Tangled in a Web of Lies (13 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

BOOK: Tangled in a Web of Lies
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“Odin really liked her, I have no idea why. I always thought she was a bitch, she could never handle the Club, and they fought about it all the time. She just didn’t understand that being a Bandit comes first until marriage, and even then it’s give and take.”

“Tell me about it.” I roll my eyes, agreeing with Keila.

“He was so good to her. In a way he loved her, but it’s like he knew it would never work, so he did good to try and keep his distance. He wanted her to be his girlfriend, but she said he had to choose between the club and her. Guess who won?”

“I didn’t know he’d asked her to be his girlfriend.” I tell Keila, although I somewhat expected it.

“Yeah, they had their fling for a few months, and he was really into her but she left him for someone with more money. I know it hurt him, made him even more of a recluse.” The word recluse makes me giggle. Everyone’s opinion of Odin is that he’s so private, it makes me smile that he’s been so open with me. It makes me feel special.

“But it was nothing compared to the way he was when you left. He was sad when Daniella left. He was devastated when you broke up with him. Even Cole was getting worried. The other day when Cole called you, he thought Odin had finally hit his breaking point and was in a ditch somewhere.”

I look down toward the floor, nodding my head.

“I know, I feel really bad about leaving,” I tell her sincerely, barely able to look her in the eyes.

“It’s okay,” she says, placing her hand on my shoulder, “you’re back now! Come on, the boys won’t be home till the wee hours of the morning, but Mom’s got dinner in the kitchen.”

I follow Keila into Shannon’s kitchen where she has lasagna and salad laid out on her beautiful wooden dining table. Kelli is already helping herself to a plate, and I take the seat between her and Keila. Shannon has everyone hold hands around the table, which surprises me, because I didn’t take her for a religious type. The table full of old ladies, plus Nathan and Thomas bow their heads to pray.

“Lord bless this table, and the ones who can’t be here now. Keep our men safe while they ride, and bring them home in one piece. Amen.” Shannon keeps it simple and everyone around the table says Amen.

The food is delicious. Nathan and Thomas have good news. The guys should be home around 3:00am, and we may all get to go home tomorrow. That’s all the news we get, and all the news I need to be content.

After dinner, Keila sets up Sing Star karaoke on the Wii console. We take turns passing the microphones around. Kelli and I sing Queen’s – Bohemian Rhapsody, which brings back some serious high school memories.

Kelli and I used to take the bus everywhere before we got our licenses. We used to annoy whole city bus loads of people by singing, and Bohemian Rhapsody was on our list of favorites.

Everyone heads to bed except for me. I’m not tired in the slightest after my nap. I laze around Odin’s room watching movies on my laptop, hoping to catch him before I fall asleep.

Around 3 in the morning I hear the bikes pulling in the driveway, and I feel like a puppy, perking up to listen. With the rest of the house quiet, I can hear them all come in and mess around the kitchen for a few minutes. Then finally I watch as the door knob turns, and Odin quietly comes in.

He seems happily surprised that I’m wide awake in bed, excited to see him.

“Hey babe,” he smiles as he greets me, pulling off his Bandit’s cut and setting it on the dresser.

“How was your day?” I ask, pushing my laptop to the side, but leaving it open for light in Odin’s dark windowless den.

“Long. Complicated,” Odin says as he kicks off his shoes and kneels at the foot of the bed, slowly crawling his way up to me. “Glad to finally be home, and to find you awake in my bed.” He smiles and plants a kiss on my lips.

I lie back, and pull him down on top of me, running my hands up his t-shirt and grazing my fingertips on his warm back.

“How was your day?” he asks, pulling his head just inches away so he can gaze into my eyes while I answer.

“I made an appointment at a women’s clinic in the Valley. They have a specialist that can do the procedure this Friday if I can make it.”

“I’ll take you.” Odin smiles at me, then his lips move down my neck, and pulling my shirt down, he gently teethes on my nipple, making me squeal.

For a minute, I wonder what life would be like if this was without a doubt his baby in my belly, and what his reaction would be if I told him I was pregnant. As he kisses down my chest, showing love and affection to each curve of my body, I imagine a little blond haired boy, with my big brown eyes and Odin’s smile, running around a park, pretending he’s on a motorcycle while he makes motor noises with his mouth.

