Tangled in a Web of Lies (12 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

BOOK: Tangled in a Web of Lies
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We stare at each both filled with the same need for one another. He watches my expression as his cock pushes inside me. My breathing quickens, my chest rising and falling between us. His hips grind against me, holding me pinned in place against the wall as begins to fuck me.

My hands ball into fists, fighting against his hold, but he doesn’t let them loose. He restrains my arms, holding me up on my tip toe so that he can easily move his cock in and out of me. My eyes close and his lips press into mine again. His tongue fills my mouth, our breathing gets harsher, and inside I can feel an orgasm building.

He bites my lip. Pain surges to my brain, sending an electric shock straight between my legs. His hips continue to pound against mine, and he nails me up against the wall.

“Make me cum,” I beg him.

“Not yet Baby,” he whispers in my ear, still pumping his cock inside of me. I can feel his head, grinding against my pleasure spot. The muscles in my abs tighten. I want to touch him, but all I can do is tighten my leg around his waist, and pull him in deeper.

He hisses as his hips slam into mine. He lifts his head back, and I open my eyes to see him glaring down at me. His expression is angered, like he’s using my body to relieve all of his stress. He fucks me hard, pounding my ass against the shower wall.

“That’s it baby, fuck me hard! Make it hurt!” I plead, burning with passion and the need to cum.

He takes both my wrists in one hand, his tight grip enough to keep me from breaking free of his hold. With his free hand, he grabs hold of my throat and squeezes. It’s fucking hot. I close my eyes again and he continues to fuck me so hard that it hurts.

For a moment, the burning in my throat triggers an awful memory of Rick choking me on my living room floor. But the second my eyes shoot open and see Odin, the memory fades instantly, leaving me in the moment. My eyes lock on his, and I concentrate on each of his violent thrusts. The muscles inside me constrict around him, as I try desperately to maintain my self control.

I try to moan and let some of the sensation inside me escape through my lips, but his hand has my neck in a tight grasp. The fear of suffocating is a rush. I can feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. His cock is buried against my pleasure spot, driving me fucking insane! I can’t control my body as it quickens around him.

“Cum Baby. Cum on my cock!” he hisses, granting my body the release it can’t hold on to any longer. I scream, but hardly any noise leaves my mouth. My entire body convulses around him, as I cum so hard I almost pass out.

“Fuck ya Baby! Give it to me,” he demands, fucking me hard and fast as my orgasm rips through me. Just when I can’t take anymore, he lets go of my throat, and I cum again gasping loudly as I take in a gusts of air.

“FUCK!” he growls, shutting his eyes tight.

I throw my head back against the wall, and his hands grasp my hips, holding me still as his cock slams into me. My nails dig into his shoulders, gripping him as my body comes to pieces around him.

Odin slips out of me, and I feel his hot bursts of cum against my belly as I slide back down the wall onto my feet. His grip on my hips tightens, crushing me, but holding me steady on two wobbly legs. His body finally relaxes. His hands find mine again, and his fingers lace with mine.

“I miss cumming inside of you,” he says holding my hands at our sides as the water beats down on us.

“I have an appointment at the Clinic tomorrow morning to get back on birth control, but I don’t suppose I’m going to make it.”

“What time?”

“8:45,” I tell him.

“I’ll talk to Micah, I can probably take you. Then I can get back to blowing my loads inside you.” The way he says it makes me want to fuck him all over again.

“I’d like that,” I admit teasingly, dragging my hand down his back and grabbing his firm butt.

“Would you?” He smiles his million dollar smile, and I nod, leading him on. He shuts the water off and drags me to bed where he takes me again. By the time he’s finished with me, I’m exhausted. I set my alarm for 7:45, which gives us less than seven hours of sleep.

Odin lies behind me, his arms twined around me. Here in my safe haven I take refuge, closing my eyes and finding peaceful sleep.


