Taken Love (15 page)

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Authors: KC Royale

BOOK: Taken Love
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Chapter 21


I ARRIVED BACK at the suite, and Sherman was awaiting my return, as I strolled inside. “Sir?”  His voice broke my thoughts of Kathleen.

“Sherman, you know, I would have liked to enter my suite without you nearly scaring me half to death.” I walked further inside, and then noticed that he was a little uneasy.

“I’m sorry, sir, I just thought you should know that you have a visitor.” He announced, rather nervously.

“A visitor? Who?” A pang of anxiety ran through me, because the only one I wanted to see this late at night, was now home at her parent’s house. 

“Hello, nephew.” My uncle stepped from the bathroom in a cheap suit, and looking as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. Who could blame him? I wouldn’t sleep either, if I were in jail.

“Uncle Bobby, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I exhaled.

“I was granted probation, and I wanted to see you.” He walked towards me, as I walked away from him, heading towards the window.

“See me? I told you I wanted nothing to do with you, or did you not understand my choice of words?” I snarled.

“I told you I was sorry for what happened between you and Kathleen, but I am here for what you owe me.” He stated, with a waiver of anxiety in his voice.

“Which is?” I snapped.

“I want a payout of ten millions dollars, for my initial investment in P2 Enterprises.” He stated arrogantly, making me turn to face him with a scowl so deep on my face, that I could vaguely see that Sherman allow security to enter the room. He must have known I was about to snap, this man has cost me what seems like a lifetime without Kathleen already. Yet, still had the audacity to demand more than a pound of flesh from me?  

“Are you mad?” I felt my anger brewing to a slow simmer as I looked at him. 

“No, I’m not actually. I helped you start this company. It was my three clients that I gave you initially. If it wasn’t for me, you’d have nothing, be nothing.” He snarled. 

“Get the hell out of here, now, before I toss you out.” I snapped, taking a few steps in his direction, as my security further entered the room.   

“They took it all Johnathan. They took all that I had, and your aunt left me.” He lowered his head. “I need to start over, and I need that money.” He muttered.

“If you need help, then why not ask me to help you? Why come here trying to conjure up imaginary rights of propriety for my company.” I growled. 

“You’re all that I have left, and I need some money to start a new life, that’s all.” He murmured, as he glared at me. He was clearly mad that he was no longer in a position to take care of himself, like he was accustomed. He was found guilty of a Ponzi scheme, and was now in bankruptcy.
His choice, not mine.

“Leave, now, Uncle Bobby, or you’ll regret that you didn’t in a matter of two minutes.” I rolled up my sleeves, and was ready to pounce on him. How dare he come here in the dead of night like this, demanding anything from me? He almost ruined my company, he almost ruined P2 Enterprises. When the name
is affiliated with a Ponzi scheme, then any financial firm in its wake, becomes a business under the knife. I had to endure months of re-establishing my client’s trust, assuring them that we were not involved with him in any way business wise. It had been a very hard decision to distant myself from him, but it was for the best.  “I trusted in your dream before you did, I was the only one in your corner.” He stated. 

“Wrong, you weren’t, and P2 was only successful because of the hard work and dedication I put into it for Kathleen.” I corrected him.

“Her… you did it all for her?” He asked, as shock covered his face.

“She is my family. My
family.” I growled.

“She’s gone, and I am your family, Johnathan. The family that took you in, and saved you from the streets.” He boasted, but I knew he was just after my trust fund. That was a fact. I knew now that’s why he took me in, and encouraged me to marry quickly, without telling Kathleen about the stipulations.

“We’re done. Get out.” I snapped. My security quickly grabbed his arm, ushering him towards the door, as he stared at me.

“You’ll help me. You’re a good nephew, always have been. I’ll be looking for your call.”

“Don’t. I have nothing more to say to you. Good luck, Bobby.” I spit out.

Bobby.” He snapped.

“Not anymore it’s not. Have a good life,” I stated, as my security took him out my suite. I then turned to my assistant, Sherman, and just looked at him. I was angry. I could have come back here with Kathleen, and all this would have transpired. The thought made me livid, I wanted my uncle nowhere near her. I didn’t want him to even know she was back in my life now. “Sherman, keep tabs on him. Make sure he has a place to live, a decent car, and a hundred thousand in P2 stock.” I stated. 

“Yes, sir.” He confirmed.


“Sir?” He answered.

