Tangled Webs (81 page)

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Authors: James B. Stewart

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Law, #Ethics & Professional Responsibility

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426–27 Madoff sentencing: David Glovin, Patricia Hurtado, and Thom Weidlich, “Bernie Madoff Gets 150 years in Jail for Epic Fraud,” Bloomberg, June 29, 2009; victim impact statements.
428–29 On Meaghan Cheung: Lorena Mongelli and Dan Mangan, “The SEC Watchdog Who Missed Madoff,”
New York Post
, January 7, 2009.
James Simons, the founder of Renaissance:
Aaron Lucchetti and Jenny Strasburg, “Simons’s Notion: All In, Then All Out,”
Wall Street Journal
, February 25, 2009.
Madoff hasn’t given any press:
Steve Fishman, “Bernie Madoff, Free at Last,”
New York
, June 6, 2010.
There are, of course, circumstances:
Sissela Bok,
Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
(Vintage, 1999).
To return to the question:
Martha Stout,
The Sociopath Next Door
(Broadway, 2006).
Lawyers are ethically bound:
New York State Bar Association, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3.3. The New York Rules closely follow the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct.
Aaron, Hank
Abrams, Floyd
Adams, Chris
Addington, David
Agovino, Theresa
Alexander, Nathaniel
Allen, Mark, on sources for Plame’s identity leaks
Alsup, William
Anand, Geeta
Anderson, Greg
and BALCO steroid distribution
and Bonds’s steroid use
Bonds’s testimony about
as Bonds’s trainer
indictment of
raid of home
steroid use/distribution
taped by Hoskins
testimony against Bonds
Anthony, Vance
Apfel, David, Stewart-Bacanovic trial
Archer, Lord Jeffrey
Arguedas, Christina
Armfield, Kirk
Armitage, Richard
and criminal charges
grand jury testimony
Plame, learns about
Plame’s identity leaked to Novack by
Plame’s identity leaked to Woodward by
post-Libby trial
Armstrong, Ann
legal counsel for
and sale of ImClone shares
Stewart-Bacanovic trial
Stewart’s assistant, role as
and Stewart’s tampering with evidence
as witness against Stewart
Armstrong, Lance
Arnold, Patrick
Arvedlund, Erin, Madoff exposure by
Ashcroft, John
and BALCO arrests
resigns from Plame investigation
Auriga International
Ayres, David
Bacanovic, Peter
background of
charges against
communication with Martha, postsale
communication with Martha, presale
competence as money manager
cover story for Martha
evidence, tampering with
Faneuil coerced to protect
Faneuil hired by
firing of
ImClone investigation, initial
ImClone shares, initiates sale
plea negotiation
relationship with Martha
relationship with Waskal
SEC questioning of
trial of.
Stewart-Bacanovic trial
Bachenheimer, Doria, and Madoff investigation
BALCO investigation
athletes indicted.
Bonds, Barry; Graham, Trevor; Jones, Marion
athletes suspended
and BALCO operation.
Anderson, Greg; Conte, Victor, Jr.; Valente, James
First Amendment issues
grand jury testimony
immunity for witnesses
media coverage
testimony leak, investigation/ conviction
testimony leak to press
BALCO raid
athletes named
Bonds name in
Baroni, Lisa
Bartlett, Dan
Bashir, Martin
Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative.
See entries under BALCO
Beatty, Christine
Bell, Kimberly, and Barry Bonds
Bellel, Zeva, and ImClone case
Benard, Marvin, steroid use
Bennett, Robert, as Miller’s legal counsel
Ben-Yehuda, Sabina
Bergers, David
Blackstone Group
Blagojevich, Rod
Blatt, Greg
Bok, Sissela
Bonadio, Jason
Bond, Deborah
Libby trial testimony
Plame’s identity leak investigation
Bonds, Aisha
Bonds, Barry
achievements as athlete
Anderson as trainer
arrogance of
background of
BALCO endorsement by
BALCO raid, named in
Giants signing/salary
grand jury testimony
home run record by
Hoskins threatened by
immunity granted to
and Kimberly Bell
legal counsel for
media reports against
memorabilia business of
perjury, motives for
perjury trial, future of
physical/personality changes
steroid use
wives/children of
Bonds, Bobby
Bonds, Nikolai
Bonds, Shikari
Boswell, Thomas
Bowers, Dr. Larry
Branco, Susann
Brock, Jim
Broder, Paul
Brown, James A.
Browne, Lord John
Brune, Susan
Burge, Jon
Bush, George W.
administration, and perjury
interviewed by U.S. Attorney
on investigation of Plame’s identity leak
Iraq War, false basis of
Libby’s positions with
Libby’s sentence commuted by
Rove and Plame’s identity leak, questions about
Rove/Armitage resignation, request by Fitzgerald
on steroid use
Byron, Christopher
Cacioppi, Theodore
Card, Andrew
Catlin, Dr. Don
Cedarbaum, Miriam, Stewart-Bacanovic trial judge
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Wilson’s mission attributed to
Chambers, Dwain
Cheney, Dick
defensive maneuvering by
as enabler of perjury
grand jury testimony
Kristof’s article, reaction to
Libby denies leak to
on Libby pardon
Libby’s conversations about Plame to
mentioned at Libby’s trial
mission to Niger initiated by
National Intelligence Estimate declassified by
Novak’s article vindicates
office of
relationship with Libby
vindicates Libby via McClelland
Wilson’s mission denied by
Cherry-picking, and Madoff
Cheung, Meaghan, Madoff investigation
Chevalier, Jeff
Chin, Denny, Madoff trial judge
CIA operative, leak to press about.
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter”; Libby trial; Plame in CIA, leak investigation; Wilson, Joe
Clemens, Roger
Clinton, Bill
and perjury
and Wilson
Cohen, Howard, Plame’s identity leaked by Novak to
Collins, Denis
Comey, Jim
on crime of perjury
ImClone investigation
Plame’s identity leak investigation
and Stewart’s plea negotiation
Conte, Stan
Anderson, suspicion about
Giants’ steroid use ignored by
Conte, Victor, Jr.
athlete-customers of
background of
as BALCO founder
and BALCO raid
book authored by

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