Talk a Good Game (12 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

Tags: #drama, #sex, #urban, #street lit, #ghetto, #drame, #angie daniels, #sasha campbell

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I’ll have to try this more
often,” I said and he looked over at me and smiled.


d love to do it with you.” Again
it was as if he was asking a question then he squeezed my hand. “I
think walking
a good way for couples to talk
and share their day. What about you?”

Couples, huh?
” I

He grinned and tightened his hold. The evening had
started out a little awkward but the more we walked and talked, the
easier the conversation became.

What are you looking for?” he

a good question.

m not sure what I want. I just
have a feeling I’ll know what it is when I find it.” I just know I
wanted it to feel like this.

Jeremy continued to probe. “Why
didn’t your last relationship work?”

I paused. “I wanted a commitment
and he did not. I

m starting to think

m asking too much.”

He shook his head.

re not. You were hoping for a
future with the wrong men.”

Hmmm. Maybe

re right.” Especially since the
last one had been married but I wasn’t going there. “I want a man
who has my back and I have his. Someone who loves my dirty draws.”
I laughed because I was sure that sounded ridiculous. Apparently
Jeremy didn’t think so.

I want the same thing.” The look
in his eyes said he wanted it with me. Damn! Was this man too good
to be true? I tried to contain my excitement. “I learned
communication is one of the most important things in a

My head whipped around. “I

He looked pleased. “Do you go to

I nodded. “Yes, Sugar Grove
Baptist Church almost every Sunday. I’ve been going to the same
church since I was a little girl.”

I really wanna find a home
church. I’ve visited a lot since I’ve moved here from Chicago but
nothing that I’ve walked in and wanted to make my home.”

You should come and visit mine.
Reverend Williams is really powerful.”

Is that an invite?”

smiled over at him.
“Any time you want. I
usually sit with my parents but I go all by myself.”


d like that. I believe every
serious relationship should have a spiritual foundation.” Damn, he
had me feeling all giddy inside. “Do you fellowship?” he

I nodded. “Every morning I pray
and read
Our Daily
. The chaplain hands them out at the

Jeremy suddenly stopped walking
and turned to look at me. “
I don’t
want to come off
as some religious freak because I

m not but I do
believe in Jesus Christ. I’ve always desired a woman who believes
as well.”

I was staring up at him. My heart
was pounding so hard. This man was everything I wanted on so many
levels. “I want the same.” I could just see the two of us going to
church together on Sunday.
Wait until my
mother meets him

We started walking again. “Do you
have any kids?” The last thing I wanted was baby mama

He nodded and pulled me to the
side protectively as a car came by. “I have three children with my
ex-wife and my little adopted daughter.”

My head whipped around curiously.

He shrugged then blew out a long
breath. “I used to date her mother and grew attached to

As I listened, I fell into step
beside him. “And how
your relationship with your

There was a long exaggerated sigh.
“We get along for the sake of the kids. She
a good
mother so I can’t
” He gave me another
uncertain smile. “Do you ever want children?”

I like kids. I
hope to have one or two before it
too late. Do
you think you
ever want more?”
crazy but I was dreaming about having this

If God blesses me with another
wife, then yes. How do you feel about dating a man with

It’s not a
problem.” Although my personal profile had said I wasn’t interested
in dating a man with small children, I knew the chance of meeting a
man without any was next to impossible. “I think if they lived with
you it would be something I

d need to seriously
think about.” Again he looked pleased by my answer. “How old are

Eighteen, sixteen and

Perfect. They were all self-sufficient. If we were
to ever have a child, I wanted our child to be the only baby in the

How long you been in the

He asked a lot of questions but I
didn’t see him as being nosy. I loved a man who was interested in
learning about me. “Twelve years.”

What do you plan to do when you
get out?”

Wow! I don’t
know. I hope to retire in eight years. I have a degree in business
administration and a master
in Public
Administration so I guess I’ll find a personnel position in the
civilian world.”

good stuff. I have a
in sociology and a

Yes! “That
cool. Are you working in law

No, nothing
like that.” He shook his head. “I

m working as a
program manager for the department of

We continued to walk and talk and by the time we had
circled back to my house I was feeling real good about him.

Thanks for inviting me over.” We
were standing next to his Tahoe grinning like two nuts.

Thanks for coming over. I wanted
to spend some time together before I leave for Salt Lake City on

What are you doing

Training,” I murmured.

