Tangled Webs (84 page)

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Authors: James B. Stewart

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Law, #Ethics & Professional Responsibility

BOOK: Tangled Webs
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relationship with Libby
WMD, writings on
Millerwise, Jennifer
Mitchell, Andrea
Libby withholds information from
refusal to reveal sources
reports on Wilson mission
Mitchell, Dennis
Molieri, Daniel
Monaghan, Judy, ImClone investigation
Montgomery, Tim
athletic career, decline of
barred from Olympics
grand jury testimony
heroin conviction
illegal check scheme
steroid use
Morton, Johnny
Morvillo, Robert
background of
Stewart-Bacanovic trial
and Stewart’s plea negotiation
Nadel, Ross, BALCO investigation
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
Nedrow, Jeff, BALCO investigation
Nee, John, Madoff investigation
News media.
New York Times
First Amendment specialist for
Kristoff on false basis for Iraq War
Miller as correspondent
and Miller’s refusal to reveal sources
on Plame’s identity leak
Wilson’s piece on WMD lie
Nichols, Richard
Novak, Robert
background of
book authored by
death of
as focus of investigation
grand jury testimony
interviewed by FBI
interviewed by U.S. Attorney
Libby trial testimony
Plame in column of
Plame identity leaked by Libby to
Plame’s identity leaked by Armitage to
Plame’s identity leaked by Rove to
Plame’s identity leaked to Cohen by
refusal to reveal sources
view of Wilson
on White House sources
Novitzky, Jeff
BALCO raid/investigation
testimony of athletes to
Nussbaum, Andrew
Ocrant, Michael
O’Donnell, Rosie
Olson, Ted
Oppenheimer, Jerry
Ostrow, William
background of
Madoff investigation
Owens, Richard
Parrella, Matt
Pasternak, Mariana, and Stewart/ ImClone case
Paterson, David
Patrick, Sharon
Pearl, Steven
Pearlstein, Norman
Peikin, Steve
Pellicano, Anthony
Pendergest-Holt, Laura
Perez, Julia
Performance-enhancing drugs case.
BALCO investigation; Bonds, Barry; Steroids
Bonds’s motives
and Bush administration
conclusion about cases
defense lawyers’ allowance of
enablers of
false statements, forms of
Fifth Amendment as alternative
immunity negated by lying
and judicial system
legal code for
legal penalty for
Libby’s motives
Madoff’s motives
motives for
punishment, history of
recent examples of
as restriction of free speech
SEC cases, absences of
selective prosecution of
Stewart’s motives
warning before testimony
and white-collar crime, rise in
Perret, Emily
Perry, E. Danya
Pettigrew, Antonio, steroid use
Phelps, Timothy, on Plame identity security breach
Picard, Irving
Pickholz, Marvin
Faneuil and truth, initiation of
and Faneuil guilty plea
Pierzynski, A. J.
Pigozzi, Johnny
Pincus, Walter, uranium deal story by
Plame, Valerie
book authored by
as CIA operative
identified as CIA operative.
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter”; Plame in CIA, leak investigation
Libby learns about
Plame in CIA, leak investigation
Ashcroft resigns from
Bush’s testimony
charges, questions about
Cheney’s testimony
contempt citations for reporters
exposed, news media involved.
Fleischer, Ari
FBI/Eckenrode investigation
FBI interviews
final incriminating testimony
First Amendment issues
grand jury testimony
Justice Department launches
Libby convicted.
Libby trial
Libby questioned by FBI
Libby’s credibility, holes in
Libby’s grand jury testimony
Libby’s indictment/charges
Libby slips about leak
Libby’s resignation/indictment
media coverage
media support of
news media connections.
Cooper, Matt; Matthews, Chris; Miller, Judith; Mitchell, Andrea; Novak, Robert; Russert, Tim; Woodward, Bob
press cooperating with
press refusal to cooperate
“subjects of”
U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald investigation
waivers releasing sources from confidentiality
White House connections.
Armitage, Richard; Cheney, Dick; Fleischer, Ari; Libby. Lewis “Scooter”; Rove, Karl
Ponzi scheme
elements of
and Madoff.
Madoff, Bernard; Madoff investigation
Porz, Jim
Posner, Elana Waksal, ImClone shares sold by
Powell, Colin
and Armitage leak
weapons of mass destruction claim
Powers, Mark, Faneuil and truth, initiation of
Fainaru-Wada and Williams invoke First Amendment
First Amendment and BALCO case
First Amendment and Plame’s identity leak
First Amendment privileges
grand jury testimony, conditions for
Miller invokes First Amendment
waivers releasing sources from confidentiality
See also individual journalists and individual publications
Proffers, conditions of
Quantitative “black box” funds
Quattrone, Frank
Rains, Michael, as Bond’s legal counsel
Raphael, Michael, BALCO investigation
Ray, Robert
Renaissance Technologies
complaints about Madoff by
Madoff rejects business of
Medallion and Meritage funds
Ricciardi, Walter
Rice, Condoleezza
Richards, Lori
Riddick, Steven
Rios, Armando, steroid use
Robbins, Barrett
Rodriguez, Diane
Rogers, Erwin, BALCO investigation
Romanowski, Bill
Rove, Karl
Bush questions about leak
calls Plame “fair game”
and criminal charges
FBI suspicion about
grand jury testimony
interviewed by FBI
Plame mentioned to Libby by
Plame’s identity leaked to Cooper by
Plame’s identity leaked to Novak by
post-Libby trial
resignation of
Wilson blames leak on
Royce, Knut, on Plame identity security breach
Rumsfeld, Donald
Russert, Tim
death of
denies leaking information
grand jury testimony
interviewed by FBI
Libby blames leak on
Libby complains about Matthews to
Libby trial testimony
Novak’s interview with
relationship with Novak
Ryan, George
Ryan, Kevin

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