Tangled Webs (82 page)

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Authors: James B. Stewart

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Law, #Ethics & Professional Responsibility

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grand jury testimony leak
indictment of
legal counsel for
media presence of
reports to authorities about
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Matt
as focus of investigation
grand jury testimony
Libby trial testimony
Plame mentioned in article of
Plame’s identity leaked by Libby to
Plame’s identity leaked by Rove to
post-Libby trial
refusal to reveal sources
on White House sources
Wilson’s mission, article on
Cosby, Bill
Cox, Christopher
Cuti, John
DeLuca, Heidi
and ImClone case
as Stewart-Bacanovic trial witness
DePippo, Henry
Dickerson, John
Dion, John, Plame’s identity leak investigation
DiPascali, Frank, Jr.
background of
Madoff investigation
role in Ponzi scheme
Donaire, Nonito
Duberstein, Kenneth
Ebel, Maureen
Eckenrode, John C.
background of
leak cases, frustration with
Plame’s identity leak investigation by
post-Libby trial
Ecko, Marc
Ecrivo, Eva
Edelman, Eric
on Kristof’s article
Plame, learns about
Edwards, John, perjury by
Ellerman, Troy
and grand jury testimony leak
perjury versus higher motive
rodeo involvement
as Valente’s legal counsel
Enablers, of lying/perjury
Enos, Laura
FDA approval
FDA rejection
Eschwie, Dorothy
Estalella, Bobby, steroid use
Fainaru-Wada, Mark
BALCO coverage
book authored by
Ellerman’s leak to
First Amendment issue
Fairfield Sentry
Madoff feeder fund
SEC investigation of
False statements under oath.
Faneuil, Douglas
background of
courage and integrity of
firing of
guilty plea/court appearance
Gutman’s legal advice
ImClone shares sold by
immunity, absence of
and initial investigation
loyalty, perjury based on
media coverage of
Pickholz as legal counsel
plea negotiation
pressure to protect Bacanovic
rudeness by Martha to
as Stewart-Bacanovic trial scapegoat
as Stewart-Bacanovic trial witness
stress suffered by
truth, confesses to
U.S. Attorney questioning of
Farmer, Catherine, ImClone investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and leak about Plame’s identity.
Plame in CIA, leak investigation
Fifth Amendment, versus perjury
Finigan, Jeff
First Amendment
and BALCO investigation
grand jury testimony, conditions for journalists
invoked by Fainaru-Wada and Williams
invoked by Miller
and Plame’s identity leak investigation
privileges and press
Fishman, Steve
Fitzgerald, Patrick
background of
Libby’s trial
as Plame’s identity leak investigation head
post-Libby trial
Rove/Armitage resignations, request for
See also
Plame in CIA, leak investigation
Fleischer, Ari
immunity granted to
interviewed by U.S. Attorney
leaks to media about Plame
Libby denies leak to
Libby trial testimony
Plame’s identity leaked by Libby to
refusal to reveal sources
Foster, Vince
Friehling, David, as Madoff auditor
Fuhrman, Mark
Fuks, Zvi
Gardner, Daryl
Garrity, Michael
Gebhardt, Bruce
Gestas, Nicole
Giambi, Jason
grand jury testimony
steroid use
Giambi, Jeremy, steroid use
Gilliam, Haywood
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glotzer, Helene, ImClone investigation
Goldberg, Alan
Gonzales, Alberto
Graham, Trevor
background of
BALCO investigation testimony
dispute with Conte
immunity granted to
immunity negated by lying
indictment of
and Memo
self-described whistleblower
split with Jones/Montgomery
steroid distribution to trainees
trial of
Grann, David
Grant, Harriet
Greenwood, James
Gregory, David
Grenier, Robert
Libby trial testimony
Plame’s identity leaked to Libby by
position of
Grossman, Marc
interviewed by FBI
Libby denies discussion with
Libby trial testimony
Plame, learns about
Plame, tells Libby about
relationship with Wilson
Gutman, Jeremiah
background of
as Faneuil’s legal advisor
as Stewart-Bacanovic trial witness
Hadley, Stephen
Hamilton, James, as Novak’s legal counsel
Hannah, John, Libby trial testimony
Harlow, Bill, CIA denies Wilson mission
Haskell, Rob, and Faneuil/ImClone case
Hedge funds
popularity among wealthy
quantitative “black box” funds
Hemann, John
Heredia, Angel “Memo”
BALCO investigation
immunity granted to
Hershman, Brian
Hirschhorn, Carla
Holley, Robert
as Conte’s legal counsel
as Valente’s legal counsel
Hoskins, Bob
Hoskins, Kathy
Hoskins, Steve
and Bonds memorabilia business
and Bonds trial
relationship with Bonds
tapes Anderson
Hunter, C. J.
grand jury testimony
on Jones steroid use
steroid use
Hunter, Rielle
Hussein, Saddam
uranium deal in Niger claim
weapons of mass destruction claim
Hutchinson, Kay Bailey
Icahn, Carl
Illston, Susan Yvonne, BALCO trial judge
ImClone investigation
accused in.
Bacanovic, Peter; Faneuil, Douglas; Stewart, Martha; Waksal, Aliza; Waksal, Harlan; Waksal, Jack; Waksal, Sam
grand jury
Merrill Lynch, initial discovery
SEC in
trial related to.
truth confessed in
U.S. Attorney in
ImClone Systems
Eli Lilly acquisition
Erbitux FDA approval
Erbitux FDA rejection
founding of
stock price decline
for Faneuil denied
granted in BALCO case
granted in Plame case
granted in Stewart case

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