Taking Chances (Learning to Love) (23 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Learning to Love)
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I didn't want to leave him alone. I'd never seen Matty that upset about a girl before, but I had to respect his wishes. "Yeah, sure." I really didn't know what else to say.

He gave me a nod, and hurried away.

I sat there alone at the gazebo in shock. I had no idea what just happened. I tried texting Kat again and even calling her but still she refused to answer. It was not like her to avoid me like that.

This was exactly why I never wanted the two of them to date.










I managed to get through the rest of the reception, but I still hadn't heard from Kat. Matt texted me making me promise to stay until the end, or I would have left right after him to find Kat and see what the hell had happened. She told me she wasn't sure how she felt about Matty, but I never thought she would break up with him.

Watching Dad and Greta together made me see why Matt thought their relationship was different. I'd seen my father with women before, but I'd never seen him look at any the way he did at Greta. Even the way he was with her daughter, Jenny, was different. A pang of jealousy flashed through me watching him dance with the young girl. I missed out on so much with him growing up, and if I was to believe what he says, that was all because of my mother.

I was ready to bolt the second Dad and Greta said their goodbyes and headed out to catch the plane for their honeymoon. That had to be one of the longest days in history and it wasn't close to over. I still had to find Kat and force her to tell me what the hell was going on with her. I needed to go see Matt too and make sure he was doing all right. I wasn't looking forward to any of it.

Attending my father's wedding was supposed to be the event that made the day suck. It actually turned out to be the highlight of the day. Not that I wouldn't have liked to leave much earlier, but not because of the wedding itself.

Having that time to talk with my father actually lifted some imaginary weight that had been holding me down for so long. There was still a part of me that wanted to hold on to my old memories and doubt what he told me. I didn't know why, but I just believed him. Matt tried to tell me for years that things weren't exactly how I remembered them. I just didn't want to let go of it. It didn't feel any better knowing that my own mother intentionally hurt me, making me believe such lies.

By the time I walked outside I was exhausted. I knew I had to go deal with the whole Matt-Kat breakup, but all I really wanted to do was slip into a hot bath and soak until I fell asleep. If I'd been paying slightly less attention, I might have missed him standing there in front of his overpriced sports car, leaning back with a smirk on his perfect face. It was as if I stepped back in time onto the set of sixteen candles.

I stood looking at Sebastian like a dork, trying to process the fact that he was even standing there. Amused, he walked over.

"What are you doing here?"

I swore if he answered, 'I heard you were here', I would know either I was already asleep in my bathtub, or I had been transported to some different dimension where I was lost in cheesy eighties movies.

"I heard you might need a ride home." He flashed me a smile that could melt the panties off a nun.

The only way he could have known I needed a ride home was if Matty told him. It wasn't anything I'd have expected from my brother, but it was one more thing that truly set him apart, regardless of what he thought of himself.


What a witty response, Lexi.

Sebastian stifled a laugh. "I know you said you didn't want to see me, but I think maybe you do." He took my hand in his. That familiar tingling under his hand reminded me how much I missed the feel of him.

He was right. I definitely did want to see him again. I also wanted to get him naked and show him just how much, but I figured maybe that wasn't the best way to start the conversation. I just nodded in agreement, still not able to find meaningful words that would actually leave my mouth.

He took a step closer, moving his hand from mine around to rest on my lower back. It wasn't exactly the place I wanted his hand, but it was a step in the right direction. His body warmed the air between us, sucking oxygen from my lungs. Close proximity to Sebastian screwed with my entire system. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't do anything but feel.

"I've missed you," he growled, dipping his head down, his lips nearly touching mine, but staying just far enough back that I craved the contact.

A small moan escaped me where words should have been. My body screamed to pull him in, taste his tongue once again, but I was frozen in place, unable to take what I desperately needed.

After an agonizing few seconds, Sebastian relented and closed the gap between us. His lips burned against mine, sending my whole body into a whirling spin that threatened my ability to stand on my own. His arm tightened around me, keeping me steady. At that moment, he could have pulled my dress over my head and took me right there on the steps and I would have let him.

"We should stop," he groaned, pulling back, letting his breath fall in fast pants against my face.

"Why?" I practically whined, not caring if the world collapsed around me as long as he didn't stop kissing me.

He laughed, pulling me against his chest. I breathed in his intoxicating scent, bringing my hands up and sliding them under his shirt to feel the smooth skin beneath. The last few stragglers from the reception made their way out, walking around us on the stairs, talking in hushed whispers that didn't make me any less desperate for Sebastian right then and there.

He took my hands, sliding them out from his shirt, with his eyes tightly closed and let out a deep breath he'd been holding. "Because if we don't we are going to end up spending the night in jail."

It took me a moment to catch up and realize what he meant. It was a good thing he had enough self-control for us both, because there was no way in hell I would have stopped. He slid his hand back around slowly, making sure I was a bit steadier on my feet, and took my hand, to lead me to his car.

I had no idea where we were going and I didn't really care. As long as it was someplace I could get him naked and not have to worry about him stopping me. Neither of us said anything for the excruciating long ten minute drive. He kept one hand on mine the entire time, as if he was afraid if he let go, or that I would get away. Not that it was even a remote possibility.

There was no way I was going to screw things up this time!

We pulled up to a quaint ranch-style house on what looked like a farm, but it was difficult to tell in the dark. It was not the kind of place I would have imagined he would bring me, but at that point, he could have brought me to an abandoned warehouse and I wouldn't have questioned it.

