Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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thanks babe.”

around campus in my black dress gets me a few curious glances. Even
agent Daniels does a double take when I first walk in to class. Ryan
however, shouts across the room.

“Damn Bailey! Did your
boyfriend let you leave the house like that?” He whistles at me
and I smack him on the shoulder.

up.” We both laugh and get down to business.

class Ryan reminds me that we have a study date on Sunday.

“I know I didn’t
forget,” I say, waving as I cross to my car.

arrive at my dad’s office just before three o’clock and
tell his PA I am here to see him.

“He is in a meeting still;
he shouldn’t be long.”

nod and take a seat on the leather couch in the waiting area. Picking
up an old magazine, I flick through it. After an hour I am pissed off
so I ask her again to tell him I am here.

is still tied up,” she says in a curt manor.

out my cell phone, I call him right in front of her. “Hi dad,”
I say when he answers.

sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you.”

stare daggers at his PA. “I’ve been out here waiting for
an hour.”

door to my dad’s office opens and he walks out cutting off the
call. I run over and hug him tight.

“Hi dad missed you.”

kisses my head. “Missed you too sweetheart.” we walk into
his office. “I just have to sign some papers then we can get
out of here.” I nod, walking over to the floor to ceiling
windows and watch the traffic below. It takes him thirty minutes to
sign everything before we leave. “You driving?” he asks
and I nod.


grins at me. “Okay, take me to the Ritz,” he says and I
laugh as we climb into my car. Looking over, I ask again and he says
the Ritz. Shrugging, I head that way and wait for him to crack up
laughing for making me drive all the way out here but he doesn’t.
I park valet and link my arm through his as we walk inside.

is quite swanky for a business dinner, dad.”

smiles at me with shining eyes. “Yes it’s the local
business owners annual dinner reception.”

gasp at him. “Dad, I look terrible. You should have told me.”

chuckles at me as we enter a conference room on the second floor that
has a stage with a podium and circular tables all around set up for
dinner. I feel so under dressed looking around at all these
businessmen, and women in their suites and cocktail dresses. We are
lead to a table near the front by a host who pulls out my chair for
me. I look around at the faces at our table and see a few glances at
my dad. I guess he, like me doesn’t tell people much about
himself, which makes me smile.

sits beside me smiling. “So how’s school?” he asks
and the guy to his left looks shocked.

good. I am doing a project in my forensic class. Myself and Ryan have
to make up a fake cyber security company.”

fun.” I nod because I really like working with Ryan. He is a
nice guy, loud but nice nonetheless.

are served our meal and conversation flows around the table except
for me. I just get looks and stares from the other eight people at
our table. My dad is talking to the man beside him, who I found out
by slightly eavesdropping, is the owner of a hotel in downtown and he
plans on expanding in the near future. After a while some guy gets up
to speak about the local economy and to thank the business owners for
contributing to the college’s building fund. When he is done
another guy talks for about half an hour and then we are free to
mingle. I stay with my dad only because I haven’t seen him for
about a month even though I am bored out of my mind.

feel a tap on the shoulder and glance behind me quickly then do a
double take as I see a very familiar face only older.

Mr. Porter.” I smile and shake his hand.

“Bailey, how are you?”
His voice is just like Knox’s when he speaks and my heart
speeds up a bit thinking of the shower this morning.

“I’m good, how are
you?” I have no idea what to say to this man. I have only
spoken to him briefly. We chat about nothing really and Max, which
suits me fine; it’s a safe subject. Then my dad turns around
looking for me and I wave. He walks over and I see Mr. Porter’s
face crack into a smile just like his son’s. Fuck this man is
killing me. My dad and he shake hands.

good to see you again,” he says.

too Richard. How are the kids?” Mr. Porter laughs and looks at

dad eyes me in confusion. “Dad, this is Knox’s dad,”
I say waving at Mr. Porter.

dad nods. “No way.” he sounds surprised. “Yeah, the
boys were over for Christmas. Sorry about Max,” my dad says and
Mr. Porter thanks him.

phone vibrates in my purse and I excuse myself turning my back.

darlin,” how is it going?”

heart soars as I hear him breathing hard. He must have just stepped
off the stage. “It’s good, just chillin with the local
business men.”

hear my dad and Mr. Porter laughing and Knox takes a breath. “Is
that my father I hear?” he sounds a little angry.

who knew he and my dad know each other?” I can hear some
banging and the beeps of the buttons on the microwave.

time will you be home?” he asks.