“I know you were his assistant first, and you may feel a sense of remorse, or even servitude towards him. But do not be fooled again. I want that man nowhere near myself, Kathleen, or my empire. The next time you let him into my suite, or even allow him to be able to track my whereabouts, you’ll be fired immediately. Are we clear?” I stared at him, my face devoid of all emotion, I meant business. 

“Yes, sir, my apologies.” He muttered, as remorse filled his face.

“Moving on. I need a summary of my liquid assets on my desk in two days, and find me a jeweler in town. Also, reserve the entire Morris high school on this upcoming Saturday. I want to do a walkthrough, and… a proper proposal.” I smirked at him.

“Yes, sir.” He grinned, and left my suite. I went to pour a scotch, my phone chimed. I reached into my pocket, and pulled it out, to see a text from an unknown number. I had an idea who it was, and a slow smiled spread over my face.


- Yes, baby?

- I miss you. I needed to tell you that.

I can come back, and you can tell me in person.

- Oh no, if you do that, then…..

- Hmm, so you
know that I can’t get enough of you. Good to know ;)

- Oh, JP, I think our neighbors even knows that we can’t get enough of each other. Don’t you think

- I agree, so when can I see

You’re asking
that? You’ve popped up at my event, my house…

- I’m asking, just this once. Lol 

- Tomorrow night.

- Why not during the day?

- Lunch plans. I’m going to see Blair.

- Oh, okay. Have fun. See you after, then.

- I guess so. I love you.

- I love
… to pieces ;)

I set my phone down, and locked her number in my phone. I typed
Mrs. Pierce
as her saved name, and laid down to get a good night’s sleep, with the sweet aroma of the six white, and six red roses, infiltrating my nose. Half and half for us both. I wanted to feel connected to her in any way that I could. Because we were both mending broken hearts, together.  



Chapter 22


ONLY TWO WORDS could describe my time with JP at our old condo, only two words comes to mind as I thought about it.
No words
. I walked into the darkened house and locked the door behind me and was startled by my sister who was in the kitchen with a glass of juice in her hands. “Damn Kat, you look like you’ve been fucked for sixteen hours straight.” She accused. My hand immediately went to my hair, trying to smooth it down, not being sure if it needed to be. My other hand went to my face, as I was sure it was turning red from embarrassment. I did feel like I was fucked for sixteen hours straight, but I didn’t like that she was so on point with her crass statement.  

“Margerie, I swear for God… you better stop that freedom of speech crap, or you’ll make me take back the earrings I gave you yesterday.” We both started laughing, and then she hugged me, kissed my cheek.

“I’m happy for you. I know he loves you.” She stated, and smiled at me.

“Oh yeah, and how do you know that?” I asked, as we headed back into the kitchen, and I set my bag on the kitchen island. 

“How could I not know...? I
your sister, and I know love when I see it.”

“Love?” My mother blurted. “Who do you know that loves her, Margerie?” We both looked up at our mother, then back at each other, I sighed. The last thing I wanted was to have a conversation with my mother or sister, while I looked, and felt like, I’d been fucked to one inch of my life by my husband.

“Mother, how are you? How was New York?” I asked her, hoping to dodge the topic all together. I still wasn’t sure of my parents’ feelings on JP, and I needed to broach the topic in my own way, and on my terms.

“New York was fine, everything is set up, and he will start in the fall. Now, back to this love topic… care to enlighten me?” She smiled.

"Not really.” I mumbled.

“Kat, you know I support you in whatever you do.” She cajoled, as she hugged and kissed my cheek. I was thankful that I had taken another bath with JP, before leaving the condo. With all the kisses and hugs I’ve gotten already, they would had smelled sex on me, indefinitely.

“Well, Johnathan, and I are going to give it another go.” I blurted out, and she gasped.

“Johnathan, as in your ex-husband and billionaire, Johnathan Pierce?” She asked incredulously.

“Yep.” I grabbed my purse from the counter, being done with this conversation. As I walked past her, she gently grabbed my arm. 

“Kat, it may be hard to get him to get married again. He is worth billions, and he’s—”

“We never divorced mom. He never wanted to leave me. I left him, remember? Besides, he never signed the papers, because he waited for me. He still loves me, and I love him. Now, I’m going to bed, goodnight.” I left both of them in the kitchen. All I wanted, and needed to do, was sleep. But before I did, I found myself texting with JP, and afterwards I fell asleep with a smile on my face, with the scent of red and white roses next to my bed.


“Kathleen, how are you?” Blair asked, as she rose from her seat at the bistro we’d choose to meet at for lunch.