Sebastian begrudgingly let go of my hand and practically ran around to my side of the car to open the door. It took every ounce of self-control I had, not to leap out into his arms and rip off his clothes right then and there. I could tell by the look on his face that he was probably thinking the very same thing.

He pulled me against him, for a quick kiss before leading me into the house. It was dark except for a small amber light coming from the kitchen. He closed the door gently, locking it behind him, and led me to the bedroom in silence. My stomach flip-flopped a few times as he switched on the small lamp near the massive bed.

"You okay?" He tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear sweetly, a stark contrast from the rough neediness that usually described contact with Sebastian.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look nervous."

I was. There was something about being close to him that sent my nerves, and every other system in my body, into overdrive.

"A little."
I might as well admit it
. It wasn't like he wouldn't know I was lying if I denied it.

He smiled and ran his knuckles across my cheek. "What are you afraid of, Kitten?" He practically purred the words.

What was I afraid of... that certainly was the million dollar question, wasn't it?

"Well, how about this." He backed away and sat down on the bed. "I'll leave this up to you."

"Huh?" I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I definitely wanted him to elaborate.

"You set the pace. We do whatever you want, however you want it." He leaned back on his elbows, and smiled devilishly. "Do with me as you please."

I looked over him trying to decide whether to not only believe what was happening, but if I could actually get up the nerve to do more than stand there looking shocked. He raised one eyebrow, as if to say "Well, what will it be?"

All sorts of reasons to play along danced through my head. Not one reason to chicken out came to mind. The things I'd thought about doing to him since we met, fought for center stage, begging to be considered. There was one thing however, that jumped out. One thing that played out in my dreams, and fantasies, that I most definitely wanted to try.

That old familiar fear and part of me that held me back went off to take a nap somewhere, leaving me feeling uncharacteristically brave and adventurous. I wasn't sure how long it would continue, but I was going to take advantage of it while it lasted.

"Okay then, sit up."

He complied without hesitation.

I loosened the knot in his tie and pulled it from around his neck. Right away his eyes lit up in shocked anticipation. He wasn't expecting that, but he clearly was not about to complain. I wrapped the material around his head and tied it tightly.

"Stand up." I was beginning to enjoy my new role. Sebastian did as he was told, something I never thought I would see.

I unbuttoned his shirt, pushed it to the floor, and took a moment to enjoy the smooth muscular chest in front of me. I let my hands explore the warm flesh, leaving goose bumps behind in their wake. Sebastian loved to tease and torment me with deliberate slowness, taking such pleasure out of my desperate impatience for his touch. Now it was his turn to see what that felt like, to want something so badly you would promise your first born to have it immediately, but have no choice but to wait.

My fingertips grazed over his nipples, feeling them harden immediately. My first thought was to lean down and take a taste, so that was exactly what I did. His breath caught as my tongue licked over the tiny nubs. He tried to use his hands, reaching for my breasts through the dress, but I pushed him away. He told me I could do with him as I pleased, and I wasn't about to let him forget that.

After I satisfied myself exploring his chest, I trailed my hands and mouth down to his rock hard abs. He squirmed a bit as if he was ticklish, but for the most part, remained still, letting me take my time with every inch of male perfection. I positioned him on the other side of me so that I could sit down on the edge of the bed while he stood in front of me, giving me the best angle to work my way down further.

Sebastian was beginning to get impatient, and tried to reach around for the zipper on my dress this time, but again, I pushed his hands back down.

"No touching," I cooed, slapping the back of his hand lightly. It was my turn to tease him and I was going to take full advantage of it. Being the one in control was exhilarating. I was beginning to understand a little of Sebastian's controlling ways.

I slid my hands around the waist band of his pants. I was a little disappointed he wasn't wearing a belt this time. I had a few ideas that involved it, but that would have to wait. After undoing his pants and pushing them to the floor, I took a moment to take in the sight of him standing there in only a tight pair of black boxer-briefs and the tie around his eyes. That body was certainly something worth taking the time to enjoy.

"Lexi--" He tried to speak but I put my finger up to his lips, silencing him.

Now he could see how it felt.

"Shhh," I purred. "No talking, Mr. Michelson. You just stand there and look pretty."

The corners or his mouth came up into a smile that made me want to lick it off his face. Slowly, I pushed the boxer-briefs down with my thumbs, letting my fingers tickle the sensitive skin along the way. He shivered a little, but didn't protest. Sebastian certainly had more patience than me. I would have to see if there was something I could do about that.

I leaned back a bit, admiring him once again. He was already completely hard, the head a swollen knob of deliciousness, with a drop of thick liquid that sat on top. I had an overwhelming urge to take a taste, and since I was the one in charge, that's exactly what I planned to do.

I took him into my hands, admiring the natural beauty of it. Sebastian most definitely had a beautiful cock. I laughed a little at the silliness of the thought.

"Something funny down there?" A mixture of amusement and typical male insecurity in his voice. Not that he had anything to be insecure about.

My tongue darted out, tasting the shimmering bead of liquid. It was hot and salty, and made me want more. He flexed and tightened, likely knowing what was about to come next. Steadying him with my left hand, I took the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around, tasting and wetting it at the same time. Sebastian let out a deep groan and brought one hand up sliding my hair back away from my face.

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