Tangled Shadows (8 page)

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Authors: Tina Christopher

BOOK: Tangled Shadows
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Galen dug his fingers into the sheet and roared. The pulsing of his orgasm nearly made Brooke fly apart again.

For that brief moment when they were both in another dimension, their minds linked. Brooke saw Galen’s love for Nikolai. She felt his need for her and for Nikolai, and realized Galen wanted her. She wasn’t only a quick fuck for him.



Brooke knew Galen read her desire for both men. She desperately hoped that she’d buried her longing for more deep enough.

As quickly as the link established, it was gone, leaving Galen and Brooke panting.

“It worked,” Brooke gasped.

Galen attempted to put his scrambled brain back together again. The sex alone would have been enough to knock his senses awry, but linking with Brooke, even for only a few moments, took the feet completely out from underneath him.

Nikolai sat up against the wall. “Interesting.”

Brooke didn’t respond and only waved her hand, clearly unable to put together a coherent sentence.

“Galen.” She pushed against his shoulders, making him realize he’d just dropped on her. He kissed her and gently disengaged his already hardening cock. He moved to the side and rolled onto his elbow.

Brooke struggled up until she leaned against the wall. “So your belief turned out to be true.”

“Yep, while Galen and you flew high, you let your guard down and linked with him,” Nikolai said.

Brooke rubbed her face. “So we fuck for you to get to my memories,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, attempting to put her walls up again.

Galen hadn’t seen anything that would explain the shields. Maybe Nikolai’s idea was correct—as their lifemate, she needed protection until she trusted them enough to open herself up to them. He took her hand. “We’ll make love to you. You’ll be having a lot of orgasms.”

“What about you guys?”

Nikolai shook his head. “It’ll be easier if we have some blood in our heads and not all of it in our dicks.”

“We know how to link. It’s all about you dropping your walls,” Galen said.

Brooke fell silent.

Galen looked at his partner. Nikolai shook his head.

“What’s going on, babe?” Galen asked.

Brooke shrugged. Galen nearly laughed. He’d not expected her to pout. She looked adorable.

Nikolai nibbled on her earlobe. “Tell us, what are you thinking?”

“It seems so, I don’t know, cold. You’re fucking me to scour my brain.” Galen met Nikolai’s gaze briefly. “Are you kidding?” Nikolai pulled away from Brooke so he could meet her eyes. “What planet have you escaped to?”



She didn’t meet either man’s eyes and shrugged again. “What am I supposed to think? You’re going to make me orgasm so you can get into my head.” Nikolai grabbed her hand and put it on his hardening cock. “Does this feel like I don’t want to lick you to orgasm and then do it all over again?”

“Why do you think we’re excited?” Galen asked. “We want nothing more than to lay you on our bed and feast to our heart’s content.”

“Really?” The uncertainty in her eyes nearly broke his heart.

Nikolai pulled her face around and kissed her. Galen felt the arousal spreading through his partner, felt Nikolai’s tongue like his own, dueling with Brooke’s. He stroked his hardening length. It would be torture to feast on Brooke and not get any release, but if it meant gaining more of her trust and finding out what the Ferals did to her, he was happy to make the sacrifice.

Nikolai ended the kiss. “Really.”

Nikolai’s heart beat like a hyperdrive engine. Despite his earlier release, watching Brooke and Galen had turned his cock hard and throbbing. He wanted nothing more than to sink into Brooke’s tight pussy.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the cards yet. Galen had other plans, but Nikolai swore to himself that he’d make his lover suffer. Galen’s decision would come and bite him in his delectable ass. Literally.

He jumped from the bed, Brooke in his arms, and stormed to the main bedroom.

Brooke grabbed his long hair and pulled. “Hey, hang on.” Nikolai stopped. “What?”

She grabbed his face and made sure he looked into her eyes. “What about you? You feel,” she shifted her ass against his straining length, “as if you have other things on your mind.”

Nikolai snorted. “You could say that.”

Brooke stroked his cheek. “How about we take care of you first, before we move on to the investigation?” She drew quotation marks around the last words with her fingers.

