Taming Megan (11 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taming Megan
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He turned out the light. “Let’s get some sleep.”

They lay down and he gathered her again into his arms once again. “I love you, Meg.”

“I love you too.”


* * *


Jake did go to work the next morning at her urging. She went to the bakery to share her news with Anna and they worked out a slightly different work schedule until Megan didn’t feel so sick anymore. It was definitely worse in the mornings but Dr. Sloane was right, the nausea didn’t really go away all day.

She drove home after leaving the bakery and made herself a cup of tea. Tomorrow was the fifth day and she had yet to decide what she would do. As if on cue, her cell phone vibrated with a text message. She picked it up, not recognizing the sender’s number as it was one she didn’t have in her contacts list. But as soon as she read the message, she knew.


I’ve reserved room 1642 for us at the Ritz Carlton downtown. Only the best for my Meggie. Be there by noon or I’ll have a chat with dear old hubby.



Megan’s body went cold and the tea she’d been holding splattered onto her jeans.


She put the mug down, unable to hold it any longer with her hands shaking like they were just as the door opened and Jake walked inside with a giant bouquet of the most gorgeous wildflowers she’d ever seen.

“Jake!” she said, standing, forgetting about the phone on the couch. “Oh my goodness, they’re gorgeous!” she said, barely able to see him behind the giant bouquet.

She found the largest vase she had and filled it with water while he cut off part of the stems. They then rearranged them together and placed the vase in the center of the kitchen table. “Wow,” she said, standing back and looking at them. “You’re amazing.”

He had his arm wrapped around her waist, his hand on her belly. “No, you are the one who’s amazing. Come here.”

He turned her around and kissed her, lifting her and carrying her up into their bedroom. Once there, he stood her between his knees where he sat on the bed. “Take off your dress, Meg. I want to see you.”

His pupils were dilated, his face the look of arousal. She smiled and pulled her dress over her head, unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, then stepped out of her panties. He first touched her still flat belly, leaning in to kiss it, holding her by her hips. He then trailed kisses lower, placing his hands on either side of her pussy and spreading her open to flick his tongue over her already swelling clit. She gasped when he did this and he repeated, then covered the nub with his mouth, looking up at her as he sucked. She gripped his shoulders, her mouth opening without sound as she pressed herself into him. His hands snaked around behind her and gripped her bottom, pulling her open, one finger sliding along her wet folds then entering her pussy. This time she gasped and he watched her face all along.

But he stopped too quickly and stood, his one hand moving to her already plumper breast, weighing it in his hand as he devoured her mouth in a kiss so erotic, she moaned from somewhere deep inside her. She reached to unbutton his shirt and pulled it from him so it hung half on, half off his arms, still partially tucked into his pants. He stepped back to take it off and she reached for the buckle of his belt, remembering well how he had used it the other night, her bottom still having some bruises from it. She pulled it open and unbuttoned his pants, reaching her hand inside to grip his thick cock. He made a sound and she pushed his pants and underwear down. He stepped out of them and wrapped his arms around her again, kissing her as she stroked his cock. When she began to trail kisses down his chest, he allowed her and when she was on her knees, she placed her hands behind her back and opened her mouth wide to take him in. She began to suck slowly, moving gently along the length of him, taking him deeper and deeper until he reached the back of her throat. His fingers wove into her hair then, holding her still for a moment, then pulling her off altogether.

She resisted when he stood her on her feet, wanting to taste him, wanting his cock inside her mouth, wanting to swallow his seed, but he lay her on her back on the bed instead, bending her knees and pushing her legs wide so he had access to every part of her. He knelt between her legs and licked along the wet folds of her shaved pussy, teasing her with his tongue until she was begging him to take her clit into his mouth.

“Patience,” he said. “Hold your knees up,” he told her. She wrapped her arms around her knees and watched him watching her, his eyes greedy on her sex. He pushed her farther onto the bed and came to kneel between her legs, resuming his teasing, this time his tongue circling her bottom hole as well, making her gasp as he pinched her clit hard.