Jeremy nodded. “Thank you for
letting me put in my application. I am very interested in the job.”
He then held out his hand and struggled to keep a straight face.

m a little slow so it took me a
few minutes to figure out what he was talking about. And then I was
laughing like crazy and shook his hand.

I’ll be making my decision in a
few days,” I joked and then suddenly the laughing stopped and we
were staring at each other. It was something like out of a movie.
Jeremy dragged me closer then waited for some type of cue. I
finally gave up and leaned in and kissed him. Any other dude would
have swooped in for the score. He was so damn mannerable. I was
going to have to work on that.

And I’ll be
here to pick you up on Friday for the comedy club.” Jeremy finally
wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tightly in his arms.
His tongue entered my mouth and this warm feeling spread through my
body. It was like I was melting or something. I

never felt like that before and it was so overwhelming I didn’t
know how to handle it. Trust me, I’ve been kissed by more men than
I could count but it was just something about the way he made me
feel like I was the luckiest woman in the world. And I couldn’t
help wondering if maybe I had finally met the












Friday night, I left my cousin
April in charge of the restaurant, rushed home to let Honey out for
the evening, and then headed over to Kaleb
Ever since I had gotten back from Las Vegas we had been spending so
much time together I practically lived at his house. Not that I was
complaining. His house was amazing with wood flooring, custom
molding, and five thousand square feet of living space. Kaleb had
sent me a text an hour ago that he had the wine chilling. Someone
please pinch my ass! Hee-Hee! I still couldn’t believe how lucky I
was to meet a man like him, who showered and treated me the way a
man was supposed to treat a woman—like a queen.

When I had landed at the St. Louis
International Airport, I spotted Kaleb waiting and holding a sign
that said, “I

m Janelle
That man instantly stole a piece of my heart. We went back to his
place and five days later, I was still spending every second I
could with him. Last night he had hinted at me moving in with him
but I wasn’t sure yet if he was serious. I would do anything to
make this house my permanent address. But I wasn’t accepting
anything short of a ring. Sorry, boo-boo, but this pussy ain’t for

I pulled into the circular drive, parked my Honda in
front of the garage door and stepped out. I glanced down at my
ankle length strapless sundress and simple tan BCBG sandals and
grinned. I made even the simplest outfit look good.

What took your sexy ass so long,”
Kaleb said with a playful smile as he opened the front

I had to get
some orders ready for tomorrow.” I leaned over and kissed his lips
and the second I stepped into the house, I gasped. You would have
thought Kaleb owned a candle factory at all of the scented candles
that were flickering along the long foyer. I looked over at him
puzzled. “Kaleb, what
going on?” I asked,
afraid that maybe I had missed an important

Kaleb smirked.
going on other than I wanna
treat my baby to a special night. C


I was smiling and laughing at the
same time as he extended his hand and I accept it. I followed him
across the beautiful bamboo flooring his housekeeper kept shiny
like a new penny. There was high ceilings and wainscoting along the
walls. The house reeked of money but the cheap furnishings were
another story all together. I looked into the living room where the
stereo was playing soft soothing jazz music. I couldn’t have
planned a more relaxing evening.

We were walking into his dream kitchen when CJ came
barreling down the back staircase followed by this big-ass

Oh my
! What the hell is that?” I shrieked,
and jumped behind Kaleb for protection.

Midnight. He won’t hurt you.”
CJ then tried to show me how gentle his dog was but I wasn’t buying
it. I usually came over when CJ was sleep, so the dog must have
been in his room because this was the first time

d ever seen that monster. He was
nothing like my precious Honey.


m getting ready to head over to

I noticed the backpack on his
back. We were going to have the house to ourselves. I was jumping
for joy, knowing I

d have my man to

Okay but son
before you leave I

d like to say something to you.”
Reaching over Kaleb took my hand and then looked so serious I held
my breathing as I waited to hear what he was about to say. “Ms. Jae
is really special to me.” Pausing he brought my hand to his mouth
and kissed it. “What do you think about her moving in with

No!” he yelled.

What the fuck!

I kid you not, CJ was stomping his
feet like a child. “Dad, it
too soon! Why you
always rushing?”

CJ, get the fuck outta my face!”
Kaleb suddenly exploded and even I flinched.

The kid looked crushed as he
wailed, “Why you getting mad? You asked me!”

I started popping my gum as I
nodded my head and agreed, “Yeah, you did ask.”

always doing

CJ go!” he ordered.

His son was muttering under his
breath as he moved around the center island.

re always rushing and then
break up and be back on looking for another woman.”

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