“This one would be just for us, with no added agenda.” Nikolai realized she might have said she wanted to go ahead, but deep down she still doubted their honest desire for her. Part of her believed the sex was to get into her mind and not for the enjoyment of the act.

Galen came up behind, leaned his head on Nikolai’s shoulder and caressed Nikolai’s cock. He agreed with his assessment. “I think Brooke is on to something here.” He nibbled on Nikolai’s neck.

Both the caress and the nip shot through Nikolai like hot lava. “Let’s,” he whispered hoarsely. He continued his march to the main cabin, where he dropped her on the bed and followed her down. He notched his dick between Brooke’s soft legs. The 53


heat covering the head of his oversensitive cock felt amazing. He rubbed against her some more, coating himself in her juices.

Brooke wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him tighter, making him throw back his head and groan. Nikolai barely felt the bed sink as Galen lay next to them, fully focused on Brooke. Only when Galen leaned over and kissed his cheek did Nikolai look at his lover.

Their eyes met and held. Galen moved his lips along Nikolai’s cheeks until their lips met. Nikolai curled his tongue around Galen’s, stroking, filling himself with his lover’s taste. The kiss became more heated as Galen responded and before long their tongues dueled for supremacy.

“You guys are so hot,” Brooke whispered.

The men disengaged, slowly, and looked at Brooke. “You like to watch?” Galen asked with a chuckle.

“The two of you? Yeah.”

“You wanna see more?” Nikolai whispered against her lips.

Brooke released her legs from around Nikolai’s hips and pushed against his torso.

“Give it your best,” she said, a grin spreading across her face.

The men laughed. Nikolai released Brooke. She rolled onto her elbow and put her head in her hand. “I’m waiting.”

Fire raced through Nikolai’s veins. He loved Galen with all his heart and the pleasure they shared was nothing short of miraculous. Having Brooke watch them raised the bar so high he had to clench his fingers around the sheets for a moment before he could gather enough control.

He came up on his knees, crawled between Galen’s legs and began to caress his lover’s taught body. Galen leaned against the wall, content to let him take control.

Nikolai kissed his way across Galen’s chest, the firm skin a delight against his lips, until he reached the first nipple. He licked and nipped at the tight peak and the firm muscles. Nikolai took his time, working his way down until Galen’s rigid cock bumped his chin. “You happy to see me?” he asked.

Galen made more room between his legs. “Depends on how much longer you’re faffing about,” he panted.

Nikolai chuckled. “Nearly there.” He licked Galen’s throbbing length and sucked the flushed head between his lips, pulling hard, making sure Galen could feel the edge of his fangs. Galen’s groan was music to his ears, but the panting he could hear from behind him drove him even higher. Brooke’s musky scent permeated the air.

He withdrew a little and the cock popped out of his mouth. Galen’s hands clenched around his head and attempted to push him back on his steely dick. Nikolai pushed them away. “Not so fast, I’m in charge right now.” Galen groaned. “What are you planning?”



Nikolai stayed silent, knowing the uncertainty would drive Galen even higher. He stroked the rigid shaft, softly, more a tickle than a real touch and enjoyed the twitching results.

Galen balled his fists. “Stop fucking around, you bastard. Suck my dick!” Nikolai loved it when Galen lost control and made demands. Slowly he pulled the pulsing cock into his mouth again, making sure he used just enough pressure to keep Galen on edge.

One hand held the base of the steel-hard length, the other moved up to where Galen’s hip met thigh, and massaged the firm flesh. Galen loved the sensation of being touched there. Nikolai’s fingers moved farther down until he reached Galen’s dark entrance. Again, gently, because he knew any firmer touch would bring him closer to the end, Nikolai circled the pucker. He had no lubricant close by, so he sucked on his finger and pushed the tip into the tight entrance.

Galen groaned. “Oh, so good, give me more.”

Nikolai wanted to follow his friends demand. Fuck, he needed better lubricant. He was just about to release Galen and instruct the wall to open the compartment, when a moan sounded from behind him. Holding his lover’s cock, he looked at Brooke. His arousal jumped to lightspeed.

“Jade, woman, you look like a goddess,” he mumbled, unable to stop his hand from moving to his own hard length and stroking up and down.