A sharp pain grips my heart, but before I have time to register it, Odin’s lips press at the skin between my thighs. His tongue dips between my lips, sliding upward until it trails over my clit, making me gasp. His hands firmly grasp my hips, holding me in place while he kisses me, tonguing me to the point I moan uncontrollably. I brace my hands over his wrists, tilting my hips upward into his mouth. When he moans, I feel the vibrations of his voice throughout my body, and it makes me shutter in ecstasy.

His tongue swirls delicately, until I can’t take anymore, and I cum shamelessly into his mouth. Odin climbs up my body, and I pull his shirt off over his head. He pushes his pants down just enough to free his erection. He leans over me, and the head of his hardening cock eases into my wetness.

I moan as he enters me, spreading my legs apart and taking him in. He groans, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close as his hips move between my legs.

My body is still riding out the aftershocks of my orgasm, as his thickening head pushes against my insides. His hips rock back and forth for what seems like forever. He slowly makes love to me, kissing my lips, and my neck, and groping my tits in his hands.

He moves us, so that I am on top for a while. I gaze down at him in the dark, memorizing the way his eyebrows frown as I ride him. His left hand is braced on my hip, moving my waist back and forth slowly. The other hand grips my breast, squeezing my nipple between his thumb and index finger. I can feel him getting closer, his body tensing beneath me, and I want it. I start to ride him harder, and his grip on my hip tightens. He wants it slow, but I want it now.

Before he cums, he flips me onto my back again. When he enters me, it’s slow but hard, filling me completely. My hands rest on his shoulders, bracing myself for his next thrust which comes slower and even deeper than before.

“Feel me baby?” he whispers in my ear.

“Yes,” I moan.

He continues slowly, pressing deep inside me each time his hips move forward. It’s intimate, loving and passionate all at the same time. His hands caress my curves while his tongue sweeps into my mouth. I kiss him with everything that I have. Finally, his thrusts come faster, and his body clenches.

For the first time in almost two months, Odin cums deep inside of me, so hard I can feel him pulsing. His body turns to a solid mass in my arms, jerking with each spurt of cum that rushes from his cock into my womb.

“Yes Baby,” I whisper, grasping his ass in my hands, and pulling him into me. His body shakes and he slowly lays his weight on me. I welcome him, wrapping my arms around him as his hands bury themselves in my hair. He kisses me deeply, parting my lips with his tongue.

I grasp his arms, wincing as he slowly pulls out of me, and curls up at my side. The laptop has shut off, and it’s completely dark in his room. We lye tangled in each other’s arms panting.

“Can I ask you something?” I’m not sure what possess me to, but I open myself up to heartbreak.

“Of course,” Odin whispers, his lips against my cheek.

“Do you want kids?” I know it’s a really serious question to ask, especially since we’re just getting back together, and he hasn’t even told me he loves me yet.

“Are you asking me this, because you’re scared that after your procedure, you might not be able to have them?” Odin asks.

I shrug. I hadn’t even thought of that, although I am now. Complications could indeed make me sterile.

“I’ve never thought about it.” His voice is sincere. “I’m still getting use to the fact that there is someone out there who wants to be with me, knowing all that you know. It doesn’t matter to me if you can’t. And if you do get pregnant, I’ll always be there for you. I’d never leave you hanging. I do right by what is mine, you know that,” he says, planting a kiss on the back of my head.

I tighten my grip on his arms, rolling slightly away from him and turning my head. He moves in closer, cuddling me with no clue that tears are slowly trickling down my face into the pillow.

Jaime was always a flake. I could never really count on him, yet I was faithful to him. Odin is one hundred percent committed to me, and he means it when he says he’ll stand by me. It makes lying even worse. He deserves to know the truth.

“I love you, Ly,” he whispers, and my mind goes silent. My chest tightens, feeling my heart seize at his words. I know he does, but hearing it means the world to me.

“I love you too, O.” I whisper back, slyly wiping the tears from my face. He pulls me closer, his arms around me hugging me even tighter. I hold his arms in my hands, my heart pounding out of control.

