d broken when I left. He needed me so much, and I needed him. 

“I’ve missed you, and I love you so much, JP. You’re the only man I’ve ever loved, and that will never change.

You’ll always be
Johnathan Asshole Pierce.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back, as he began to chuckle, his face lit up in happiness.

“So, does that mean that…operation ignore that asshole, is officially disbanded, never to return?”

“Hmmm… I don’t know. Is Operation Kathleen Peirce disbanded as well?”

“Huh, what?” He looked at startled, waiting for me to further explain my knowledge of his covert operation.

“I heard your assistant, Sherman, talking into an ear piece at the event, and I couldn’t hear much, but I did hear OKP a few times. I thought about it later, and figured it out.”

“Hmmm. Did you now, all by your lonesome?” I nodded, as he tried to look at me sternly, but I wasn’t falling for it. He was amused, and somewhat shocked, but then again, no he wasn’t.

“Sorry to foil the surprise and all, but I just thought you—” He cut my words off when he kissed me, taking my mouth as he wanted it. With his hands in my hair, tugging me towards him, as his mouth devoured mine with an insatiable hunger. His growling and groaning made me dazed with desire, and I needed him, all of him, right now.

“God, KP, you drive me crazy.” He groaned, and I felt him press his cock against me. I moaned against his mouth, at the feeling of his cock rubbing against my center through his boxer briefs. My hands moved to his back, and I ran them down, and over his buttocks.

“You drive me crazy too, JP… always have… always will.” I muttered against his mouth, between kisses. I was so wet, and in desperate need of him. But it’d been so long, and I wasn’t sure how good I’d be now. As he moved to my neck, sucking and licking my skin, teasing
hidden place that drove me crazy, as I moaned softly. I pulled on his hair, urging his mouth closer to my skin, as he nipped, licked, and sucked. He was tasting me. “You know, JP, they say that one year without sex re-stitches the hymen.” I moaned softly near his ear, the ear that was near my mouth, as he tackled my neck.

“Is that so?” He looked back up at me, slowly panting.

“Hmmm. But it’s been six years for me now, the last time was with you, right here in this bed. So, I guess you’ll have to, re-claim me, once again.” I smirked at him.

“Hmmm, I am a very lucky man to get to have a do over of taking your virginity, but don’t worry, we’ll go slowly. I want you to be comfortable, baby.” He stated.

“Then what?” I smirked, and a wicked grin covered his face. So wicked that I was a little nervous at his thoughts at the moment.

your ass is mine
!” He growled, and kissed me hard and ravenously, and then there weren't any clothes between us. My panties and his boxer briefs gone in a flash. There was so many unspoken words we needed to say, but we chose not to. We both obviously decided to express them in our touch, and before I knew it, my head had started spinning. It was as if I was flashing through my life right now, or within the last few fulfilling hours with JP. In the first flash, we were dancing and declaring our undying love to one another, with the tears he shed, the touch of his hands, and the touch of his mouth on mine.

In the second flash, I was losing my virginity to him for the second time in my lifetime, if that wasn’t a sign, I didn’t know what was. He entered me in a single thrust, as I cried out in pain, his mouth covered my screams, as he took the pain and turned it into pleasure, with his love making. With each slow thrust of his hips, as he silently begging me to feel, to accept and surrender to him. My pants and gasps of pain and re-stretching, quickly turned into pants and gasps of pleasure, as he took and claimed my body once again. In the third flash, we were soaking in the tub I’d always adored, talking and making out like the teenagers we used to be. Once we were out, he laid on the bed as I began to kiss over his body, kissing and sliding my lips over to his neck, needing to taste and savor him. I kissed his chest, and ran my tongue over and around his nipples, as he panted above me. My touch was still as intoxicating to him, as his was to me. I then took
into my mouth, his hips bucked against me as he groaned loudly, making my mouth clamp down on him even more. He was overtaken, almost paralyzed in pleasure, the guttural noises and thrusts of his hips confirmed that. “FUCKKK!!! Kat, don’t stop, please, baby.” He groaned. I loved that he was so turned on, that it was my very inexperienced mouth that made him this way.

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