“I am doing great, Blair. I can't complain, and you?” I said as I approached her, smiling.

“Overworked and tired, you know… A day in the life of a lawyer.” We laughed, and hugged, I sat down. We were at a Café Luna’s, and it was a nice place. I had heard great things from my mother about the place while off grid.  “Yeah, so how is the firm going?” I asked.

“It’s going well. It’s nice to be in charge, and to also have something to leave to my future kids.” She took a sip of her wine, and after I’d placed my drink order, I turned back to her. 

“So, you’re going to repeat the cycle, with the trust fund and mandatory law degree with your future children?” She shuddered at my words, and I felt a twinge of guilt. I actually started to feel uncomfortable with her, for the very first time. Kat and B could talk like this, without any emotional insults being taken, or without any anxiety, but not Kathleen and this new Blair. No, they couldn’t do much, but just reminisce about the old days, and after almost two hours at the bistro, that’s all we did. I couldn’t understand it.
Why did I have to tone down so much of my conversation with her now? Was she really that different from the Blair I knew and loved?
Apparently so. Just as we started on another glass of wine, I received a text, and saw that it was JP. “Excuse me, Blair," As I looked at my phone.

- Baby?


- So you admit that you're my baby?

- Yes, I am. How may I help you?

I have a million ways you can help me, baby.

- I bet you do. I’m with Blair right now. Am I seeing you later?

- Yes, meet me at the ballroom where your event was held, at seven.

- Why there?

That night changed my life, seeing you there for the first time. Seven okay?

- Sure

-See you soon, KP

- Asshole ;)

- ;)

I put my phone away, and realized that I was grinning from ear to ear, and Blair was gazing at me. “I know that was a man. They are the only ones that can result that kind of smile.”

“Yes, it was a man. Not just any man,
man.” I stated. 

“What’s his name? Maybe you can meet my man, and I can meet yours one day soon?” She asked, taking another sip of her wine.

“You know mine already. Johnathan Pierce, ring a bell?” She spat out her wine and gasped for air, the shock made her look pale.

“Johnathan, from Morris high?” She coughed.

“The same. Are you alright, Blair?”

“I guess I’m in shock. You guys were married.”

“We’re still married. Just lost our way a little bit when we were younger, but things are better now. He’s the love of my life, and I am his, from what he says.” I smirked.

“Wow, your relationship with him... I always felt, ruined our friendship somewhat. So, I guess I have some pent up aggression towards him. Sorry.” She uttered.

“Don’t be. I’m happy, and we’re
. What more could I ask for? Time goes on.”

“It does, and I’m happy for you both. I had no clue you two were still an item.” She digressed.

“Yeah, a lot of people didn’t know.” I muttered, taking a sip of my wine. A lot of people really didn’t know,
including me.

“But the papers says—”

“Lies. Case closed.” I snapped, causing her to flinch back from the table.

“Okay then, well tell him I said hello, would you?”

“Sure.” I stated, we got the check, and went our separate ways. In more ways than one, I felt. I left that lunch feeling like it was time to move on, live my life in the present, and not the past. I would always love Blair, but she was right, my relationship with JP did change our friendship. It gave me the love of my life, and catapulted her into the person she is today. I was happy for her, and I was happy knowing that we both had reached our destinies, but she was another person now. In life you either grow together, or you grow apart, it was obvious that we had grown apart. I knew by her reaction to my news, that she and JP would always be at odds. I would deal with that, and do what’s best for us all.  Once I figured that out.



I arrived at the ballroom at exactly seven, in a black dress, without any panties. It was empty now, there were dining tables everywhere, covered in linen and silverware. The stage was bare as I walked towards it. I had texted JP that I was in route, but he only replied “ok.” I headed near the stage, and over to the same spot where I had first seen JP, and I smiled. “Baby?” I heard him call, and I turned to see that he was walking towards me, with a black suit on, looking edible. With each one of his determined strides, he looked as if he was on a runway in Milan. He was just gorgeous. I couldn’t move, and I started pant, and with each breath I felt myself getting wetter. He walked into me, and kissed me, walking me back into the wall that was only five steps away. His mouth hot and greedy on mine, he groaned and deepened the kiss, as I moaned into his mouth.

