Team: Echo

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Authors: Honor James

Tags: #military, #paranormal, #public sex, #anal sex, #double penetration, #mnage a trois

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Team: Echo

Knights of Ares 2

Honor James

Smashwords Edition



Published by
Honor James Books

2014 Honor James






Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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: This book contains many scenes of a graphic
and adult nature. Strong language and sexual situations all
throughout the novel. This book is a work of fiction and any names
or likenesses are purely coincidental. This novel contains elements
of Ménage a Trois, Anal sex and sex in public.


dedicate this book to my loyal readers and friends. I love you all.
Without you I wouldn’t be doing something that I’ve always loved
doing, so thank you for being part of this journey with



Three Years Earlier


Penelope Morgan looked at the file in front of her and shook
her head. “Why are you asking me to do this?” Never before had she
been demanded to do something so, well, out of character. “I will
do it because it is my job but I’m telling you, this is highly

know that it is however the simple fact is that we need for you to
become a part of the town. We need for you to become a part of the
town because there is something seriously wrong going on in that
area. We aren’t sure what it is but I’m telling you there is
something happening.”

else is there that I should know? What am I looking

“Anything that is out of the norm. We have sources that are
telling us that there is a kidnapping organization out of that area
and we need to make sure that it’s true. We need to put together a
task force, but first we need to ensure that we have the right
players in our sights.”

sir, I do understand that. What about backup?”

is none. This is recon only. You are not to do anything at all to
make them suspect you. You are to report back here once a week, in
person, is that understood?”

sir. And my cover?”

“Flight attendant. That way it will explain the weekly visits
here to DC.”

“Understood, sir.” Penny rose from the seat she was in and
nodded. “Thank you, sir. I will ensure that everything is taken
care of as it should be. And should I email you daily reports as

agent, if I do not hear from you once a day I will contact you via
phone and if you do not respond to me I will take it a step further
and send another agent to check on you. This should be an easy
assignment for you.”

may I ask why I am getting a cake assignment, sir?”

know why agent Morgan.”

“Because of the Director? He wants me out of town doesn’t

There was a long drawn out sigh as he leaned back and shook his
head. “You know how it is, Penny. You slept with the Directors son.
You two were engaged and then you ended it.”

“Because I caught the lying fucker in bed with my best god
damn friend.”

there is that as well.” He steepled his fingers before him and
looked at her over his hands and shook his head. “Just go with it,
Penny. You and I both know that kid is a spoiled fucking brat. What
you saw in him is beyond me.” He shook his head sadly and then
added, “Take the cake Penny. Get your life back on track. I know
that this is the back fucking woods of America and it’s going to be
boring as hell, but it really is a recon mission that needs to
happen. Trust me. Just do what you need to do.”

sir,” Penny felt her heart breaking. She was being sent away from
her home, from her friends all because of some asshole who couldn’t
keep his fucking dick in his pants. Taking a deep breath she
nodded, “Thank you, sir, for the cake assignment. I appreciate

Director tried to push for your termination and I bucked him. Told
him that it would get messy fast so make damn sure that no matter
what you do, you keep your head on your shoulders and ensure that
you dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s.”

you for the advice, sir. I will,” Penny knew just where she was
situated now with the Bureau at least. Un-mother-fucking

are a damn good agent, Penelope Morgan, keep that in mind. Do what
you must do kiddo so that you can keep your position. I would hate
to have to fight that asshole to keep you.”

you for that, sir. I do appreciate it. I will do what I have to do.
If there is such an operation happening in Sweetwater I will find

know you will, Penny. Now get out of her. There is a house already
purchased for you, it’s in your name. This is also fully furnished
but anything you want to take from your apartment you can have

stilled. “Wait, I’m sorry. What? Bought? Fully furnished? Excuse

about that.” He took a deep breath and said, “Until further notice
you are being transferred fully to the Intelligence and Analysis
Division. For that you only have to report to DC once a month. And
no, Pen, you have no choice. The house was something I made them
buy you.” He added softly.

if I chose to fight this?”

would lose.”