Chapter 11

I hit the snooze button twice before I drag myself out of bed, and then I’m instantly in a hurry. It only takes Odin a minute to pull his clothes on, his messy hair falling around his face only makes him look better. My hair on the other hand, is an untamed beast, having gotten wet in the shower the night before. I pull it to the side, and attempt forcing it into a braid on one side of my head.

I hate the way it looks, but I don’t have time to mess with it. In the kitchen Micah is already up, and he and Cody are drinking coffee. I help myself to a small cup while Odin runs our plans passed Micah. Micah is nice enough to offer up his truck so we don’t have to take the bike in the chilly morning air.

“Be safe out there,” Micah makes sure to tell us before I rinse my cup and we head out.

Once we get to the clinic, Odin takes a seat in the waiting room, and watches the cartoons playing on the television while I get checked in. I dig around the gun in my purse, searching for my wallet that holds my medical cards. The assistant tells me to have a seat in the waiting room, and hands me a clip board of papers to fill out.

I can tell Odin feels out of place sitting in the clinic with me. I tell him it’s fine if he wants to wait in the truck instead, but he chooses not to. I turn in my paperwork and a few minutes later, a door opens and my name is called. I smile at Odin, and head into the exam area.

Like usual they take my height and weight, and I’m forced to notice that I have gained about 15 pounds since June. As usual, I have to pee in a cup before they’ll give me birth control. When I’m finished in the bathroom, they hand me an oversized napkin, and tell me to wait in the exam chair for the doctor who will be in shortly.

I nervously wait for a doctor to come give me a vaginal exam. When the door finally opens, a middle aged lady in pink scrubs comes in with her clip board in hand.

“Delilah?” she asks, taking a seat on a stool that she wheels over in my direction.


“Says you are here for your annual pap smear, and to renew your Implanon birth control rod in your arm?” she confirms, looking down at my chart.

“That’s right.”

“Well, the results from your urine came back positive. Looks like your birth control expired back in August.” The doctor looks to me for a response, and I’m left staring at her, white as a ghost.

“I’m pregnant?” I can barely put the words together, as I watch my entire life fall apart right in front of my eyes. There is a knock on the door that startles the hell out of me. It’s just the nurse bringing in what looks like an ultrasound machine.

“Yep, looks like it. If you want to lie back, we can see how far along you are. I’m guessing no more than a month or so, since that’s when your last Implanon expired. Have you noticed any morning sickness?”

I shake my head in a daze, wide eyed as my stomach twists in knots. Then it dawns on me that I did have some morning sickness, I just thought it was from my sleeping pills that my therapist prescribed.

The doctor and her assistant proceed to hook me up to the ultrasound machine, coating my belly with a layer of gelatin while I do my best not to panic. I can’t even bring myself to look at the screen. I don’t want to accept that I’m pregnant.

She confirms there is a five to six week old fetus inside me. Five weeks ago, I wasn’t having sex. Six weeks ago was the weekend Odin left for Chicago, the weekend Jaime…

Fuck no! This can’t be fucking happening! I sit up in a hurry, pushing the doctor’s hands away from my belly. I feel sick knowing that there is a baby inside me that might belong to Jaime Mosley, like I’m literally growing a monster just like him.

“I can’t have this baby!” I look the doctor straight in the eye, getting my point across.

“Well, you have a few weeks to think about it…”

“NO! You don’t understand! I CAN’T have this baby! I need an abortion.”

She senses the urgency in my voice. I’m sure this isn’t the first time she’s had this kind of reaction to the surprise news. For my sake, I sincerely hope she’s pro choice, and can help me take care of this quickly, before anyone finds out.

“Okay. You can schedule an appointment whenever you’re ready. I’ll get you the information.” The kind doctor puts her hand on my hand, trying to calm me down. My mind is racing a million miles a minute, while I come up with another lie to tell Odin. One more strand in this ugly web of lies that is eventually going to come unraveling on me. But again, the truth isn’t an option.