“Don’t know, babe. I
have to go home and get some clothes and I will meet you back at your

place, Bailey. It’s our fucking place.”

am about to answer when my dad leans over my shoulder. “Sweetheart,
I am just going over to talk to Peter.” He points to an older
man standing by the bar and I nod.

“Knox you there?”

darlin’, I’m here alone. All by myself, singing to no

I roll my eyes, “Well if you didn’t start a bar fight, I
wouldn’t be banned for life,” I tell him jokingly.

not banned, darlin’. Who told you that?”

my lip, I look around to see Mr. Porter listening to me. “I’ll
see you tonight, babe. Love you” I hang up the phone.

Porter smiles at me. “Sorry couldn’t help but hear that
last part.” He nods at the phone in my hand.

put it back into my purse, looking at him. “Which part?”
I question a little annoyed that he was listening to my phone call.

part where you told my son you love him.” He smiles and I feel
my cheeks flame under his stare and he laughs at me. “You have
nothing to be embarrassed about, Bailey. Knox loves you too.”
He starts walking toward the bar so I tag along, wondering how he
knows Knox loves me, and when was he told. Then I remember the other
brother, Max, I’ll kill him.

order a Coke for something to hold but I don’t really drink it.

“Why don’t you come
for dinner on Sunday?”

nearly spit what little drink I have in my mouth all over him.
Swallowing quickly all I can hear in my head is

don’t think so. Thank you,” I answer politely.

frowns before realization dawns on his face. “Knox is coming to
dinner on Sunday.” He smiles but I can see pain in his eyes.

sorry,” I mumble but he waves it off. We stand in awkward
silence for a few minutes and I feel really bad for jumping to
conclusions. “Mr. Porter, I am sorry I didn’t mean…”
I start but holding up a hand he shakes his head.

worry about it. Excuse me.” Leaving his drink behind, he walks
away from me.

feel like such a tool. Why did I have to even talk to the man?
Walking over to the other side of the room, I find my dad talking
with a few people so I hang back and wait. Seeing me, he puts an arm
around my shoulders pulling me closer.

bored, sweetheart,” he whispers and I laugh behind my hand.

time is your flight?”

his watch he frowns. “Five in the morning so I have to be in
the airport by four.”

“Do you need me to bring
you?” I ask sipping on my soda.

sweetheart. I am staying here tonight and a car will bring me.”
I am about to tease him, when we are interrupted by a young thirty
something guy who, looks like a Ken doll.

nice to see you again,” he drawls with a southern accent.
Shaking my dad’s hand, my dad smiles and makes polite
conversation all the while this guy is eyeballing me from head to

you must be?” he asks extending his hand my way. Taking his
hand it feels smooth, too smooth like he uses lotion all the time.

and you are?” I ask dropping his too perfect hand.

smiles at me with nothing but pure lust in his eyes. “Andres,”
he replies, wetting his lips with his tongue still eye-fucking me.
“Would you like a drink, Bailey?” My name drips off his
lips like honey and I won’t lie, it gets my stomach coiling but
I raise my already full glass and smile.

dad excuses himself again and I want to reach out and slap him for
leaving me with Ken but here I am, alone with a real life doll. His
sandy blond hair parted to the side, his skin is tanned like he has
spent the last few weeks on an exotic beach and his smile a little
too wide for his face but his perfectly straight white teeth gleam at
me. He stands staring at my chest without any hint of embarrassment
but an amused lust filled expression playing across his features,

“I should probably get
going,” I announce, feeling altogether uncomfortable and
slightly turned on in his presence.