“Great. Thank you again, sir. For everything. I will hire a
mover and shipper and ensure that the Agency gets the

it to the assholes father.” Her chief said with a crooked smile.
“I’m going to miss having you around Penelope Morgan. You are a
damn good operative and great at your job. Remember, daily
check-ins. After this assignment I will give you another. There is
always some asshole that tries to think that taking out our
government is a good thing.”

something like that.” Penelope murmured as she moved out of the
office, head held high and bypassing all of her co-workers. She
didn’t keep anything personal at her desk anyway, there was too
much of a possibility that someone would learn something about her
that she wasn’t ready for anyone to know.

Chapter One

Five months ago...


Penny blew a breath over the surface of her coffee and looked
out at the sun just breaking over the landscape. A wistful sigh
escaped her lips as she took in the scene before her. Three years
earlier she had hated the forced move, she had hated everything
that there had been about it but now, today. She was happy. She had
been a part of the take down of a human trafficking ring, and now
that the town was
cleaned up
she felt as if she had a place here in small town
America. In a place where everyone knew everyone’s business and she
was fine with it.

Smiling Penny stood at her back window and she watched Honey,
her neighbor’s daughter, she couldn’t help but think of just how
amazing that kid was. She was such a sweetheart, so when the child
came to her to ask her for help Penny didn’t even hesitate to help
her. She had pulled out all the stops, she had dug deeper than she
probably should have, but she would deal with that all later. Honey
had wanted to find her fathers, and Penny was more than willing to
help find them after she read Daisy’s diary. Sure, she likely
shouldn’t have read it, but she had and that was what made her do
the impossible and find two men that likely never thought that they
would be found.

Turning she watched as a shadow moved from the treeline and
into the backyard with Honey, hearing her laughter she shook her
head. Of course the child was playing hide and seek with them. When
the eyes turned to her in the shadows she stepped back. More than
likely by now they discovered just how she had found them, and that
was just not something she was ready to face yet. The shadows were
the men that called Honey’s father’s called their brothers. Men
that were part of an elite team that even she didn’t know jack shit

Sighing she closed her blinds once again and moved away from
them. It was time for her to get ready so that she could go in for
physical therapy. She was hopefully going to be able to get back to
the firing range soon but first she had to be cleared by medical.
Wonderful. Now if only she could get them to actually clear her.
Being shot sucked on any given day, but being shot and trying to
hide it from the world…that was even worse. She did though, no one
in the sleepy little town of Sweetwater Texas knew about her or

to her bedroom she went about getting ready for her day. Hopefully,
she was praying, the men didn’t figure out just who she was until
she was gone. It was going to kill her, kill her to leave the
family she had made with Daisy and Honey, but she had to. Her cover
was blown if these men decided to raise a ruckus. God help her.
Penny had to keep the cover in order to keep her bosses off of her
ass and in order to keep her job, a job she found that she was
actually really very good at. Intelligence and Analysis that was.
She excelled at code breaking and taking the oddest piece of
chatter and making connections no one else would have.

getting cleaned up and ready she went to the garage, got into her
car and headed out for her physical therapy and shopping therapy.
And then a flight to DC to check in with her bosses.


* * * * *


Present day...


I’m sorry but you want me to what?” Penny
had to be hearing the Director of the Department of Defense wrong.
She had to be hearing wrong because there was no way
the DOD would ask a CIA operative to do anything. None.
Period. Add to it that she knew the people in question; it was just
a little too strange that she was being tasked with this

is a highly unusual circumstance that we have found ourselves in
but we need someone that will be objective, someone that has
already made ties near where the men will be based. We are turning
the Farm into a base for the men. A safe haven for them with all of
the bells and whistles that we can get there, well that they will
let us put in that is.” The man growled. “Damn man arguing with me
with what I want to put there.”

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