A long time ago, Billy told me he loved me. It was different than any love I’d ever known, because I knew that it was true. It was the kind of love that said I will gladly die for you, the kind of love that says no matter what you do, I will always be there to catch you. I spent years searching for that kind of love again. I married Jaime, and tried to tell myself that love was all the same, but deep down I always knew better. Truth is, even after all my searching, I’d never been able to find that kind of love again. Until now.

This time, I will hold on to it, and protect it. I will go to any length to keep it right here with me. Even if it means lying to the man I love more than life itself.


Chapter 12

Keeping Secrets

The next morning, we’re still on lock down. All the boys are headed to the club house for a vote that will hopefully send us all home. Either way I have to call Gus again to tell him I can’t come in.

Gus is nice, but he’s really unhappy about all the work I’ve missed. When I tell him I’m not going to be able to make it in tomorrow for a doctor’s appointment, he fires me. He’s really nice about it, and says I can terminate my lease on the condo early if I need to, but I tell him I want to stay and I’ll come up with the rent. I guess Odin gets what he wants.

Feeling completely deflated, I walk into the kitchen where Kelli and Shannon are having coffee at the table.

“What’s the matter Doll?” Shannon asks, immediately picking up on my mood.

“Just lost my job. Apparently that’s what happens when your boyfriend is a crazy biker and you’re stuck at his parent’s house for days at a time,” I say sarcastically, trying to hide my utter frustration.

“Riiiiight!” Kelli agrees, hoisting up her coffee mug in salute. She must be getting shit from the hospital too.

“Oh honey, don’t worry about that. You know Odin has your back, it’ll all work out.” Shannon’s tone is so light, like losing my job is no big deal. My jaw tightens into a fake smile as I pour myself a cup of coffee.

“Keep your fingers crossed girls. With any luck you’ll all be heading home later,” Shannon says as I take a seat at the table with them.

We lounge around Shannon’s house by the pool. Keila bombards Ashley with baby questions.

“Do you want a boy or a girl?” I hear her ask.

“I want a girl. But Damien wants a boy.”

Kelli looks at me from her towel by the pool and raises her eyebrows. I know she’s probably wondering if I’m having any second thoughts about my own bun in the oven.

“Have you thought of any names?”

“I like Shyla, and Zoey for a girl. Jack for a boy, and Damien likes the name Harley. We still have a lot of time to think about it.”

I get up and dive into the pool, hoping to drown out their conversation. It works. Fully submerged in cool water, it’s quiet and peaceful. I wonder how long I can hold my breath. Right now, passing out under the water almost seems easier than resurfacing to face my life, no job, a giant lie for a relationship and to top it all off, the evidence of that lie growing inside of me. Maybe I should just suck-in a few gulps of water.

I try to imagine a future with Odin, where I’m not pregnant with a secret baby, where we’re free to do whatever we please and the club doesn’t have any hold on us. And then I start laughing so hard I almost drown myself, and I come up out of the water choking and laughing simultaneously. I get a few strange looks as I pick up my towel and head back inside the house.

So many agonizing thoughts cloud my head as I make my way to Odin’s room before I have a severe anxiety attack.
What the hell am I even doing here? I can’t do this, can’t keep living this charade and lying. What am I going to do when it’s time to go back into Odin’s spare room and play torture the victim? How am I going to explain why I never want to go to the club house, or anywhere I might bump into Rick? How could I have been so stupid to think I could pull this off.

As I sit on Odin’s bed with all these thoughts pounding in my head, I think about running. I could get away with hiding out at Dustin’s house for a while. I can cover my rent for a month or two until I figure it out. Then it dawns on me, I don’t even know the gate code. Suddenly feeling like a prisoner, my breathing becomes panting. I fight the urge to scream, trying to find my center.

There’s a knock on the door and Kelli slips into the room with me. She can tell I’m freaking out, and she hurries to put her arms around me. Between me and Kelli, I’m usually the strong one. But now, I lay my head on her shoulder, and try to calm myself in her embrace.

“It’s gonna be fine Lila. In two weeks, it will be like none of this ever happened. You and Odin can get back to your relationship as it was,” she assures me. I nod, and she lets me go. I feel a little better, but I’m still shaking.