The doctor leaves me alone to get dressed. I’m seized with the uncontrollable urge to vomit, and I lean over into the trash can, throwing up this morning’s coffee. I wipe my face and clean up in the sink, then pull my clothes back on in a hurry.. My anxiety spikes, and my hands tremble in front of me. I rake my hands through my hair, and try desperately to just breathe.
Hold it together. Just hold it the fuck together.

The doctor comes back with a card in her hand for numerous women’s health clinics in the area. She vaguely explains the process to me, but I’m too disturbed to pay attention.

“It’s gonna be okay, Honey. You have plenty of time to safely abort,” she assures me, helping me to pull my nerves together. “It’s not much different than having a tumor or a cyst removed. It’s a safe, outpatient procedure.” Her words of comfort give me an idea.

I take a few more deep breaths as I walk down the hall toward the waiting room. I take a minute to really get my emotions under control before I open the door. Odin is smiling at the cartoons playing on the TV, but when he sees me, his face drops, and he stands abruptly.

“Are you okay?” he looks scared, no doubt mirroring my expression.

“Yeah. They found a cyst on my ovary and I need to make an appointment to have it removed.”

His nervous eyes shift from my belly back to my face. “Is it serious?”

“No, it’s actually kind of common. I just need to get it taken care of as soon as possible. If it were to rupture, it could become serious.”

Odin pulls me in for a hug, giving me a kiss on the forehead. For the first time, lying to him feels wrong. I had been justifying not giving him the truth by telling myself it was for his safety. But not telling him I’m pregnant makes me feel malicious, and shameful. Knowing that there is a chance this baby is his, and I’m going to get rid of it without even telling him, puts a sick feeling in the pit of my conscience. A tear slips out of my eyes, but I pass it off as nerves.

“It’ll be okay baby. Don’t be scared.”

I nod, pushing the tear from my eye, but he has no idea.

I’m quiet as we drive back to Shannon’s house. Odin types the code into the security gate and we make it back just in time for him to ride out with the others. As usual I say a silent prayer that they all come home safe, even if the things they do while they’re out are criminal, and ungodly.

I find Kelli in the kitchen, helping Shannon clean up the dishes from the breakfast I missed.

“Are you hungry Dear?” Shannon asks politely offering to make me a plate of left over French toast.

“No, thank you.” I smile politely back, and steal Kelli to Odin’s room with me. When I lock the door behind her, she knows something’s up, and she eyes me with warily.

“I’m so fucked!” I barely make out the words, trying to keep my emotions together, and not break down on Kelli.

“What happened?” Kelli questions me as my hands start shaking and I pace back and forth.

Finally I look her dead in the eye and tell her I’m pregnant.

She gapes at me. “Does Odin know?”

“No of course not! I can’t tell him. There’s a good chance the baby is Jaime’s. I need to get an abortion, like yesterday!” I whisper loudly, stressing my point to Kelli without screaming for the whole house to overhear.

“Shit Dude,” Kelli sits on the foot of the bed, her eyes wide while she tries to help me come up with some sort of plan. “There’s a woman’s clinic in Temecula, they do phone consultations, and same day appointments.” Kelli pulls out her phone to start looking up the clinic, and I do my best not to have a panic attack.

“I can take you, Odin never has to know.” Kelli does her best to calm me down.

“Too bad we’re on lock down.” My heart pounds in my chest like I’m trying to carefully deactivate the ticking time bomb in my womb.

“What if it is Odin’s?”

I stare at Kelli, and for the first time I think of this thing inside of me a little differently. If it was Odin’s I’d be happy, and I’d keep it.

“I can’t take that chance.”

Kelli nods. “Any ideas how we can manage a trip to the clinic on lock down?”

“I told Odin that they found an ovarian cyst, and that I need it removed. He can take me, he’ll never know that’s not really what I’m doing. Right?” I seek Kelli’s expertise as a nurse.