I give you a ride?”

breath hitches in my throat as he smirks at his own double meaning.
“No thank you. I drove.”

my elbow he leads me behind a big fake bush just at the end of the
bar. Leaning down, I can smell his cologne, a musky heady scent.

don’t you and I go somewhere more private?” His voice
laced with desire rolls over me like a warm summer breeze heating my
very core. My eyes flutter as my lips part slightly. I feel drunk,
intoxicated on lust or the promise of it. Ken doll’s hand
leaves my elbow and rests on the small of my back with his fingers
spreading down to the top of my ass as he steps closer to me.

look into his hazel eyes and feel trapped he is too close and his
scent is making me dizzy, or maybe that is the blood pounding in my
ears as my heart jackhammers in my chest. Ken leans closer again so
his nose skims my neck.

he says and I jump back like I have been shocked.

hard I glare at him. “Excuse me, I have to go.” Turning
on my heel I walk over to my dad. “Dad, I’m leaving. Walk
me out?” I hold onto my dad like he is my lifeline and avoid
Ken as he tries to catch up with us. I hand the valet my ticket and
pray that he hurries.

sweetheart, I will see you in a week. I promise.” My dad hugs
me and I don’t want to let go of him for fear of being alone if
Ken comes out here. I hear my car before I see it and release my dad
kissing his cheek.

dad, love you.” Opening my purse, I give the valet ten dollars
and jump inside driving out of the hotel to the small road before I
readjust my seat.

heart is pounding; I feel like I just stole a million dollars and got
away with it. Ken was way too smooth and his perfect smooth hands,
huh; I huff at myself but then imagine what it would feel like to
have smooth hands roam my body. Would they make me feel the way
Knox’s calloused fingers would? Knox! Oh my god, what am I even
thinking? Driving through town I pull into my parking space beside
the bar and climb out. I don’t care about George anymore. If he
says anything to me I will give him a real reason to ban me for life,
namely a fat lip. Pushing my way inside, I see Chase behind the bar
and Amber standing in her spot by the end waiting for her order but
no Knox. The band has finished playing so I look around for his
beautiful face but no, I don’t see him.

“Hey Amber, have you seen

looks startled to see me and swallows hard shaking her head no. I ask
Chase but he says no too, so I walk into the back, checking the
kitchen and the keg room. Walking out, I frown. He can’t just
disappear so I head for the office, but seeing a light spill under
the door I hesitate. What if it’s George? I hear giggling from
inside and open the door, Knox is sitting in the chair behind the
desk and some slut wearing a belt for a skirt in sitting on the desk
in front of him. Tapping my foot gets me noticed by the slut.

turns and slightly stumbles bracing herself with a hand on either
side of my boyfriend’s chest who has a phone to his ear.

are you?” she snaps, trying to stand up but clearly she can’t.
When she finally does she wobbles and her belt is hiked up on one
side revealing a bare thigh and ass cheek. Knox keeps his eyes on my
face frowning and checking his watch.

said, who the fuck are you?” she asks again and I smile.

one you need to know.” Knox hangs up the phone and stands up
running a hand through his hair.

your friend said she can’t come get you,” he tells her.

she walks her fingers up his chest to his lip and pulls it down. “Why
don’t you take me home?” She giggles as Knox steps back
away from her, but the office is so small he is up against the filing
cabinet. “God you’re so fucking hot, I could fuck you
right now even with this prissy bitch watching.” she nods in my

“No thanks. That prissy
bitch is my wife.” He pushes her towards the doorway, which I
am blocking.

looks between us, and laughs, “Yeah right, why would someone
like you marry that?” She points at me pushing past still
laughing. Knox groans as he tries to follow her but I push him back
inside closing the door behind me.

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