I hear the laughter of men in the kitchen, and I try to snap out of it before Odin comes looking for me in his room.

“Am I interrupting something?” Odin asks when he finds me and Kelli sitting on his bed.

Kelli tosses her legs over me, straddling my lap.

“Yes, you’re interrupting time alone with my woman!” Kelli jokes, pretending to fondle my boobs.

“Your woman?” Odin retorts, “Well, by all means, don’t mind me,” he says, leaning up against the door to enjoy the fake show.

“Pervert!” says Kelli, getting off of me. Odin steps aside, letting her out of the room.

Once we’re alone, I gaze up at him, and force a smile. I’m starting to feel crazy on the inside, holding in all these secrets, and trying to pretend that everything is just fine.

“Shannon told me you got fired today,” Odin says, sitting next to me and putting his hand on my knee.

“Yeah, that’s what happens when you don’t show up.” I know it’s not right to blame him, but I do anyways.

“Are you gonna be mad if I tell you I’m kind of glad?”

I shrug. At this point losing my job is just the icing on the shit cake. I sigh in defeat, shaking my head.

“Come on babe, let me take care of you. You don’t need a stupid job serving guys who tip you based on the size of your rack.” Odin puts his finger under my chin, pulling my face up to meet his. I’m feeling fresh out of fake smiles, and I stare into his eyes blankly.

“I want to take care of you Lila. I know it’s hard for you to trust, and to lean on someone other than yourself. The money is nothing to me, your rent, and bills are pennies compared to what I make. Just let me be here for you. Please. That’s all I want.”

He’s right. It’s extremely difficult to put my trust in anyone. Even Odin, as much as he tries to protect me, can’t save me from everything. But I know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me as I gaze into his deep blue eyes. At least one thing in my life isn’t total shit.

“Okay.” I give in, and agree. Odin’s face lights up with a smile, like he’s won me all over again. He hugs me, and I scowl a little, but right now I have bigger things to worry about.

“We can go home today,” Odin says, lightening the mood considerably.

“Wonderful,” I say as he releases me to start packing out stuff. “What about that guy’s brother?”

“He’s not a threat anymore.” Odin looks me in the eye and doesn’t say anymore. I know without asking, that the brother is dead. That’s how I know without a doubt that he’d kill Rick and Jaime. I want them dead, but not at the cost of losing Odin the way I did Billy. Odin’s smarter, but any man faced with this reality is bound to do something he’ll regret.

“I took the day off tomorrow , so I can bring you to the doctor’s.”

“That’s okay. Kelli can take me.” In fact, it would take a lot of pressure off me if Kelli went instead of Odin.

“You’re my old lady, not Kelli’s. I’m a man and I take care of my shit. I’m gonna go with you, and be there for you baby. I know you’re scared and I don’t want you to have to do that alone.”

His words bring tears to my eyes. It must be the pregnancy hormones making me soft. Odin puts his bag down and pulls me into his arms. I can’t lose him. No matter what happens I have to pull this off. He can’t find out what I’m doing, and after this the lies have to stop. I can buy myself some time getting back into the lifestyle, saying I have to take it easy for a couple weeks after the cyst is removed. It’s scary how easily the lies come together.

“Feel like going out tonight?” he offers.

“Sure. But I can’t eat or drink anything after midnight.”

“Cool. There’s a Halloween show tonight at Strip Tease.”

“Yea, Keila said you like co own that place, and Club Sin.” I hit him up about the clubs.

“Not exactly. I built the building for Strip Tease, with a lot of my own money. It was Randy Evan’s idea to open the strip club. I just built it the way he envisioned it, and used my funds to do so. Club was a hit, got all my money back, and quite a bit more actually. I’m not a co-owner now that I have all my investment back. Now I’m just a VIP member. Since Strip Tease was doing so well, I helped him open Club Sin. Then a buddy of his hit me up for help with Lair. The only reason I agreed to help was because Lair is solely based around BDSM, and I liked the idea of being a VIP, and investor in another hit club.”

“So that’s why they didn’t call the cops when you got super shitty at Lair.”

“Who told you that?”

“Keila!” Who else?