“That was smart. It’s risky but it could totally work. Here’s the number to Eureka Springs Women’s center.” Kelli reads me off the number and I lock myself in the bathroom, leaving her to be my lookout while I call.

The receptionist is helpful, and diligent in getting all my info quickly. I’m able to have a quick phone consultation, where I briefly explain how positive I am that terminating my pregnancy is the best thing for me.

A nurse walks me through the procedure over the phone, and says if I can be there before 10:00am this Friday they can get me in. She advises me to get plenty of sleep the night before, and not to eat anything within eight hours of showing up to the clinic.

Kelli is waiting anxiously on the foot of Odin’s bed when I come out of the bathroom.

“Did you get it figured out?” she asks.

“Yea, I have an appointment for this Friday. I’ll have Odin take me. It’ll be okay.” As I say the words, I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince Kelli or myself.

I pull my bag out from under the side of the bed, and I pack a bowl for Kelli and me to share. Kelli doesn’t normally smoke, since she’s a nurse and it jeopardizes her job. But today, she helps me hot box the room, and like any good friend, she makes me feel like I’m not alone and that I’m doing the right thing.

“Have you thought about telling Shannon about what happened?” she asks, once she has a good buzz going.

“What’s the point?” I stare at Kelli with my glazed over eyes, peering through a cloud of smoke. “She can’t help me.”

There’s not much else to say, so Kelli and I quietly pass the pipe back and forth. After a few bowls I’m exhausted, and Kelli excuses herself while I take a nap.

Odin’s room was originally a den, and it has no windows. It makes it easy to lose track of time. I wake up a few times, roll over and fall back asleep. I’m shocked when there’s a knock on the door, and I check my phone to find it’s already 7:00 in the evening.

Keila is outside the bedroom door, looking cute and sweet in a Hawaiian dress and flip flops. She’s tanner than normal, and I take it I missed all the girls hanging out by the pool.

“Hey sleepy head. You feeling okay?” she asks.

“Yea, I was just tired. We stayed up late, got up early.” I smile at her but she lingers a moment, making me nervous.

“I think Odin’s in love with you. It wouldn’t surprise me if he is having trouble saying it, but he really took a dive when you left.” I know that this is Keila’s way of being nice, and that she means well, but hearing how much I hurt Odin doesn’t make me feel good.

“It was hard on both of us.”

“Are you guys okay now?”

“It’s complicated. But I love him,” I assure her, “and when I left, nothing made sense anymore. We got some things to work out, but I think we’re okay,” I say honestly.

Keila surprises me by giving me a big hug.

“I’m so glad to hear that. I was really worried about Odin when you left. You didn’t see him, but it was bad Lila. He showed up to work drunk twice, and got into some huge brawl at Lair. They called Cole to come pick him up.”

I let go of Keila, “What’s Lair?”

“It’s a club that Cole and Odin are partners in.”

I gape at her.
Partners in?
Keila senses how clueless I am, and fills me in.

“Odin never told you? He and Cole are financial backers in Club Sin, Lair and Strip Tease in Hollywood. They’re like co owners. Anyway, Cole got a call from Randy, the owner of Lair, and he said Odin showed up, all messed up and…” Keila stops herself from telling me whatever it is she thinks I shouldn’t hear. “It was pretty bad. He was really fucked up and I don’t think it was the alcohol. He was like a lost boy without you.” Her words leave a small hole in my heart.

“He’ll probably never admit it, but he needs you Lila. You’re perfect for him. Unlike Daniella, who left him for someone else when he opened up to her.” Keila again catches me by surprise, Odin never mentioned opening up to Daniella.

“I really don’t like her,” I tell Keila, hoping she’ll tell me more about what she knows of Daniella if I express my common dislike for her. “She showed up at Odin’s the other day in a skimpy little hooker dress, said she wanted to ‘talk’ to him.”

Keila hugs me again, and tells me how awesome I am when I tell her about the conversation between me and Daniella. Then she starts to spill the beans about the details she knows from Odin’s relationship with her.

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