“Oh!” She lifted to him, wanting more. He licked the length of her once more then brought his cock to her pussy, his hands on her knees spreading them wider. He thrust into her hard and she sucked in a breath.

“Look at me,” he said.

She looked into his eyes and he lay on his elbows above her, slowing his movements, deepening his penetration. Her clit rubbed against his belly and when she reached for him, he straightened up and took her arms, spreading them wide, watching her, fucking her until they came as one, looking into one another’s eyes, he with a loud moan, she in utter silence until he collapsed next to her, holding her to him, cradling her small body in his big arms.

Chapter Ten



It was five minutes before noon when Megan parked her car in the parking lot at the front of the hotel. Her entire body felt clammy and cold and her stomach was in knots but she was just going to do this. She was going to pay Sean Connelly back the money he had paid her eight years ago and tell him she was pregnant, that she had a chance to start a new life with Jake and just appeal to his human side. She put a hand to her belly. There was more at stake now than her marriage; there was a new life to consider.

She pulled the keys out of the ignition and stepped out into the parking lot. It was raining today and she had no umbrella so she ran through the puddles until a valet came to meet her with a huge umbrella.

“Thank you!” she said, wiping wet hair from her face. She shivered. She’d also forgotten to wear her raincoat; she had been so preoccupied.

“You’re welcome, Miss,” he said, shaking out the umbrella once they were under cover of the hotel. He opened the door and she stepped inside. She went straight to one of the waiting elevators and climbed inside, pushing the button for the 16th floor. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She was soaked and shivering but that was fine. She certainly didn’t need to look pretty for him.

She reached into her purse to switch off her cell phone. “Shoot!” She’d forgotten it. In fact, the last time she had seen it was when he had sent her that message. It was probably still on the couch.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She hesitated for a moment. What if she needed to call for help? She couldn’t without a cell phone.

“Just get it over with,” she told herself out loud, marched toward his room and knocked on the door.

The door opened. “Meggie,” Sean Connelly said, the grin on his face twisting her stomach, making her want to retch.


* * *


Jake pulled into the garage and wrapped up his call, surprised to find her car gone. She had said she didn’t have anything to do today and would just be resting most of the day. He was going to surprise Megan and take her out for a nice lunch, maybe a special long weekend. He had good news to share.

He climbed out of the car carrying a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne with him. He walked into the house and set his briefcase down.

“Meg?” he called out, knowing she wouldn’t be here.

No answer.

He dialed her cell phone only to hear it ring from just a few feet from him. He walked to it, ending the call. Her phone sat on the couch. She was forgetful but she never left her phone behind.

“Meg?” he called out again, picking up her phone and looking at the display. He punched in her passcode and for a moment, wondered if he should read the message that came onto the screen:


I’ve reserved room 1642 for us at the Ritz Carlton downtown. Only the best for my Meggie. Be there by noon or I’ll have a chat with dear old hubby.



He knew to whom those initials belonged.

Jake’s entire body went numb and cold. His heartbeat somehow remained level, but his mind was awash with memories of the past week, of how she had been acting, how she’d come to his office that day and never told him what it was about. The image of Sean Connelly with his hand on her arm that night of the party, her own awkward behavior when she had seen him.

Adrenaline pumped through him, making him fist his hands. His eyes narrowed to slits and he turned and walked out the door and into his car.


* * *


Megan stood just inside the door, refusing to budge, some part of her wanting to run.

“Right on time,” he said, checking his watch. “Come inside.” He took a seat on the edge of the bed.

“No. I’m not staying,” she said, reaching into her purse and taking out the envelope which contained $150—the exact amount he had paid her eight years ago. “I’m returning your money since I never fulfilled my end of the deal,” she said, holding it out to him.

His eyes barely left hers to glance at it before returning to her face. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that,” he said.

“Take it,” she said, shaking the envelope at him. “I don’t want it, I should never have taken your money then. It was a mistake.”