“Like I said Lila, not much made sense without you.”

We’re quiet a minute. I try not to think too deeply about what things were like for either of us during the time we were apart. All I can think about now, is doing what’s necessary to keep us together.

We catch a show at Strip Tease, and then Odin takes me back to my place to grab some things. I drive his Camaro back to his house behind him. As soon as we’re inside the door, his hands are all over me. A few hours of watching strippers take their clothes off, has him hard and ready for sex. He follows me up the stairs, and I run through his door, and grab hold of the pole. He comes in behind me, and his sexy smile spreads across his face.

I slowly start to move up and down, reaching around my back to unzip my strapless cheetah print dress. Odin turns on some music, then stands a few feet from the pole. His eyes watch with desire as I slowly push my dress to the floor, leaving myself in black lingerie and matching stilettos.

Odin’s hands move toward the waist of his pants, as he slowly unfastens his belt. He folds it in half in his hand.

“Let me see that beautiful ass, baby.”

I turn my back to him, and reach down to grab my ankles. The belt comes down on my bare ass, and I moan. It’s hotter than it is painful, it makes me want to fuck him so bad. I dance around the pole a few more times, then turn my ass to him again, letting him whip me with his belt again. The leather bites down teasingly.

When I turn to face him, there is a massive bulge in his jeans. I reach my hands above me, and move down the pole, sitting on my heels with my knees wide open. I bring a hand down to touch myself through my black lace thong, and as I do so, Odin unzips his pants, and lets them fall to the ground with his boxers.

His massive erection pulses in his hand as I move back up the pole. I and take my breast in my hand, caressing it as I bite my lower lip. He strips out of his shirt, then comes to stand with me on the pole platform. He takes my hands, and uses his belt to secure my wrists to the pole above me.

I’m nervous at first. I have no idea how my brain will react to being tied up, but as Odin’s hands move down my arms to cup my breasts, I remember what it feels like to be loved. It’s not frightening, because at any point, I can say
and stop everything. Unlike Jaime, his touch is gentle. Even as he sucks hard on my nipples, my mind is relaxed because I know I’m safe with Odin.

I feel his erection moving between my thighs. He lets go of my nipple, and bends down to pull off my panties, carefully pulling up each high heel. He moves a few steps back taking in the sight of me tied to the pole with his belt, in nothing but a bra and my heels. His cock looks as desperate for sex as I feel. He strokes himself again, and it’s enough to send a shock to my pussy that has me moaning.

“Well, well,” he says, moving toward his black chest, never taking his eyes off me. “Looks like I’ve caught myself a beautiful little rabbit.” He wrestles inside the chest, deciding on the perfect toy for the occasion. He pulls out a pink dildo, with a bunny rabbit branching off the base. “Let’s have some fun, Rabbit.” Odin steps back up onto the platform. The ears of the bunny vibrate when he twists the bottom, and turns it on.

I move my feet apart, and Odin moves the pink bunny between my legs, letting the tip sink between my wet lips. In one quick motion, he thrusts it inside me. My whole body jolts, and I moan in pleasure, finally getting the attention I want. The ears of the bunny hum against my clit as he grinds it into me.

“You like that little rabbit?” he asks, moving the vibrator in and out as if it were his cock.

“Yes!” I say enthusiastically, wanting so badly for him to make me cum.

Something dark flickers in his eyes and he quickly lunges forward, grabbing my throat.

“Tell me how much you fucking like it,” he hisses just inches away from my face. The vibrator sinks deeper, the ears of the bunny kneading against my clit.

“I fucking love it!” I scream, feeling my knees getting weaker.

Odin’s hand clamps down on my throat, and his tongue forces its way inside my mouth. His hand moves fast, impaling me with the vibrator each time it moves forward. I close my eyes and begin to lose myself to the sensation.

“I want you to scream my name while you cum Rabbit. I want you to know that I’m the one who’s doing this to you, making you weak, making you feel this fucking good!” Odin’s voice is harsh, and his eyes are full of a rage so dark it scares me. But this fear is my attraction, and as I stare directly at the demon inside him, I lose control of my body. I cum hard around the vibrator that hammers into me forcibly by his hand.

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