I felt his hand grab my ass, pushing me against his erection at my stomach. I began trembling, as we kissed and kissed. When he finally pulled back, he was panting slowly, and then he smiled at me. I was sure I looked like someone who was drunk on love. His touch still did things to me that I couldn’t fathom. It was crazy for someone to have that much of an effect on you.  His hand slid around from my ass, and onto my thigh, as he looked into my eyes. The closer he got to my pussy, I began to whimper. He slid his fingers up the inside of my thigh, slowly. I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing.  “JP, I—”

“Shhh, you're wet baby… I can smell your arousal.” His voice thick with desire, as he continued to trail up my thigh. Once he touched me
, I moaned softly, while biting my lip. “Naughty girl. No underwear tonight, I see.” I shuddered as he rubbed small circles around my clitoris, and my hips began following his rhythm. My hands ran up his arms and into his hair, as his arm circled my waist, as I panted close to his mouth. I cried out as he slipped two fingers inside of me, closing my eyes, tilting my head back on the wall, as he ran his tongue up and down my neck. His fingers moved slowly in and out of me, as he held me close, hovering over my mouth, as I cried out in pleasure. 

“Oh, JP, please.” I groaned, and he moved his fingers faster, as he kissed me deeply, tasting me, taking me. By the time he withdrew his fingers, I was on the brink of orgasm, then I felt his cock being rubbed up against my wetness.

“Baby, you’re so wet for me. I need you now.” His voice hoarse with arousal.

“Only you.” He then lifted me, growling, he slammed into me, and I moaned loudly as I came

“Fuck! You’re coming... let me feel you, baby.” He fucked me up against that wall as if he owned the hotel, as if the ballroom was soundproof. I silently wondered if either of those were true. My hands pulled at him in every way I could, touching him, squeezing, and pulling him closer. I began scratching him through his clothing, biting his shoulder and he groaned and growled into my neck. It was spontaneous sex, and it was amazing. Each thrust of his hips, my body contracted around him in waves. He kissed my mouth after I removed my teeth from his shoulder, his tongue taking mine, as he hummed his appreciation. I whimpered, totally lost in him. My body was being taken, hard and deep, while also reminding me that I had in no way recovered enough from our time together yesterday. 

“Johnathan, please… oh, god.” I gasped, as he growled against my mouth, while trembling with each thrust.

“I want you to come again, baby,” He whispered against my mouth, our breaths mingling, as he drove me higher up the wall of bliss. “I feel you, baby, you're close, aren’t you?”

“Yes, oh God, yes.” I breathed, closing my eyes as he tugged my lower lip with his teeth, sucking it into his mouth. His hands squeezed my ass, pushing us both closer together, and he moaned and tugged my lip with his teeth again, before he kissed me. He entrapped my tongue, and began to suck it, and I lost it. As I came for the
time, he allowed himself to let go, and he came with me.
After we stumbled to the bathroom, near the back of the ballroom, we cleaned ourselves up.  We were in the mirror, looking at each other, blushing and chuckling. “You know, JP, we’re not teenagers anymore.” I giggled.

“That won’t stop me. We have to make up for lost time

“There is nothing wrong with that, but I feel exhausted right now.”

“How about a drive through the city? We’ll take a limo so we can rest in the back seat.” He winked at me, and I laughed at him.

“A drive sounds nice, but can we have food and wine while we ride?”

“Yes, we can have whatever it is you want, baby.”

“Not much has changed with me, JP, I only want you.” I stated, as I looked over at him through the mirror, his face was unreadable. When I’d turned towards him, his lips smashed into mine in a hot kiss.

“I only want you, and you're right, you haven’t changed much. You’re still sweet, generous, feisty, loyal… Fuck, Kat, you're perfect, baby.” He stated, and I giggled.

“You’ve said this to me before, I remember.”

“I meant it.” He breathed. Time stopped, and I was immediately transported to Morris high. His notes, our first kiss, our first time. He spent so much time trying to convince me that he meant it then too.

“I love you so much, and I know you meant it.” I kissed him, and he kissed me back.  We were lost in the moment of being old and new lovers. We left the hotel, and were now riding in the back of a limo. The partition was raised, and we were talking, laughing, and feeding each other sushi. It was so nice to just be with him, talking and laughing, to have dinner, and see the town I used to live in. There was so many places that I had forgotten about, but as we drove around it was all coming back to me, and I loved it. After we’d finished the bottle of wine, I rode him slowly. Tilting my hips to take him deeper, as he bit his bottom lip, watching me take him. I moved on him. Holding him, touching him, needing him, as I let myself go, and made love to him. With his eyes closed, I tilted his head back as he gave me his surrender, and I kissed him. We came together with an intensity, and a nearness, that I will never take for granted again.

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