“And there are consequences to mistakes.”

“Believe me, I’ve paid for mine.”

“I hardly think so. I mean, look at you,” he said, rising to his feet, his eyes sweeping her body before he turned to pick up his drink from the bar. “No one would look at you and know the trash you are. You’ve covered up your past pretty well, even found yourself a nice, rich husband.”

“Leave Jake out of this. This was my mistake, he shouldn’t have to pay for it.”

“You were going to tell him the other day, weren’t you?” he asked, his tone casual as he sipped his drink. “Why didn’t you? What happened?”

Megan realized in that moment that she wouldn’t be telling him about the baby. The thought of him knowing disgusted her. “None of your business.” She put the envelope down on the table and turned to him to appeal to his human side, but she wondered if he even had one. “Sean, please, you can’t get anything out of telling him. You can’t. You have a wife, a family of your own and I want my own. Please, just let me be.”

“I’ll be happy to let you be. Once you’ve done what I hired you to do eight years ago. Get undressed.”

“No, I’m not doing this,” she said, turning to the door. Her hand closed over the doorknob just as his closed over her shoulder and he yanked her backwards. “Let me go!” she yelled.

“Shut up!” he said, his voice even lower, even more evil as he tossed her onto the bed.

Megan screamed and tried to scramble away but he caught her ankle and dragged her down toward him.

“I said shut the fuck up, whore,” he said, turning her so she was on her back as he reached for his discarded tie and brought it to her mouth to gag her.

He was going to rape her. He was really going to do it. Megan fought like she was fighting the devil himself, scratching at him when he blocked her arms, kneeing him in the thigh, the belly but never quite hitting him where she might do some damage. He tossed her onto her stomach and straddled her, trapping her arms as he shoved the tie into her mouth and pulled hard. She got one last scream out before he flipped her back over and slapped her hard across the face.


* * *


When Jake pulled into the parking lot of the Ritz Carlton, he had no idea how he’d gotten there, he had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts, but when he saw his wife’s car parked there, a rage unlike anything he had ever felt washed through him.

He was going to kill Sean Connelly.

He stormed out into the rain and when the valet came with his umbrella, he ignored him, heading to the elevators. But they were all occupied so instead of waiting, he went to the stairwell and began the ascent up to the sixteenth floor, taking the stairs two at a time and breaking into a run, knowing he needed to get there sooner rather than later.

By the time he reached the 16th floor, he was out of breath. He took a moment to get his bearings and stalked toward room 1642. That was when he heard Megan’s scream and without even a thought to knock, he slammed his full weight into the door bursting into the room to find Sean Connelly standing over his bound, terrified wife.

He took Sean completely by surprise when he charged him, his hand wrapping around his throat, shoving him into a wall so hard, the painting on that same wall crashed down, throwing a lamp over with it, shattering the glass. Sean raised his arms to hold him back but Jake smashed his fist into his face so that he went down sideways, catching himself on the dresser. He was obviously disoriented as he stood and Jake grabbed him again, straightening him to receive the next blow to his other cheek. When he went down, Jake would have kicked him but security burst through the door at that moment, two men grabbing hold of him, pulling him back.

“You fucking bastard!” He cursed, trying to free himself, managing one kick to Sean’s gut before the men pulled him off.

“Sir,” one of the men said. “Calm down.”

“Let me go!” he yelled, yanking himself free, finding Megan on her knees on the bed, bound, gagged, sobbing as she struggled to free her arms. He went to her, feeling heat at his eyes, noticing the state of her clothes, her torn blouse.

He pulled the gag from her mouth.

“Oh, God, Jake. Jake,” she kept repeating. He untied her wrists.

“Did he hurt you?” he asked, noticing the palm print on the side of her face. He hugged her to him. “Did he fucking hurt you?”

She shook her head and cringed back but he pulled her close. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to scare you.”

“I want to go home,” she said. “Take me home.”

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