“I was about to say something similar,” Brooke moaned. She was naked, leaning against the wall, her legs splayed open and her hand massaging her clit. “By Jade, the two of you look so sexy it should be forbidden.”

Still holding his friend’s cock, Nikolai moved closer to Brooke, more or less pulling Galen behind him. Hell, Galen liked a little pain. “Look here, Galen, I’ve found what we’ve been missing.” He leaned forward and stroked his tongue across Brooke’s slit, fingers and all.

She arched her neck and gasped. Nikolai chuckled and repeated his action. Then he stabbed two fingers of his free hand into her tight sheath. She screamed. He moved his fingers, massaging her clenching tunnel and coating his fingers in her juices.

“By Jade, you’re dripping, girl. I’ve never seen anybody so wet.” Now it was Brooke who chuckled. “Take this show on the road and you’ll have plenty of dripping pussy.”

Nikolai kissed her on the lips. “I think we’ll keep this between us.” He moved, never forgetting the other hand he had around his panting lover’s cock.

He kissed Galen, knowing his lips still had Brooke’s taste on them. Galen moaned. “The two of you taste so good,” he whispered against Nikolai’s lips.

Nikolai squeezed Galen’s erection. “Time to get serious.” Galen exhaled deeply and leaned back, giving Nikolai the necessary access. One hand massaging the throbbing dick, the other pressing against Galen’s tightly shielded 55


pucker, Nikolai knew no compassion. He pressed in, not stopping when Galen hissed.

He kept pushing and squeezing, until both fingers were inside Galen’s tight back entrance.

Galen moaned. Nikolai pushed deeper and played along the channel, awakening every single nerve ending. Slowly.

“Jade, Nikolai, stop playing around. I need you.” Nikolai bit his lover’s chest. “Didn’t I say I was in charge?” He bit again, strong enough to leave teeth marks. “Any more complaints and I’ll leave you hanging.” Galen groaned, but dropped his hands on the bed. Nikolai caressed Galen’s nipple with his lips as a reward, at all times holding his lover’s penis in one hand, massaging and stroking it. “Brooke,” he demanded. “Come over here.” Brooke came up on her hands and knees and slunk across the massive bed.

“What?” she asked, her voice husky. Her hunger singed him like a laser beam.

He leaned over and kissed her, their tongues tangling. Nikolai struggled to pull back. “I need lubricant for my dick,” he whispered. “I’m going to fuck Galen in a few moments and if I stay as dry as I am it won’t be much fun for him.” Brooke breathing became more uneven. “Where’s the lubricant?” Her pupils dilated.

Nikolai smiled. Going by her widening eyes it wasn’t a nice smile. “In your mouth and in your pussy,” he whispered against her lips.

Brooke’s eyes closed and her hand went to her clit. Nikolai released Galen’s erection and slapped her mound. She gasped. “Stop playing around,
. Do you want Galen to suffer?”

She shook her head.

“Then get my cock nice and wet.”

He’d expected her to suck it, but she scrambled over their legs and sat on his lap, her back to Galen. Brooke grabbed his rock-hard dick and sank down forcefully. Her head dropped back in pleasure.

Nikolai let go of Galen completely and grabbed her ass. “Jade, Brooke, what are you doing?”

Galen roared with laughter, though his voice sounded hoarse. “If you need her to explain, I’m not sure where you’ve been for the last hour.” Brooke was wet, her juices gushing. Her tight channel gripped him from base to tip and he was one thrust from exploding.

Brooke moaned. “I’m getting you wet and myself off at the same time.” She leaned backward, putting on more pressure. “Jade, I’m so bloody close.” She bit his lower lip. “Don’t come, I want to watch you and Galen. Please don’t come.” She whispered over and over again, her movements becoming more and more frantic.



Galen had come up on his knees and knelt behind her thrashing body. He caressed her back and stroked his hands across her chest until he held a breast in each hand. An electric spark shot through all three, making them all moan in delight. Nikolai saw a kaleidoscope of images, Brooke as a child playing ball, as a teen dancing with some young prick, as a young woman getting her pilot license. The pictures raced through his head, too fast for him to focus on anything.

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